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Topics - Johno

Pages: [1]
Support Requests / [solved]I'm having some problems
« on: March 31, 2016, 06:51:35 AM »
Hi, I'm not sure if I'm leaving this message in the right place but I've only just signed up to this forum so forgive me!

last night I tried to play a game of Warcraft 2 with my brother but when we installed War2Combat on his laptop we found that when he tried to play the screen seemed to be zoomed in at the top left to some extent and he couldn't move his mouse beyond that point, and anything that he couldn't see on the screen he couldn't select with the mouse. Also is it possible to have computer bots in these online games?

We tried the "classic" game play to attempted a network game just through his internet hub before hand but we couldn't get that to work either. But when we tried to play through the server we both tried to create a game but found that once we had done this we got a message saying something like "your game has been closed, no one can join your game. There are some other problems as well but I don't want to raise too many at once.

Any advice that could be offered would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.


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