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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

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136 / Re: xbremer has left the realm
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:12:53 PM »
Yeah last time he quit it wasn't forever so I'm still thinkin he'll be back someday as I told him with confidence as he said goodbye again. It's a loss though, Bremer is a super nice guy and also spent time teaching newer players and making maps and contributing to making W2 great again!

Nice choice Kagan.

So 6 teams...
You have forgotten to add Disgruntled and Masta at the first post!

For round robin that is 15 matches if we also make it 3games for getting points that is 45 games!!!
Sounds cool :-) (5 * 3) matches for each team!

Based on Masta's comment, he does not seem interested in parding with Disgrunt, which is ridiculous since Disgrunt is awesome. I'd pard Disgrunt myself and give Masta my pro pard if I weren't already committed to my current pard since months ago.

So @MaStA{hR} You can either pard Disgrunt or both you and he won't be able to play since it kinda is 2v2 and no one else who is currently partnerless signed up. :(

He is awesome - I don't get it.

Masta I'll remind you this tourney is for fun and charity. None of us are getting richer except for the enjoyment and experience we gain. Playing tough games is the only way to push yourself to grow as a player. I'd totally do it if I were you. Disgrunt owns me easy.

Ok so ill ally He man.  we chose Violent voyage and ocean bloom. But i want to tell that we prefer the first version of violent voyage where the oil patches are straight not in diagonal cause it was more fair that way. So can we make VV like before? The changes that are made on maps are not always for the best.

I deleted all old versions so I no longer have it. I will allow you to use the version that was current at the time you chose the map, which I believe is the version you are referring to. You will need to be responsible for bringing the map and ensuring others have it for any games that may be played on it. I will remind you that the maps will be randomly selected from the pool of selected maps.

We currently have Halo of Hegemony, Zones, Mr. Bean, Party at Midnight, Violent Voyage, and Ocean Bloom selected.

@Vizzer @mousEtopher @Lambchops @TD Viruz please make your map selections by Friday night or forfeit your chance to add maps of your choice to the pool.

Tonight is the last day to register for this fun competition with prize money going to charity ( in the amount of the kills + razings of the winning team from their highest kill game. A GFA rep told me they will send an email to the winners if you provide your email addresses to acknowledge receipt of monies.

@Disgruntled and @MaStA{hR} Do you two want to team up?

Team 3 also has a spot available.

@Igognito and @KagaN You are registered as a team.

@Vizzer @mousEtopher @He-Man  @Ring62

Map selections must be in by as soon as possible by so players who want to will have time to familiarize themselves with the selected maps. If no map selection is submitted by a team, you will forfeit your ability to add maps to the playing pool from which the maps will be randomly selected using an automated generator.

141 / Re: Something Exciting for the Fans!
« on: May 14, 2018, 09:51:37 PM »
ViRuZ 2 v yah`mon 9
ViRuZ 2 v yah`mon 9 Featuring Commentary by ViRuZ and Sepi - YouTube

ViRuZ 9 v yah`mon 11
ViRuZ 9 v yah`mon 11 Featuring Commentary by ViRuZ and Sepi - YouTube

ViRuZ 4 v Swift 12
ViRuZ v Swift Featuring Commentary by ViRuZ and Sepi - YouTube

142 / Something Exciting for the Fans!
« on: May 14, 2018, 06:08:57 PM »

Commentary by
ViRuZ featuring cameo from Sepi - YouTube[/url]

Check out this commentary featuring W2 pro ViRuZ as well as a special appearance by W2 pro Sepi, both providing insights into better understanding the game of W2 and the way top players think and assess the game.

The game in this replay is recorded from 2011 and is between ViRuZ at 11 and yah`mon playing from 4.

Thanks guys for providing this entertaining and educational take on W2 for all the fans!!

143 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 14, 2018, 12:30:58 PM »
I didn't give up. KHB is the one that left midgame for no reason other than his own personal issues. Everyone on our team was alive and the action had barely started.

This isn't a matter of me not understanding my skill level compared to the top players. I'd estimate I'm about a 5/10 since there are some 10's that can beat 2 of me sometimes. You're a skill level 10. I get it.

But I also know that we had 3 10's on our team plus 5 so team total of 35 and the other team was not all 10s. Let's say their team total was 38. Our team probably had a several point disadvantage but not any kind that would prevent a good or fun game, and isn't fun the point? I've seen super unbalanced looking games at start where the "disadvantaged" team wins.

Maybe your feelings about yourself are so negative that you need to win to feel okay about yourself. I don't know. A lot of people who are 10s are nice people who are respectful to other human beings and don't wither when they lose. Ask yourself why you feel the need to be routinely rude and disrespectful to other human beings.

It also isn't about me insisting that 10s shouldn't be able to play among themselves without 5s frustrating them by incompetence. Not at all.

Just the whole scenario of how it went down was just totally unfair and uncool. You and KHB were already both yelling and raging just from having me on your team. And if I hadn't been given confusing instructions while getting yelled at, I would have done a lot better.

This is bigger than me and bigger than one night of gaming.

You are killing the game you love by routinely treating all people you consider inferior really rudely in a dehumanizing way. Who does that benefit? A lot of people leave and never come back. Why should they hang out with dbags who don't let them play and treat them like dirt?

I actually get treated really well by most people most of the time, and the few noisy dbags aren't going to drive *me* away. But I've seen countless players that barely ever play come and try W2 and in spite of it being an awesome game, their experience is unpleasant and they move on.

In order to satisfy your desire to feel superior and so good and mighty, you need players around to dominate. The player pool has shrunk from 50ish per night 2 years ago when I started to 30ish per night. Many of those are afk or bots, so you might have 10-20 players playing at a given time. You can balance teams by putting a 10+5 vs a 7+8. You can host private games for pros only. You can act in ways that make it more likely that players will want to stay and play and improve at this game, or you can drive them away.

Is it smart to drive all newcomers away from the game you love?

If we had hundreds of players on the game, I guarantee I wouldn't ever join games you're in or talk to you.

Just tryin to work with what we have.

144 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 14, 2018, 11:31:39 AM »
You could always use your "better"ness to figure out how to host your own private games and control who plays and who doesn't, instead of trying to hijack other friendly and decent people's public games who want to promote a better community.

On average, there are about zero games hosted at a time.

145 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 13, 2018, 10:30:47 AM »
PS. You did nothing to prevent yourself from being born disabled. Accidents, illness, and faulty genes happen and people who are living with additonal struggles need understanding, patience, and compassion.

If it had been you born handicapped, how would you want people to treat you?

Or if one day you have a child with severe health problems?

146 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 13, 2018, 08:49:16 AM »
When I saw you responded, I thought you were gonna say something mean. But this is Shotgun being nice, so let's work with it lol.

1. When I was on the other team, it still took your team like 20 minutes after a really close game to kill my team. If it were really 3v4 as you claim, it should not have been a close or long game when you have Viruz/Shotgun/KHB/Talrand on same team vs only 3 players or 3 of the "world's best" plus Talrand. That game I helped kill Viruz at 6.

2. Other players I can beat in 1s have played with your group and not been treated the same as me. There is obviously prejudice before getting out of the gate against my perceived skill level.

3. When "good" players make game-losing mistakes or perform suboptimally, no one starts yelling at them how retarded they are and a lot of other dehumanizing disrespectful stuff and "throw them out of the game". I play worse when getting yelled at while my hall is building and non stop after that til the yeller leaves out of fear/frustration.

4. I asked permission from host when joining "Is this a pros only game" and the host welcomed me.

5. I understand the desire for good, balanced games. I don't always wanna play with people worse than me (believe it or not, they do exist) that would lose to me in 1s 100% of the time, especially in 2s vs players who'd beat me in 1s more than 50% of the time, but when I DO play with a handicap player on my team, I encourage them, give them advice, and don't start shouting at them what a retard they are all game and leave partway through before the fight's barely started because I think we might lose.

6. I never play 4 the way I did trying to follow KHB's instructions to "peon rush 5 so i can tower him". Peon rush in my mind means send peons and attack his peons. I did that, and repeatedly drew his peons out of his base, but he was able to put up like 4 towers anyways. I follow the instructions of superior players trusting that what they're saying is going to be better than what I woulda done on my own, but I don't think that was the case here. If he meant build towers, he should have said towers. I don't read minds. He still left before the game barely started and for him and you to rage at me cuz I followed instructions isn't really fair. Even viruz said it wasnt my fault we lost.

7. If you want high skill level in games, then work like many have, to boost the skill level of moderate players. Many really good players have 1s me and give advice, or watch games and give advice. Vizzer, XBremer1, even Lance, and a number of other pros have all put in time to teach and coach me. Even Swift and OM who are usually mean people have worked to make me better. OM in spite of being a ragey dbag took time to teach me a lot like tower bug and pulling peons to chop and UC and and I've improved drastically since that time. Swift worked on teaching me scout farming and walling off paths and some other stuff that still needs work, like positioning units and advanced UC that I havent got down yet. I should watch the training video again probably.

Anyways, there are ways to think farther than the current game you're in and your personal need to win every game, like investing into the futute of the game and community.

One of the best ways to learn is playing with the best players and learning from the games, but unfortunately very often the skilled players come with really bad and rude attitudes, which is unfortunate for everyone.

You love this game. Obviously. It's in your own best interests to do some care and maintenance to it like many others do instead of only being concerned with instant gratificstion of winning the current game and your personal image all the time.

The pro host and most of the others in the game were more than happy to be decent human beings and not only let me play but also be nice. It was only you and KHB who were freaking out game after game until the host relented.

If you want to do a few 1s and give me some pointers, I'm down.

If not, I'll just avoid being on your team or KHB's ever again.

You seem to be forgetting the 2v2 where you nearly died and I won it for us...

Btw I didn't give up in the game...KHB did. Is that why you thought I gave up, cuz I typed? No way. I was raring to go. I'm no quitter. I go til last drop of peon blood or last hope, even with one 1 hp uit left I still scout with it for the team.

I'm a really fast typer...not quite 220 wpm but this whole thing was typed in like seconds. I can type really fast while stuff is building. It absolutely does not mean I quit.

General Discussion / Something from Nothing
« on: May 11, 2018, 03:33:29 PM »

I decided to pursue your comments about all religion being nonsense or bad over here. I should get your actual quote up here so I'm not misquoting or anything. Sec.
Now, as it is clear for me that Religion it self is inferior and that we should abolish it...

So, Igog, in the absence of an intelligent mind creating this universe and everything in it with all its beauty, order, and design, how do you logically explain the existence of the universe?

How can something come from nothing? How can something be caused without a cause?

The universe, or nature, includes EVERYTHING that is, atoms to galaxies, bacteria to blue whales, humanity, time, space, matter, laws of motion, laws of physics, laws of science, every ordered thing, everything that exists.

It is outside of logic to say that everything in existence was made by something within existence, like energy or forces or Brownian motion or radiation of electricity, all of which are created things within creation.

The only logical conclusion to the existence of everything is that this everything was created by something or caused by something outside of the everything, or something outside of nature, or something supernatural.

The amount of information, the degree of design in even the tiniest living things, also logically shows that this intricate design and vast amounts of ordered information was produced by an intelligent mind.

All meaningful information and order and design have always been produced by an intelligent mind. Nothing with complex design and meaningful information was ever observed in the history of the world to be produced randomly or without an intelligent mind.

This is evidence that an intelligent mind (far superior to the most intelligent human minds) is behind everything in creation.

It is illogical to say that something came from nothing, or that the impossible event of something coming from nothing could be uncaused by anything, or to say that the highly ordered, complex design we can observe all around us in the universe on both a large scale with planetary motion and galaxies and stars and on a microscopic scale with bacteria all the way down to atoms and even smaller particles that are being discovered after each new "tiniest" one. When I was in school, the smallest unit they told us had been found was called a quark. Apparently there are supposedly many things smaller that have been found of which I know nothing. And then on the scale of our size, humans, animals, plants, with their designs so complex that humans barely scrape the surface, the handiwork of a brilliant engineer without equal is plain and clear to anyone who is not hardened against it, willfully blinding themselves to the truth.

When neuroscientists talk about the human brain, they all admit how little is known about how the human brain works.

This reminds me when I asked my older brother, who's a super smart engineer, "What's the smallest particle known to man?"

He said immediately, "Your brain."


What are big brothers for lol.

Besides something from nothing, which is already an insurmountable problem for atheists, there is another grave problem with the godless position.

Without an authority, without a lawgiver, there is, nor CAN there be, any true morality of any kind. There is no such thing as right and wrong, nor CAN there be, as without a lawgiver, there is no grounds for it. If humans are a random accident (which is impossible and absurd to believe considering the jaw-dropping head-to-toe), there is absolutely no way for anything to be wrong or right.

So even your assertions that there is such a thing as better and worse religions from the standpoint of an atheist, kills your atheist worldview. You are slamming your own worldview by bringing forward the notion that there is such a thing as better or worse, as good or bad, since your worldview cannot account for such fanciful nonsensical concepts.

@eleison Where is the actual updated non-dirt-build map? Last time I checked, it was nowhere to be found.

A new competition is in the works, possibly for June. Mouse and I have been talking about plans for another competition that could potentially include Twisted Meadows once I've had a chance to test it out and ensure quality and playability.

General Discussion / Re: The Superiority of Islam
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:04:12 AM »
But I do know that gender is determined at conception, that the sun does not set into a murky pool of water, that carcasses and dead meat are breeding grounds for bacteria that can make people very sick, and no one has any evidence that suggests that stars are missiles to attack devils with.

General Discussion / Re: The Superiority of Islam
« on: May 11, 2018, 01:48:19 AM »
I didn't read this, but it is obvious that you did not read my post either. Anyway, it doesn't matter, whatever you posted was already exposed prior to your posting, which is how I know you didn't read. It seems like you have a copy and paste archive of generic arguments that you use when the opportunity arises.

Actually, I did read your post, and I didn't copy/paste anything in my post other than the YouTube links showing large numbers of Muslim men brutally beating and killing women in public while shouting how great Islam is. I will be copying and pasting in the future and have in the past and see no issue with it so long as it pertains to the topic and the source is referenced/credited.

Most of the West is in darkness about the reality of their own religion and you seem to be among those Christians that knows zero about their religion:

Most of the West are not Christians. A very small percentage of people in North America today go to church and read their Bibles regularly. The idea that all Westerners are Christians is completely inaccurate. The vast majority are not Christians. You can see the decline of religiosity in North America has been significant in the last century.

And of the low number of people attending a place of worship regularly, only a small fraction of those are worshipping the true God.

Quote (selected)

    Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [1 Corinthians 14:34]

Is this not a law you are violating now? Not only this, but you are distorting what the Bible actually says.

Now you're just being silly. This is an internet forum, not a church. This verse is saying that God called men to be leaders of churches, the shepherds of His flock (pastors) and not women.

If you want to prove the superiority of Christianity (which you can't) then how about debating with facts from your religion instead of emotional appeals?

How do you define "superiority"? I would say truth is superior to a lie. A God that exists is superior to a God that doesn't. A God of love and mercy and compassion is superior to a God of hate and violence and abuse and oppression.

How does one know what's right and wrong, what's good and bad? By what God says. So if Allah is the true God, and Allah says beating and killing women is what pleases Him, then either beating and killing women is good and right, or Allah is either a liar or does not exist.

If Allah is a liar, nothing he says can be trusted.

If Allah does not exist, nothing he says has any meaning, and is simply the concoction of a man who wanted a means to control others.

Is Allah reliable? Is Allah trustworthy?

Are stars really missiles to hit devils with?

Surah As-Saaffat 6-10
Verily, We have decorated the nearest sky with an adornment, the stars, and (have made them) a security against every rebellious devil. They cannot listen to the Upper Realm and are hit from every side to be driven off, and for them there is a lasting punishment; However, if one snatches a little bit, he is pursued by a bright flame.

In volume 4 and chapter 3 of Sahih al-Bukhari
(About the) Stars, Abu Qatada mentioning Allah’s Statement: ‘And We have Adorned the nearest heaven with lamps,” (67:5) And said, “The creations of these stars is for three purposes, i.e. as decorations on the sky, as missiles to hit the devils, and as signs to guide travelers. So, if anybody tries to find a different interpretation, he is mistaken and just wastes his efforts, and troubles himself with what is beyond his limited knowledge.

Did someone really find the place where the sun sets into a pool of water?

Surah Al-Kahf verses 83-86
They ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say, “I shall now recite to you an account of him. Surely, We gave him power on earth and gave him means to (have) everything (he needs). So he followed a course, until when he reached the point of sunset, he found it setting into a miry spring, and found a people near it. We said, “O Dhul-Qarnain, either punish them or adopt good behavior with them.”

verses 89 and 90
Thereafter he followed a course, until when he reached the point of sunrise, he found it rising over a people for whom We did not make any shelter against it.

In Sunan Abu Dawud (3991)
Abu Dharr said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.

Is a baby's gender really determined later than conception?

Sahih Muslim 6397
Anas ibn Malik reported directly from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) that he said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, has appointed an angel as the caretaker of the womb, and he would say: My Lord, it is now a drop of semen; my Lord, it is now a clot of blood; my Lord, it has now become a lump of flesh, and when Allah decides to give it a final shape, the angel says: My Lord, would it be male or female or would be be an evil or a good person? What about his livelihood and his age? And it is all written as he is in the womb of his mother.

Are Muhammad's instructions for health and hygiene scientifically sound?

Sahih Al-Bukhari 537: “Narrated Abu Huraira: The prophet said “If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.””

Sunan Abu Dawud 67: “I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him): Water is brought for you from the well of Buda’ah. It is a well in which dead dogs, menstrual cloths and excrement of people are thrown. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied: Verily water is pure and is not defiled by anything.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 520: “It was narrated that Jabir bin Abdullah said: “We came to a pond in which there was the carcass of a donkey, so we refrained from using the water until the Messenger of Allah came to us and said: ‘Water is not made impure by anything.’ Then we drank from it and gave it to our animals to drink, and we carried some with us.””

The teachings of Muhammad are man-made, not from a divine being who is trustworthy and knowledgeable.

(Material taken from

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