Warcraft II Forum

Warcraft II => Mods & Development => Topic started by: Available on December 11, 2019, 04:12:14 AM

Title: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 11, 2019, 04:12:14 AM
About new minimap plugin in 4.6 version.

the plugin should be updated so the minimap doesn't disappear anymore when you type

But the cursor(Orc Hand) must keep drawn OVER the map image, elseway it will be bad and uncomfortable appearance.

here some comparisions standard vs improved lobbymap palettes:


Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 11, 2019, 08:32:49 AM
Appearance can be slightly improved by adding a 3px frame to smooth overall picture

Also maybe to stretch map optionally to 256 pix [maybe with some more calculations using more pud tiles info for better result]
Lobby mod have almost enough room for it. (but need to find checkbox status in memory to let plugin know which mode the user has selected at the moment)
here is a draft of how it might look
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: fois on December 12, 2019, 09:19:06 AM
But the cursor(Orc Hand) must keep drawn OVER the map image, elseway it will be bad and uncomfortable appearance.

Not sure what you mean with that, isn't the cursor always drawn on top of the preview and visible?

New map previews looks really nice btw
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 12, 2019, 02:56:25 PM
isn't the cursor always drawn on top of the preview and visible?
Sorry, I forgot to note that I had in mind the latest(?) version of dll from lamb, when i tried it, the map is drawn over the cursor. :-\

If I was spending any time developing it I would probably add a hotkey to suppress the map display or something.

It appears iL has used an early version of LC.dll in the 4.5 release. If you want you can replace it with the current version (attached).
* LC.dll (42.5

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Lambchops on December 13, 2019, 06:13:43 AM
Yeah the updated LC.dll hooks the screen display right at the end just before the new screen is updated, this is also after the cursor has been drawn, so the map is drawn over the cursor.

It is much more efficiant this way than how I originally did it when I was developing the framework.

The cursor not being visible over the map is only a cosmetic issue. Next time I am looking at it I might try hooking it just before the cursor is drawn to reverse this, but it isn't an urgent priority.

[HERE] (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=5378.0;attach=3406) is the updated version of LC.dll which I reccommend people use.

If anyone wants to play with it, the source for the lobby_map plugin is attached. I also removed a bit of unneeded code when I cleaned up the source, so there is a slightly smaller version of the plugin included in the zip.

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 13, 2019, 11:34:20 AM
The cursor not being visible over the map is only a cosmetic issue

I thought that cosmetics is in the topic start message. :)

But mouse cursor not a cosmetic:
when someone recording video or streaming with commentary, he can point at lobby minimap positions with that cosmetic stuff ;)

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Lambchops on December 15, 2019, 06:59:36 AM
when someone recording video or streaming with commentary, he can point at lobby minimap positions with that cosmetic stuff ;)

@iL @Available

Ok. Fair enough.

Have altered the lobby map plugin so it draws the cursor over itself. Bit of a kludgey fix TBH, but it seems to work ok.

SOURCE (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=5461.0;attach=3474) is updated.


As for the updated appearance wher you have made the boundary tiles different shades...

I agree it looks more pleasing to the eye from an artistic standpoint. :newthumbsup:

I have found that the lobby map actually improves my gameplay a bit because I can strategize in the lobby while studying the map before the game starts. :thinking:

IMHO Having these different colors actually obscures things from a strategic point of view. The original colors mark each tile by how it behaves in the game -> i.e. a rock border tile still behaves like rock and must be sapped to pass.

For my own personal taste, the extra colors just add confusion.

However this is very much a matter of personal taste and I'm sure other people will prefer prettier looking pictures.

The tile colors can be edited in pudthumb.cpp (or just hexedited into the .w2p file if you want).

They are here:

Code: [Select]

// this just gives 3-letter names to some color values
// you can add more if you want

#define LTW 0xD4
#define DKW 0xD5
#define LTM 0xAA
#define DKM 0xA9
#define LTG 0x98
#define DKG 0x96
#define TRE 0x90
#define ROC 0x7D
#define OWL 0x7E
#define HWL 0x7F

DWORD tilecolors[] = { 0,
                       LTW,     //     <--- these are the sold tile colors
                    // --- //
                       LTW,    //      <--- These are the border tile colors       
                       HWL   };

New plugin attached :) hf

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 16, 2019, 11:24:20 AM
I'm sure other people will prefer prettier looking pictures
But not only because they looking prettier:

The original colors mark each tile by how it behaves in the game -> i.e. a rock border tile still behaves like rock and must be sapped to pass.
Just the opposite - rocks and woods marked two colors because:
1. for better recognition rock vs dirt (original blended a bit when dirt squares too thin)
2. thin rocks edge differs and better visible where is a chance to break through with one sap
3. same things about forest pieces where is a chance to use one peon.

Having these different colors actually obscures things
the extra colors just add confusion.
4. lol, for example, original colors of "dark grass" vs "light grass".
idk if this info useful, but i changed it to let them are less significantly differed, to not obscure my strategic point of view %-/

Sorry for a sarcastic tone, but the original readability is that what made me do this mod.

The only thing that is real cosmetic is "water", but why not - no another blue tones on minimap, so let it be beautiful.

but it seems to work ok.
Yes, when user typing, the fakecursor will be cut on edges only, but this is already excellent compared to no map or no cursor at all :)

or just hexedited
Done for new lobby (palette and both coords map and fakecursor):
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Lambchops on December 17, 2019, 12:02:40 AM
Quote from: Lambchops on 2019-12-15, 16:59:36

    but it seems to work ok.

Yes, when user typing, the fakecursor will be cut on edges only, but this is already excellent compared to no map or no cursor at all :)

Cool :) Glad it helps. If you are using the updated LC.dll the map won't disappear so you won't see that.

Quote from: Lambchops on 2019-12-15, 16:59:36

    The original colors mark each tile by how it behaves in the game -> i.e. a rock border tile still behaves like rock and must be sapped to pass.

Just the opposite - rocks and woods marked two colors because:
1. for better recognition rock vs dirt (original blended a bit when dirt squares too thin)
2. thin rocks edge differs and better visible where is a chance to break through with one sap
3. same things about forest pieces where is a chance to use one peon.

No. I actually think you are wrong there. Gow players tend to think there is only 1 tree next to the hall spot at 11. Chop players know there are actually 2 but they will always double chop ;)



This is how gow spot 11 is as far as the game plays.

There are no spots that are easier to sap because there are border tiles. A border tile with rock = a rock tile. They are just pictures. This is my exact point.

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Lambchops on December 17, 2019, 12:16:06 AM
Here is a better example:


Any of the 4 peons can chop the "tree" next to the hall. This is because there is 2 trees, not one.

Yes, they will ALWAYS double chop, but the rules of double chopping don't change, you can see them from just looking at the tree blocks.
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 17, 2019, 05:21:57 AM
If you are using the updated LC.dll the map won't disappear so you won't see that.

Yes - i'm using the updated LC.dll,
Yes - the map won't disappear,
No - i see that :)
When i type, real cursor hiding. As a result, it may looks cropped around the edges of the map, because fakecursor exist only on bitmap.
Anyway, not a critical issue.
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Available on December 17, 2019, 05:36:21 AM
Chop players know...

First of all i'm ok with wood chopping and not so new, to call it double or triple :)


About woods:
Providing info about easy chop is better than not doing it.
There can be not so plain situations, as "chopfarms players" are used to.
Here is a sample:


Also, about rocks, which are even unknown for "chop players", lol
There are no spots that are easier to sap because there are border tiles. A border tile with rock = a rock tile.

"actually... you are wrong there" (c)Lambchops  ;D

These 'tiles' behave absolutely different in game, so providing info about this on map is better.
For understandig it need some skill of saps using, at least same level as "double"chop  ;)

Here are some illustrative examples:


A rhetorical question: Where you guess to sap?
When deciding, please rely on the OLD palette   ???
Next bethink that pixels doubled here, the in game picture not so readably... "gg".

Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Lambchops on December 17, 2019, 06:58:44 PM
When i type, real cursor hiding. As a result, it may looks cropped around the edges of the map, because fakecursor exist only on bitmap. Anyway, not a critical issue.

Ok I see what you mean. Yeah not losing any sleep over it.

"actually... you are wrong there" (c)Lambchops

Haha sorry mate, no copyright on an edited quote ;)

These 'tiles' behave absolutely different in game, so providing info about this on map is better.

Certian trees/rocks are not allowed to exist on their own, I assume because they don't fit with the game graphics. This is dependant on what is in the surrounding tiles.

A tree tile can not exist without another tree tile either above or below it. This rule holds regardless of whether the 2nd tile is a border tile or not.

You have demonstrated this in your chopping example which chops 2 solid tree tiles from a vertical column of 5, causing the entire column to be removed.

If you do the same thing to a horizontal row of trees you will only remove the 2 trees, but your color scheme marks these 2 situations identically.

  --  --

In the end it comes down to personal preference. I actually like the colors you have used for the light/dark grass, water and trees. They look nice. I think the rocks look messy and ugly as balls lol... but that's just me.

I think most people would prefer your color scheme, but do me a favor and try out some different rock colors. Maybe the dark mud needs to be slightly darker too.
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: durazno33 on December 17, 2022, 02:10:10 PM
I guess I've missed something in this post but how do you install this lobby patch? I've copied the lc.dll and lobby_map.w2p files into the Warcraft 2 BNE folder as well as a sub folder named plugins and neither worked. How do you install this lobby? (I've tried in the GOG and War2Combat versions without any luck) Thanks!
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Mistral on December 17, 2022, 02:17:31 PM
just install new combat 46 with plugins included
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: durazno33 on December 17, 2022, 02:26:36 PM
Thanks for the reply. So it doesn't work with the GOG version of the game then?
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Mistral on December 17, 2022, 02:37:45 PM
ofc not
gog is shit
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: chayliss on January 26, 2024, 09:50:49 PM
i have 4.6
ive tried several of these lc.dll
cant get lobby to preview map =[
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Heraees on December 12, 2024, 12:32:52 PM
Q1) Why is there not correct colours/tiles when using a SWAMP map ?
Q2) Why can we chose only between two sizes for the preview in the CFG file (size=1, size=2) and not directly type a value ? I would like to adjust things perfectly, and 256 is a little too big.
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: fois on December 12, 2024, 06:21:16 PM
Q1) Why is there not correct colours/tiles when using a SWAMP map ?
Q2) Why can we chose only between two sizes for the preview in the CFG file (size=1, size=2) and not directly type a value ? I would like to adjust things perfectly, and 256 is a little too big.

1: That could be fixed, but someone would have to map each tile to a color and that's a bit annoying to do - I may actually create a new plugin that will pick the best possible colors automatically which then would solve that problem

2: We only got 256 colors to work with, that means we can't have a smooth upscale and therefore we can only use an integer scale with nearest neighbor filter
Title: Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
Post by: Heraees on December 20, 2024, 07:38:39 AM
but someone would have to map each tile to a color
You mean in the plugin ? Isn't it what is already made ? In my mind, it sounds like : "detects swamp tiles usage, and apply this and that colors".

Ok for the n°2 answer ;) I'm not a technician of this area, so I can't argue. Thx for your time and answering me.