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Messages - Mistral

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Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Edo defence
« on: August 01, 2021, 03:40:37 PM »
Map updated to version 1.3
fixed HP and damage a little

now map at least seems possible to survive)

272 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: August 01, 2021, 06:58:32 AM »
the problems with this is

1) gluchat.bin are in MPQ so if we change it then all ppl will need to download this file to put into their MPQ.

2) i found function that calls when you click checkbox. but i still cannot find combobox (like a list with races) and i cannot find a way to add something to this combobox.

if you know how to do it then write me pls

273 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: August 01, 2021, 06:29:28 AM »
ok there is update

1) fixed a bug when hidden unit of obs sometimes may start attacking other players buildings.

2) observers now can see other players resources and what they build (like in observe program)

3) added command "/obs player_color" for host
host can use it during the game to make player into obs.

4) added command "/remove player_color" for host
host can use it during the game to remove player from game.

274 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 31, 2021, 10:41:40 AM »
Ok seems like fixed a thing with comps.
now you can play and WIN games with allied comps without killing them.

275 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 30, 2021, 03:51:41 PM »
So after i changed 0 units to 1 hidded unit seems like many bugs was fixed.  :thinking: :thinking:

I tested just now with Kariu and GlassOfWater

1) Chat working normally 100%  :newthumbsup:

2) I was obs in 2 games and in one game my stats not changed (i think cuz there was comp in this game)
and in other game i got +1 win  :chuckisthemuscle:

3) one of games was GOW and they hosted it in TVB mode and i was OBS. There was also He-Man and iSuck[is] and they played 2s with Kariu and GlassOfWater
and so they asked where was my spot but other 2 did not even know this cuz i was obs and my 1 unit was hidded.  :stuck_out_tongue:
So what i wanted to say is that this new feature seems like helping to make real OBS in TVB too :)
i mean to make obs that do not "give away" spots.  :thumbsup:

4) one of games was with comp and we had sucsessfully paired real player with comp in one team (with ally and viz)
but the problem is that they still need to kill that comp to win game so i will try to fix this bug next  :hug:

276 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 30, 2021, 05:20:37 AM »
oohh u meant stats. Actually i not checked how they counts ) Just thinked if there was victory screen then all ok.
Actually i dnt know how exactly server counts those.

I will try to change way that obs works. Instead of 0 units will try to make 1 but hidden unit and they will always be allied and AV to all other players. So they will "win" game with winning players instead of leaving game after them.

277 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 29, 2021, 10:47:52 AM »
Where exactly you mean obs get defeat?
After all other players left game? there is should be 100% win i checked it 3 times.

Maybe you mean they receive loss when they leave game before other players? like u know they press button "surrender" in menu?

about crash i dunno. Are you got crash just one time or it is every time? Cuz if yes then i will need to fix it somehow too.

278 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 29, 2021, 04:27:40 AM »
1) dunno about obs loss - should get win. I will check it and try fix if real.

2) I know about chat problems they was here from the start - still trying to fix. (tis is the most thing why i said this is still beta test)

3) All working ok cuz obs NOT have ANY units that can give any viz so ofc noting changes

4) 100% should not be crash - i just calling standart war2 dialog with text "This command only for host!". I doubt it can cause crash cuz its a standart dialog. It the same dialog as when you press button OK in lobby and its saying that map being distrib, I just changed text on it.
Will attach screnshoot with it.

279 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 28, 2021, 04:51:31 PM »
From my side winning players get win 100% (and obs too)
i mean in status screen there will be written "Victory"
but i dunno how ladder works
iL said that server just reads reports - and i think that in report winning player should win too even if he leaved before observers.

This is why i said its BETA version and needs testing and many bugs fixing  :)

280 / Re: Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 28, 2021, 04:24:52 PM »
those teams thing only making changes BEFORE game started
teams NOT changes anything DURING game itself
you CAN set on or off any shared vision and ally and AV
shared vision for OBS will be reset though

only thing its makes for obs is that they not leave game even if have 0 units. (but they will leave anyways if there is no other players)

this thing is basically are recreation of team selections like in Warcraft 3 (like Clan1 Clan2 and etc)

and as Avail said you can make 2x2x2x2 or something
and other thing is that you can actually bring COMPS into team with players too
or make comps fight with other comps etc (still have some bugs though)

281 / Auto obs + Auto teams {BETA test}
« on: July 28, 2021, 02:46:42 PM »
Added Auto obs and teams feature to server.
Still in BETA test so will be many bugs - use with caution. IF you found a bug - please write. We need to fix all bugs.

How to use this:
1) its working ONLY in LOBBY.
2) its working ONLY for HOST.

host need to write
-team player_nickname team_id
where team_id can be from 0 to 9 or obs
0 is default (nothing changes)
1-8 will auto ally+viz other players of same team on game start
9 or OBS will become observer. They are spawned without any units and get auto viz from all players.

host additionally can write commands:
to check mod version and teams of players

if you want you can write command like
-team slot_id team_id
where slot_id is player slot in lobby (its considered from PUD map colors)

P.S. examples of commands:
-team mistral OBS
-team MisTRal 1
-team 2 1
-team Droid 2
-team Droid obs

updated mod on server to version 1.78.98
added auto teams and auto obs {BETA testing - will be some bugs, if you found a bug pls write}

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Edo defence
« on: July 28, 2021, 05:52:43 AM »
Map updated to version 1.2
1) fixed bug with catapult timer - now cannot kill it
2) lives changed from sheep to walls cuz has been possible to spawn them with polymorf
3) fixed some bugs with terrain
4) Flying machine now = lumber to gold exchange (you build it for 10 lumber then it dies and gives you 30 gold)
5) more waves (13 now) and old waves changed
6) enemies HP balanced a little
7) difficulty selector changed to skeleton and now any player can do it, not only host
8 ) TH cost 10 lumber instead of 10 oil (you can build more TH for more limit if need cuz you cannot build farms)

this version is more better that previous but still need many balancing and bugs fixing...

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Capture flag
« on: July 06, 2021, 01:10:29 PM »
Updated to v3
fixed bug with triggers.
changed map size cuz was too big.

vr4 files are minitiles raw 8x8 graphics (just tables of 8x8 bytes - id of color from ppl palette)
vx4 files are megatiles - 32x32 squares created from 16 minitiles
cv4 files are megatiles converting to MTX map - in this way they are stored in PUDs
n(something)_rock.bin, n(something)_tree.bin and n(something)_wall.bin are files that store tables that shows how neighbours tiles converting on this tileset when tree chopped or rock demolished or wall breaked.

P.S. 1 year ago i tried to create tileset editor but then was too lazy to continue and it was too bad anyways. But i have old bugged and cursed version if you want to try.

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