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Messages - The Legend of StarTale

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wasnt sepi the only person watching that game

lol, k

As for the "disc" game. Sometimes when you leave games it creates a disc screen for the players remaining in the game. It was not intentional, I have no shame in losing an s9/s9 war from 6. I left the game and went straight into the channel without leaving at all. Dugs was in the channel waiting for me. If it was an intentional plug pull I would of had to reconnect....

On Sept 9th the only thing you streamed was heroes of the storm, nice try. I didn't know your twitch name till you told me what it was retard. You accused me of stream cheating on the games from the 7th and even waited at the beginning of the 2nd game on the 7th to turn off your stream. Obviously you wouldn't stream there after if we 1v1'ed the two days following. You are very dumb.

ROFL I just looked up twitch stats and matched your stream times to game times and YOU WEREN'T EVEN STREAMING! hahahahaha

Look up your own twitch stats you faggot moron, it will show you how much time each user has spent on your channel.

Gratz on your 1 win buddy, I let you have it for shits and giggles. Truth of the matter is 16 wins is a lot more then 2!

You're an idiot, and I have never looked at your stream before! You can look up stats and see how much time viewers have spent on your channel. Why don't you go look it up and prove it then? Keep lying retard, I have not spent any time on your stream!

You got railed, and that's your excuse? lawl

This will be my last response to you, as you are so delusional that I don't even think you realize how stupid you sound. Your assumption is just that, you making an ass out of yourself. I haven't been caught hacking more then you, I have never stolen anyone's PW, I have never hacked the forums, I have never hacked the client, I have never tried to take over the server, and I have never spammed or DDOS'd anyone. Let that sink in you ignorant fool, as these are just SOME of the atrocities you have committed. Obvious proof? You must of missed the big giant SS on the previous page that shows you are implying that I hack in it. I don't use my username because it is locked. Boy you are really reaching aren't you? You are so pathetic, haha. I am not hiding who I am and there are plenty of people who enjoy playing with me. I play private games with top players while you have to play in public games with the scrubs. This entire thread shows how ignorant, pathetic, and vile you truly are. Keep reaching, buddy. Some day, some one, some where might like you other then USA~Feature, but I highly doubt it. Keep spending your life on trying to achieve that though, as it seems worthwhile and productive.  ::) ::) ::)

My my well arent you just the apitomy of the cutting torch calling the fire hot.  You realize there are people saying that you were saying you couldnt get the AH working many weeks maybe even months before I asked you a simple question that made you go all stupid like.  If anyone should be using it, its you.

What? If ANYONE should be permabanned from this community it's you. No one believes anything you say, as you have ZERO credibility. We could take a trip back down memory lane to expose how many pieces of corn are stuck to your face with the shit you spew, {shitbag}. How many folks would like a sticky on this forum of all the pathetic attempts of Lance to gain control of this community or at the least be in a position of power through manipulation, deceit, or hacking? The list would pale in comparison to anything Swift or I have done combined. Maybe it's time for Picka to come back around and humble you? Hopefully he sees this and forces you to have to go play war2 in a McDonalds lobby again. Rofl.

He uses the "trolling" excuse every time he's caught.  It never gets old if u ask me.  I like watching him come up with the most rediculous lies that people just clammer over to accept as actual truth.  It's amusing how much wool he has packed away in that studio apartment.  He is like mage,  sometimes he has the AH on, sometimes he doesnt with no real rhyme or reason other than the players that are on currently at the time, thats the only thing I've noticed anyway as a semi-constant.  Just last week Mage went on a superior meltdown because I asked why he didnt have the AH running.  Its a touchy subject for mage and we'll soon see how swiftbags reacts.  But I need to go buy some popcorn first,  this should get good.

Do you not realize that literally no one has any respect or appreciation for you? You seem to be a little obsessive here and it's quite cringe worthy. Anyone who knows you knows you are the biggest pile of shit out of all of us, and you are the one leading this crusade? Rofl. It's funny that you do not realize how meaningless you are to this community. Watching you try so hard to continuously wiggle in your opinions and rhetoric over hacks/hackers/ex-hackers is quite pathetic. There's a difference between anyone who has gotten caught hacking and you. You MADE the hacks you used.

As for the Anti-Hack, I did not know that it did not start when you ran "War2Combat Loader" as I am not a {shitbag} who lurks the website every time someone logs on the server. After doing a little bit of figuring out myself I found that clicking "Activated War2 Combat" or "War2pPatcher" will run the anti-hack. Here's a genius idea, remove every application to connect besides that one as there are like 4 or 5 different ways to start war2 combat. It's confusing, convoluted, and leads to massive faggots like you accusing people simply for not running the "right" version of combat.


Hey {shitbag} why don't you stfu when your supposed to be watching?
Enjoy the chat channel from now on.

119 / Windows 10
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:18:18 PM »
Having a lot of issues with the client working on windows 10. Are there any plans to update the client for the new OS or is there a way to fix these problems? Artifacts staying on the screen after you connect and are in chat. Say I go to join or create a game, join a different channel, or check the ladder as soon as you exit remnants of the previous screen continue to distort your current screen and they stack. If you open up everything your screen is full of clutter and your gonna have a bad time. I actually haven't been able to get a game so I don't know if there are further issues actually playing. If anyone else on Windows 10 is having issues feel free to state them here and maybe we can figure out a way to fix this.   

120 / Found an improved ladder/tournament system
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:01:34 PM »

I would be willing to pay for it if mouse or iL would be willing to integrate this into the website. What do you guys think of this?

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