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Messages - Knitter

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181 / Re: Every issue will be made public
« on: October 06, 2016, 09:39:32 PM »
Since I get attacked for absolutely everything that happens, I will deal with these attacks in an energy efficient manner.

Every time someone says something that is untrue about me, I will make a forum post about it. I will provide all the facts, with evidence backing the facts.

If I don't do this, people will attack me with stupidity and willful ignorance, and in publicly state things about me that are not true (such as "Yamon 6-1" a'la Knitter)

lol he's saying the 6=1 never happened

Who does look "stupid" now ?

182 / Re: Every issue will be made public
« on: October 06, 2016, 05:29:34 PM »

183 / Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:34:58 AM »
I really dont know why yamon got added to this. He didnt earn anything or proved anything by beating anyone good in series. I do not complain since im facing him and i know i got the easiest pick. ( just wondering why he got added )

Second of all i dont have internet at the moment. ( got no internet 2 weeks now ) some technical support is coming this week. Hopefully he can get my internet running again. Whenever i will return ( i hope this week) i will play yamon because brackets say so.
Only using my smartphone to check the forums at the moment.
Cheers Knitter

184 / Re: Tier 1-2-3 lists
« on: September 25, 2016, 03:49:32 PM »
First of all, Equinox relax dude! I really enjoyed to watch your stream and i can say relax your actually a cool dude from what ive seen. Alot cooler than this antti dude, so relax please!

And Tora i will have a look on those names and ill name players iin which tier they belong ( my opionon only )
Also u got to think about that we got alot of players which are very goodly in 2v2 better than most but dont like 1v1 games. ( doug, ywfn etc... )
Also some good 1v1 players which suck horrible in 2v2 games.

Cool, post the results  of every round here please. I cant make it today im busy!

186 / Re: Any good reason why swift have a Legend icon?
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:26:54 AM »
hahahhaha this is good!
look guys... I think it doesnt matter in what tier ur starting. Sooner or later all player will be in the tier they belong.
I woundt care if im in tier 5. i would just play and prove anyone wrong by winning all tier 5 tournaments and move up.
Actually i understand what Equinox is saying but like i said sooner or later we get what we deserve.

And for Tora and Burnt i have the most respect for you guys,very good job, keep on.

187 / Re: Dicks out for blid
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:09:45 AM »
Hello folks,
so many hate posts about blid. I know the community very well and i cant say anything bad about blid. Whenever i had any request he was trying to help.
Only "bad" thing i can say is that he isnt very active or hes smurfing.

In Forums hes very active and trying to help. Also i can understand him when he dont want to help people who annoy the community with daily nonsense posts.
Just stop beein a dick all the time and im sure we all can get along.

188 / Re: 7 Hours streaming of 1v1 ( 28-1 ).
« on: September 17, 2016, 07:12:27 AM »
Hey Eqionox, how about you post that stream when i raped you very badly 6:1 ????
While i had 3 finger in my nose.

189 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:17:47 PM »
I defeated Equinox 6:1 and Antii 3:1, also Startale played well and took my #1 spot.

190 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:51:07 PM »
Knitter just played 5 games with Equinox (as dumbnewbe) winning 4-1. Consider him active now.

ive won it 6:1

191 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:10:46 PM »
last time i wanted to play you, you said u gotta drink 1 litre milk first....
Blid knows that i will play whoever anytime.
Also this saturday is a bad time for me. I got time on friday and sunday.

192 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 11:50:33 AM »
you bullied everyone thats why i got no1 to play.
I say ban Antti! Im online a couple hours now, im active no need to "demote"

193 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 14, 2016, 05:08:12 AM »
oh my holy Equinox....
I do play everyone anytime , i dont fear anyone because i play this game for fun. Your just out of your mind your a retard. Last time we tryed to play you wanted to ban all watcher because you said they are tipping me.
So i rather play some 2v2.

Sorry when i have to break the news for you. But you are bad i could beat you anytime. The main thing is i dont play much 1v1 games. I have over 10k games played, but only a hand full 1v1. People who actually know me , know that im alot better than you are and ever will be. Let me play a couple 1v1 and i dominate you just as easy as Startale did.

And for Antti, your a retard! Its not my fault if your not online when iam. I was online and asked everyone for 1v1.
Your a good player, but we went 4:4 when i havent played in a long time. So i know your not a big deal.
You keep saving ( i got ss's) startale,lux, player,sg... arent on your level ur way ahead of them. Any of those players rapes you.

And to repeat ill play whenever im online. However i like good 2v2 more than a stupid 1v1 with a silly.

must be hard maintaining friendships & relationships being that volatile  :-\

^^ hey nox, when you act like this for absolutely no reason, maybe it's time to have a break from computer-games

Yea i think woofy is right... Equinox and Antti taking this way too serious.

« on: September 08, 2016, 06:23:08 PM »
sooo you gonna beat me 6:0 or 5:1 if i win a game by fluke?
where does your big ego comes from? Like we have seen your records doesnt look very good.
Your out of your mind Antti, get your meds. Sorry if i have to break the news for you but your not as good as u think you are.
only thing your good at is at bullying and annoy people on war2.

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