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Messages - Knitter

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61 / Re: do we need towerbug fixed?
« on: November 07, 2020, 08:43:16 AM »
You guys are stupid!
Stop to change the game retards.

« on: October 30, 2020, 12:02:18 PM »
Unfortunately I will probably not be able to participate in the tournament. I hurt my hand and it was sewn up. I will probably be absent for 2 weeks.
I am sorry.

« on: October 29, 2020, 09:59:49 AM »
That was just an example.. could be anyone... i know what ur trying to say but ripe didnt mean that way.
He knows jesk and i woundt cheat.
W/e his tourney his rules.

Hi Ripe, i appreciate, i dont like 1v1 games much but if i got time I’ll participate to make it as big as possible.

Think about editing ss's, would you remove units...?
Makes no sense at all, but like you said you tested it. Still weird its not exactly the same.

Also make sure when your watching a tourney game you dont have to make flyers.
You made flyers all over jesk's base... wtf!?

Your an admin and you cant ruin games like that. He maybe just forgot to vision you.

67 / Re: GOWEF-Halloween 2s Smurf Tournament Oct 25th
« on: October 13, 2020, 04:20:25 AM »
Should be random allies for alot more fun.
Worse people finally get a chance to team up with better
people. Sometimes people team up who would never team.
Ofc there could be 1-2 mega super teams, but yea thats how it is.
If you could choose your ally it can happen too, if u8 and sg are allies they just win it anyway.
sooo make it random allies 😎

68 / Re: My Warcraft 2 Songs Re-Release ( Download Link )
« on: September 28, 2020, 08:35:17 AM »
Peon hero is soo good.

69 / Re: Legend/Masters/Champs.
« on: September 20, 2020, 05:25:32 AM »
Idea was fine, but not like player can skip level  champ->master->gm-> legend, player should not be able to skip any level if he lost

ffa idea - worst idea ever with 3 players and on gow

there could be now league champ and master(masters with gm), top masters are (1,2,3?) mid(4-8) stay on master, bottom lost master and they move to champ league(9,10), champ league get promotion to master league

but not like random games from ladder cause someone lost last 7 games

Hey Nox, i appreciate what you were trying to do. Keep going, we just need rulez like u8 said.
If we got better rulez this might works well.

70 / Re: Wow TDBara new Grand Master!
« on: September 15, 2020, 03:37:29 AM »
Yes bara is good and always was.
Also i thought u got to be a master to challange a grandmaster? You told me i coudnt challenge shotgun when i wasnt a master. Your rules are different for everyone. Im very confused..

Also i dont think you can add
more and more masters, grandmasters, champs... what else.
We are just a few people. Sooner or later every player is master, champ, grandmaster or legend...
What if some1 else beats sg or bara, do we have a 5th grandmaster and soon 10 Masters?

If u think bara deserves it, remove lone and He can fight back if he cares.
Way too many tags for so little people.
Also i would remove „profi“ and „sware“ Tag and what else... too many tags!!!

71 / Re: We got a new Legend!
« on: September 13, 2020, 11:01:45 AM »
I dont get it... i thought u got to be good on ladder to challenge a master. Only a master can challenge a grand master... therefore i thought u got to be a grandmaster to challenge for a legend tag?

Dont get me wrong wargasm is cool and a strong player.
But honestly he did deserve it by winning 3 games? Without being a master?

Ur rules are shit.

72 / Re: The Smurfs Tournament that October 4!
« on: September 07, 2020, 07:09:04 PM »
Yea, should make it 2s random smurf tourney.

73 / Re: good bye wc2ers
« on: August 27, 2020, 05:13:00 AM »
Hey Koorb,
not sure if your trolling or not.
Wish you all the best to beat cancer, like Eqionox did.

We didnt play very much, but you are well known and always rememberd here at war2.

Enjoy your life, hope you log on some time and we can play some games. Do what you love most.

Get healthy!


74 / Players i do miss
« on: August 20, 2020, 06:45:39 PM »
Here‘s a list of players i really miss.

Jitter - cool guy, great ally
Khb - sometimes  a fag , but i always enjoyed to watch ur games.
Its_hot_in_Herr - great ally, very creative gameplay
BHC-Hawk - German Legend, ive learned alot from you.
Nerzyman - dude was cool and amazingly talented.
Joker - i dont know i like you man.
TD-Medivh - italian legend, very strong dual, great team player, great person
MD-Krauser - funny guy :)
Isiepierdol - man we used to own some weird custom map. Do you remember lol? was so much fun.
Maneth - r.i.p buddy, chop legend, always positive <3
YWFN - your worst fucking Nightmare!!! Where are you, miss you buddy!
TD-Viruz, fucking beast, love you man.
Unforg1ven: man we were a strong Team, dunno why it matched really good. Great ally!
Arthi - some cool german player.
Papaschlumpf - old schooler, back from Europe. He trained me, in my first days on bnet.
BHC-Raven - played with him, back in Europe, cool guy
Mewb[Eur0] - amazingly good at minigolf and mini bgh, also good allrounder

Also im sure i forgot some, im sorry!
That were my first thoughts...
Come back guys lets play some games!!

75 / Re: Ladder
« on: July 03, 2020, 09:00:54 AM »
Ahh, i forgot what i really wanted to say  ::)

2v2 ladder would be pretty cool, if it would be running again!
Thanks @baRa!
And thanks to @woofy  and my mom!


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