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Messages - Knitter

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91 / Re: 2v2 Master Tag
« on: January 15, 2020, 06:44:58 AM »
Not bad idea but it should be diffrent icon, and would be nice if it wont be only one map, like it must be koth bo7 map can be picked twice

Yea ur right should be koth style and new icon, great idea 👍

92 / Re: 2v2 Master Tag
« on: January 15, 2020, 06:44:14 AM »
1v1 and 2v2 games are way different. We got many great 1v1 players but they dont know how to play team games on a high level. They are selfish and act stupid.
Alot are awesome at 2v2 thats because they dont know how to play 1v1 or well they just enjoy 2v2 games alot more.

And then we got players they are really good in 1s and 2s! But thats just a handful of players.

1v1: u8, shotgun, lux, jesk, steve....

2v2: u8, teaboy, lux, braviet, zapper, unforg1ven, tk, donger, mystical,alf, yoO, baraman, wargasm, ragner, ripe, harrywangs, equinox, dougs, its_hot, pimpster, ...

Just to name a few! In my opinion most are better 2s players. Its just compared to the 1s skill. For example shotgun should made the list in 2s also, but i think hes way better in 1s.

93 / 2v2 Master Tag
« on: January 15, 2020, 06:13:38 AM »

Most people enjoy 2v2 alot more, they never play 1v1 or doesnt care about.

How about we get one 2v2 Master Tag challenge going.i would like it, do you guys think its a great idea or not?

Also wondering why 2v2 ladder isnt working anymore :(

94 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: January 15, 2020, 03:14:07 AM »
I will challenge shotgun for his master tag . Please name a date and ur maps.

95 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: January 14, 2020, 08:22:32 AM »
I will challenge Sepi for his Master Tag.
Please name your maps and a date when we are going to play.

Glnhf Knitt

96 / Re: 2020 New Year 1x1, 2x2 Tournaments!!
« on: January 09, 2020, 02:43:20 PM »
i dont think alf is cheating in any way. I know him a long time.
And i think Eqionox is wrong here.
What i dont get, why doesnt il or blid give out some ip logs, since tk cant? We can check ips and drama could be over quickly.

For a few days ive asked about „conflicts“ and how to fix. IL doesnt even respond. Very sad...

Why do we even have a „privat“ server when we dont care about such informations like ip checks or conflicts.

Anyway i wont post anymore, kinda annoying.

« on: January 08, 2020, 01:36:22 PM »
Awesome thanks!

98 / Re: 2020 New Year 1x1, 2x2 Tournaments!!
« on: January 08, 2020, 03:53:31 AM »
Should listen to koorb, enough is enough.
You can keep my money.

I dont care, have a nice day,

99 / Lag and conflicts
« on: January 01, 2020, 04:52:53 PM »
Hello computer nerds,

i do conflict whenever Shotgun and i are in a same game. Lag is not horrid but still too bad to play on a high level.
Anyone know how to fix?

Back in the day ive played with shotgun many games and it was always fine. I dont have lag in other games or conflict with any other player. My ports 6122-6119 are open and i can host without a problem for anyone. ( even shotgun can join my games ).

Ive talked to „zeropotential“ and he said he also got people he cant play with due a
We are such a small community and its a pity we have such problems.

Anyone got same issue?
Is that maybe because we got so many different version of war2 or what is it?
@iL or any other computer pro got an idea how to fix?

100 / Re: ragner multiple times dodging everybody
« on: November 26, 2019, 08:13:58 AM »
Well, ive played with Ragner 3 games. Ragner impressed with good defence,  well done.
They fact it almost took me 2 hours to play the games was very annoying.

After every game he made me wait like 20 mins.
Bathroom, brb, chatting, etc..
I could never never really warmup! Im done playing with him. No fun at all.

101 / Re: Unmute Burnt?
« on: October 10, 2019, 03:36:15 AM »
I dont know TK but in my opinion as an Admin you should be neutral to everyone.
All im seeing you pick on Burnt everyday. Thats not what an admin should do. It doesnt matter if hes right or not.

Anyway i also want to unmute burnt!
..... He did so much for this game. We should appreciate it.


Never happend, tora didnt show up. He was maybe busy irl.

103 / Re: List of Top players dodging the [z]
« on: August 30, 2019, 05:02:31 PM »
Im so confused with everything.... jesus christ, please relax.
I do agree with burnt it looks fishy, but well, in the end its just a damn game.

Please relax and get over it.
Please god listen to lux hes always been a very trustful and respected person to me.
Also viruz isnt Lone - Dafuq!

Lets play some games and forget what happend here.
Burnt - please skip the games with jordan and swift. It really gets in your head. So many more people you can play with.
Feel free to ask me, ill play all day.


104 / Re: List of Top players dodging the [z]
« on: August 27, 2019, 07:35:58 AM »
Xurnt is trolling for sure, really nice guy.

If he isnt trolling why would he claim to beat jesk and me when he lost bo7 koth style 4:0.
Then lose to swift and me also 4:0 at gow.

He allied lux and beat jesk and me 1 game on frog legs, some weird map we didnt know.
I coudnt read a word that he got raped hard 8:0 but he was talking about that 1 game?xD

105 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: November 25, 2017, 05:17:10 AM »
I will be back soon and dominate the newbie sepi and all of you bitches! When i didnt play for a long time ,he barly beats me 4:3... i shouldnt win a single game, just want to make sure how bad he actually is.
Anyway shotgun is a great player , also Startale is... Sepi cant beat them, doesnt matter what maps hes gonna pick.

Hopefully Server is growing again, had no time to look tho.

Love 90% of you xoxoxo

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