Warcraft II Forum

General => Moderated General Discussion => Play Pen-itentiary => Topic started by: LiveFreeorDie on September 20, 2017, 08:42:48 PM

Title: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 20, 2017, 08:42:48 PM
I am very, very sorry.

I have been a bad girl.

My punishment has taught me a lesson.

I will be good from now on.

Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 20, 2017, 08:47:38 PM
That should say "War2" not "W2." Thanks
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 20, 2017, 08:56:26 PM

If a shortening of Warcraft II (11 characters including the space) to War2 (4 characters) is permitted and easily understood, how does the further shortening to W2 (2 characters, no space) impede comprehension or become unacceptable within the domain of this community where its meaning is readily grasped?
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 20, 2017, 08:59:40 PM
because it's called war2 and always has been, since the DOS days when it installed into c:\war2 and you ran war2.exe or war2.bat to play.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 20, 2017, 09:12:21 PM
it's an issue very dear to my heart. thank you. mousetopher you may now unban babyshark from the HQID and ban claw
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 20, 2017, 09:14:06 PM

Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: O4L on September 20, 2017, 09:31:36 PM
Is this a cook book strategy?
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 21, 2017, 06:07:24 AM
^ HAHAHHAHAHAHA ^ burton rulez

because it's called war2 and always has been, since the DOS days when it installed into c:\war2 and you ran war2.exe or war2.bat to play.
we fear change

mousetopher you may now unban babyshark from the HQID and ban claw
HQID board no longer exists comrade!

babyshark I'm not sure about this, I hate to refuse your hard baked confections as valid repentance, but conversely you did have the option to run this activity past the war2 council in advance for confirmation. the fact is that aside from the cuteness factor these cookies cannot be said to afford any meaningful, tangible improvement to the war2 community as a whole. I mean, they're not even cut in the shape of the logo or iced to look like grunt faces..
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 21, 2017, 06:09:44 AM
also let's face it, the "war2" really would have to be changed to "wc2" in order to even begin to be considered
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: I hate naggers on September 21, 2017, 06:14:09 AM
its funny how BS always thought so high of herself and she was one of the first ones to be banned for racism. w2 moderated section is a mirror and what you see is a reflection of your soul. you can't fix your soul with buns
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Lambchops on September 21, 2017, 06:44:04 AM

Yummy :D

you can't fix your soul with buns

Pretty sure BabyShark's soul doesnt need fixing, and I think we've all earned about a million bonus soul points absorbing endless reams of your bilious hatespeech, so just take a cookie and say thanks, eh?  ;)

Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on September 21, 2017, 08:50:57 AM
unban everyone and permaban the racist claw, problem with the moderated forum solved.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 21, 2017, 09:00:59 AM
Yes, I'm laughing, but please don't conclude this indicates either a paucity of contrition or a refusal on my part to comprehend the gravity of my offense.

I'm just a happy person and automatically laugh a lot and experience increased laughing levels when I enjoy the camadaderie of my fellow W2ers. War2ers. WC2ers. All included for meeting the needs of all need level readers.

I have completed an alternate, recommended Community Service Activity according to the recommended activity guide provided by mousetopher.

To be posted soon.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: I hate naggers on September 21, 2017, 09:03:27 AM
unban everyone and permaban the racist claw, problem with the moderated forum solved.
claw did nothing wrong, I am the victim of many, many racist attacks. you're the perpetrator. typical communist weapon - projection
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on September 21, 2017, 09:26:30 AM
claw did nothing wrong, I am the victim of many, many racist attacks. you're the perpetrator. typical communist weapon - projection

stop coddling this racist manbaby mousetropher. starting to think you're a nazi-sympathizer. you got this little bitch playing the victim now , pretending to be a victim of "racist attacks" while spewing 'nigger' all over the forums and creating threads about black people being violent.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 21, 2017, 12:32:57 PM
so what, as long as he's not doing it in the moderated section why should the moderated section's rules apply to those actions? lots of war2 players say a bunch of heinous crap, claw actually makes a point of following the rules as stated because his whole game is to antagonize people by exploiting loopholes. this ostrich business though, his prospects aren't looking good tbh.

@bs, now that's more like it! I like your attitude & proactiveness, but it's still a little premature. we're still going to need to see that some people at that community have demonstrated interest & engagement with war2, not just that a post has been made which no one will ever see again after the thread gets old in a few days/weeks
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 21, 2017, 12:42:26 PM
i'm pretty surprised Claw called babyshark a name in the moderated forum as he's always seemed like the type that would post tidal waves of n-words in the flame forum while carefully staying within the letter of the law in the mod forum
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on September 21, 2017, 12:54:03 PM
so what, as long as he's not doing it in the moderated section why should the moderated section's rules apply to those actions? lots of war2 players say a bunch of heinous crap, claw actually makes a point of following the rules as stated because his whole game is to antagonize people by exploiting loopholes. this ostrich business though, his prospects aren't looking good tbh.

he has no "game" or ideas of "exploiting loopholes", his antagonism comes naturally as a pure garbage racist. his participation undermines the moderated forum, he already got me and babyshark banned. when you put a racist in front of anti-racists things get heated and rules become trivial.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: I hate naggers on September 21, 2017, 12:56:04 PM
all of you ******s are retarded for banning me for the word "ostrich". blid is a ****** lawyer, but clearly with a ****** audience, his reasoning "works"
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 21, 2017, 01:41:34 PM
I got banned for the words "croak" and "frog".

Ostrich is far worse IMO as ostriches are known to be dumb and nasty animals.

http://animalsake.com/dumbest-animals-in-world (http://animalsake.com/dumbest-animals-in-world)

https://azoolife.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/ostriches-are-nasty/ (https://azoolife.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/ostriches-are-nasty/)

The offense is very real.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 21, 2017, 02:10:01 PM
hahahha, such low effort!

the whole premise of the 1 chance for redemption is that is should not be easy. in order to repent for grievous transgressions & regain good standing in the community people need to put in some genuine hard work! it needs to be a real activity requiring time & effort that imparts a real benefit to the war2 community as a whole. this is not a game bro! silly little joke efforts will not be accepted. no compromises!

i suggest you give your next activity some hard thought & advance planning before you execute! feel free to run the specifics by the community first for confirmation
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of W2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 21, 2017, 02:24:45 PM
The Moderated Forum is like a cemetery... people are dying to get in!
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: foonat on September 21, 2017, 02:42:40 PM
what the fuck is this thread
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 21, 2017, 02:44:38 PM
theres a new gimmick "moderated" forum that you instantly get banned from if you make 1 rude post, if you get banned you have one extra chance if you do a good war2 deed to be let back in

but even though mouse is banned from that forum now for posting a youtube of a crude bill burr routine shes still the only admin who can change user groups. i cant do that, im just a global mod
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 21, 2017, 04:11:12 PM

Mousey said you're in charge of deciding when I can be re-admitted to Moderated Section of W2 Forum.

I have my Community Service Activity submission, a guide to playing 4 position in GOW, to benefit new players in the W2 community right here:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176431552 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176431552)

Must be getting lonely in there...in the Moderated Section of W2 Forum...with so little activity...so little to do...I know you want me in there, so don't fight it.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 21, 2017, 04:56:52 PM
no i've definitely still got sway there

theres a new gimmick "moderated" forum that you instantly get banned from if you make 1 rude post, if you get banned you have one extra chance if you do a good war2 deed to be let back in

but even though mouse is banned from that forum now for posting a youtube of a crude bill burr routine shes still the only admin who can change user groups. i cant do that, im just a global mod
it wasn't supposed to beeeee this way..! it's just if you try to enforce 1 positive standard at war2 everyone instantly becomes as petty & immature as possible to try and use it against everyone else. in theory it's a great idea though!

and are you sure? i thought you could do that
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 21, 2017, 05:06:50 PM
oh right i forgot. i can do that actually, im very powerful
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 21, 2017, 05:35:05 PM

If you've found fault in my most recent Community Service Activity submission, describe it in detail so as to give me the opportunity to rectify my ways.

If the submission is approved, please announce my re-integration into the Moderated Section of W2 Forum promptly.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 21, 2017, 08:29:09 PM

Mousey said you're in charge of deciding when I can be re-admitted to Moderated Section of W2 Forum.

I have my Community Service Activity submission, a guide to playing 4 position in GOW, to benefit new players in the W2 community right here:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176431552 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176431552)

Must be getting lonely in there...in the Moderated Section of W2 Forum...with so little activity...so little to do...I know you want me in there, so don't fight it.
sadly I can't watch this video because your voice is about 1/10th the volume of the peon noises... so the only way I can hear you is if I turn it up loud enough for the war2 sounds to deafen me :(  I bet it's good but it's probably hard to adjust the volumes after it's recorded? or is it
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: LiveFreeorDie on September 22, 2017, 09:28:47 AM
Not to worry blid.

More community service projects coming right up!

You know what Thomas Edison said?

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 22, 2017, 05:08:59 PM
*presses face against glass of moderated section* :(((
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 24, 2017, 09:22:28 AM
so what, as long as he's not doing it in the moderated section why should the moderated section's rules apply to those actions? lots of war2 players say a bunch of heinous crap, claw actually makes a point of following the rules as stated because his whole game is to antagonize people by exploiting loopholes. this ostrich business though, his prospects aren't looking good tbh.

@bs, now that's more like it! I like your attitude & proactiveness, but it's still a little premature. we're still going to need to see that some people at that community have demonstrated interest & engagement with war2, not just that a post has been made which no one will ever see again after the thread gets old in a few days/weeks

Having a moderated forum on here is retarded and gay.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 24, 2017, 09:25:36 AM
My new community service project, an advanced step-by-step tutorial on playing from the 11 o'clock position in GOW is ready for approval:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131)

Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 24, 2017, 02:32:48 PM
My new community service project, an advanced step-by-step tutorial on playing from the 11 o'clock position in GOW is ready for approval:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131)
nice! does it passa da test blid? that moderated section is dying fast, we gotta get bs back in there stat
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: mousEtopher on September 24, 2017, 02:36:38 PM
@eyyy im walkin here
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 24, 2017, 03:08:36 PM
Ohh am I really the shot caller? I'll consider. Let me meditate
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 24, 2017, 04:54:49 PM
My new community service project, an advanced step-by-step tutorial on playing from the 11 o'clock position in GOW is ready for approval:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176858131)
Wow, just admitting right off the bat that the goal is to get back into the Moderated forum... not to educate the War2 community.  Otherwise, obviously lots of good advice for new players, and despite the strange sounds and booming keyboard noises I think you did turn the War2 volume down slightly, maybe, as requested.  But unfortunately I just can't accept such a selfishly motivated contribution.  You have to be pure of heart to get back into the Moderated forum.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 24, 2017, 08:15:23 PM
Seems like the type of insulting we don't allow in the Moderated forum, which I'm able to spot, which is why I have not been banned from there.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 24, 2017, 08:29:50 PM
I feel like you must've faked some of this but it's pretty good.  I'll let you back in.
Title: Re: Community Service Activity for Re-entry to Moderated Section of War2 Forum
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on September 25, 2017, 09:07:31 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D