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Topics - mrmiffmiff

Pages: [1]
Support Requests / [done]A few minor issues with the campaign
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:12:51 PM »
Alright, I'm attempting to run the Battlenet edition 2.0 Nostalgia version to play the campaigns. Gameplay-wise, it runs perfectly, so overall I have very few concerns. I'm not sure any of the following are actually glitches or just intended parts of the edit, but I must check. So...

First of all, despite the Downloads page specifically saying the introduction is included, it refuses to play. If I click Replay Introduction from the menu, the screen fades to black for a second, then returns to the menu.

Second of all, the campaign mission briefings... I'm pretty sure the lack of voiceover was intended, since by my understanding those take up a lot of room, but the text scrolls by really fast, for some reason. Like, too fast. I can read pretty fast, but even I can't read a line that's off the screen in 3 seconds. I feel like this may have something to do with my computer being faster than was originally intended for the game, but that's just a guess on my part.

As for my relevant specs, I'm running 64-bit Windows 8.1 with 8 GB of RAM a single Intel processor because it's a laptop... Lenovo Z50, if you want the model. A laptop from just before Lenovo became terrible. And of course my graphics are the built-in graphics, because, laptop, but they've never really failed me for the games I play.

Any ideas? Am I misunderstanding something or doing something wrong?

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