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Messages - Vendar

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Hi, I replaced War2Dat.mpq with your version but it's not working correctly :(


Pls halp

EDIT: I understand that objective will stay the default and I have to read it from png files but still... there shouldn't be Uther portrait, right?

Looks like Dune 2000 buildings and units in War2  :thinking:

Lol, he might be rename to "Alchemist" or "Reversed Alchemist" with that skill of transfering gold into oil :D

Ok, I will try again someday with 9 and 10 but I'm not sure I will finish it

About demons mission. Did you saw green peon trapped inside of forest behind goldmine?

Yes... he has some special powers? I just saw that he has bigger collision box than normal Peon but nothing else so I left him in base. No idea how to use this guy. Is he a flying unit maybe? That's why he has "dragon" size collision box?

About dragons mission. Did you saw transport?

No I missed it :(

AND lol you said only this 3 not completed. Did you actually completed missions 9, 10 and 11 ?!?!! ))

Oh yes, I failed with 9 and 10 two :D Sorry, I played it from time to time and don't remember correctly.
With 9 mission I managed to kill Skeletons and Grunt using enemy Catapult and that was it... no clue how to jump from this place to somewhere else.
With 10 I died few times at the beginning, no idea what to do.

I passed mission 11 and I have a save before my last attack so I loaded it to make a screenshot to prove I finished it :D And... I faced two bugs this time:
1) Mission objective says: "Defeat all enemies", but it's not true. Mission is standard, so you have to defeat all enemies and rescue all Rescue Passive units  ;)
2) This time my enemy has no unit when I was attacking his Stronghold so he trained a Peon. After killing him I lose. Probably you have in script something like "if countDeadUnit(Peon) == 1 then defeat". I think it's a bug, cause condition should also check if this is precisely a player's Peon:



And prove that I won this one:


Cool mission btw  :newthumbsup:

Hi again!  :wc2:

I played your secret campaign and it's a crazy one  ^-^ I couldn't pass few levels so I cheated to go to next ones. There were one annoying mission when you had to do some micro moves to pass peon to the goldmine a dozen times to build 4 Farms and Barracks. But also there was one of my favourite kind - last mission where player has plenty of time to figure out how use units smartly to win  :slight_smile:

Missions where I failed:
  • with slaying the Deamons. I figure it out that I have to do some jumps between islands and I lured two Deamons but not the third one and I have no idea how to do it  :thinking:
  • with Dragons where player has only few Peasants. I suppose that I had to lure them with one Peasant, start building a Farm meanwhile jumping around with second Peasant... I don't know
  • with Ogre-Mages with Peons vs army of Ogres. It would take a lot of time to wait for mana to Bloodlust and then make some good micro... but I am neither skilled nor patient to win this one

Anyway, this campaign was also fun, good job guys  :ok_hand:

Best wishes for the New Year!  :slight_smile:

51 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 20, 2020, 04:50:56 PM »
Ok there is new update.

1) Fixed status of demons and sheeps. So stats can be seen as on normal unit.
2) Demons >:D multiselectable now. And do less dmg.
3) Runestone radius is 2 now. Fixed Runestone heal and mana regen timer. They now heals as needed.

Removed random damage from units. Units always dealt max damage now.
Mybe did you saw when ogre can dealt like from 4 to 8 dmg. And somehow your ogres dealt always 4 it seems and enemies always 8. And you thinking wat is the actual fuk is this?!?!!
So u can forget about it now. No random. No luck. just SKILL. just microcontrol like a god.

Bloodlust always do X2 dmg. Not X1.5 not X2.5 and NOT X3. ONLY!!! x2.
Cause it now calculates from final damage. (after armor was removed).

Damage thing and bloodlust thing will be removed later :blank: (i think).
Please TEST them and TELL what YOU think about that SHIT!? :poo:
(if many people like it then it will stay.) (and maybe even wiil go to official serv? ??? :thinking:)

Wow, great changes, especially with damage system  :slight_smile: I don't have time now, but maybe after Christmas I will test it

52 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 14, 2020, 08:10:54 AM »
You cant compare costs, you didnt count smith upgardes, lvl 3 ogre with lust can lose vs lvl 5 ogre(random dmg)

Lust is op, but in sea maps you cant attack all the time with ogres

True, but if you want to fight lust ogres with lvl 5 knights you have to smith upgrades for these knights and of course train knights. These are additional costs that will slow down your Invis tactic. Maybe I'm wrong, but for me it looks like Lust is always op

53 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 14, 2020, 07:34:09 AM »

last game hsc 2x2 me steve vs spb braviet

you can see how to play with humans

how work invis and another spell like slow or polymorph

Great matches, good job  :clap: Nice spells casting  :slight_smile:

So you need 3 full mana Mages and 1 Transport Ship to do this Invis combo, but to be honest - it's a great move.
At the end your opponent dropped 6 Bloodlusted Ogres and almost smashed everything so still Bloodlust is powerful in sea maps.

Just to compare costs:
  • Invis trick: 1k gold/0.2k wood (Mage Tower) + 3.6k gold (Mages) + 4.5k gold (invis + blizz spells costs) = 9.1k gold and 200 wood
  • Bloodlusted Ogres: 0.9k gold/0.5 wood (Altar of Storms) + 2k (ogre-mage upg and BL) + 4.8k gold/0.6k wood (6 Ogre-Mages) = 7.7k gold and 1.1k wood

I'm not sure my method is ok here, I should also consider building/researching/mana reg. times and build orders but... looking on costs only, 6 Bloodlusted Ogre-Mages looks to be faster to achieve than 3 Mages with Invis and Blizz spells.
The only problem for Ogres seems to be reaching to Human's island but if they do it might be a gg before Human will prepare Invis combo. Well I cannot prove that with my low APMs  :)) but maybe someone with your skill Szwagier will do it. Anyway, well played  :ok_hand:  :wc2:

54 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 13, 2020, 07:11:01 AM »
Just to add up, which was the last time you saw corsairs being used vs terran ? Or queens with ensnare against any race ? or broodlings ? Infested command center + infested marines ? Or Dark archons against any race ?
SC1  isn't remotely to ever be considered perfect at game balance from my opinion, but the people really like it because on how hard was to mechanically  play with the AI and units along with micro.  This could be addressed up as well on this game with troll or archers as well. As long as people want several changes to the units as well...

I really encourage again to just nerf bloodlust as soon as possible so then we could all see crazy strategies never ever could have been seen.

Are you joking? Am I supposed to look for pro-gamers gameplay for casual situations when someone trains Dark Archons?

I'm not sure that you were watching SC1 tournaments, but this game is balanced.


Dark Archons:

And please don't tell me that Terror or Shuttle are not professional players, because it will be a lie.

Queens are played versus Terran Tanks, but very rare cause Science Vessels kills it easily. Most units in SC1 counters each other thats why you probably won't see Firebats vs Protoss and Corsairs vs Terran (but Corsair might happen to cast Disruption Web on turrets before drop).

55 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 13, 2020, 06:00:14 AM »
"perfect" ? It's the same sort of answer that people say here on war2. If you look it from outside with an objective perspective then you see what's the problem.

SC1 is 22 years old, I never ever saw scouts or ghosts or nuclear bombs usage. What's the last time you saw marine firebat medics being used professionally vs protoss ? vs terran ? I used to play against some amateur plus professionals and had several years of experience around this. What's the last time you saw massive ghosts usage vs protoss or terran ? Source ? It doesn't work for videos from 2001 or extremally picky situations just for show. I mean on regular daily gameplays...

By the way I hope you can give it a try to DAIFE or DIE, good luck & have fun !

Scouts are sometimes used in PvT to rush Terrans in "island" maps. Firebats sometimes in TvZ vs mass Zerglings. Nuclear Bombs I saw only once, that's true, but it was a good combo with EMP vs Protoss buildings. All of these are very rare cases, but still happens in pro gamers matches.

56 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 13, 2020, 03:06:11 AM »
(...) This is a problem that happened with starcraft 1 and 2 as well. People are way too conservative and stubborn for changes.

These insane campaign version from your Twitch looks great, I will try it someday  :slight_smile: Nice playthrough  :wc2:

I disagree with you about Starcraft 1. Races, units and abilities combinations are perfect in this game. I have watched many championships in my life in SC1 and there were so many different tactics, players with their favourite strategies and skills and what is the most impressive - every race is unique, every ability is useful, every unit is useful and all races have the same chance to win. I don't know how Blizzard did it, but imo it's best RTS I have ever played.

i disagree with you, human race is more powerfull race than orc in sea maps,

How Human race is more powerfull in sea maps?
Invis units are detected by Zeppelings if I remember correctly and Zeppelings/Flying Machines are neccesary to find Turtles/Submarines so with or without Invis Zappelings/Flying Machines will be used in the match already. If Invis is not detected by any unit then I think it should be also fixed, but that's only my opinion.
I cannot find any multiplayer gameplay on sea map  :(

57 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 06:06:37 PM »
Last two posts, by Oragorn and Dannyldd are what I can agree with 100%.

Human race should be improved, because for all these years game was terribly unbalanced. It's sad that Blizzard didn't care about War1 and War2. Just released, few bug fixing patches, and moved forward to next games. The first game they really cared about was Starcraft 1 and so many years after release of Starcraft 1 there are still championships in this game (for example: Bombastic StarLeague 9 from this year).

I won't throw any other ideas, but if you fix War2 I would love to play it  :slight_smile: Maybe even in multi if there will be anyone who wants to play with such slow fart like me :D

58 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 12:47:07 PM »
I found two glitches.

This happened when I had only one portal: (also this Peasant didn't kill anyone but he has "Speed" with value 26)


Game works a bit laggy, but stable.

Cool idea with Runestones. Paladins autoheal is great.

59 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 07:00:33 AM »
I think its casue diffrent armor, like in w3 when you got no armor, light armor, heavy armor. medium armor, hero and fortified

It's a little over-complicated for War2, but I agree - something like that would be a good change  :slight_smile:

I have tested this mod. Well... if you want to go this way it's necessary to give heroes new/modified sprites, because it's kind a mess in guessing who is who (which unit is normal and which is hero). But imo I wouldn't go this way... it's just weird changes, I have no idea how it can improve War2 gameplay.

First of all, "attack peons" seems to be not needed at all. Maybe if someone would like to end match in 3 mins and rush enemy with peons  :thinking:

Second thing is that every new hero/bulding costs oil, so after recruiting few heroes I couldn't upgrade my Stronghold to Fortress (it was intentional? Why?). It's weird decision, because on sea maps everything will be available, on land maps only 1-2 hero or new building will, because still Ogre-mages+BL rulez so I would definitely prefer Fortress than few super units.


Button to build/hire new units has old descriptions... but bigger issue is that there no description what hero actually do. I just see text: "hire two-headed ogre", gets Dentarg and... nothing special to notice, he looks like normal ogre with mana. Maybe new button with short ability description? I don't know how difficult it might be with War2 code, but without it is a big unknown what heroes are doing.


Last thing is about Speed variable. I understand now, it's not used in original War2 code and that's why you could use it for something else :D It looks weird when one Ogre has Speed: 4, another Speed: 0 but they move with the same speed in game. Player don't know what's going on.


To be honest, I appreciate that you spent your free time on making some modification to this old game, but I don't like it. Sorry. Few ideas are nice, but most aren't.

Your campaign Alaunter was a great thing  :slight_smile: so I will wait for Act2 of it  :slight_smile:  :wc2:
It will be cool if you implement few ideas from this mod to Alaunter Act2!

60 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 04:52:45 AM »
Its funny that 9 lusted ogres can hit with bad luck 12 dmg per hit vs 9 ogres 24 dmg  :rofl:

It's funny and bad at the same time. Maybe dmg mechanism should be fix first instead of heroes and new units.
I agree with you that Starcraft has much better solution for that. For example rifle attacks (Terran Marines/Ghosts) deals normal dmg to every "light" creatures but only some % to buildings or "heavy" units. So Ghost with 10 dmg will deal full dmg to other Ghosts, Zerglings, Marines etc. but only 3 to Tanks, buildings, Ultralisks etc. Next thing is armor that just subtracts the damage. So if Ghost attacks Tank he will deal only 3 - Tank's armor dmg (but not less than 1 dmg).

It's constant dmg, without any random values between 12-24 (that scale of randomize is an absurd and I think we can all agree with that).

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