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91 / Re: Im leaving War2
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:45:36 PM »
Yeah apparently war2 is run by some reptileans illuminati building up a worldwide shadow network money making server of doom  :omg:. And all that is related to war2 and I certainly know because I am a big part of it  >:D, maybe you are too? (PM me in reptilean pls, I gotta make sure...)

Anyways, I cant stay I have to tell my lizard servants to prepare the castle for I am recieving big news that my russian-french reptilean troll hacker collegues are arriving soon. And I still have to manage all that money from all the people I stole with the complicit help of Twitch (from my overwhelming tons of subscribers), because my Nasa MPQ hacking chamber's safe is getting full by the minute. 8) BRB

BTW quick update on our previous affairs: For now our big secrets are safe, people have not discovered that we faked the moon landing and that the earth is really flat but we should stay vigillant some very smart people are uppon us as we speak!  :omg: :ok_hand: :thumbsup:

In short: Yeah, as you can see War2 is doing as fantastic as ever. :rofl: :wc2:

 Welcome back!

Btw I totally cracked your nickname wa(r)chi(e <= this actually is a o because it is almost pronounced o in russian if you add " to it)f(upper case L because double l )gh(t I see what you did there but it is really in first place and in upper case)bringer. Your nicknames means Troll Bringer !!! This for me is almost legit proof you are one of us *wink* *wink*

92 / Re: do we need towerbug fixed?
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:15:16 PM »
Actually a brilliant idea and a very welcome new option for map makers and others.
Thanks to Mistral we will be able to experiment the "what ifs" these things actually were fixed and see for ourselves while keeping the game intact for people that just want to have their daily dose of war2.
We love you Mistral thank you for everything you are bringing to the table that will help keep people and gather new ones in our big familly  :thumbsup: :wc2:

There is actually nothing wrong in the way he is doing things right now it wont break the game for anyone and will just add options for people that want more. Just a wonderful non-breaking way of proceeding.  :slight_smile:

93 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:05:01 PM »
Mistral is not doing what you think he is doing obviously you have not read carefully what is coming... :sweat:

This is going to be an option you will be able to check when making maps that you can host but the base game is untouched. so while you will  have these changes available in your custom scenarios the base game will stay the same.
You missed the "it is working on triggers" part, which will be additional scripting options for map makers not global changes to the base game itself...

Oh and I never said I was against that particular way of doing it, I am only against enforcing it on everyone but Mistral obviously knows better than to do that unlike some other people wink wink :thumbsup:

94 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 13, 2020, 04:49:26 AM »
Im gonna be honnest i stopped read at the rune part, where you have to make a decision between runes and lust.

Dude watching u8 games with braviet and think runes is an option.

Exactly, it is not an option and that is the whole point: it "could" be. How you balance things can either add more relevant choices and decision making to the game or just streamline everything even more to a point that every choice is just a no-brainers (kind of the way lust is right now).

There is no need to explain why automating stuff is just simplifying the gameplay, and basically making the decisions for the player where there should be a choice. Automated behaviors like this is making the game even more of a right click/reflex based game. Just like all these other failed strategy games where armies can be right clicked all accross the map.

If what you want is to see more things used in multiplayer then you have to balance the game so that there is more room for these other cool things to be played (runes, sappers, humans etc)...

That is what balance is all about imo but again that is just my opinion, you may think it is fine to have a more right click based gameplay and that it is what war2 needs, and you will be able to experiment your changes in your own maps and games which is perfect.

As a matter of facts we will all be able to test everyone's take on balancing, which is the best option since there are a lot of different ideas on the matter.

Also, people that dont want to hear anything about balancing will not be forced to. And that also is a very very good thing, because everyone's opinion matters.
We are not so many left here, we should do the best we can so that everyone has the experience they want to have everytime they come to play a few games.

And again thank you Mistral for implementing all these cool things for everyone to have even more options/content to play/experiment with.
This is going to be interesting to see what people come up with for sure!

95 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 09:03:55 PM »
I was answering equinox not you, I am also against automating gameplay :rofl:

All I say is if there is any balance changes to be made it should be just tweaking numbers not changing game mechanics and certainly not encouraging spamming and automated actions.  :thumbsup:

And yes I agree the way we human players win against orcs is by focussing on gaining a macro advantage early and pushing it. Or taking advantage of key chokes and area of the maps to make sure orcs spend more gold than they can afford to and run out of steam before we break.
You can play orcs exactly the same way too, but the difference is you do not have to because you have these other powerful options available to you.

96 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 07:37:28 PM »
What timing are you even talking about LOL...

The way it stands right now there are no "timings" when the orc player reaches Lust there is absolutely no down time you can just turn off your brain and spam lust all the freaking time even to go scout a random part of the map there is no reason not to, you can keep it up all the time you might as well add an auto-lust to the game at this point...
Balance does not only matter between races it matters in the tech-tree as well. If you increase the cost of lust in mana you allow other spells to be used other stuff to happen in the down times. You have suddenly a decision to make are you going to lust or are you going to wait a bit more for runes. You still have the same powerfull lust that still allow you to break through shit when you reach it and take advantageous trades, but you add down times that make other things more relevant too.

I know you were never the smartest one when it came to gameplay but if your "pro" timing is basically just putting your brain in the trash can when you reach lust and spam that B button without thinking twice all the time, maybe we should just add an auto-lust that does it for you at this point this is just retarded.

Like szwagier said auto-lust auto-heal is a bad idea because it basically is saying fuck any other options lets allow people to spam shit and spam it for them.

The game should be about making these micro decisions what to use and when, not automating the whole freaking thing so that you can afford right clicking on the map without using your brain... If you want to fix the game fix the mana and research costs of things so that there is a decision to be made and not just a chain of stupid no-brainers... You might have to learn how to use your brain more during games yup. I dont think it is a bad thing to change that at all. Anyways we all will be able to try whatever we want when the update is up and we shall see...

97 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 09:02:12 AM »
Well first I never tempered myself with any of the game's files ever so that definition also does not apply to me but whatever it does not look like you would care.

Secondly as I said U8 told everyone who would hear it that he had modified his hotkeys when he did, if that is not the truth you have to prove it...
Then if you still allow him in your games knowing he has edited shortcuts it is on you. Just like if you told me you had a map hack on and I let you play in my games.

There is no cheating if we agree on the terms of the game before it starts. If you dont want to play with U8 when he has his hotkeys changed you either agree with him not to use them or you dont play with him. There is no cheating if he is coming clean with it up front. Also it isnot like he was not helping anyone who asked politely to do the same for themselves.

If at Blizzcon it was allowed to play with that or that other hack it would be said in the rules and allowed before games start. The rules players agree on are what makes a cheat a cheat.

Although not all the spells are used (it is true and that can totally be fixed by tweaking mana costs there and there), all units are used and needed to win. Just because you need many more ogres than trolls to win does not mean trolls are not the best and quickest option to defend a wall sometimes or fight off a drake or prevent repairs... War2 is not a game about managing your army like starcraft. In war2 managing the space/grid is pretty much all that matters and catapults are the only units that can out-range towers and juggernauts you remove them from the game and you have almost no answers to both these threats...

Then again this is why we should keep these balance patches and updates to map making, so that we can have both the original maps and balance and custom balance maps experiments running at the same time and players can choose what they want to play that way...

War2 is a chess like game because the Grid plays like a real time chessboard. Place your tower one tile off and you loose, run into a chokepoint without thinking and you loose this is what war2 is all about. War2 could be played with no races at all and basic shapes in place of all the fancy looking stuff it would still be an interesting game to play and watch. And no Bloodlust is not that much stronger that you can win against a better player than you if he is going humans otherwise braviet would never loose to u8 or lone when they play human and go late game. It does not matter if you have lust if you fail at  managing the space/grid you still loose, you place your stuff wrong you loose...

Bloodlust is op yes but we are not talking swarm host kind of op here, if you ever were playing sc2 back when that stupidity was a thing... It does not overshadow everything else so much that the rest is totally being thrown aside once you reach it. Deathknights are the ultimate unit of the late game not lusted ogres.  :blank:.

98 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 07:56:17 AM »
You are missing the most important part of all:

It is one thing that a lot of people have been looking and modifying the game but what makes them white hats is they are not doing it behind your back. This is how we got so many plugins and new things throughout the years...
They tell you everything they have done they are not doing it behind your back or whatever, this is what separates cheaters of the rest.

This would be different if they were actually doing that in your back without telling you. Now if you can prove me U8 is using a hack behind other people's back without letting people know about it then OK I will stop defending him. That is the deal...

99 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 07:43:32 AM »
Just answer this:

When a player warns me he will be watching me on stream even if I put him in the enemy team before I start the game, if I decide to still put him in the enemy team knowing that, am I still being cheated on? Or am I just allowing him that advantage and taking it into account?

The point is simple: cheating starts when you start hiding information not when you let it known before the game. If u8 joined my game and told me he had a map hack on, first I probably would not let him play but if I did well I would have only myself to blame for it...

Now if you tell me U8 is hacking the game behind other people's back and cheating on other players you need some proof of that, because that is an entirely different thing...

100 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 07:18:00 AM »
He said he modified his hotkeys and his colors and made his custom campaign that is all...
He never said he hacked or played with an unfair advantage did he?
And all the changes he made to his MPQ he let people have. Hell he even ask random people if they want him to send them his MPQ on stream for the longest time...

How is that being untruthfull and unfair? Are you sure you are not the one being totally dishonest here attacking him on that?

I never said Lambchop made a hack I said it gives infos players do not normally have which creates an unfair advantage IF players do not know when people use the plugin or not (that was for the visible chop bars plugin). All I ever said about his plugin is I believed it would be best if there was a common way to know when a player is using that or not so that people do not feel cheated on...

Basically just said it is nice if people can disable or enable it in their games. Exactly the same stance I have about paladins auto-heal stuff. I believe it is better if it is bound to maps/scenario so that hosts can host and choose what they want to play.

101 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 07:06:26 AM »
Good thing I am talking shit to your face then.  :kissing_heart:

I am a simple person I talk to people their truth and I dont talk shit on others in their back. I dont play petty schemes. This is why I defend U8 when you attack him without proof of hacking besides his shortcuts, just like I defended Tupac even if I did not trust him back then when people accused him of hacking the server without proof. Just like I defended you when people talked shit about you and I disagreed.
I dont play these stupid games but I am frank and if I think you are just acting like a douchebag I will tell you like it or not...

Now you can hate me for it I dont care, you can tell your friends whatever you want, in the end it is their loss if they only rely on you on that kind of judgement it would only mean they are not too bright these friends of yours...

102 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 06:39:58 AM »
If you really cared you probably would go out of your way and try to prove your claims yet you dont. You apparently just like throwing  :poo: at people without proof, this is visibly your thing congrats... It doesn't take long to send a file to an antivirus that flagged it as a virus to see if it was a false positive not long at all... Did you do it?

You keep pointing fingers and coming up with new conspiracy theory one after the other and expect people to take you seriously.

Yes I joined late the server in about 2016  totally not denying that woohoo congrats you have been here longer than me, so what now? You are running a mafia is that what you are trying to say? You will litterally tell your people who they should like and play with and who they should not? Are you the cool popular guy in high school now? So not only you are ready to force everyone to play and download your balance changes and now this  :rofl:  :sweat:

Holy cow no wonder why people talk behind your back... And I am the one who is shady and acts like a mob boss or a criminal or a tyrant?
Have a good look in the mirror my dude... Do people really like / follow you like this? is that what I am supposed to believe?

Edit : Also, sorry but the time you have been on the server has absolutely no value to me I care no more no less about you than I will for the next random dude that will join the server in the next years to come. Just because you have been there longer does not mean you are any less of an asshole or that you care / understand any more about the game than him. It just mean you have been there longer than him that is all...

103 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 05:50:08 AM »
For the sake of everyone I would totally encourage anyone that wants to investigate to have a look yes!

I dont mind at all actually, either they wont find anything which is probable because I dont believe there is anything to find or they find proof there is something wrong and then I was a fool and at least we dont just have conspiracy theories and other stupid baseless claims and we all know better.

So there is no loosing scenario here...

Why do you think I always send files for review to various virus labs. Because I am lazy to do all the checks myself yes, but also because I like having other people look at these things after all if it is all legit we have nothing to fear from oversight now do we?

But if someone does the check and finds nothing would you have to trust him then? Or would you rather trust someone that said he find something even if it is untrue or unproven?

104 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 05:34:49 AM »
All I said you back then was common sense and still is...

If people can make map hacks for SC2, there is no reason to think it is possible to stop people from hacking a game like war2 which files and executable haven't changed in 25 years.
This is just a fairy tale and I am too old to start believing in one. I dont believe u8 is a hacker he never hid anything from anyone he always said he had modified his shortcuts there was no secrecy around that what so ever.

Just have a look at how u8 plays on his stream and you can tell he wins based on just good decisions based on informations visible on screen nothing more.
I also believe hacking is a non problem in our community anyways, we are a very small number of people no one forces anyone to play with anyone so if you do not like/trust someone you can just avoid playing him.

We have no random match making or anything of the sort what so ever, so ELO is almost irrelevant and ladder certainly is totally worthless. I am sorry, your rank doesn't mean shit, not when you can choose who you play against and when, not when we have less than 50 players that actually play at a decent level on a somewhat regular basis.

As long as players will be able to choose their games (for example only playing against players when they are exhausted, drunk or at the end of the day or during night time for them, or just on a day he seem to perform very badly etc...) there will be no point climbing that shit up it is just pointless.

There is just no sense in trying to have a competitive scene. None.
I understand I may upset a lot of people and that some people like you, really really need something to be proud of in life. But even then, I cant imagine anyone being that much retarded that he would hack his way up such that stupid ladder and then be proud about it... There is already not much pride left anyways...
I understand we do have some mentally challenged people in our community just maybe not that much :rofl:

Based on that I totally dont care if people stream snipe or else, when it happens it is just a game I loose or another griefed game, it sucks yes, and so what? I'm a grown man I am not going to cry about it... Ill just start the next one and if I really disliked playing with one other dude or if I thought he hacked ill boot him and continue playing without him as I am pretty sure all other normal players do. Before long the guy will have no one to play with...

If the only reason you play war2 is to be able to say you are the best at a 25 years old, deserted, game. Well congratulations, you certainly have very unique yet pathetic goals in life but dont assume everyone else has the same goals.

Ranking is just one way of knowing another player's strength but it will never replace watching him play. If people respect Lone or u8 it is not because they are 1 on the ladder regularly it is because they do play very well. That is why people respect them u8 could be 999th on the ladder if he plays the way he plays now people would still think highly of him...

That my friends is the hard truth.

105 / Re: paladins AOE passive auto heal
« on: November 12, 2020, 02:59:40 AM »
Well that engages only me of course, I do trust them and I could be wrong I am not denying that.

And if I happened to be horribly wrong about everything I would admit it like I did everytime I have been wrong in the past.
And if there are proven criminal stuff happening here behind the curtain like you say I would just let everyone know and leave. I wouldn't be just messing around piling up conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory... Because if I did and I ever found any proof of wrongdoing how would anyone believe me?

You probably know the tale of the boy who cried wolf, well that is certainly fitting you not me...

Until then, I have yet to be proven wrong...

IDK about the cam honestly maybe oneday. It just is not really what I want my content to focus on for the moment. I kinda look up to channels like T90(aoe2) and Turin(warhammer) and although they now show their faces from time to time it really is not the reason I go to see their streams and I actually prefer it that way for some reason as a watcher too. But maybe oneday ill do it I am not definitive on that one...

Also since you do have your camera on all the time I am curious how it feels like and why for you it was important to have it there?

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