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Messages - chayliss

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 15
121 / Re: Next Hero in Heroes of the storm!
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:04:02 PM »
i talk to him all the time and he never talks back anymore on bnet

122 / [KP] Killer Peons Est. 1997 (Recruitment)
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:00:02 PM »
In memory of adam, and all the others that we have lost from the community, Killer Peons are now back!

I am one of the greatest, and I will take my lumps on my real name while i train back into form!

I enjoyed having Killer Peons and our friends team up and destroy the competition. Having fun playing playing with each other stress free goofing around or setting up matchups to sharpen our skills.

1vs1 anyone?
2vs2 wanted.

123 / Re: Discuss
« on: July 31, 2016, 04:49:10 PM »
Was having a look at ladder today.....

Explain or discuss? Thanks

WTF there is a ladder? I had no idea

i saw a guy on i watched him in a 2v2 then out of game he is #1 ladder with 56-0-1.....
if there is another ladder why can we not get it to show up in the game stats IN GAME?

Stats of Teaboy
Rank   Wins   Losses   High Rank
#1   132   37   #1

    Games of Teaboy

    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 17:09:55 on 06/29/2016.
    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 16:59:21 on 06/29/2016.
    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 16:48:30 on 06/29/2016.
    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 16:37:28 on 06/29/2016.
    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 16:28:39 on 06/29/2016.
    Teaboy (#1) defeated 4^Adam^ (#4) on "Garden of War" at 16:19:47 on 06/29/2016.


124 / Re: Saw Kanuks tonight
« on: July 31, 2016, 04:38:44 PM »
Can someone provide the backstory for kanuks?

Also, who is sentinel?

are you trying to smurf the fourm bro? wink   just the term backstory maybe give it away ;)

wow i couldnt find a bio for kanuks wtf. i see .ru has one, but what was the one bizatch compiled?

the one on .ru did not have a publish date but here is mine

i also found one one that sayed it was published by burnt in '08
they seem to be different. i wonder where bizatch archive wound up. it was the best one.

125 / Re: Saw Kanuks tonight
« on: July 31, 2016, 04:31:55 PM »

I should log on from time to time to play some games.

wazzup chay
sup bro
yea i just came around this weekend myself.
KPchayliss last logged a game 7/18/08, and i know that was after quite some time after alot of inactivity. ;)
discord changed my interst in war2. gonna play some war2 while i attempt to build up Killer Peons clan for HotS because running with a full 5man squad is the only way to play.

now that i have placed on record the last time i put any decent time into warcraft 2 was 7/18/08 i will now drop an announcement.

gl hf

126 / Re: Saw Kanuks tonight
« on: July 31, 2016, 10:51:01 AM »
who is sientienal
do we konw each other?

i am a believer in useing the same name in all places. ingame fourm etc..

AIM: chayliss chayliss#1581
Killer Peons Est. 1997

GL & Hf

Just a side note, this conversation took place at Discord™! Join our free Warcraft II Discord server at - text chat, voice chat, @mentions with desktop & mobile notifications. Discord has it all people!

That's Discord for Warcraft II™ -- free to use, easy to set up. See you there!

Do you know of Angry Video Game Nerd
2 million subs on Youtube Cinnemassace channel
THis show is Mike and Ryan Lets talk games
this view on that shhow got 150k

! No longer available

needs edited to start :55-:56 -             ALSO EVEN BETTER  1:25-1:30  warcraft 2 gets its props.... someday war2 wil get to shine in the light like this war2 fanatics also 9:00 - 9:15 where they sugguest if you want to go back and experience greatness....tides of darkness is where its at
i posted the wrong link to the server at the time but i just corrected it, i am sorry for the missed opportunitiy for some new players to discover our great game.

Tried merging threads but kind of botched it :D Editing in the updated post here -mousey

General Discussion / Re: Leftism thread for
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:24:31 PM »

130 / Re: Next Hero in Heroes of the storm!
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:23:57 PM »
lol u got silenced. 99% sure you raged in game~   ;D

my 2 day silence last weekend felt bad, and just for spamming @'s in chat old school style


why i type thta into join it does nothing.

i dont want to goto it in the brower.

how do i get there while in the program.

there is join links you give people to join the server.

you generate a 24 hr link. like i just made one to my channel you put that in the join channel.

General Discussion / Re: Warcraft Movie Here!
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:20:42 PM »
lets check out the numbers.

how much to make?

how much did it make?

take all the effort and money from warcraft movie to make war2 hd and warcraft 4 rts and i bet the profit and quality would have been time better spent.

133 / Re: Next Hero in Heroes of the storm!
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:02:09 AM »
mike and ryan on talk about games on the youtube cinnemasacare channel played and talked about war1, knew that war2 was better but talked about war1 anyways..simple game but the foundation for so much lore etc..

mike matei had alphaomegasin come over for a tour and they spend a minute talking about warcraft 2.

anyways heroes of the storm is where its at.

AIM: chayliss
discord: chayliss#5256
bnet: chayliss#1581

134 / Re: I'm pretty sure ^Adam^ passed away..
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:57:56 PM »
rest in peace brother, ggs, gl hf on the other side.

what is the quick link to join from inside the program

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