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Messages - BHC-JesK

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
tora, once again you handled this tournament very unprofessionally. Im not gonna block another night for this shit again. Throwing some cash in the middle but not giving a fuck and not listening to the players just doesnt cut it.

2 / Re: Cheats 2
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:14:50 PM »

3 / Re: War2 RU Ladder......
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:10:26 PM »
are there no admins left? is the server dead?

5 / Re: War2 RU Ladder......
« on: March 25, 2024, 02:55:55 PM »
The entire top 5 of war2ru ladder his in ostage by a bunch of dodgers and abusers.

What about that?

@iL @Mistral

 Let's get a reset of the ladder? Lone isn't active and sounds like the players want to compete on it.
We should come up with some kind of system to reset it every 3 or 6 months I think.

Please reset the ladder

6 / Re: new lobby room
« on: March 15, 2024, 01:44:52 PM »
awesome work!

7 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: September 30, 2022, 12:25:51 PM »
Interesting List - let me add some facts

Well, everyone has a different opinion here. I've been playing the game for a few years now. I made a list of the best 1v1 and 2v2 players.

1v1: Swift-CHEATER, Shotgun, Startale-CHEATER, u8t3io3p, Viruz, Poscow, Valkrie-CHEATER, Jesk, Nerzyman-CHEATER, rat, lone, Medivh,

2v2: Jitter, Its_Hot_in_Here, Tabac[MAN], KHB, Scrubbo, Braviet, Teaboy, Wargasm, Lux, Steve, Player, Prophecy, Foonat, tdawg, dugs

Some underrated team players which are actually very good:
DJ_Boss, Unforgiven, Ywfn, BHC-HAWK, Bromane, Zapper, kanuks, donger, alf... pretty sure ive missed some good ones.

Whats the story behind the nerzyman cheating accusation?

8 / Jesks 20 year w2 anniversary
« on: July 13, 2022, 07:06:32 PM »
so i started playing this beautiful game 20 years ago and no other game could catch me like w2 did. i raped lots of newbs (to be continued) and met alot of unique people online and irl at lan parties and private meetings. the early years were intense with all the people and clans being around. lots of fun!
i never was a great troll nor did i smurf a lot. not much to reveal here.

shoutouts to some fellows i met along the way
CWG_GHOST thanks for teaching me gow and being a good friend. he picked me up as a newb
BHC-HAWK what a legend. even more irl
Dynamic (floh) good friend in early days
Armin i rocked your BotD for years!
arthi fun guy
Knitterhemd great hatred for a while but turned into a great mate and ally again
alf great guy
ana puffy!
mystical drunk af on oktoberfest lol
ripe shame we never met irl (yet?)
hotty great player who sadly dodged my lan parties
poscow i learned alot from you
burnt thank you for organizing so many tournaments
spb insane amount of games

finally, some funny screenshots

9 / Re: 2v2 Gow Tournament 06/04/2022
« on: May 06, 2022, 03:56:23 PM »
smurf & 2s tours are fun

since there is no reply from blid and his ladder project is dead, it feels like one of the main features is missing for months now. i think this hurts the game.

is it possible for you or another admin to restore the old ladder? would a separate non-gow ladder be possible? deleting the main reason this game still exists (gow) from ladder sounds like a very bad idea to me
It's possible to restore victory conditions (gow) to count new gow games as ladder.
Not sure how to count games already played

that would be great! a fresh ladder with gow included would very good. i don't think old ladder stats still matter as long as the history is still there.

since there is no reply from blid and his ladder project is dead, it feels like one of the main features is missing for months now. i think this hurts the game.

is it possible for you or another admin to restore the old ladder? would a separate non-gow ladder be possible? deleting the main reason this game still exists (gow) from ladder sounds like a very bad idea to me

So what happened to ladder saisons? Why is gow not included in ladder again?

14 / Re: War2Mod big update
« on: November 13, 2021, 04:27:14 PM »
good job, looks awesome!

15 / Re: Timer + APM on server
« on: August 12, 2021, 05:23:07 PM »
I just a few games where 1 player dropped after 1 or 2 mins into the game. Is something bugged?

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