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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

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General Discussion / Re: You Thought....
« on: June 05, 2018, 05:09:15 PM »
Uhh, you started the conversation with an @BabyShark, so don't cry when your religion is exposed as the evil tripe for non-intellectuals that it in fact is.

The only method Muslims have in dealing with critics is to silence them by slicing their heads off or blowing them up, or threaten them to see if fear can shut them up and wherever they form the majority, it is violence and fear and oppression that rule, and any who dare question Islam are killed/tortured.

The reason they have to kill anyone and silence any criticism is because Islam does not stand up when criticized. It falls down flat as the lies of an evil and ignorant pedophile from the 7th century who "married" Aisha when she was a child and raped her and promoted and condoned the abuse and rape of children and women.

Why did you summon me by name if you want me to "shut up"? Not a genius move.

Look, I'm fine with talking with people of all different religions and backgrounds and ethnicities, but I'm not interested in interacting with people who are rude and have nothing to say other than "shut up" when faced with truth they don't like.

"So let man observe from what he was created.
He was created from a fluid, ejected,
Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs."

The Qu'ran in Sûrah al-Târiq: 5-7 teaches that semen forms between the backbone and the ribs. This is scientifically wrong. It's a lie.

If Allah were the true God who created the human body, he would surely know where semen actually emerged from.

Muhammad made it all up. The 7th century pedophile was ignorant about biology, but a creator of humanity surely would not be.

Muhammad encouraged people to drink camel urine for health benefits.

Here you can see Muslims collecting camel urine from the camel's rear end into a glass and then drinking it:

Muhammad's Health Advice: Drink Camel Urine! - YouTube

Mystery Solved about curing Cancer by drinking camel urine - YouTube

Camel urine does not actually offer any health benefits whatsoever and will not, as is claimed, cure diseases.

General Discussion / Re: You Thought....
« on: June 05, 2018, 02:04:49 PM »
I'm still waiting for you to explain how if Allah is a real entity and not the invention of an illiterate man from the 7th century who made up a new evil religion with the help of Satan, why he would either not know basic biological and other scientific facts or would lie to you about it.

For example, he does not know where sperm forms in the body.

Also, can Satan be rinsed out with water from your nose? Do you rinse Satan out of your nose each morning?

He does not know that the sun doesn't set into a pool of murky water.

He doesn't know that mutilating, raping, and torturing little girls and beating up and killing women is evil. Allah is okay with mutilating, raping and torturing little girls.

The teachings of Islam are sick and evil and Satanic.

Turn away from the lies and turn to the true God who is able to save your soul, a God who teaches love and compassion and mercy and forgiveness and kindness and gentleness and self-control instead of brutalizing women and children.

Jesus Christ is the true God.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God." John 1:1

The Bible is plain and clear about Jesus being God. He was killed on charges of blasphemy, claiming to be God by the errant unbelieving religious leaders of the day. Islam says the Gospels are true.

This is a serious problem because the Bible and the Qu'ran are entirely contradictory.

I want you to be saved.

You want me to be killed.

The true religion is better by far, and it is all those who reject the salvation won for all people by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid for all our sin who will be cast into everlasting torment in the lake of fire called hell.

I know you all are out of your minds excited for tonight but do try to make it through the day without exploding so we have all of our players intact for tonight's fun fight!

@Disgruntled @MaStA{hR} Are you in agreement with ring62 about which Violent Voyage map you want to use for tourney? He wants the first version I think.

I usually delete old versions as maps are updated so I no longer have the old versions, so one of you needs to make sure to bring the version you want if it's not the current as he updated it after this competition was announced.

Monday Moonlight Madness Schedule

Please remember to post Insight replays for all games. :)

This will be fun!

Let me know if there are any questions.

125 / Re: Anyone from Athenes?
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:31:07 AM »
Are you really that desperate that you need to pay diseased, depressed, drug-addicted, damaged women to touch you?

What pleasure can exist in a touch that costs money? Knowing she doesn't want you, only your money?

The women I frequent aren’t “diseased drug addicts.”
They are entrepreneurs that charge anywhere from $400-$800 per hour for their time. Every one of them makes anywhere from 7k-9k of untaxed income a month which is more than you will ever make in a month.
I have a lot of respect and appreciation for the working girls I frequent.
While it’s true some girls lower on the ladder who work this industry are doing so unwillingly and under deress I can assure you me nor any of my buddies ever see them.

Also FYI end of the day all women care about is how much a man has in his bank account. My girls hang with me because I’m rich, I’m not blind to that reality. It’s the same when I date normal women.

No man will *ever* respect a woman he can buy.

You also don't respect yourself.

I'm not replying here to attack you. I'm trying to help you before it's too late.

If you respected yourself, you would respect your bloodline. No self-respecting man will risk putting his children inside prostitutes to be raised by an immoral woman, or abandoned and motherless, or slaughtered as an inconvenience.

It is human nature to crave love, and a loving touch, including a pleasurable touch from a member of the opposite sex who wants, loves, values, appreciates us.

You're buying a fake. If these girls loved, wanted, appreciated, and valued *you*, they wouldn't need to be paid to touch you. It's work to them. They would rather not. That knowledge should be a huge turn off.

The videos I posted in the other thread from virgins who chose to wait until marriage were all very beautiful young ladies who could easily have made a boatload of money selling their body. I could have as well. It is extremely foolish, though. It's as foolish and damaging as selling your arms, eyes, legs, kidneys, and heart. There will be nothing left and you'll be a broken, dysfunctional mess. The girls who valued their sexuality and saved it for their husband will have a much better future than girls who decided to sell out.

Some things were not meant to sold. Sex and love are some of those.

It isn't true that all women are only looking for gold. It is true that it's prudent to marry a man who can provide for you and your children during childbearing years when a woman needs to nurse babies, but obviously other things are important too, like personality and character. If you marry a rich scumbag, you'll be miserable. Not all women are the same, and not all men are the same.

There are a lot of good, admirable, respectable men in the world, who choose to be faithful to their wife, who love and care for their children, who do what's right over what's profitable, who aren't for sale, who would sacrifice self to help others, who are kind but strong, and will stand up for their loved ones and for what's right.

Your money means a lot to you. A lot of men kill themselves when they lose their fortune. I would rather see you hang your hope on something that can never be taken away from you, like Jesus Christ who gives us eternal life though faith in His death and resurrection that paid for our sins.

126 / Re: Anyone from Athenes?
« on: May 25, 2018, 06:35:07 PM »
Are you really that desperate that you need to pay diseased, depressed, drug-addicted, damaged women to touch you?

What pleasure can exist in a touch that costs money? Knowing she doesn't want you, only your money?

It's sad all around.

At least if you use a blow up doll you won't be responsible for the lives of these girls that get shortened by 20 years on average from that life of pain, abuse, and depravity.

General Discussion / Re: How Marx turned Muslim
« on: May 25, 2018, 05:07:09 PM »
You said you were raised in Christian household.

Would you return to the truth if you could be shown that the big bang and evolutionism are lies?

I know what it's like to be faced with temptations and choices that make me want to ignore what God says and live in a way that best pleases me at the time.

I'm a sinner like everyone else.

The Bible is all true, cover to cover. It's the most accurate history book in the world and filled with all wisdom and truth.

There is no logical or scientific reason to reject the Word of God.

Only our sinful nature rebels against it.

We can't free ourselves from our sinful condition. Without God's help, we don't even want to be unshackled from sin or to see or acknowledge it in our lives.

It isn't "science" that propels mankind to reject the true God. It's the evil within ourselves, the desire to be our own god and live to please no one but self that pushes men like Dawkins to be so resistant to the idea of the true God that they are willing to believe explosions of nothing or aliens are the cause of our existence.

Turn back to the true God while there is still time. He loves you. No matter what you've done, no matter what you've been through, God loves you, He wants you, and He's calling you back.

If people decide they don't want God's mercy or forgiveness that He freely offers to all people, they have no one to blame but themselves if they end up in hell, apart from God just like they wanted, bearing the just punishment for their own evil thoughts, words, and deeds.

General Discussion / Re: How Marx turned Muslim
« on: May 25, 2018, 04:46:42 PM »
You completely ignored my question about DNA

In the more "scientific" publications, they try to dress it up with fancy terminology, drawings of fictional "transitional" creatures that only exist in imagination and textbooks,  and throw in millions or billions of years to hide how preposterous the whole thing is so people who don't think things through very deeply will swallow such a whale of a story without blinking. The common dogma of the day is wrong.

Please tell me what solid evidence you have to base you faith in Christianity?

Here are some of the points of evidence for evolution:

- Anatomy. Species may share similar physical features because the feature was present in a common ancestor (homologous structures).
- Molecular biology. DNA and the genetic code reflect the shared ancestry of life. DNA comparisons can show how related species are.
- Biogeography. The global distribution of organisms and the unique features of island species reflect evolution and geological change.
- Fossils. Fossils document the existence of now-extinct past species that are related to present-day species.
- Direct observation. We can directly observe small-scale evolution in organisms with short lifecycles (e.g., pesticide-resistant insects).

You can't fully be blamed for believing what was pushed on you since childhood, but you would be wise to look at everything you've been told and fully think it through and compare scientific research with the beliefs, separate from the fabricated nonsense, to give a clearer picture of how the world really operates in reality.

I was actually raised in a Christian household.  There was no defining moment or event that caused me to reject Christianity, it was more of a gradual conclusion arrived upon via free thinking and education.

I can use all your evidence for evolution to prove that cars were not designed by people, but descended from a single screw that exploded into existence billions of years ago.

Anatomy: You can tell from similar anatomical structures including 4 rubber covered wheels and similar round steering wheel that the Toyota Sienna evolved from the Toyota Prius, which evolved from the VW Beetle. The evolution of leather seats is an example of convergent evolution, since the Honda bloodline evolved separately from the Toyota bloodline to produce the Odyssey.

DNA: If you look at the blueprints for all cars, you can see the similar features and parts. The lug nuts from one car can fit on another. That proves they had a common ancestor. No one designed these things. Don't be silly. They came from an explosion billions of years ago, obviously.

Biogeography: You can see the evolution of various car lines as there are many trucks in the south because they needed to adapt large backends for carrying firewood. The city cars adapted to high traffic volume and stop and go traffic and evolved smaller sizes and increased fuel efficiency. The Chinese and Japanese have their own uniquely evolved car lines in China and Japan.

In some regions, the steering wheel is on the left, others on the right. The steering wheel gradually moved over to the other side of the car to adapt to people driving on the other side of the car.

Fossils: When you go to car museums, you can see old extinct cars. This proves they were the forefathers of modern cars.

Direct Observation: You can see with your own eyes cars evolve. When it rains, cars evolve the ability to wipe away water with windshield wipers. This shows that cars can adapt to different environments.

The first screw was probably very small and simple, but over billions of years it evolved into all the types of cars we see today. People that don't understand this are backwards brainwashed hicks who need to get educated abot cars.

General Discussion / Re: How Marx turned Muslim
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:01:11 PM »
All meaningful information and order and design have always been produced by an intelligent mind. Nothing with complex design and meaningful information was ever observed in the history of the world to be produced randomly or without an intelligent mind.

Let's talk about cells. A cell is the masterfully designed, highly complex smallest unit of life. Smaller does not mean simpler.

Honest, logical analysis only allows for the conclusion that a complex designed machine was, in fact, designed by an intelligent mind.

Humanity has never seen a machine with complex function and design, requiring large amounts of ordered information, that was *not* designed by an intelligent mind. To believe in such things is to believe contrary to science (what has actually been observed).

Information consists of complete thoughts that are transcribed using some kind of a language system. For English, we have the alphabet, the letters of which are joined to form words, the words of which are compiled to form sentences which express complete thoughts. These are not random jumbles of gibberish, but ordered and organized letters, each letter with its place and purpose that forms a part of the sentence and thought. The simplest life form is like that. The DNA code found in even the tiniest living organism is made up of a complex language, coded, that contains information, instructions, detailed and very complicated instructions for the formation and function of every part of the organism and its reproduction. The simplest cells are actually not even remotely simple, but are rather very, very complex!

The third article is saying that to model the world's simplest microbe, you would need 128 computers.

This is a quote from the article:

"It took a cluster of 128 computers running for 9 to 10 hours to actually generate the data on the 25 categories of molecules that are involved in the cell's lifecycle processes."

These things contain VAST amounts of complex and highly ordered information.

Information that has meaning and function has always been observed to come from an intelligent mind. Random processes and accidents have never in the history of humanity been observed to produce meaningful information from nothing, and the belief in the spontaneous and random appearance of information is contrary to scientific observation, and not at all a part of it.

The amazing design and complexity in a single cell, it humbles me. It makes me shiver in wonder at the mind that came up with it and wanted to show it to us.

General Discussion / Re: How Marx turned Muslim
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM »
Cracky and blid, you should do more research into your professed belief system because cows to whales is exactly one of fairy tales promoted.

I only have a little roaming data so I'm not gonna post 100 other links, but if you want to learn more about your beliefs, Google probably works fine at your house. :)

In the more "scientific" publications, they try to dress it up with fancy terminology, drawings of fictional "transitional" creatures that only exist in imagination and textbooks,  and throw in millions or billions of years to hide how preposterous the whole thing is so people who don't think things through very deeply will swallow such a whale of a story without blinking. The common dogma of the day is wrong.

You can't fully be blamed for believing what was pushed on you since childhood, but you would be wise to look at everything you've been told and fully think it through and compare scientific research with the beliefs, separate from the fabricated nonsense, to give a clearer picture of how the world really operates in reality.

I also never said anywhere that DNA doesn't exist or whatever it is you seemed to be suggesting. DNA is one of the many proofs that life was designed by a mind beyond anything we can understand.

I love science. The more one learns about the created world around us, the more one is humbled. There is no room for arrogance when we realize we are a tiny speck on a huge world, and our world is a tiny speck in our solar system, and our solar system is a tiny speck in the universe.

General Discussion / Re: How Marx turned Muslim
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:42:39 AM »
I haven't been keeping up with these threads but peeked in this one.

Both of you are wrong in your beliefs.

The universe did not come from an uncaused, unwitnessed explosion of nothing. It is not logical to believe that something can come from nothing for no reason or that creation can give birth to itself. Something within creation can't be the source of creation. A natural explanation for the universe is impossible. A supernatural explanation is also impossible in terms of "natural laws" that were implemented by a lawgiver who is outside of creation, but a supernatural source is required since a natural source is logically impossible.

It's also not logically sound to say that bacteria have been observed to lose or scramble genetic information, therefore bacteria can turn into elephants and bananas.

All genetic mutations involve a LOSS or scrambling of genetic information, and almost always, these are very harmful to the organism. Even mutations that offer a short term benefit, such as bacteria losing information that makes antibiotics unable to attack a part they don't have, still makes the mutated bacteria sicklier and weaker than normal bacteria in the long run. It is not progress.

Information added to the genetic code has never been observed. New featured like lungs, wings, heart, skin, brain have never been observed to be added to a creature that did not previously have them.

That is a fairy tale. It does not happen in real life.

All so called evolution that has been observed is variation within a kind. That happens. Finches produce a variety of finches. Horses produce a variety of horses. Dogs produce a variety of dogs.

Cows do not produce whales and dolphins. Bacteria do not produce human beings. These ideas are only accepted because people are brainwashed from a young age with these concepts over and over again.

There is a Creator.

But it's not Allah. The true God did not tell us lies. The sun does not set in a pool of water. Camel urine is not a great snack. Beating up and raping little girls and women is evil. Cutting out a little girl's genitals while she screams is evil. Killing everyone who does not want to be a Muslim is evil.

Jesus did say He was God. Jesus could NOT possibly be a "good human prophet" because good prophets don't LIE going around saying they are God.

Jesus is God and the ONLY way for sinful man to be saved. Jesus paid the price for the sin of all humans and He loves all people, both men and women, old and young. The true God is a holy God of justice but also loving, merciful, and compassionate, coming here Himself as a human to die for our sins. We are all sinners. We all do wrong. None of us are innocent.

Jesus is the only way to heaven.

John 14:6

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.

1 Corinthians 15:3-6

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living.

Jesus death and resurrection are historically verifiable events in history.

The Muslim explanation that someone who "looked like Jesus" and fooled everyone was the one that died is poppycock. It's laughable, like a lot of Islamic doctrines are, if only they weren't so busy butchering their own girls and women, along with Christians, Jews, and everyone who refuses to submit to the lies of Muhammad, which kind of kills the humor.

I know you want me dead. The Qu'ran calls for my death, probably with bonus humiliation, since I check off in all kinds of hated categories. I'm a woman. I'm a Christian. I am willing to speak against the lies of Muhammad, and I don't wear a garbage bag over my head.

I may one day be killed for my beliefs, but we all have to die someday. I would rather go down knowing I spoke the truth about things that matter while I was alive.

Nothing in life matters more than knowing Jesus and having faith in what He did for us when He took all our sin away.

Nice choice Kagan.

So 6 teams...
You have forgotten to add Disgruntled and Masta at the first post!

For round robin that is 15 matches if we also make it 3games for getting points that is 45 games!!!
Sounds cool :-) (5 * 3) matches for each team!

45 games? Lol no. That's crazy. In double round robin each team would play each other team twice, whoever takes most wins overall is winner, if there is a tie, tiebreaker match decides.

So it should be 10 games per team with possible tiebreaker.

I will post the games (matchups and maps) on Saturday morning. Any team not entering maps selections into the playing pool by then forfeits the chance to do so.

I plan to use automatic generator to randomly assign maps and matchups and will post them here on Saturday.

EXAMPLE schedule only:

(Actual schedule will be posted Saturday morning to allow teams to enter their maps by then.)

what is 1300? Do i have enough? I need an ally to, i think ring is going with he-man. Maps I want to play Violent Voyage version 1 with straight oil patches, and Halo .

I'm sorry @TOFU but the deadline to register for this one was May 21, but if you want to show up on June 4th as an emergency backup in the event a contestant is ill or otherwise upheld, you are welcome to do so.


Your very own thread. Quitting is overrated. :)

Babyshark - lets bof7 your choice of maps, then ill ally kyle

Also, even if we were before May 21, your proposed team ELO of 3366 exceeds max ELO per team of 3150.

What I would allow is each of you lumping onto a preregistered partnerless person, namely you with Disgrunt and Kyle with Masta or if Masta's still too high for him then we could try to figure something else out.

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