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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

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General Discussion / Re: The Superiority of Islam
« on: May 11, 2018, 12:35:02 AM »
Islam may work for the men that survive childhood (and aren't sent off to occupy foreign lands or blow themselves up for Jihad) in giving them some level of dominion and power and self-importance while alive on earth, but it sure does not work well for the women and girls who are forced to have their genitals cut out and sewn shut, forced to marry old men as children, forced to have their damaged and mutilated private area penetrated and ripped apart by an adult man for intercourse, then forced to birth children through all that scar tissue, forced to tolerate their husband marrying multiple wives, forced to live with physical hitting and sometimes having face or body chemically burned or having their nose removed, not being allowed to leave the house without permission and/or an escort, not being able to get medical care without a husband's consent, not being allowed to talk to men or have any kind of freedom, forced to live under a black fabric bag for life, not even able to get sunlight or fresh air or have enough freedom to choose what she wants to wear.

And no, not every single woman in every Islamic country is abused to the same degree, but every woman that is abused has the stamp of approval of Allah and the Qu'ran, and no man says a word or looks remotely surprised to see this woman beaten in public in daylight in a crowded place:

An Innocent Muslim Woman Getting beaten in Streets in Sudan - YouTube

Here you can see a clip from Afghanistan, a giant mob of angry Muslim men beat a woman to death, accused of the crime of burning a Qu'ran. A few police try, but are far outnumbered and unable to save her:

muslim mob brutally beat practising muslim woman to death in afghanistan - YouTube

After she is kicked and beaten to death, then run over by a car, dragged by a car, set on fire, they discovered that she has not actually even burned a Qu'ran (which, even if she had, should never result in this kind of horrific abuse and murder).

Causing suffering, beating up, torturing, and killing the most vulnerable members of society, women and children, particularly girl children, is not good. This is evil. This is pure evil.

Islam is a religion of men beating up and raping women and girls. This is factual, there is evidence, anyone who denies this truth is a liar.

Men brutally beating woman and her four daughters

Caught on camera: Widow, four daughters beaten up brutally at their home - YouTube

19 year old woman stoned to death after fleeing man she was forced to marry

Woman stoned for adultery - YouTube

Leaving Islam is a choice punishable by death.

Islam is a religion of hatred, abuse, torture, killing, forcing, and offer no hope or help to anyone.

Muhammad is dead and lies in his grave.

Jesus is alive, and has died for the sins of every sinner, you, me, every Muslim.

The true God is a God of love and compassion and forgiveness, who does not demand we sacrifice our sons and daughters to appease Him.

He is the God that gave Himself to suffering to save the people He loves by taking our sin on the cross and dying for us in our place.

My God teaches us to love people, care for people, be kind to people, help people, and even love and pray for enemies (which is admittedly very difficult).

The current :peon: holders are as follows:



mousEtopher :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

XuRnT :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

Szwagier :peon: :peon: :peon:

Lambchops :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

Claw :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

00Brett :peon: :peon: :peon:

Post the FUNNIEST YOUTUBE VIDEO CONTEST (no obscene language, nudity, gory violence, etc. allowed), everyone post the funniest video you can find. You cannot post the same video as someone who has already posted. Winner by public vote gets 3  :peon:. If the vote is a tie, both will earn 4 :peon:. DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2018

Each user may enter up to two videos. A poll will be set up for voting, which will be open for a week. Users entering more than 2 videos will have the first 2 videos they post added to the poll only.

A donation will be made to GFA ( in the amount of the winning team's kills plus razings from their highest kills game in CAD.

Since the last contest had only 3 entries, it seemed that the community interest in fun or contests or money was just so unnaturally low as to scarcely make it worthwhile to carry on with it, but since I started this and the deadline is approaching, I'm gonna post some new contests in spite of everyone here having more money than they need.

Since everyone here is so overloaded with money, I will make it an option to donate the winnings to GFA (

I'll update the dates and make some new posts, but not from my phone! Will have to do it when I'm home at comp.

General Discussion / Re: Is capitalism good or bad?
« on: May 06, 2018, 12:19:08 PM »
Tora, when citing the words of others, it's appropriate to cite the source via a name or website link or book and indicate that the material is borrowed. Failing to do so and passing others' words off as your own is plagiarism.

You quoted several posts from:

@He-Man Added you with ring as requested.

@eleison I'd already announced that map selection options would be finalized by the end of the weekend, and I did not have the ability to test out your edited map before then because I didn't have it. Nothing prevents you from hosting your own event whenever you wish with any map(s) you choose.

I don't know how it is where you come from but around here everyone has heard of fire places and candles, as well as hunting and fishing. There are always ways to be truly committed.

I got no idea why u are doing that in monday(wtf) 10 pm,few people from europe could play it but here will be 4 am, most of us got work and can't play in this hours
I have never seen a tournament that would start at 18:00 East European time(12:00 your time)

Since i change work, for me will be problem tour 3 pm in sunday, probably i will play only half and even if i won few rounds and it will be final i will just log off "gg going sleep"  cause its only game

Swag, you have my deepest condolences for your feelings of loss due to the timing of this tournament. I empathize.

I do however, decline to take responsibility for said condition on two counts.

Firstly, all users had an opportunity to vote for the time. You elected to forgo this wonderful opportunity.

Secondly, I have to question your priorities in life if work is more important to you than W2 or if playing W2 at 4 am seems like an unusual activity. I also have to question your commitment to the entire game of W2 if going to bed a few hours earlier and setting your alarm to rise, shine, and serve the king while it's still moonlight seems excessively arduous.

Young people are just too soft these days.

@eleison I regret to inform you the map selections were finalized on the weekend I didn't get your map in time to include it in the final selection pool for this tourney, but after I've tested it out, I may use it in a future competition.

Ok, the map list is updated and finalized. All the pics are there. If you want to dl any map, many of them can be found elsewhere on the forum, or send me a PM and I can get you the .pud if you can't find it.

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: XBremer1's Hot New Maps You Will Love
« on: April 28, 2018, 08:15:57 PM »
@Igognito Thanks Igog :)

I love that we both love Bremer's map collection! GGs!

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: XBremer1's Hot New Maps You Will Love
« on: April 28, 2018, 08:14:09 PM »
Halo of Hegemony

Oops! Missed one!

Halo of Hegemony is a fun playground for water-lovers. The ample gold and space and possible expansions and wallability and defendability make this a perfect choice for when you're in the mood for a longer water adventure and is one of those maps that provides a battleground where all units can come out to play.

I lost alphabetical order now but I'll get over it.

Jessu ur situation isn't nearly as urgent as you led me to believe with the title.

You will be fine.

Deep breaths.

Play a little piano.

You say the game wasn't worth saving.

Sometimes the things that are least worth saving need it the most. Did you think of that?

Yay mousey! (My apologies in advance for having to crush you on June 4th!)

I will finalize the map selection options with pictures by the end of the weekend. If you know what you guys want to pick for yours already, feel free to name them.

@Lambchops Excellent. You are on Team 3. :)

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