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Messages - Sentinel1

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211 / Re: Speak up or be left out.
« on: September 22, 2016, 01:58:06 AM »
eq are you the timecube guy?

212 / Re: Speak up or be left out.
« on: September 21, 2016, 03:41:08 PM »
Evil Ryu, Tupac, Masta, EQ, smurfking, Smeagol.  What a crew of dumb weirdos.

From what I remember, Lance and Feature dislike(d) blid because of something years ago when they were trying to make their own server with added features planned and blid didn't go along with it because Lance had a history of being a shady fuck, even after being given several chances.  It would almost be like Dellam offering to host a server.  Great decision.

tk thinks blid should be a full time War 2 employee and dedicate his life to saving a 20-year-old game from dying.  How blid being around prevents tk from doing anything productive himself has never been made clear.

To this day any time I've ever had a win not go through on the ladder he is there to help very quickly.  And he's been doing this shit for YEARS.  Transferring stats, looking over SSs, dealing with hackers.  I was an admin years ago.  I quit because I was in school and it was too much shit to deal with.  But I remember every time there was any remotely controversial issue there was an admin forum where all of us (including Yfwn) discussed it before making any decision. 

I remember hosting a Master Tag tournament and being a watcher to try to watch for hacking, and Yamon killed me.  I kicked him off the server and banned him for a day for it, and blid kinda reprimanded me for it, concerned about abuse of power.  And while I didn't (and mostly still don't) agree with that particular decision, it does show he's always been a pretty fair, calm dude who errs on the side of level-headedness in any situation, which I think is a good thing.

And like he said, it's not like him being there prevents anyone from doing anything.  You want to make a change?  You want to help the server?  Do it.  That's what Tora did and now he's an admin because of it.

The probleme is the choice of your maps, nobody cares about water maps, mean nothing to add water map even in the tier 1 because 3 players like braviet, swagier and spb enjoy water map.

Plenty of people play water maps.  You're just upset that you have no idea how.

Tora I think you should keep maps other than GOW, but sub something else in for NWTR.  That map is so unorthodox it might as well be a custom.

214 / Re: Just get hacked by dellam.
« on: September 19, 2016, 03:21:10 AM »
cant believe a grown man has been doing this same shit for years now.  dellam youre so beyond being a merely a loser at this point that im guessing you have some actual, literal mental problems.

I thought truthrxl was 00joe,  he seemed to be a step above maximumcarnage

Nah, though I dont know who truth or nexus were.  But yah Max was Joe.  Witnessed a convo about it then even asked him, he said yeah, and he was mad at Swift for blowing it, and that he worked hard by not talking much to keep it a secret.

Should get a smurf aka speculation thread going.

3. Chayliss (maximumcarnage)

pretty sure maxcarnage was 00Joe.

217 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 16, 2016, 07:33:08 PM »
Basically EQ is doing the "ok fine next time no more mr nice guy" approach.  Remember doin that when I was ten.

218 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:15:22 PM »
I defeated Equinox 6:1 and Antii 3:1, also Startale played well and took my #1 spot.

hahaha nice job.  and pretty sure everyone on the server knew you were better than either of them already.

219 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:03:28 PM »
last time i wanted to play you, you said u gotta drink 1 litre milk first....


220 / Re: Pls let me know who are decap and magician?%??!!!
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:06:06 AM »
this fucking stupid game dont allow me to take ss in lobby chat.

thanks blid.

221 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:01:49 AM »
Lol in those 10 players thats the only one you get?? swagier??

Ok then lets make the total.

European player: Alf attack, knitterhemd, antti, medivh, badman, jesk : Total games = 321

American player: Paper boy, kyle, champion, startale, viruz : total games = 81

World players: Braviet, SPB, Shotgun: total games = 382 ( More then 350 against braviet ).

So actually if we get braviet out of this,  swagier have play european players 321x against american and the rest of world for 112x.

And now we lucky cuz you dint put the most games played against 2 other europeans, mean gemini aka teaboy and dj boss.

If we add those 2 guys we can add another 300 games for europeans players.

So where are you going with your 112 games in the last 3 years? can you told me that?

And by the way most of this shitty games are on shitty maps nobody cares.

First of all, who cares if they are European?  Every one of those euro players I listed is better than you.

And obviously hes going to play them way more because of the time difference between them and us.  They aren't going to play at 6am, just as you dont. 

222 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 01:36:13 AM »
Even the european players, knitter, swagier, all those shitty player cant even play a single 1on1 against someone else then themself, always playing in ther shitty european group and abuse the ladder like shitty dumb fuckers..

Szwagier was very active when he played and played anyone and beat everyone.  Probably the worst former #1 to possibly say shit against.  Just in 2016:

Games between u8t3io3p and alf-attack

Current 1v1 Record: 126 - 45
Games between u8t3io3p and Knitterhemd

Current 1v1 Record: 25 - 9
Games between u8t3io3p and braviet

Current 1v1 Record: 204 - 147
Games between u8t3io3p and SPB-

Current 1v1 Record: 20 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and Antti_Kiviniemi

Current 1v1 Record: 14 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and Medivh

Current 1v1 Record: 39 - 25
Games between u8t3io3p and -PaperBoy-X-

Current 1v1 Record: 4 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and IAmBadman

Current 1v1 Record: 9 - 1
Games between u8t3io3p and Shotgun

Current 1v1 Record: 6 - 5
Games between u8t3io3p and BHC-JesK

Current 1v1 Record: 16 - 10
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Kyle

Current 1v1 Record: 13 - 20
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Champion

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and StarTale

Current 1v1 Record: 10 - 4
Games between u8t3io3p and TD ViRuZ

Current 1v1 Record: 22 - 13

idk if equinox is more stupid or crazy.

224 / Re: Knitterhemd cheating ladder system. Evidence provided!
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:46:08 PM »
Antti dodged Naniwa hard last night.

« on: September 08, 2016, 06:00:10 PM »
Ive personally seen you dodge Jesk before saying something very close to "Im not ready.  Your style is the perfect counter to mine."

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