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Messages - Sentinel1

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its hardly related to warcraft 2 server at all and almost made me leave the group. Atm im still uncertain whether to stay there

very tough decision.

152 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:09:42 PM »
one of most player's potential weaknesses is that once they get to a certain point in the game, they focus less on peon production and more on offensive units. but like i said, spb always focuses on peon production. so if he loses 20-30 peons, but quickly replaces them, and manages to dk the enemies gold peons, and the enemy isnt as proficient at replacing those peons.. spb is ahead... but spb does not have a conventional style.

Even though I think it would be very difficult to figure out the exact numbers, I think there's a point where setting up an expansion and the cost of a huge amount of peon production can take such a long time to break even on that its not necessarily worth it for awhile.

For example, even though I come from a bne/f background, and still prefer it, I've actually always been more of a micro-oriented player than macro.  There are times when matches go to late-late game and I'll get outmined by 50-100k and still win, or lose when my opponent has less than 5k banked, and I think its largely due to making so many peons and the cost of expanding, something I don't do a lot of.  Maybe the way I play will ultimately stop me from ever evolving to the next level, but most of the time I'm just fine with 1 or 2 halls mining gold during late game. 

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:25:24 AM »
The people at the top of the democratic party who colluded to have Clinton be the nominee instead of Sanders should kill themselves, and I'm not saying that in the internet way, they should literally do it.

154 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: November 08, 2016, 04:42:24 PM »
Both were guys that were around and very active for years and years playing gow but weren't very good and never seemed to get better at all.  Perfect candidates for jokes since everyone knew them since they were around for so long.

155 / Re: Smurf speculation thread
« on: November 08, 2016, 01:40:18 AM »
who was Bibleonthedash several years ago?

156 / Re: why did evil~ryu get banned?
« on: November 07, 2016, 11:46:06 PM »
Sick of this shit. You all banned too many of us. It will be dark hell when we all start to speak. This is a fare warning, take it as a threat, but we see it as defending ourselves.

get a life you dweeb

Also its not like it was a case of someone like swaz trying to get a win vs some nice good player like Lux or something on a technicality.  I think Im pretty easily better than van, and van is a general douchebag anyway, so fuck him.

Just for the record, its not like I knew van was not using AH and was keeping that fact in my back pocket to sneak a rematch.  And I would have been fine with him simply being disqualified and having claw move forward automatically.  Just wanted repercussions.  But now I know to actually look and see if someone is using AH ahead of time.  I just thought it was a rule already and him breaking that would void his win.  It should be imo.

I didnt notice it before the match?  I didnt even think about it?  The only reason claw requested it is because I pointed it out to him.

Whatever.  Really dumb rule but I guess myself and other people will know now going forward to specifically request people use the program 95% of people use to help cut down cheating when theyre playing in a tournament. 

why would someone need to specifically request their opponent use AH in a money tournament?  who wouldnt request that?  why leave it something a person can get away with on a technicality?  makes no sense at all.

god youre stupid.

no i didnt request that he doesnt maphack either, nor did i request that viruz does not play on his name.  i also didnt request that people dont give him tips.  wanna know why?  because its already against the rules, i dont need to request it.  if i find out after the game viruz played on his name, you cant say "You shoulda requested he didnt." 

Van plays without AH, I realize it after the game, Tora does nothing.  Great tournament dipshit.

164 / Re: Kali Ladder
« on: November 05, 2016, 03:45:41 AM »
I would guess that Burnt did that years ago.

165 / Re: Smeagol
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:18:52 AM »
Well Masta if its mostly about the principle, and I hope it is, at least take some solace in the fact that you convinced me Smeagol is one of the all-time turds of War 2.

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