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Messages - VVega

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 22, 2020, 06:00:24 AM »
I hear what you guys are saying, but I've seen some weird shit and Equinox might not be wrong... and of course it would be arrogant to assume that it's not possible to hack this old game. I know it would be incredibly hard to stop these hacks, I think best is probably just try our best to expose them, and ban those who do hack (which isn't easy too, as they can just smurf)

Check out this weird encounter I had recently, I don't know if it's a hack, but WTF, I lost complete control of my peon. I've seen this before once with undine- losing control of his peon. I've clipped it on twich - the peon refused to rep and just moved around randomly.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Van[z] Darwin award
« on: November 21, 2020, 02:20:38 PM »
I guess this shouldn't be a surprise, but still funny as fuck... I nominate Van for the Darwin award, for saying it's odd and funny that Australian's speak good English , as opposed to the countries close to it.

So I'd like to pose the question to Van, as to why he thinks Americans speak English? Why does the Brazilian's speak Portuguese, while the rest of South America Spanish?

See it for yourself my friends.

3 / Re: Smurfs Tournaments that October 3 and October 24!
« on: October 03, 2020, 11:35:16 AM »
And is this 1s or 2s now?

4 / Re: Smurfs Tournaments that October 3 and October 24!
« on: October 03, 2020, 11:33:24 AM »
Is this still happening?

Hi guys, my first post here, I've been playing for about a year now, so excuse me if I don't know the whole history... However, this is an old game, and I'm pretty sure that I'm correct in saying that most of us here are mature... Yet, for some reason it seems that many turn into teenage adolescent boys as soon as the log on to the lobby or forums, because the bickering is dispicable! Here we have Equinox taking some initiative, offering his own money to host a tournament, something that's supposed to bring everyone together in a game we all love, yet the politics that surrounds it is worse than the US election. Why would you give him so much shit, when the guy is actually trying to do something good for the server?! Why now hijack the tournament with something else that was intended? Just host a separate tournament , rather than trying to get your own name in the spotlight or because you've got some beef that honestly, no one gives a shit about. We're all just here to play and have fun and don't give 2 hoots about the soap opera dramas that surrounds it.

I don't know where we stand with the tournament that was supposed to be tonight, but I'd be happy to give it a crack, just for fun... But for God sake people, can we get on the same page here!

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