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Messages - chayliss

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HD Remaster put that on the list

« on: November 16, 2017, 12:04:47 AM »
couldnt find an option to pick

93 / Re: The return of chayliss™
« on: August 13, 2017, 12:49:53 PM »
lol videogamesquad baby is in restricted mode cant even view it or nothing.
yet it was embedded in the thread here.
lol zero communication as to what the problem is.
i bet its more what i look at and comment on than the bootleg video that countless others also have uploadded.

94 / Re: t shirt order warcraft ii tshirts
« on: August 13, 2017, 12:14:58 PM »
need better merch...

95 / The return of chayliss™
« on: August 13, 2017, 11:24:25 AM »
You HAD to have known Brother Thomas would come.

wtf no poll options like   rip that site.

greetings to all my fans and followers!
for those that dont know me....chayliss was brought into existence on 1997
i have a 90% complete classic gow remaster where 6/8 are made to compete with 12/2
with both a regular resources version and a buffed mines for big games.
the hard part is complete. the visual of what to do with all that space in lower left is the last challenge.
i lost my files. thanks to blid he got me some early versions i had shared with him awhile back.

this project is years in the making.

this is far and beyound better than fixed gow. where just a square or 3 were changed. and miles beyound the garbage that is gowbne.
if interest in the completion of this gow combat edition™ (GoWCE™) is high i will complete and publish a final version.

long live warcraft 2. best rts game of all time. fuck you blizzzard for the remaster of of sc1 but not war2. but then again blizzard tends to wwe things up.

i will check back at a later date.
ill have to find the editior again and organize my versions do some planning etc..
after it goes final a tournament of 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 would be AWSOME~!

this is how gow should have been for bne not that garbage blizzard came up with.

AIM: chayliss


Twitt(DUR): chayliss   (holy hell you gotta disable shit like its win10(then tell shit that you rather would not see content that pops up(block nonsense follows(etc..)))

Youtube: brad schwenzer / VideoGameSquad Baby    i have several accounts i use to adjust the algorythms of what i see. little content except the loggest clip of the show soundgarden did a week before cornell died the show here in indy. 

! No longer available that is under restricted mode and disabled comments. i beat that dont happen on the upload.

 if you wanna dig in rabbit holes look at my brad schwenzer channel and my videogamesquad baby channel on youtube history and archived videos.  : chayliss  just uploaded all my video from the soundgarden show plus a couple other clips. i have some more shorts i could add.

INstagram is probably also chayliss is KPchayliss#1143  pretty much just play heroes of the storm now,  DethWlkr#1964

twitch: chaylliss

steam: ssilyahc

war2 combat edition  chayliss or KPchayliss

KP: Killer Peons Est. 1997

also have a switch account: chayliss

ps3 account which went inactive was also chayliss i believe

if the community is dead i shall call time of death and move on. last chance to grab the interest of a hall of famer.

on a side note i sold all my epic genesis/segacd/saturn games    RIP   
you would shit if youi knew what i got rid of and how cheap i did it.  it was a sad day.

gl hf

if 2LDN shame on you.

96 / Re: Warcraft 2 Active Players 2017
« on: June 04, 2017, 03:28:23 PM »
to long didnt read.

changed and forgot my pw now im locked from the system for multiple failed attempts.

[Resolved] Irl Threats

heh heh

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone else play other games?
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:35:34 PM »
i game all over the place

Support Requests / [done] need to beable to log into my accoounts
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:34:16 PM »
id like to play

100 / Re: KP Killer Peons
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:33:15 PM »
if i can get into the server actually KP is open to new membership.

101 / Re: ATTENTION! Warcraft 2 HD & Blizzard opportuity
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:31:40 PM »
oh this is why war2 is dead. by the way i locked myself from the login screen for .ru coz i forgot my password. fucking bullshit.

thats the purpose of the war2 tweet bomb. who care what they think. show them there is players and interest and a chance to promote what we have players? old players who dont know? whats blizz gonna do shut us down. we already lost which sucks.

just from your respond id rape u in war2. gg

102 / Re: Where Dem Indiana boys
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:29:01 PM »
im not in the city im east of it.  check out my new post. bbl

103 / ATTENTION! Warcraft 2 HD & Blizzard opportuity
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:27:07 PM »
starcraft 1 has been redone in HD blizz has a tweet setup to tell stories etc..

if we could find the right person to reppresent the community to tweet the story that they didnt play sc1 because they were playing warcraft 2 and you still are. then the rest of us go support that tweet.

god fucking speed

104 / Re: How open are you guys to an expansion/patch?
« on: March 26, 2017, 07:55:12 PM »
Ie. balancing changes/spell recost(bloodlust)/added tier 2 features or added features in general or simply porting into something say Starcraft for an added race.

Would you guys play?

Would you run away?

Do you just like things the way they are, it's fine if you do.

more upgrades paladin....give weap/shield a buff when u get lvl 6/7/8 at the church... +1 or +2 weap/armor each upgrade?  3-6 lvls added how would the battles go then with lusted ogre mages i wonder

105 / Re: Where Dem Indiana boys
« on: March 25, 2017, 04:33:48 AM »
use to be some

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