Warcraft II Forum
Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: turtleman on March 15, 2025, 06:30:27 PM
I've been making a few warcraft 2 videos lately and thought you'd appreciate them
http://www.youtube.com/@wolfandman (http://www.youtube.com/@wolfandman)
I've made 2 so far, one going over the early days of online gaming and warcraft 2 - the second video discussing the new remastered game and the changes made so far
I'm currently working on a third video about the best players of all time as a hall of fame type of thing which I should be done in a day or so
Check it out and let me know what you think. Please like and subscribe
Hello Celine_Jules
Aj nice to see a familiar face
Nice videos. Some odd effects here and there :) but overall good job commentating with a balance of info and game reporting.
Thanks I appreciate the feedback. I was messing around with screen shake/zoom a bit and ended up uploading one video that had some rogue keyframes but i figured whatever - think moving forward i'm probably just gonna keep it simple