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Topics - Piano

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1 / New Player: Pupil seeking Teacher.
« on: November 05, 2017, 06:39:27 AM »
Hi there,

By my continual frustration with how Blizzard destroys SC:BW and in search of new challenges, I've decided I want to step away from BW for a while and dive head deep into WC2.

I saw the following post and began to ponder.
How steep is the competition and learning curve to be able to compete in this tournament?

Is there someone willing to help me setup this game. Portforward, anithack, etc. and then teach me 2v2? Would you be willing to partner me in the above tournament as well?
My goal is likely way too far fetched. I've always played 2v2 a 3v3 in BW, 2v2 on a reasonably high level. I think I have a good developed strategic mindset for 2v2. So with good coaching I believe I can quickly at least become a decent player that's fun to play with or against.
In BW I always liked Terran the best, in WC2 I would like to take Human as my main race.

Looking forward to positive replies. I'm very eager to learn this game, but I'd really like someone to hold my hand for a bit.
Note: Prize-money is not a motivation to get into this game. I legitimately want to discover and get into WC2.

Feel free to flame me if I'm way in over my head. (I've only played WC2 as single player, about 20 years ago, but it has always remained one of my favorite games!)


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