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Messages - ^KarTooN^

Pages: [1]
Oil is the key - bot left
Death in the middle - bot left
A continent to explore - mid got +30k gold
Opposing city-states - top right

if some1 think they are good map, go check with mapeditor

Also delete Garden of War.  Top left has 5k more and bottom left is unfair.
I didnt know that u are idiot player
If u dont see diffrent between 40k vs 70k or 35k vs 50k
also 4 spot map vs 8 spot map when u can still get good spot 3 "bad" 5"good" and u still dont know where is your enemy
i will ignore u

Np, was throwing it out there since you had a huge problem with original POS which is more fair than Gow.
There all good maps, You just have to know how to play them. Although 1v1 is a little uneven, it does not mean the maps are "unplayable" and need to be deleted. You just have to know the spots and strategies, if you haven't practiced them, You should.

2 / Re: 2017 Tournament Plans
« on: April 09, 2017, 08:20:12 AM »
I Like it, 1x1 low for Adam will be fun!

3 / Ladder abuse again
« on: April 08, 2017, 09:42:04 PM »
Anyway to get  ( Fozzy  ) reset, he's clearly abusing the ladder as well as a few others? Thx

4 / Ironman Ladder
« on: April 08, 2017, 09:39:57 PM »
How Do I get to play iron games without a 1200 rating? thx.

Pages: [1]