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Messages - (DW)Ogre

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1 / Re: t shirt order warcraft ii tshirts
« on: January 03, 2018, 07:30:08 PM »
@ woot. sorry there not obn sale any mre unlest somebod else is sell thge shitsnow

my vioce sounsd so wired

but ok i geuss

i d9nt get what this is for

i dont get it

i thikn smogole migth laguh at me he alredaey doents like me and callign me scamer

what if poeple lahgu at me?

ltse talk call me?

i watned a t rshrt

why your caling me rtrol?

@ baybshark why your ig oren me? i see your on line ansewr me

@ babhyshrakwhy your so rude to me what i ddi to u? please stop callntg me troll im not a otrll i dont even know how too

plesea can i get a tr shitrs someneo i dotn want to be left out it was my idea now i haev no trshrtis at all

@ ltfna how much i have to pay for yourt shit wiht sigentere?

did u sent me my shrtits? does it have ltnfa sigentere?

plese a pleeas sented me the shirst fast today so i can ware mine in the torenament during it that is why i oredred the tshietst plesae i send the money on pay pal and show me how lftan sigantruere looks if u do it can u take a pcitrer?

@ paber-boy i think not that much wrods cant fit on trshit can u tske out some plares to make th eslit shroter

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