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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 52
106 / Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 21, 2018, 06:44:52 PM »
This is what I propose for map selection. Everything high EF.

We each make a list of 10 and the opponent chooses 3 from the 10.

Here's my list:

Rose Petal
Great White North
Gold Rush
All You Need
Forest Trail
Fierce Ocean Combat
Mr. Bean

So you could pick from these any 3 you like that will count as my picks and you'd provide a list of 10 and I'd pick 3 from there.

If you'd rather do standard selection, that's fine. Any ladder legit map.

107 / ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« on: June 21, 2018, 01:46:19 PM »
Seemed to make sense to make a separate thread since what we're talkin about isn't particularly anti-capitalist.

Ok lay out your rules and conditions.

I think:

1. We both stream nonstop
2. Mousey said she can be on hand to confirm IDs
3. Am I correct in thinking you mean we each give $250 (USD right?) to XuRnT and then winner gets $500?
4. Has XuRnT agreed to participate in the manner you described?
5. This could be fun.
6. So far you're much braver than Harrywangs, van, and Jordan4385 who fear me. I'm 10-0 vs each of em in my mind. :)
7. Saturday June 30, 2018 11 am?
8. We should have the maps and playing order set in advance. All maps are different, no repeats.

1. Tora pick
2. BS pick
3. Tora pick
4. BS pick
5. Tora pick
6. BS pick
7. GOW

We play all 7 games regardless of score.

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 21, 2018, 10:51:43 AM »
Can you can come up with a way to prove it'll be you playing and not someone else on your account?

I thought both of us streaming would be adequate but I asked mouse and she said anyone can stream for you if they have your stream key.

We've both had other people play on our accounts a couple times in the past just bein silly, but obviously I wouldn't for an actual 1s challenge.

Playing each other I'd say it's close to 50/50 odds for either of us to win, but I'd think for you to wanna throw $ at it, you'd want better odds than that. :)

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:16:29 PM »
I'm not available weekday daytimes at 10 am, but I could do 6 am Monday or this Saturday at 7 am EDT? I have tennis at 9 am but could get a good chunk of them done by then hopefully. Other than that I can do a later evening.

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:05:55 PM »
Die bitch.

Oh, I will. :)

And so will you.

I'm ready.

Are you?

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 12, 2018, 10:21:55 AM »
What does self-righteous mean?

Self righteous: having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.

According to the definition, you are self righteous. You think your unfounded ideas about how the world should be and how people should act in it are the correct way.

What does righteous mean?

(of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
synonyms:good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, decent;

Righteousness and goodness make evil people upset because it shines a light on their sin, and makes them realize that they are behaving in a rotten way.

Am I righteous and good? No, I'm not. Not in myself. I'm filled with sin of all kinds in and of myself. But am I righteous and good? Yes, I am. I am given the sinlessness and pure and perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ. This is a free gift of grace from God and He offers this to all people. His love for you was shown in what He did, in suffering and dying at the hands of evil God-hating people so He could save humanity from our own evil. He rose again from the dead proving Himself to be God as He claimed!

Am I sometimes an uppity, smug, superior hypocrite? Sure. Am I sometimes a selfish jerk? Sure. Am I sometimes mean and rude? Sure. Am I always honest? No. Have I lusted after men I'm not married to? Yes, yes, and yes. I'm guilty.

But Jesus never did a wrong thing in His life. And that's unblemished record was given to me through faith in Jesus Christ.

So when I'm judged at the throne of God, all my sin won't be counted against me. Because it was counted against JESUS. God poured out His wrath that I deserve on Jesus. Because He loves me. And He loves you too. No matter how much you hate Him and spit on Him and push Him away and fight to have your own way, and rebel and direct your inner turmoil in hateful attack on other human beings God loves, He still loves you and wants you to be saved.

Now I want to live for God, I want to live His way, I want to live in a way that honors Him and I want to love other people and be kind and loving and gentle. I want to pray for my enemies and people who hate me like God wants me to. And God gives me this beautiful love and peace so I'm able to pray repeatedly for the people from the forum who hate me most. Marx, Cum, Kyle, Tora, Ze Saint, Lightbringer, and also for many people from W2 I like a lot that I won't name.

There are a lot of things we can lose in this life. Health, money, reputation, teeth, limbs, property, a friend you love, parents, children, brothers, sisters, peace, joy, hope, and a feeling of security.

One day each of us will die if Jesus doesn't return to judge the world first.

What are we doing here? If we don't have Jesus, we have NOTHING.

If we do have Jesus, we have EVERYTHING.

JESUS is the answer to everything.

Pain, loss, death, sin, fear...we suffer here, but JESUS WINS.

JESUS has conquered sin, death, the devil.

We have VICTORY in Jesus and can celebrate knowing we have eternal life in heaven when this brief earthly life ends.

I may be tortured and have my family taken from me and we might all be killed. We don't know what pain we will face in this life.

But we have true comfort knowing God loves us at all times and is with us even when we are screaming in agony as I sometimes have.

I'm a broken mess like everyone else. I needed help.

God is my help. God is my strength, my shield, my rock, and His love is everlasting!!!

Praise God and rejoice for He is good!!

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 11, 2018, 09:08:56 PM »
His voice rofl

How can you be this big of a hypocrite?

You are trying to mock and shame someone for something they can't change and were born with.

Really? You're gonna laugh at someone for their voice? While pretending you're not the bully?

Name one act or word of Peterson's that constitutes bullying.

Quote something I said that does.

It looks to me like you are the hateful bullies and I am the minority. You can't seem to stop yourself from resorting to emotional name calling no matter what.

But unlike liberals, I don't wither at the words of people who disagree with me, nor do I think there should be laws that silence viewpoints other than mine from being discussed. I welcome disussion because I know my views hold water and can withstand the most malicious prodding and still the truth remains firmly intact.

Address something Peterson actually said.

I understand that you think everyone who doesn't agree with you is a "stupid retard worthless drug addict scum" etc. etc. that should be killed tortured etc.

But you can't exactly accuse other people of being mean or hateful or bullies when you're the ones who are demonstrating the execrably vitriolic with hateful speech and attitudes and actually wishing harm on others. That's just evil.

You refused to provide any evidence for any of your above claims.

Peterson is a human being and if you want to pretend to have empathy, love, and kindess, you should at least make a half hearted attempt to reasonably discuss something he actually has said.

I'll show you how this can be done.

I disagree with him in his statement that humans are related to lobsters. I am confident that if he studied science, he would be convinced of the truth that animals turning into other kinds of animals is genetically, scientifically impossible, nor is there any mechanism in living things that allows for the introduction of brand new information into the genome (like a heart where there wasn't a heart previously, wings, the male and female reproductive system, the seeing eyes, the hearing ear). There is no mechanism that allows for this, nor can scientists conceive of how such a miracle could ever have happened.

All that is observed is a loss or scrambling of existing information, as the scientific law of entropy would predict. Things are getting worse, not better. There is no upward progress. It's a fantasy.

I would assume perhaps presumptuously that Peterson's expertise lies in other fields besides biology and that if he were to apply himself to diligent and honest study of those areas of science he would likely be convinced of the truth that humans and lobsters are not related, since he comes across as a rather reasonable and genuine guy.

I will make your next reply for you, as a courtesy:

your a retard scum i hate you die die die

Got anything to add? :)


"You Have Struck A Nerve" Jordan Peterson Interview With Sunrise Leftist Australian Host - YouTube

This is an interview where I DO strongly agree with Peterson about it being "reprehensible" for a government to make laws against free speech or to compel speech by law.

Is the author of the Gulag Archipelago an anti-Semite?

Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in an interview:

"My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and the psychology of the Jews - their spiritual component," he said. "I have never made general conclusions about a people."

I don't see any evidence that he is an anti-Semite or hates all Jews.

I don't think he ever had rabies either.

he literally doesn't do any of these things. he attacks people all the time. he says marxists aren't human. he doesn't even know what marxism is, probably because he doesn't care to learn. he's a maniac who hates women and trans people. he says the gulag archipelago is his favourite book (lol) written by a rabid anti-Semite. the alt-right love the guy for a reason.
i don't know what your malfunction is that makes you think the opposite of reality, maybe you're just trolling.

Color Code:
Red: unfounded, no evidence provided
Orange: vacuous insult
Green: true statement

You need to go deeper than this if you want to convince someone of something, and provide actual examples (video links of the particular speech you're referring to, articles he wrote).

I haven't listened to a ton of his lectures, but from what I've heard, he does not come across at all as a hateful person and as a woman I feel zero hate from him towards women. I also don't believe he hates people who are confused about their gender. You have actually been a lot more hateful to me and other users in this forum than I have ever seen Peterson act towards anyone.

You throw the term hate around a lot, but what does it actually mean? I would say it means a deep dislike to the point of desiring to hurt or injure another person.

The Google dictionary definition is here:

verb: hate; 3rd person present: hates; past tense: hated; past participle: hated; gerund or present participle: hating
    feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone)

You definitely hate a lot of people by your speech, like anyone who has a different viewpoint than you do.

Why is it okay for you to hate, and not for others (assuming that someone else besides only you actually did hate or dislike someone)?

You seem to imply that "hate" is bad, but it doesn't follow your worldview basis that it should be. If human life is a meaningless random accident, how can a meaningless randomly produced emotion or even accompanying actions that deliberately tear another person down or hurt them be wrong or bad or something for you to look down on?

Hate being bad follows the Christian worldview because God says to love other people, even your enemies. It's a really hard, basically impossible command to keep, to love someone who wants to kill you, but it's the will of God that people love each other and treat each other with kindness.

Love does not always look like kindness, though. Sometimes you can upset people with love. If a parent takes a sharp knife away from a little kid, the little kid might scream, cry, throw a fit, and be very unhappy. The parent is acting in love to protect the child, because sometimes people of any age can want things that are harmful.

If someone is confused about reality (ie. you are a human being but think you are a cat, or you have a penis and testicles but think you are a woman), it is not in the confused person's best interests to give them a knife. The best thing to do is to take away the knife (try to help cure the underlying issues that led to the confusion), even if the person has a screaming fit of rage in response.

Wanting someone's good does not always mean giving them what they want.

The confused, angry people are the ones who are trying to force their confusion on everyone else, and make it criminal and illegal to state the reality that you can't erase your genes and that your genes carry your biological and real gender, regardless of how you feel, dress, or how badly you mutilate your body. There are rare cases where the gender confusion makes sense based on biology from faulty genes (ie. genetic males whose male parts did not form normally due to genetic defects). These people should be surgically corrected to the genetic, biological gender and helped to be what they really are genetically.

A problem that I've seen Peterson address that he is absolutely right to be concerned about is the enormous attack on free speech in Canada from the sexually deviant community who want it to be illegal for anyone to call their perversion what it is, wrong, unhealthy, and damaging.

The Islamists also want to squelch free speech in Canada, and laws are being passed that are moving the country away from a peaceful, free country to an evil tyranny where human life has no value.

The left want to constantly attack the right for saying things that offend them (like biological, scientific truths: humans come in male and female and the male body was designed to reproduce with the female body), but they are perfectly comfortable calling the other side all kinds of nasty names and being actually truly supremely hateful, showing how little they care about offending anyone while hypocritically pretending to be "sensitive".

Why don't you go ahead and link a video or article from Peterson where he is showing hate to women and gender-confused people. I'm interested to see it.

General Discussion / What Jordan Peterson does that most people don't
« on: June 10, 2018, 10:20:57 AM »
Jordan Peterson thinks.

Jordan Peterson learns.

Jordan Peterson isn't arrogant or rude. He discusses issues instead of attacking individuals.

Jordan Peterson cares about helping people.

He's not right about everything, but he is trying to bring common sense and age-old wisdom back to a country in crisis.

Calling someone a "joke" or a "retard" or some other hollow defamatory label does not illuminate issues, increase kindess in the world, increase understanding, or help anything.

Most people today are riding the liberal media wave down the gutter and seem entitely incapable or unwilling to consider that perhaps "new truth" after 6000 years of human history simply isn't truth at all.

There are two genders. This is a biological fact.

Men and women produce babies and carry on the human race.

Children do best when raised by their biological mother and father who are married to each other.

Fathers protect and provide and mothers bear, nurse, and nurture the children.

Everything that veers away from the norms and design from the beginning of creation is inferior to the perfect design and creates pain and brokenness.

Even I don't agree with everything Peterson says, but I certainly acknowledge he has a lot of useful things to say about a lot of topics.

Instead of calling someone a name, discuss the issues. Name calling only shows that the name caller is immature and upset and is unable to address issues in a way that demonstrates ability to think and ability to respect other human beings.

General Discussion / Re: You Thought....
« on: June 05, 2018, 08:25:27 PM »
The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31

19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

Jesus is the Christ

1 John 2:22-23

22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 10:30-33

[Jesus answered] "I and the Father are one."

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

General Discussion / Re: You Thought....
« on: June 05, 2018, 07:53:00 PM »
I am a bad person. We are all bad people.

We all deserve to be rejected by God on account of our sins.

But God loved us and sent Jesus to save us.

And if you don't care what I have to say, you wouldn't keep @BabySharking and responding.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people promoting and protecting a religion that promotes rape of little girls. It's sick. Makes me angry.

General Discussion / Re: You Thought....
« on: June 05, 2018, 06:56:28 PM »
You are the one who keeps @BabySharking and going on promotion sprees for a religion that embraces and promotes pedophilia, poligamy, rape, torture, and murder.

The living God will judge those who make this life a living hell for little girls and women.

There is forgiveness for the repentant who put their trust in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

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