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Messages - chayliss

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Mods & Development / Re: I've started remaking Warcraft
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:54:01 AM »
Using the dota 2 tools. I may require art and certainly will require playtesting. I've just started, I will let you all know when I have a prototype for testing.

All for now

nice i been calling fora spiritual successor...change names and art etc so blizz cant say ''hye thats warcraft 2 that we dont care about stop it'' but same mechanics and math etc..  make it bigger with kickstart or greenlight or something

gw king

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: I'm Probably Done With This Forum
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:21:57 PM »
I'm done with this. This forum is mostly a bunch of drama and Blid usually doesn't start it but perpetuates it. TK, Swift, and I with that whole thing said a lot of stupid shit. I'm not going to drag that back up but I didn't start the argument and just followed its course. Then after all the drama is done and the forum was back to what it should be Warcraft 2 some people come along and verbally attack me. Not only did they verbally attack me they said shit they knew NOTHING about and did it for no reason. There was no problem with them on this forum, there had been on the server but THIS IS THE FORUM. If you people have forgotten what the server part of this forum is for, it's to spread information about Warcraft 2 and help other players out with information. Am I saying we should be unemotional drones that don't disagree or troll? No, but I don't need the drama of people attacking my personal life when they know nothing about it. I will be quitting Warcraft 2 at latest January 1st and will not be back until probably March but possibly sometime in February. This is my longest forum post aside from comments on threads but I'm done with this shit. Also mute me again Blid I don't care you seem to be on a power trip lately. Everyone should go back to playing Warcraft 2 and stop trolling and bringing peoples children and family into shit lmao.

i see in peoples signatures of proof of you getting hacks....why are you posting

ps to long didnt read

General Discussion / Re: Heroes of the storm thread!
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:20:59 PM »
gw a tip i misssed

i have that issue with my sound when i reset bios

so hots is playable now?

what was the onboard gpu and what is the gpu card you have i am curious

also what exact model of cpu

yo could use another 2-4 gig of ram

and a 250 pw supply seem not enough

and also with power supplys your psu has to have enough amps for the video card.....the watage helps with cpu (mine draws alot of watts) and other component threshholds

u got a bullshti copy of windows or a legit NOT go for win10

gl hf

whats gamer tag i need allies in hots

General Discussion / Re: Heroes of the storm thread!
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:59:04 PM »
pc probs for hots :/ laging like crazy think its my ps or needing a new comp..amd x3 3ghz +520 gt

x3 3ghz is okay have a 520 gt?

that card is bad.

upgrade your gpu. it a dude u got a dell...a laptop...u build it?

your card has a 64 bit bus and 1 gig vram

you can get a 128bit bus 2 gig vram gpu

i got a r9 270x on sale....a nice midrange card that plays blizzard games very well and plays gta v better than xbox1 and ps4

but depends on your system...your psu might be trash and be a concern

how much ram does your computer have

have a chance to overclock your cpu?

need more information

155 / Re: war2 combat still broken
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:53:15 PM »
gw guys.

i have not test but i agree and feel confident.

what does the anti hack

i saw a link that showed current games....but if u dont feel like having 2 windows open one to show you war2 one to show u the hack page.

how does the hack catch archive....say if a guy turned on maphack for 1 second.

i suggest spritiual sucessor to warcraft 2 hd

General Discussion / AIM (AOL Instant Messanger)
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:56:45 PM »
who still uses this.....username is chayliss (brad schwenzer)

General Discussion / Re: Heroes of the storm thread!
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:54:05 PM »

everything hots is %50 off right now

wow and current expansion is 75% off

would be fun to find an hots community like we use to have for war2

158 / Re: war2 combat still broken
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:49:52 PM »
it happens in load screen of game. in chat. in game chat. in game..

159 / Re: war2 combat still broken
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:49:02 PM »
what version of windows do you have?

when you install the new combat, you can click to install the color patch or not, right?  have you tried with and without?

anti-hack reports are shown here:

win 7
no color patch
i use to open windows resolution window and that would fix no longer does.

same setup worked fine....untill some update

160 / war2 combat still broken
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:50:20 AM »
i had 4.01...had color issue...would flicker back and forth from fine to messed up...non stop cycle

uninstalled to reinstall new version

website had a link to the same verson i had....soon as i load...same color issue

btw when i lauched the game it said new version available
clicked yes toupdate...nohting seemed to happen

tried the old open the resolution window....still color issue

i thought i saw it said for awhile that that issue was solved...

if you cannot solve the color do i now see some kind of ''anti-hack'' this an it buit in...i doubht it does anything since color issue cannot even be fixed when it claims to have been.

was going to come play the tourney is still unplayable

give up on this...hand over helpfull resources and let someone make an spiritual successor to warcraft 2 hd...change enough so blizz wont sue but keep the same mechanics...change the names and faces...

fuck this shit...



zero kudos to all ''in charge'' of the community

gl hf

General Discussion / please support
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:13:19 AM »
your a punk if you do not contribute to the fourm there aswelll

General Discussion / Re: Heroes of the storm thread!
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:12:12 AM »
i also started to play wow again...and some hearthstone


1st round GSEW High res

2nd round Spiral Med res

Semi final round POS Low res

Final round GOW High res.

maps to consider

1way in 1 way out
bridge to bridge combat
rose petal
x marks the spot
if you like any of these idea ill open up the folder and check out what eles there is

atleast use fgow that khb made for tourneys
it should be my gow combat edition that is used for play but wHATEver

is it single elim. double. bo3 bo5 bo7
 is this being streamed on twitch and youtube
mike matai from cinemassacar...also konw as the home of the angry video game nerd and james and mike mondays and board james admitted to liking console warcraft 2 and having knowledge of warcraft 2 bnet edition

General Discussion / why does go down so much
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:37:53 AM »
i dont really like comming here, id rather goto


heroes of the storm...jesus i spammed 400 games in maybe 2 months. couple of 8 hour marathons where i got in 17 games.
waiting for overwatch
dabble in d3 finally
some thought to doing a little wow
....where does war2 fit in ¿

warcraft 2 HD please and thanks.

« on: November 21, 2015, 01:27:36 AM »
this game is so old the only thing that really would give a boost is a warcraft 2 HD

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