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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

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91 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 03:06:40 PM »

Need some tissues?

I actually just came up with a new challenge idea for someone who has the balls to play challenges.

1v7 @Szwagier Want in? :)

92 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:54:57 PM »
Lethal is your husband so his opinion is invalid. You are by far the most toxic personality on this forum. Most users would agree with that statement.

Actually the word of a husband is worth the word of two women...or do you not really believe the Qu'ran?

Define toxic.

You made a cash bet offer. I accepted. You ran. Just because you don't like being identified as a coward doesn't make me toxic.

If you don't like that you're a coward, stop being one.

Come play me, even according to my original cash-free offer: 7 different map we each pick 3, 7th is GOW. Loser forum squelched for a month.

Or we can play your original offer $250 from loser to winner via XuRnT.

93 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:24:08 PM »
Tora are you some kind of internet retard? BS isn't complaining about the money but it seems that you have a big problem with it.
She's telling you that she’s fine with the amount of money, I know it’s not a problem for her to pay that.

You keep saying that she doesn’t have the money. I’m pretty sure she does.

BS can definitely win against you and maybe that’s the reason why you’re scared of her and trying to flake out.

Lol. 100% agree with this post.

94 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:22:43 PM »
Ok. Let's combine it all.

1. Loser pays winner $250

2. Loser doesn't post on forum for July

3. Loser donates $250 for future tournaments

4. Loser wears a pink NEWB icon for one year.

I'm in.

95 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 10:00:20 AM »
Tora statistically speaking has better chances to win the GoW match

Where do you get this?

I looked up ladder record on all his akas I can recall and our record on GOW is

Tora 2
BabyShark 3

96 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 04:12:01 AM »
Tora, I have a great idea. :)

Let's do a 1v1 assorted map series 7 games, each of us picks 3 ladder legit maps (including Mr. Bean and Zones which are now valid) and GOW can be the 7th, no map repeats.

Loser isn't allowed to post on forum for the entire month of July.

You in?

^^ill play u if u want. Mind you I only play in the mornings now.
Monday 10am ok?

I'm not available weekday daytimes at 10 am, but I could do 6 am Monday or this Saturday at 7 am EDT? I have tennis at 9 am but could get a good chunk of them done by then hopefully. Other than that I can do a later evening.

I’m going to Boston this weekend so maybe next weekend? I don’t play video games after 12-1pm usually. Occasionally I do log on late at night but it’s not my preferred time of gaming.

Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.

Definitely sounded like you asked for a $250 cash bet involved. It's a fun idea. Let's do it.

97 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 03:57:19 AM »
I am comfortable playing your original offer.

We both give $250 to XuRnT, winner takes all.

You were very bold with your initial offer, and I'm still game for it. It looks like you're flaking out on me.

I can arrange to be available Saturday June 30th or Sunday July 1st but I won't be home until the afternoon that day.

98 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 03:00:29 AM »
You are the one who set the amount. I agreed. Then you ran.

I was wrong in thinking you were braver than the van/Harrywangs/Jordan4385 hit and run gang.

99 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:52:10 AM »
I was serious about your original offer. We both put in $250 via XuRnT according to you and winner takes the pot.

I was serious about Saturday. I'm not available Sunday at 12.

I can do a weekday morning early, any weekday 5 am - 7 am. I can often be available for evenings. I can be available some weekends. I'm very flexible. We can find a time that works.

The offer to possibly lose $250 with nothing to gain is ridiculous and laughable. Who would play at the casino if you can't win anything, only possibly get your original money back?  ???

Are you in or are you out? If you want to work with my original offer, that's possible as well. You are the one who brought up a $250 bet and I was seriously accepting your offer, but then you changed your mind and tried to come up with some kind of ludicrous and laughable offer where I might lose $250 and stand to win nothing. What's the point of that?

100 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 22, 2018, 12:59:58 AM »
If I win, you give me $10000000000000000, if you win, you give me $1000000000000000000.

Do you accept?

101 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 21, 2018, 11:43:53 PM »
Are you withdrawing your bold $250 bet offer with proceeds going to winner?

102 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 21, 2018, 10:17:53 PM »
Also the day and time is to be changed to 04/01/2018 at 12pm Eastern time.

Do you have the flux capacitor?


Jordan Peterson files $1.5 million suit against university for calling him a Nazi

TORONTO, Ontario, June 21, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – University of Toronto psychology professor and cultural commentator Jordan Peterson filed a $1.5 million suit this week against Wilfrid Laurier University, two Laurier professors, and the school’s former gender and equity manager for defamation, the National Post reports.

The suit stems from a meeting held to discipline former teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd for playing a video clip of Peterson criticizing a law mandating recognition of gender-confused individuals’ preferred pronouns. Faculty members accused her of threatening her students and compared Peterson to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

Shepherd had secretly recorded the audio of the meeting and subsequently released it, creating a media firestorm and forcing the university to issue public apologies, retrain certain personnel, update certain policies, and approve a new Statement on Freedom of Expression.

Nevertheless, Shepherd is suing the university as well, for $3.6 million because the incident has allegedly left her “unemployable in academia.” Commenting on her suit, Peterson teased Wednesday that the school “has much more to learn before all this is over,” apparently referring to his own lawsuit.

Peterson’s suit names the school, Professor Nathan Rambukkana, Professor Herbert Pimlott, and former gendered violence prevention and support acting manager Adria Joel, who is no longer with the university. It says they defamed him by describing him as racist, sexist, misogynistic, incompetent, and dangerous; alleging that he helped target trans students; and claiming he doesn’t have any credible professional research to his name.

“This has a significant impact on Peterson’s reputation among those with whom he deals, including fellow academics, future and existing students, the university where he works and those whom might read his books or listen to his lectures,” the statement of claim argues. “Ironically, Peterson’s academic credentials are dramatically superior to those of either Professors Rambukkana or Pimlott.”

Peterson has amassed a strong following of conservative fans -- and left-wing enemies -- in recent years for his hard-hitting assessments of political and cultural issues.

He has argued that “abortion is clearly wrong,” called “intact heterosexual two-parent families” the “necessary bedrock for a stable polity,” decried transgender ideology as “completely insane,” and encouraged parents to oppose the “indoctrination” of so-called “comprehensive” sex-education.

Peterson is a particularly fierce critic of modern universities, arguing in a recent Prager University video that higher education is largely dominated by “post-modernists pushing progressive activism” by indoctrinating rather than teaching young people. “If you’re a taxpayer or paying for your kid’s liberal arts degree, you’re underwriting this gang of nihilists,” he warned.

“The politically correct on campus should not think that they can defame people, slander people and bully people implicitly and explicitly with impunity,” said Peterson’s attorney Howard Levitt, who is also representing Shepherd.

Levitt noted that the attacks on Peterson’s character and competence are particularly damaging because they don’t come from “some internet troll mouthing off,” but “professors and head of gender equity studies making comments that are atrocious.”

Wilfrid Laurier University has responded with a statement pledging to vigorously defend itself, and claiming it “remains committed to intellectual inquiry, critical reflection, scholarly integrity, academic freedom and freedom of expression while striving to be a supportive and inclusive community.”

Peterson sees the impending legal battle as more than a fight for his reputation; rather, an opportunity to send a message to the broader culture dominating modern universities about pushing their agenda with impunity.

“So I think this is a warning, let’s say, to other careless administrators and professors who allow their ideological presuppositions to get the best of them to be a bit more careful with what they say and do,” he explained. “We’ll see if two lawsuits make the point.”


TUMWATER (CBSMiami) – An armed off-duty paramedic, who is also a pastor, is being hailed as a hero after he shot and killed a shooting suspect at a Washington state Walmart.

The good Samaritan is now coming forward to share his story.

Emotions overwhelmed David George Wednesday morning as he identified himself as the person who shot and killed a suspected gunman at a Tumwater, Washington Walmart.

“This was a traumatic experience for us and all those involved,” he said.

George described the chaotic Sunday afternoon, when he and his family were shopping about 60 miles south of Seattle.

“As a volunteer firefighter I have received active shooter training,” George explained. “I was sure what I heard was gunshots.”

Police say 44-year old Tim Day went on a shooting and carjacking spree.

He tried to carjack a couple in the Walmart parking lot, critically shooting the driver.

George says he then saw Day try to carjack another person and that’s when he shot and killed him.

“I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a first aid bag,” he said. “Hoping not to use them but being prepared nonetheless.”

George is a local pastor, and volunteer firefighter and EMT who rushed to help the injured driver, Ricky Fievez.

Fievez’s son says the Good Samaritan’s quick-actions saved his dad’s life.

“That bystander who shot him is a hero,” said Tyler Fievez. “That guy could have killed both my parents plus plenty more people.”

Police say Day tried to carjack at least six people before his rampage came to an end.

George says he has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the shooting and needed time to process the events before coming public.

Police say the suspect is a convicted criminal who managed to get a gun from his finance.

105 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 21, 2018, 09:01:59 PM »
Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.

That's not really how a cash bet works. The way it works is winner takes all.

What would motivate me to put in $250 that I may lose with no possibility to win anything lol?

Winner takes $500 and then if you win, you have the option to donate wherever you like.

KOTH style is fine with me. That differs from what I proposed in that whoever loses will pick the next map, rather than each of us selecting an equal number, correct? Potential map choices should be listed beforehand so as to avoid wasted time on the day of, since I've had people get into arguments about maps even when they previously okayed the maps multiple times.

I'll play anything, but I know most people are a lot more hesitant when it comes to map variety. I'll even play BigEars, Mutton, WizWar, Oil is the Key, or whatever other crap you can pull out of the closet so long as it's random start spots.

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