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Messages - The Legend of StarTale

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
except you weren't even streaming? lawl

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: October 04, 2016, 01:43:31 AM »
Oh I see you expect me to be nice to you huh?

Your a 3rd class person Eq that lives in his daddy's basement and probably makes $7 an hour working at the local fast food restaurant. All you do is troll all day long and complain about the server and how its not run to your liking.
Just get into a car accident and die. I'm sick of seeing you post spam all day.

Actually I got my studio of 25k dollars in my basement, i live on upperfloar with with my 16 feet room and my 52 inch tv.

I dont work for nobody actually because i am a independant entreprenor, i got a collegial diploma, * NNCOF * Sound formation, we call that sound enginer if you want to know.

In this sound formation we also received a promotion and marketing lesson evaluate as UNIVERSTY lesson, because it mean nothing to do project if you cant promote them.

I have no boss cuz with my 25k studio im able to make production for peoples, in those production im paid 30$ Hour for recording, 30$ Hour for mixing, and 50 dollars Hours for mastering.

Wich mean i can made over 100$ for 2-3 hours.

I also made instrumental wich i sell between 100, 200 or even 800$ for the full copyright ( the unit ).

I also got productions on differents music albums wich mean i do 1$ per unit sell because they dont buy the full copyright of my instrumental.

Mean im also paid for doing nothing for the rest of my life untill those albums gonna stop to be sell!

I also do sometine some contract for private box who need engineer since i am on a list of worker from my college.

Im not rich, its true, but i have no difficulty to live and spent money.

But i dont spent money for a shitty server like this one, keep buying peoples with your shitty 20$, i dont need your shitty money lol

PS: Oh and i forgot, im also manager of 4 different artists lol.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a faggot. I am sure you get a ton of business with your "collegial diploma." Thanks for the laugh Mr. Sound Engineer! Go shave you pedostache

You can take braviets place if you want. He not respnding to my pms.

No i want startale one

7-2 on StarTale
10-0 on Naniwa

17-2, gg ezpz

94 / Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:10:48 PM »
Yeah tiers can be tricky depending on how active or motivated people are or if we’re referring to 1on1 or actual team play… I’m rating people on the highest level i’ve seen them play at, even though some may have fallen off or got real active when this game became essentially dead. I weigh team players higher than 1on1 play and deducted a little for players who’s only strat is pretty much fast lust.

Tier 1-

NeRzyMaN - Babe Ruth of war2, I would name my 1st born Nerzy if I could find a girl who would sleep with me -

Scrubbo- Tim Duncan of war2, very systematic and gave me some great completion through out the years with flashes of some great creativity! Micky Mantle

Jitter - Not your typical Asian, he’s  can be a hilarious shit talker, he’s 1 of the best team mates i’ve ever had. Also, could own Tyrus with baby in hand! I could do pretty much any strat and he was smart enough to adapt even when I did something stupid. Scottie Pippen! very well rounded.

Ash- Great creative team player and awesome shit talker- Pistol Pete meets Rasheed Wallace!

Shotgun - Great at 1on1 and late game for team play, although he’s more likely to call me a }{orse  faced faggot than actually adapt his strategy to mine lol - Pete Sampras of war2! Past his prime but he can still school ne1

Viruz- The man who needs no introduction, a modern wrecking machine. He’s so good at 1’st and so reliant on his freakish speed he sometimes throws common sense out the window and tries to rely solely on war2 athleticism.
Hybrid of Westbrook and Mike TYson - Will map and drop 81 if you Fuck up

Kanuks- Arthur was a cool dude but we spent most r time talking shit lol. was decent on F too!
Tracy Mcgrady - had a few good years then vanished into obscurity

Nalzyman- For his team play he knew how to keep opponents busy and wasting rez while letting your ally takes the map, He was a master as invading a town with 5 peons and shutting down duals. I remember one time when he 0 bagged shotgun twice in a row. wasn’t uncommon for him to go minutes with out mining while winning lol… He is the master of towers -
Robert Horry - His stats don’t say MVP but whoever on his team can guarantee victory if you play smart.

Braviet- Guys like him are part of the reason I kept playing this game, he wasn’t afraid to try suicide strats and always manages to innovate and keep you on your toes! Overall, a good sport too! for an Asian that is - Jacky Chan of war2 but when he’s }{ot the boy’s Linsanity

^Nail~SoL^- The only guy I ever trained that way able to surpass me, He was very creative with out neglecting basic mechanics. Absolute beast… Him vs Swift would be like  Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman. Jordan vs Lebron in their primes, would be sick to see 1on1.
Lenny bias, died 2 young from a gun shot

**Swift - Obviously swift has an Aserrisk by his name, he should actually have multiple ******* but i’m not trying to develop carpel tunnel.
He’s a great 1on1 player but he doesn’t step out of the safe zone much(though he can he’ s  just lazy). Always making the bare minimum to power and strike some soft target & power to lust and come on strong with a 1st wave. It’s effective but it’s also the most boring transition. Sure you can play survive for 10 mins or you can enjoy early and mid game. He takes it that seriously, when many of the top players have moved on or just play for fun. He’s still a beast to watch on F and 1on1 - he will never be remembered for team play but his 1’s are a gift to watch vs a good opponent.  He’s the Barry bonds of war2 - Allen Iverson , plays in an easy era with mad help from Balco but still had mad hops. He's actually probably the 4th best i've seen on FFAs

Tier 2 -

Sc~Terror - Best FFA player ever-
Khb - Mackenrow- David Robinson
Tony- took a 3on1 from 6! lol - Ken Griffy
Tabac - Worlds most polite war2 player and can get Jiggy with it - Tim Tebow
Dugs- Nalzy JR. but he can only go left, when u tower and hidden rax every game you become too predictiable, if he switched it up a little!

Hotty- Creative !  Steph Curry with the POP BOY
Pimster- Love how he would go all ogers and never DK, Arvitas Sabonnas
KgbAgent97- Under rated as shit, Dwayne Wade
Jayhawkerz- Matt Barnes - Best known for stalking Nalzyman’s x GF
Tyrus- some great performances but most his career he’s weird emo Johnny Manziel (also lost a retirement match to nalzyman, banished to Azkaban)
~Babypeon- Once slept with Ukpeon to make rent - Asian Anna korna Kova
Valkrie** - Lance Armstrong, to this day he doesn't explicitly acknowledge his hacking, he alludes to it in obscure terms like admitting it to us some how makes it real - The day he was caught & KICKED the fuck of [24-7] by Pimster was probably the worst day of his life to this day. He makes me r0fl my Pants when the bad guy finally gets it! Isiah Thomas -Bill Lambeer

Kith-Kannin- Good play multiple maps well! Bo Jackson!
Azteca - possibly deported, PUIG
Lothar_zone - Top Human Player of an era (not all time) i’d say, knew how to really Mass knights and use healing and mages well - Wess Welker
ws- Warstar had some impressive late game - Tim Thomas - Ginobli
Yah`mon- Legend on Nwtr and  Always brought it for team play - John Stockton

Tier 3 -

Startle - Has many tier 2 properties but can’t adapt well, too rigid in his understanding - Bipolarish , Charles Barkely when he’s being an Ass hole lol. =)
Prophecy- gives up too easily or he could be tier 2 - Paule Pierce in a wheel chair
Buzzbomb- Cal Ripken JR> Most games played in 3 months ever

Emo Faggots-
Koorb, Wulfgar, Htos, Mcwaldo , Ballsack

Honorable mentions for Oritentals

Hahaha, man what a great troll post. Sticky this shit! Charles Barkley though?! What about Deion Sanders bro??

95 / Re: Ill give a shot to anyone who want my new #1 title.
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:36:35 PM »
You need help.

96 / Re: Ill give a shot to anyone who want my new #1 title.
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:32:05 PM »
Not sure where you're getting off here? Every time you win a single game you parade around like an idiot forgetting the several rapes you received before.. Do you not realize how dumb that is?

97 / Re: Just beat a master and the top #1 rank in ladder.
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:15:53 PM »
a whole toupee actually was in there that game

98 / Re: Just beat a master and the top #1 rank in ladder.
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:07:47 PM »
I give it to you, you have the ability to win when I get spot fucked and the batteries on my mouse die and you unpause. Awesome job, keep it up buddy.

99 / Re: Just beat a master and the top #1 rank in ladder.
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:05:37 PM »
19-3, congratulations  ::) ::)

100 / Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: September 29, 2016, 01:44:55 PM »
If someone listed doesn't want to participate or is inactive currently just replace them with someone else. Obviously no one has seen braviet in a while so I doubt he would be playing, so you could give his tier spot to someone in division A, and bump someone up from division B or just add someone not listed I guess.

101 / Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: September 29, 2016, 01:42:59 PM »
I was thinking there might be enough people to do 4 divisions of 8 players in each division. You could do a league type system where everyone plays each other on a KOTH series and GOW series. At the end of the season the top 2 players and bottom 2 players based on the standings in each division play each other for their places in the next season. If you didn't wanna do a league, well then you have 4 mini tourneys or something.

Division S:

Division A:

Division B:

Division C:

Still need to play Mystical for it to count imo

Games between BHC-JesK and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 19 - 4

Games between [PZ]LuX and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 4 - 0

Games between 00Steph and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 5 - 0

Games between MyStiCaL and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 11 - 6

Games between ogremage and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 7 - 1

Games between Decap and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 2 - 0

Games between Antti_Kiviniemi and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 0

Games between tk[AS] and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 5 - 5

Games between SPB- and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 1

Games between sh4de and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 21

1 win out of 20 games, gw

wasnt sepi the only person watching that game

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