I never answer on these threads because I don't read most of them and even when I do read I don't think making a comment will help. But I feel like I have to talk about this. I think I'm one of the least confrontational people on war2 (not to say I never raged, but I typically apologize after I do so). With Van I typically don't respond to him, instead I just /ignore when he is talking too much and I move on with my life. Having said that, he is (was? I have to recognize he's been acting better lately) the most hateful person in this server. Maybe you won't admit it but I think
@Warbux wouldn't deny the amount of times we played together where I made no comments at all and was met with rage. The only time I went on discord and Van was there I had to mute him because again there was only hate coming out of him. So all this is just to say that I think it's bullshit that people bully Van. While I prefer to take the approach of ignoring, (otherwise I feel as if I'm validating and encouraging a cycle of hatred) you can't say people are bullying him because they don't take his shit. Probably my one and last post about this.