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Messages - GaNzTheLegend

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 123
211 / Re: Server down??
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:02:49 AM »
just ask the host?
Asked already, they told everything is fine on their side.
Time to switch hosts.

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212 / Re: Server down??
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:44:09 AM »
Here's a crazy idea, just ask the host? LoL

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213 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:07:52 PM »
So you don't even need an admission or a promise not to do it again?
Do you really think he would do it again and risk losing the server again? Hes not retarded. Just like he stopped hacking and streamed all his games for the past 2 years 

You guys can come up with some rules for him to follow like not banning players without approval from other admins or whatever and he can agree to them if you want.

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214 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:53:35 PM »
Thank you GaNz.  You don't play this game and never will so you're irrelevant, but if you believe he's changed that's a defensible opinion.  I would like to hear it from him of course.  Btw, saying, like Ryu did, that a bunch of people being banned is better than the status quo, is absolutely crazy and wrong.
His actions over the past year speak for themselves.

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215 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:16:14 PM »
Lance has changed. All this stuff is ancient history.

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216 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 16, 2015, 08:01:42 PM »
I find Ryu's vote description in this poll amusing.  Those same words could just as easily apply to a no vote if he had any knowledge of this community's history.  My fear would be that if lance took over control of the server, every once in awhile a player would go "missing" as we've seen before.  That said this ridiculous thing with the server going down every night at 10pm is bad enough that I might actually change my mind.
The player could just post on the forum.
 It is pretty rediculous that this problem has been allowed to percist for this long. I would have changed hosts again a long time ago.

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There is one on ebay for $10,000 lol

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219 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 16, 2015, 08:22:08 AM »
telling iL to gtfo and abandon all the projects instantly wont help with working out a consensus here. and whats the main argument against iL? time. deadline solves both issues. Give iL time by which two milestones will be completed. Should he fail, then i think everyone will agree its time to give someone else a chance
iL would still be part.of the Admin team and could continue working on things if he wants.

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220 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 15, 2015, 08:36:35 PM »

And his crew appears!

I'm done.

Lol his crew? Look who is already splitting the community up...shame on you Tupac [emoji53]

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If iL hands over I'm making my own shit.
ipx lags war2 tho, we already tried that with voobly

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221 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:18:04 PM »
This is not good to many would not go to lances server again period. Splitting the community one more time and this game dies period. I'll be the first to go.

I will not see the community trash on iL and ditch him. He made this server available for us all to play. Invested so much time and money into this game for us to play free. All he asked is not to cheat and follow his rules.

This thread just makes me sick. You all know the history of lance. Yes cyber criminal like archer, ddos attack, backdoor, threats to make people disappear.

I do believe people can change. But once you abused your access at the level he was at is outrageous. Maybe I don't know the full story but I was a witness to it all.

I was once with space, lance, in there early development of custom. I actually start making a loader for them never used it and lance had better plans. If I ask about a file and you explain them great. But I ask about your auto updater boom your whole crew said I said it was a virus. Kinda true I said that but I also implied that it's clean now but when ever he wants he would access your machine.

If lance cared about war2 he would of been like here is this code for this. Showing he hasn't hand over everything he made in two months.... shows he just wants the power... thats not a user friendly server.

There was never a good antihack released for war2 I wrote one in about 6 hours. You all shit a brick because you all just realized tupac is not playing no more.
Who is talking about splitting it? The title clearly states he will host ru server.

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222 / Re: Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:16:26 PM »
IL said he trusts lance now and would ask the other admins and community about this so here it is. I just hope people don't make the same mistake as last time.

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223 / Let Lance Host/Admin War2.RU Server?
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:08:14 PM »
Here is what he was able to put together in only 2 months

"I already put together everything listed in this thread (except a hostbot),  antihack, hardware ban, ladders, user customizable icons, clans, observer features, and a shit ton of other things and compiled it into"

I think its time to give the server to Lance. iL seems way to busy to be able to accomplish the things that need to be done and seems to have lost interest in the game. We can keep the current admins etc.

iL is in favor of this if the community and admins are. What do you say war2 community?

224 / Re: Server down??
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:42:57 PM »

Also could find a shared hosting, to lower ddos costs....

Cool they have can and us hosts.

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225 / Re: Things around here
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:42:51 AM »
That's why we warned people that his software WOULD have some kind of malware as soon as we had some experience with him before.

This is why people did not switch.  Like I mentioned back then and now,  it never had any virus/trojans etc.  Those rumors were all from the Admins of RU.  None of it was ever true.  Tupac also jumped on the bandwagon as well, spouting virus this and that, but it was all just non-sense.  RU admins did it in an attempt to get people to stay with RU and Tupac did it because he was mad at me at the time over I dont remember what.  The bottom line is that the "FUD" was large.  If you look at the past posts by both Myself and $pace you'll see us use the FUD term a lot.  Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.

Wrong it was actually bad timing. I had made a thread about what some file did, you assumed i was calling it a virus. Then i was like fuck it lets face the facts it auto updated... legit now backdoor later. But it just went all out hand from their.
Now is good timing with the server population in free fall and the server hosting issues.

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