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Messages - apaulk

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Noob Recruitment Bulletin Board
« on: May 20, 2017, 09:51:22 PM »
I want to put my contact info here, but hate to expose my email address to spam bots and such. I think google hangouts would be a good way to coordinate games.

my gmail address is alan (dot) Paulk (at) gmail (dot) com. Tricky huh?

I just wanna say I asked Yamon if I can join his game and he told me to "eat shit." Totally random. I guess since the point of his post is that people are whining too much, maybe I'm proving his point.  :P

But I'm curious about this eat shit thing. Was it random? I don't think you know who I am, I've barely played 100 games on here. I don't randomly tell people to eat shit, even online. When I was younger I might have done that to get the thrill one gets from a prank phone call. But most War2 players are old now, I'd imagine. I've got three kids sleeping in the next room as I type.

The online world is often a cesspool of vented frustrations and neuroses. Some people think that this liberty is, in the long run, productive. Maybe so. Politically, I skew toward libertarian.

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