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Messages - The Legend of StarTale

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61 / Re: I challenge Blid for his admin tag.
« on: December 01, 2016, 07:35:21 PM »
Blid does an amazing job at being an admin though. I don't get why the retards of the community don't understand that having an admin that allows free speech alone is worth having him there. This thread wouldn't even still exist if anyone else was an admin. The same reason is why Axo was such a good admin and his forums lasted so long. Him being neutral with his position of power is what the server needs. Could you imagine some rampant raging retards like Equinox, Lance, Space, Sepi, Van, or any other mongoloid as head admin? This thread wouldn't exist, half the player base would be banned because of favoritism, your favorite smurf name would be outed because you beat an admin, and war2 as a whole would be much worse off. What exactly do you want from Blid? He pays for the server out of his own pocket, he allows everyone here to shit talk him, and he's not sitting here abusing his power. It's not necessarily an admin's responsibility to advertise, bring new players in, train new players, or whatever the fuck you want him to do he's not doing. Anyone who's passionate about that can do that without any admin at all. I know any chance I get I promote the game and I am not alone. Just recently I got hosted from a popular SC2 streamer I used to play with for just under 1k viewers. Look at Ritalin on the facebook page! He's passionate and doesn't require admin or channel moderator in order to figure out which smurf is which. War2 has run it's course. You need to either step up yourself, or just stfu and get off blid's nuts about his admin. Blid does his job, and does it well. We have anti-hack, a ladder HE coded, we have color fixes, we have builtin war lat, we have replay viewers, and we have a great website to help new people get started on the game. He doesn't let anything get personal and prevents things from going to far over the line and protects user's privacy. That's all we need from a head admin, imo.

62 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:54:26 PM »
you sure?  his connection said USA.

Just by how mad he got by losing an s9/s9 war after i got there 2nd confirmed it for me

63 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:01:40 AM »
Sooo who is Augustinus?

That's sepi.

64 / Re: Message to the world of warcraft 2
« on: November 20, 2016, 03:16:44 PM »
Can't say I even attempted to read that but good ducking riddance. War2 is a better place with getting harassed by some broken English speaking scrub. Dude didn't do Jack shut for this game other then make it less fun for other people. The amount whine that came from that yard and Sept together is insane. I agree with Joe you don't need special powers to help do things If that's what you want. TBH the amount of crap the current admins have put up with is unnecessary and takes time away from other things. I've had plenty of my own issues with blid and burnt in the past and despite that I still think they are the best people for the position. Fuck off equinox.

65 / Ban Equinox
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:07:47 PM »
It's been so nice without Eq and Sepi around.  So many people left for a bit because war2 is just not enjoyable with trash like them.

66 / Re: Startale abusing of the systeme.
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:03:18 PM »
lol what a faggot, very easy to take things out of context. also, alf and i played like 15 games and its awesome u left out the 10 from before that lawl

67 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: October 28, 2016, 09:11:32 PM »
Who's Venruki?

68 / Re: how often does this happen to you?
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:37:20 AM »
Damn that trumps st rage

Website & Forum Discussion / Re: Reporting acts of ethnic slurs
« on: October 26, 2016, 06:44:39 PM »
cry more faggot pollack

70 / Re: Ever watch 2 lvl 1 grunts fight?
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:42:43 AM »
Rofl, great thread

Not sure why u8 and I still don't play? I've been on quite a bit even saw him today and he didn't want to play. I ended up playing Medivh instead

I am free to play Friday anytime, but I never knew szwagier was a lying tard like the other pollacks on this game. You asked me what time and I stated it, mouse was right there. Maybe you did not understand time zone IDK

Didn't realize I left the stream on, lol. Just goes to show I wasn't even on the PC

I was on all Tuesday morning which is when we agreed to play. I didn't see you till the evening when I was getting my daughter ready for bed. I hopped on cause Dugs messaged me on facebook. I said I would be able to play when she fell asleep, which was going to be about an hour. You said 5 mins or else? Lol. I am able to play right now for 2 hours or tomorrow from 9am-noon.

75 / Re: Startale
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:50:32 AM »
Hmmmm!!!! Idk man!

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