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Messages - Mistral

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301 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: April 11, 2021, 11:29:03 AM »
Ok today is 11.04.2021
added last version with some bug fixes.
there was major bug with memory leaks so if someone used this program download new version pls. (program and plugin)
and this is will be last update i think. Because i added source code so u guys can make any modifications u want by themselves.

p.s. it was very happy to see that @Szwagier and @dannyldd used this like every stream. I think even if just 1 people using this - then it was worth of speding time creating it.

302 / 45 sec
« on: March 28, 2021, 11:29:28 PM »
ok so now on our server u not need to wait 45 sec of this shit.
instead u need wait just only 5.
just tested it with @iL right now.

303 / Re: I want to become an administrator
« on: March 12, 2021, 04:03:33 PM »
yea Ragner will be the best Russian admin choise ever

lol wtf is this )

Ok new version is already on the main server right now! Our greatest admin @iL just installed it!

and there was one small change in war2mod.
now there is button in TH that created attak peons before now transforms normal peons to attak and back.

here is video example from @Oragorn

and this video here is example of what will happens if someone will try to use singleplayer cheats on our server now!
as @Oragorn said "Читы заюзал - говна пожрал" (translation is "you use cheats - you eat shit")
so there is white player on this video used singleplayer cheat in multiplayer game on our server.

306 / Re: Poop
« on: February 03, 2021, 09:25:44 PM »

So new update version 1.36.2 (dnt ask why this number cause i just came up with it randomly (LOL)  :) )

Triggers changes:
1) now only melee units can steal resourses.
3) fixed some grapfical bug when building heroes from TH.
2) fixed some other bugs? maybe...

War2Mod changes:
1) So sheeps was very ussles so now you can actually EAT them (@Oragorn very happy now). :critter:
so exactly this means that if some unit kill sheep he get HP heal (but only if standing directly near sheep).
2) Player can have only 5 sheep to 1 TH he has. (button to build them dissapears from farm if u have too many)
3) Demons >:D nerfed and now they are Anti-Air and Anti-Mage. Cause they was too OP.
So now they deal only 3 damage to ground and sea units, but to Air units they deal x7 = 21 damage. And to mages they can deal +30 damage with manaburn. So if they attack mage and he have more than 30 mana they deal 33 damage and steal 30 mana. But if mage is empty and have like only 1-2 mana they will deal only 4-5 dmg.

Mod enabling changes:
So now War2Mod or Triggers System get enables not only from channel name but from game name too.
So now all games that have name starting from TRIG (in red color) will enable mods.
AND when u host game from War2Mod channel this game will automatically receive that prefix to game name.
So if you want to host game that have mods enabled go to War2Mod channel and host map from there. BUT people who joins can be from any channel you not need to ask an check every people if they joins from right channel. :omg: :thumbsup: :newthumbsup:
For people who joins you just see if game in list have name like └TRIG| some_game_name. this means this is game where mods will be enabled.

Anti cheat changes:
Removed singeplayer cheats packet receiving from all games on server. (not only war2mod and triggers maps games but from ALL games). :thumbsup: :chuckisthemuscle:
So now if some hacker somehow hacked and can use single player cheats in multiplayer this will not work.
And even if they directly send cheat packet this will not work too.
Cause other players War2 will not receive them.
And EVEN if they hacked this thing so their war2 can actually receive - this will not work too and they will be dropped from game instead. Cause their war2 will enable cheat but other players will not, and this will lead to just desync and drop.

So this version is now in Backup server already, u can go and test all changes.
Later @iL  :peon: will put this version to main server i think.

« on: January 19, 2021, 08:37:08 AM »
fixed already

309 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: January 18, 2021, 06:25:59 AM »
He will be obs ))
for now at least.
maybe will be changed later.

310 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: January 18, 2021, 01:22:39 AM »
New update.

1)Created new trigger that allow change game speed in multiplayer game. (this thing was in old IPX but now broken in BNE so i just fixed Blizzard code).
So you will be able to use this trigger for like maybe play on fastest when first TH and farm builds then you change speed to EF or lower to play normally and make some super micro control pro players game.
So this thing enabled in War2Mod by default so you can go and test. (please test and say what you think cause it will be removed later)

2) Real OBS trigger.
So now in war2mod when you set your race to "Random" (not Human and not Orc) you will be OBS.
So when game starts all obs units got destroyed, but you still not kicked from game and stay.
And all players give him viz automatically (comps too).
So you can just relax and observ this game and not interfere. (now you cannot do this even if you want cause you not have any units).
So now no more shitty obses who builds base in corner of map or do something other bad things with his starting peon.

So this all already on backup server, just go and test/play.
Second server in list is backup server (named: "if server is down").
And you must go to channel War2Mod for triggers to activate.

311 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 11, 2021, 08:14:04 AM »
Ok some new update.

2 peons repair.
fixed some small bugs.
fixed unstuck mechanism of stucked units (i think it can help to fix 30% more of stucked units problems)
fixed runes spell cast for AI, now more smart and not laggy.

312 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 10, 2021, 07:55:21 PM »
Well yea some spam problem.
I dnt know what to do with this so need your ideas) for now beta version i just tried to make so that it just works at least) so first step is ok as it is works now

So ok i will try find a way to disable emotes. Any other ideas? Maybe slow speed of sending msgs to war2? Cause now prog remembers all msgs it saw in a stack and waiting when some war2 can receive them then sends 1 by 1 but very fast still.

And for now there was 2 checkboxs in prog. First one chek can be disabled if you not want to msgs be send to war2. But y still can write back.
I mean for example you himself CAN see chat somewhere else, not in game, but to write back you need alt tab so this will help you to send awnswers without alt+tab.)))

313 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 10, 2021, 12:47:43 PM »
So i put new version of prog just now, so you can redownload.
now it checks if you actually normally joined twitch channel or not )) (should at least)

314 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 09, 2021, 10:28:40 PM »
Hmm why canon bad? Player can build canon why AI not allowed?)

Hmm maybe 2 peons to rep can be better.

Ships patroling like griffons now so maybe sometimes can swim to player.

Sappers maybe can but i will think how fix this

About block themselves maybe can be. But in all tests nothing happened.

Mages now run to attak with main army (and sappers too) this allows to make AI put them in transport and go to your base. Before mages was usseles in water maps with attak. Only for defense maybe but cannot attak at all cause cannot get to your island to cast spells.

315 / Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 09, 2021, 03:54:15 AM »
So i just created plugin that receives messages and shows them in war2 game chat.
And after that that i created prog that reads some twitch channel chat and resends messages to war2.
+new update: now reads when you send something in game chat and resend this on twitch. So you can not just read but write answers too.
Works in singleplayer and multiplayer.
So this thing can be useful for people who stream war2.

Last version can be found there:
archive have plugin+program

Source code:

video: www. youtube .com/watch?v=0O1vXNFHt5I
(links to video is broken on forum so copy and remove spaces)

p.s. you can get twitch auth here: but i think all people who really stream know about this.

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