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Messages - PogoStickGorilla

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:16:32 PM »
I will provide you a 1-star review where the employee gave 5 star review. And this review will stick, believe me.
Sepi keep your disputes in the game don't take it into the real world.

Its not me initiating the real world disputes. And it is not defending unjust actions while attacking others for correcting them. I have given warnings, I have given outs. Its none of my business if you don't take the outs I offer you. Every exchange I've been in, I have beforehand told what would happen if my opponent takes action A, while asking the person to justify his position, rendering my counteraction to A unjustified - thus preventing me from performing this action.

It was Blid who resurrected this "real world dispute". It was Blid who threw fire onto this "real world dispute" (Edit start:) by #1 believing false rumors #2 spreading these false rumors #3 forcing me to correct the false rumors (Edit end). How about you have a talk with Blid about this, not me. I really don't think either of you, Tora or Blid, are able to stop me in any manner with brute force. I am extremely receptive to reason and dialogue - I will do whatever you are capable of convincing me to be the reasonable course of action. But I'm a bloodhound when it comes to manipulation and politicking.

I already came three steps forward by giving you explanations, warnings, and outs. One mistake here and I will go 6 steps back, and you'll just see the effects of my actions but you will not know who performed the actions and how or why they were performed. You have absolutely no control here. My actions are efficient regards to time and effort - I have budgeted my energy-expenditure and if the energy expenditure exceeds the budgeting I will have to increase the effectiveness by a heavy margin.

2 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 05:48:41 PM »
No, I know exactly who you are talking about. I've even hired four different WC2 Players directly to do miscellaneous tech and marketing jobs for us, and I introduced one of our employees out of the Northwest to war2 over two years ago and they still actively play like 20+ games a month, you would consider them a regular and think nothing of it. You wouldn't know any of this, and much more, because you don't know anything and it will remain as such.

And FYI, just for the record, if you look at the screen shot of random people ebullying you via making insulting Sepi names, you can see me logged in the channel as "Maut", choosing not to partake in making a similar name even tho a couple of them asked me to, because I believe in not taking things too far, so please start minding your own business, enjoy the game and leave me be.

No, I know exactly who you are talking about. I've even hired four different WC2 Players directly to do miscellaneous tech and marketing jobs for us, and I introduced one of our employees out of the Northwest to war2 over two years ago and they still actively play like 20+ games a month, you would consider them a regular and think nothing of it. You wouldn't know any of this, and much more, because you don't know anything and it will remain as such.

And FYI, just for the record, if you look at the screen shot of random people ebullying you via making insulting Sepi names, you can see me logged in the channel as "Maut", choosing not to partake in making a similar name even tho a couple of them asked me to, because I believe in not taking things too far, so please start minding your own business, enjoy the game and leave me be.

Im not talking about a he, but a she. I have much stronger arguments and distaste towards an employee doing a review than a friend doing a review. If I knew the review was made by an employee my 1 star review would have stuck there.

And if you keep arguing here, I'm not going to stop the argument - with the threat that if I will check-mate you argument wise (or you dont finish the argument), I will provide you a 1-star review where the employee gave 5 star review. And this review will stick, believe me.

3 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 04:20:46 PM »
That friend actually has dealt with the business, and even worked for the company and its subsidiaries as an independent contractor for a limited period of time. He provided Internet marketing services to some extent that I'm not entirely aware of as he never was actually personally hired, trained, or managed by me. How little you know... But again, that's because it's not your life, or your company, nor does it have anything to do with you.

That aside, nothing you said makes any sense even if we pretended such person wasn't involved with the company in anyway. Now go try minding your own affairs, and maybe stop trying to pretend you were just being a Good Samaritan instead of doing it for the sake of malice.

We are not talking about the same person. I did not have convincing evidence that this person you are talking about is a friend of yours.

Im curious btw, how did these "sepi called my work" rumors get started? And "bad yelp reviews" rumors? Just Paperboy I would suppose.

4 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 03:31:15 PM »

First of all, i have no opinion or knowledge of what is the right answer. But just an interesting play with logic:
1. you have no problem with a friend giving you 5 stars - someone who has not been your customer
2. you get angry when i give you a 1 star review, because I have not dealt with your business, and therefore, I have no justification to give you a review
3. My will was to correct this 5 star review and round it to 3 stars - because the friend giving the 5 star review had not dealt with your business. And I wanted to make the review into an honest one: 3/5, a neutral opinion. To reiterate: exactly because your friend had not dealt with your business and had no justification to give your business a review. And my action was to nullify this review.

A) why are you not angry at your friend (combine 1 and 2)
B) why are you not thankful at me for nullifying unjustified review of your friend? (combine 2 and 3)

But I must say Swift that I am starting to see that you are not malevolent in nature. I see you make contradictions like this a lot and my first impression was that you were attempting to manipulate. But having watched these patterns long enough I've noticed they are caused by something else (which I do not want to say unless instigated).

5 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 03:07:48 PM »
To Blid:

Machination - a plan to get my will through.

And my wish is more justice in the community. But I am starting to understand that people act injustly towards me just because they see me as a threat to their position in the war2 rankings. They want to keep their position in the "ladder of skill" so they try to gain competitive advantages by dealing all kinds of low blows. I had a problem with this because I had a misinterpretation about it being a community thing, instead of it being about competition. But now, understanding this, I'm fine with it. So Blid, if someone utilizes mental warfare, when it has to do with me, you don't have to give it any attention or bans.

I have a tremendous amount of tools at my disposal for me to reach my will - but I choose not to utilize half of them. Whenever someone resorts to plain brute force without ethical (or scientific) justifications, I will release some of my restrictions to increase the variety of tools available to me. Simply the tools I utilize are strategies/approaches from literature such as Sun Tzu The Art of War, Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince, Miyamoto Musashi The Book of Five Rings, Robert Greene 48 Laws of Power etc. I decrease the amount of my own personality and increase the presence of Machiavellianism in my persona.

I don't believe you can utilize force or go against peoples will to gain lasting results, there will always be a backlash with unforeseen consequences. The effective route is to understand peoples interests and align these interests in a manner that creates the wanted results - or try to remold peoples interests by revealing them new perspectives on approaching situations.

Hm I wont go further, but maybe this will give you an introduction to what kinds of things are moving in my head. I normally would not reveal my inner workings like this but feeling quite nice atm so yolo.

6 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 02:12:53 PM »
In that case, the entire decision is outrageous!

Hehe. Thanks to you Claw, I know how not to get trolled. Thank you sensei!

7 / Re: Unban Sepi
« on: October 11, 2016, 01:41:54 PM »
calling people's businesses

Yo Sepi here. I never  called anyones business or anything else. All I did to Swift was the following: I noticed his companys facebook page had a 5 star review done by Swifts friend (I have evidence to prove its a friend). I hate this kind of branding. So I gave the facebook page 1 star to counterbalance the 5 star review.  But this review was up for less than 10 minutes.

Paperboy, among other people, is spreading rumors that I would have called Swifts work and said "SWIFT IS A HACKER" and hanged up. Also Paperboy is spreading rumors that I am writing bad yelp reviews of Swifts company.

As a feedback: Blid, you really should find methods for authenticating information you receive, especially since you are using the data you receive in a manner that has consequences. Also its quite cool that you weed me out from the conversation by banning me with all the power you possess and then say things that are not true. Oh well, I do think this all is quite entertaining.

Take care.

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