You are really going to complain about 1 library in the entire world as your argument, while you keep your books in storage in Greece, supposedely while you are in Italy but can't name 1 book or 1 author (which I bet you will after this post to try to prove a point, since we can't comfirm that you simply google it).
I could have googled them from the previous post... But I clearly didn't do that because I wouldn't be certain which books I have and have not read.
That my books are in boxes in a warehouse at Greece and that I'm at Italy is just a fact... Not an excuse or something.
I'm a researcher and I change countries often. It is impractical and I cant afford to carry with me books that I have already read!
You are in Cairo? Great! then you can take a trip to Alexandria and see with your own eyes!
Alexandria, after Athens and before Rome was the center of civilization. Even if many traces your religion tried to remove, many have been left...
I read history books casually, I do not choose authors, I just pick ones that seem interesting for me. I read several different eras and several different civilizations.
Most proper history books, clearly state the facts (supported by historical evidence) which are unbiased and the claims (interpretations of those facts) which can be biased.
I usually make my own conclusions, and I wouldn't say that I'm specifically biased against the Arab world. Actually the complete opposite.
And Arabs are not equal with Islam. We can and should remove Islam from the Arabs. There is much more to them to be shadowed in the darkness of religion.
Similarly, Europeans must move past Christianity...
Damn, this takes time and I'm very time pressed... To be continued