Warcraft II Forum
Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: RagneR on January 04, 2020, 12:33:21 PM
or am I a stream-sniper-hacker and getting a red card?
Yes you may participate.
k thanks it's cool
Sure you can. As long as it's not a tier classified tournament and nobody wrote in first post that you can not, it means you can do it.
You certainly cant, no ladder abuser or sniper allowed, but you can be referee if you want, learn how legit players play.
PS: Same for peoples who dont use Anti-Hack.
He already is playing in it.
jesus fuckin christ ROFLMAO hilarious. this is just perfect. fukin war2 circus klflmfaoolololo
jesus fuckin christ ROFLMAO hilarious. this is just perfect. fukin war2 circus klflmfaoolololo
Ive never call him hacker, i call him cheater, there a difference.