Warcraft II Forum
Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: ~ToRa~ on November 11, 2016, 11:45:04 AM
Hey do you consider yourself to be a top Tier BNE player on Warcraft 2? Do you see other people on the server with master tags and wish you had one?
If you answered yes to both of the above questions, then post bellow and challenge one of the master tag holders to a series.
Current master tag holders include,
All series must be streamed on Twitch or observed by a twitch streamer.
(If you need help setting up a steam please contact moustopher.)
All series are also to be played Bo7.
Master tag holders who accept the challenge will receive a cash prize for accepting and defeating their challenger.
Should a challenger defeat a master tag holder, the challenger will strip the master tag holder of their status.
The purpose of this master tag challenge thread is to give players who do not currently have a master tag the opportunity to challenge a player in order to receive one. For many weeks players like Yamon, Greenagenda, Equinox, etc. Have expressed interest in receiving master tag status.
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Since it is his master tag status on the line
The only stipulation we are setting for these matches are for them to be played bo7 with notice and for them to be streamed by both players or from a watchers perspective in order to promote the game on social media.
I would also like to add a couple side notes,
While master tag holders are more than welcome to accept each and every challenge. We will not throw money at every single challenge. For arguments sake lets say Yamon loses to Lux in his challenge. He is more than welcome to come back to this thread and challenge another master tag holder. We will do our best to set up a proper match and time for both players should said master tag holder accept. However chances are we will not be interested in giving out prize money for multiple challenges by the same competitor in a short time frame. Furthermore should a lower tier player like challenge a master tag holder we also will not be interested in giving out prize money for a successful defense.
At the moment we do not have any system for preventing master tag holders from dodging challenges. However if it becomes apparent that a master tag holder for unreasonable reasons is purposefully dodging multiple challenges they may be liable to lose their master tag status.
Yamon has a winning record vs. Logan
Yamon has a winning record vs. Logan
Lets see them play then.
u8t shotgun and startale are the only players that scare me.
But i challenge logan.
i would also prefer that mousetopher streams the event due to my computer being shit.
But i'm getting a new computer with an eight-core and 32 gigs of ram and an 1060
u8t shotgun and startale are the only players that scare me.
But i challenge logan.
Lux do u accept?
u8t shotgun and startale are the only players that scare me.
But i challenge logan.
i would also prefer that mousetopher streams the event due to my computer being shit.
But i'm getting a new computer with an eight-core and 32 gigs of ram and an 1060
JesK and player are better but they don't scare you? It was wise to challenge a player you could easily beat.
"Easily beat"? Lux?
u8t shotgun and startale are the only players that scare me.
But i challenge logan.
i would also prefer that mousetopher streams the event due to my computer being shit.
But i'm getting a new computer with an eight-core and 32 gigs of ram and an 1060
JesK and player are better but they don't scare you? It was wise to challenge a player you could easily beat.
nope, not at all. jesk and player are better in teams but not in ones
"Easily beat"? Lux?
yeah people don't know how fucking god like lux really is
Sure, I should be on sometime this weekend
Sure, I should be on sometime this weekend
Can we get an approximate day and time? Remember we're trying to promote these matches.
Will have to let you know when I get home from work.
"Easily beat"? Lux?
Lux is the more talented player but he has handicaps that yamon doesn't have to deal with.
Will have to let you know when I get home from work.
Defeat yamon and we will throw in a $25 prize.
Please try to get the warvids from a watcher!
Then I can do a casting of the games...
I think I will easily have material for 1 video per week :-D
dammit i think im too bad to challenge anyon
AU$100 on lux for the series. any takers?
AU$100 on lux for the series. any takers?
You have the inside track on LuX so the bet is sorta stacked in your favor
What does that mean?
Well I made two seemly contradictory statements,
1. Yamon challenged a player (lux) he could easily beat
2. It isn't good to bet against lux if you know what kind of shape he will be in.
Under normal conditions yamon has a huge advantage because lux wakes up super early (5 am) and doesn't get on until late at night. He is fatigued mentally and physically from both working his day job and taking care of his kids. He might be stressed from projects and meetings and worrying about his kids or why his wife is pissed off at him. Yamon plays all day every day and isnt handicaped by any of those above things.
Lux would have the advantage when he doesn't have to work all day or worry about his kids and wife. He would have an even higher percentage if he takes the time to study yamon's replays. Douglas might in contact with sean so he knows what kind of shape lux is in mentally and how sharp his game will be on match day. Lux is more talented than yamon (equally swift at one point).
Well I made two seemly contradictory statements,
1. Yamon challenged a player (lux) he could easily beat
2. It isn't good to bet against lux if you know what kind of shape he will be in.
Under normal conditions yamon has a huge advantage because lux wakes up super early (5 am) and doesn't get on until late at night. He is fatigued mentally and physically from both working his day job and taking care of his kids. He might be stressed from projects and meetings and worrying about his kids or why his wife is pissed off at him. Yamon plays all day every day and isnt handicaped by any of those above things.
Lux would have the advantage when he doesn't have to work all day or worry about his kids and wife. He would have an even higher percentage if he takes the time to study yamon's replays. Douglas might in contact with sean so he knows what kind of shape lux is in mentally and how sharp his game will be on match day. Lux is more talented than yamon (equally swift at one point).
lol i'm probably more stressed and fatigued than lux ever is at all times.
that's why i don't have a wife, children or a job. i don't know how people think these things happen. just shows how narrow-sighted you are.
everyone has problems, trials, tribulations, stress, triggers, and responsibilities. Like seriously did you blow in from stupid town? because almost everything you say is fucking retarded. And the best part about your overall stupidity, is you're an unapologetic kind of stupid. Just absolutely hopeless.
bo7? gow? koth style? make a rules ........................
lol i'm probably more stressed and fatigued than lux ever is at all times.
Does tonight 10pm eastern sound good? I'm busy the rest of the day
bo7? gow? koth style? make a rules ........................
The purpose of this master tag challenge thread is to give players who do not currently have a master tag the opportunity to challenge a player in order to receive one. For many weeks players like Yamon, Greenagenda, Equinox, etc. Have expressed interest in receiving master tag status.
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Since it is his master tag status on the line
The only stipulation we are setting for these matches are for them to be played bo7 and for them to be streamed by both players or from a watchers perspective in order to promote the game on social media.
I would also like to add a couple side notes,
While master tag holders are more than welcome to accept each and every challenge. We will not throw money at every single challenge. For arguments sake lets say Yamon loses to Lux in his challenge. He is more than welcome to come back to this thread and challenge another master tag holder. We will do our best to set up a proper match and time for both players should said master tag holder accept. However chances are we will not be interested in giving out prize money for multiple challenges by the same competitor in a short time frame. Furthermore should a lower tier player like Mouse, Ingognito, etc challenge a master tag holder we also will not be interested in giving out prize money for a successful defense.
At the moment we do not have any system for preventing master tag holders from dodging challenges. However if it becomes apparent that a master tag holder for unreasonable reasons is purposefully dodging multiple challenges they may be liable to lose their master tag status.
Furthermore should a lower tier player like Mouse or a tier 3 fucking champion like Claw
Does tonight 10pm eastern sound good? I'm busy the rest of the day
Wonder why yamon isn't responding.
Master alf-attack! What sets u play? maybe ill own ur ass sometime
Master alf-attack! What sets u play? maybe ill own ur ass sometime
Pm him he doesn't post on the forums.
he prefer gow ofc ^^ and best map JIMLAND
but but but.... are you blackmailing me for 100$!?
been no lifing skyrim, i figured lux would be on late tonight so yeah 10 is good
Need a streamer to agree to do obs.
we need a volunteer, if nobody comes I suppose we will just need to settle for some warvids
Was hoping to post the match on Facebook
been no lifing skyrim, i figured lux would be on late tonight so yeah 10 is good
Have you tried Morrowind?
Yeah if it happens by 10 I will get it.
been no lifing skyrim, i figured lux would be on late tonight so yeah 10 is good
Have you tried Morrowind?
no but i hear that game is legenduh
right now i'm running around skyrim killing everything as a werewolf very op.
Yeah if it happens by 10 I will get it.
K thanks should be interesting
won the series
but i request that logan keep his master tag, and just give me one. Logan is one of the few players who truly deserves one imo.
but if you feel like it compromises the system that you have created too much then i understand
gj yamon!
Which one is it - KOTH or "master decides the settings" btw?
PS. we need to bring szajna back to war2!!! http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Szajna (http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Szajna) xD
gj yamon!
Which one is it - KOTH or "master decides the settings" btw?
PS. we need to bring szajna back to war2!!! [url]http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Szajna[/url] ([url]http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Szajna[/url]) xD
it was koth and we played some good maps and some bad maps
ya i know your series were KOTH. WD blew but 4 corners game was pretty interesting!
I am asking in general, because i think its supposed to be "master picks map and sets" and bo7 is played on those sets
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Well ill say you certainly are underrated yamon.
Give us like 24 hours to decide if Lux should keep his master tag or not.
ya i know your series were KOTH. WD blew but 4 corners game was pretty interesting!
I am asking in general, because i think its supposed to be "master picks map and sets" and bo7 is played on those sets
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
If Lux decided for them to play KOTH style then that is "setting the terms of the challenge."
Lux could have decided what maps and setting they were to play for each round but he chose not to.
Even if it was not how it was suppose to go, it ended up pretty exciting that way. Wouldn't be a bad idea to change it.
Even if it was not how it was suppose to go, it ended up pretty exciting that way. Wouldn't be a bad idea to change it.
I like the way it went. Nothing wrong with playing it KOTH style, that makes it a fair match up.
Great job xurnt, you should commentate all the match ups if you can. How do you have so much war2 knowledge? I would request that you add insight. I only watched the first 4 games but they were really exciting (except for WD).
What were the results? Like, what maps and who won which games?
and yeah, any KOTH style game means loser of previous match picks the (BNE) settings for the next one.
What were the results? Like, what maps and who won which games?
and yeah, any KOTH style game means loser of previous match picks the (BNE) settings for the next one.
Xurnt had the replays in the repays thread.
won the series
but i request that logan keep his master tag, and just give me one. Logan is one of the few players who truly deserves one imo.
but if you feel like it compromises the system that you have created too much then i understand
Lux is officially demoted from mater tag status. However he is more than welcome to challenge you or any of the other master tag holders to regain master tag status.
What were the results? Like, what maps and who won which games?
and yeah, any KOTH style game means loser of previous match picks the (BNE) settings for the next one.
Xurnt had the replays in the repays thread.
Curious to know what the results are without watching all the replays
Looking at them I see this though
Game 1: GOW High
Game 2: GOW High
Game 3: POS BNE Low
Game 4: World Domination, High Fastest
Game 5: Gseps High
Game 6: Four Corners Map Default
Game 1: GOW High - Lux
Game 2: GOW High - Yamon
Game 3: POS BNE Low- Lux
Game 4: World Domination, High Fastest - Yamon
Game 5: Gseps High - Yamon
Game 6: Four Corners Map Default - Yamon
Also every game they were neighbors except for game 2.
great series, good to see more than just GOW
Hey guys here are Lone's preferred settings.
My preferred settings:
4. Arctic circle EF/F
In case my preferred maps get picked by my opponent I'll choose from: AYN, Spiral, Mine in the center, Forest trail - depending on my opponent.
If the other master tag holders could please post their preferred settings that would be great to.
Wouldn't you want your opponents to NOT know what maps you are good at
Like now if I were to challenge Lone and lose a game and pick the next map I'd be like, Well, better not select Arctic circle
i just thought people would stick to one map. And people prefer KOTH, in which case its hard to specify. I think if one prefers KOTH, it should just say KOTH
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Since it is his master tag status on the line
Its up to the master tag holder to decide what maps are played and the settings.
If someone wants to play koth its up to them
So in this case, if lone doesn't want koth, i would choose to play him bo7 series on one of the settings he spefified:
4. Arctic circle EF/F
For example "i see ure good at AC, i like that map too, lets roll"
If someone wants to play koth its up to them
YES but if someone wants KOTH, it should just be KOTH, not a whole long list of preferred map settings. Its giving your oponent an edge in this case
If someone wants to play koth its up to them
YES but if someone wants KOTH, it should just be KOTH, not a whole long list of preferred map settings. Its giving your oponent an edge in this case
Yes your right if someone wants to play KOTH then the setting should be KOTH. However once again that is up to the master tag holder being challenged. I see nothing really wrong with posting what settings and maps a master tag holder prefers to play. That should make it easier for players to practice before said challenges.
And like we already stated, it is the master tag holder that decides what map and settings are played not the challengers.
I see nothing really wrong with posting what settings and maps a master tag holder prefers to play. That should make it easier for players to practice before said challenges.
well yes, but thats giving an edge to the challenger. Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad.
I just thought it would be good to see if someone preferred bo7 on a single map, or had a list of maps he prefers and can play one of them. If someone prefers KOTH then basically anything could happen and stating "KOTH" is enough for the challenger to be aware that different settings can and will occur
I see nothing really wrong with posting what settings and maps a master tag holder prefers to play. That should make it easier for players to practice before said challenges.
well yes, but thats giving an edge to the challenger. Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad.
I just thought it would be good to see if someone preferred bo7 on a single map, or had a list of maps he prefers and can play one of them. If someone prefers KOTH then basically anything could happen and stating "KOTH" is enough for the challenger to be aware that different settings can and will occur
But the master tag holder would have to agree to KOTH battle for it to take place.
i dont have anything else to tell you. the concept i presented is very clear
So in this case, if lone doesn't want koth, i would choose to play him bo7 series on one of the settings he spefified:
4. Arctic circle EF/F
For example "i see ure good at AC, i like that map too, lets roll"
Listen as a challenger you dont get to choose what maps are played.
Only reason yamon picked some maps against lux was because lux wanted to play it KOTH.
Also realize these master tag holders are the best players on the server. Even if a challenger knows what maps and settings they like I dont think it will make a huge difference. If anything hopefully it will encourage people to step up and take the challege which is a good thing.
Listen as a challenger you dont get to choose what maps are played.
the ENTIRE point of such list would be for the master tag holders to specify the settings in which they are willing to play.
In this case, if LONE specified arctic circle and then DIDNT want to play arctic circle, that the entire list would be as good as garbage and should be thrown into the dumpster.
if he specified KOTH but then DIDNT want to play KOTH, then the entire list would be as good as garbage and should be thrown into the dumpster
why are you making this entire concept sooooo damn complicated? what are you missing?
Listen as a challenger you dont get to choose what maps are played.
the ENTIRE point of such list would be for the master tag holders to specify the settings in which they are willing to play.
In this case, if LONE specified arctic circle and then DIDNT want to play arctic circle, that the entire list would be as good as garbage and should be thrown into the dumpster.
if he specified KOTH but then DIDNT want to play KOTH, then the entire list would be as good as garbage and should be thrown into the dumpster
why are you making this entire concept sooooo damn complicated? what are you missing?
Ok, I see what you getting at.
I suppose I hoped a list showing what settings and maps players prefer would hopefully give some insight into what type of player they are. Thus helping people decide what master tag holder they wish to challenge.
Also if any master tag holders would like to challenge other master tag holders to Singles or doubles matches, we may be willing to sponsor a cash prize for the winners.
yes i challenge Lone.
Lone u accept?
I accept but not I'm not sure when I'll have time to play. Hopefully the coming weekend will work for both of us.
Awesome bo7 you guys can decide the maps. Winner will receive $25, dont forget to stream or warvid.
Also can u please post here or pm me a couple hours before you plan to play.
I am also game for a series with someone
Yamon i'll play you KOTH.
@lux and sentinal
Swagier, shotgun, alf-attack, knitterhemd, jesk, viruz, lone, startale, and player are all the current master tag holders.
Looks like yamon and lone are booked this weekend but feel free to challenge one of the other players.
Also if any master tag holders would like to team up and play some doubles against each other that would be worth a cash payout too.
I will play anyone just reply if any of you want a series.
Alf or knit play lux ????
any master wantz to play bo7 on friendzzzz or gsepzzzz?
since people dont know how to play sea map, i prefer only sea maps
Can we get one someone to play lux this weekend. Doesnt matter which master tag holder, play lux and win and we will send you $25.
me and knitterhemd are doing a challenge. would prefer it streamed with cash prize?
Can we get one someone to play lux this weekend. Doesnt matter which master tag holder, play lux and win and we will send you $25.
I nominate startale with green plastic or xurnt commentating. I love seeing joe point out lux's mistakes only to see lux overcoming them and winning.
Startale will make enough to order celebratory take out steak and tora will have his distraction from doing school work.
me and knitterhemd are doing a challenge. would prefer it streamed with cash prize?
Games will start in like 30mins.
Ok yeah make sure you guys stream or warvid please
Ok yeah make sure you guys stream or warvid please
4-3 vs knitter. i'll send the warvid to burnt if he wants to display the games.
4-3 vs knitter. i'll send the warvid to burnt if he wants to display the games.
well ggs yamon but i felt like i didnt want to play.
We played koth style. First game was gow. He lost, and picked gow again... And when i lose i pick gow again? So we play 3 games on our bo7 series on gow?...
I thought every map can be played once , so my motivation fall down.
Anyway i wont accept any koth style matches anymore.
4-3 vs knitter. i'll send the warvid to burnt if he wants to display the games.
well ggs yamon but i felt like i didnt want to play.
We played koth style. First game was gow. He lost, and picked gow again... And when i lose i pick gow again? So we play 3 games on our bo7 series on gow?...
I thought every map can be played once , so i motivation fall down.
Anyway i wont accept any koth style matches.
what's wrong with gow twice? would you rather of played instant action? we both have the most experience on gow. And my skills don't fall short on other maps. Was smart of you to pick mini games, it's like we were playing mario party.
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
game 1- gow - knitter
game 2 -gow - me
game 3 - islands in the stream - knitter
game 4 - world domination high bne f - me
game 5 - gold rush bne - knitter
game 6 - gseps - me
game 7- schartz - me
thanks! Looks very interesting
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
game 1- gow - knitter
game 2 -gow - me
game 3 - islands in the stream - knitter
game 4 - world domination high bne f - me
game 5 - gold rush bne - knitter
game 6 - gseps - me
game 7- schartz - me
game1 gow wasnt my pick! my thoughts were we start at gow and pick other maps, like its known to koth style.
But in your opionen we can choose gow 3 times in a row.
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
game 1- gow - knitter
game 2 -gow - me
game 3 - islands in the stream - knitter
game 4 - world domination high bne f - me
game 5 - gold rush bne - knitter
game 6 - gseps - me
game 7- schartz - me
game1 gow wasnt my pick! my thoughts were we start at gow and pick other maps, like its known to koth style.
But in your opionen we can choose gow 3 times in a row.
we played gow twice. Koth starts on gow, and my pick was gow. Whether or not it's against the rules of koth or not, i'm not even sure. But i did it in my series vs lux and he lost money and a master tag and didn't complain about it. I even got s9 twice, and the last game was your pick.
You almost won the series with your picks. And as a player, i only play gow, and world domination is my best map. So if anyone wants to challenge me, those maps will be played. And going 1-1 on gow was a good start to the series. Complaining about playing the map we've both played over 10,000 times in our life times is odd. What would the alternative be? another gimmic map that you would strong arm me on? It was my pick anyway, i could've been a dick like you and picked a map you didn't know, but i picked gow which is more than fair.
But regardless, you almost won the series, you were one game away. It was a decent koth, although very short. But that's because you picked islands and goldrush, and schwartz.
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
game 1- gow - knitter
game 2 -gow - me
game 3 - islands in the stream - knitter
game 4 - world domination high bne f - me
game 5 - gold rush bne - knitter
game 6 - gseps - me
game 7- schartz - me
game1 gow wasnt my pick! my thoughts were we start at gow and pick other maps, like its known to koth style.
But in your opionen we can choose gow 3 times in a row.
we played gow twice. Koth starts on gow, and my pick was gow. Whether or not it's against the rules of koth or not, i'm not even sure. But i did it in my series vs lux and he lost money and a master tag and didn't complain about it. I even got s9 twice, and the last game was your pick.
You almost won the series with your picks. And as a player, i only play gow, and world domination is my best map. So if anyone wants to challenge me, those maps will be played. And going 1-1 on gow was a good start to the series. Complaining about playing the map we've both played over 10,000 times in our life times is odd. What would the alternative be? another gimmic map that you would strong arm me on? It was my pick anyway, i could've been a dick like you and picked a map you didn't know, but i picked gow which is more than fair.
But regardless, you almost won the series, you were one game away. It was a decent koth, although very short. But that's because you picked islands and goldrush, and schwartz.
if i also picked gow, after i lost the 2nd game, we had it played 3 times. Come on... koth style is known for many other maps, b2b,maze,pos or many more. The rule that we can pick 3 times gow, makes no sense to me. But well all im sayin is, we can just stick to gow next time.
And im challengin you for another bo7 gow only. Do you accept?
What were the 7 settings and who won them?
game 1- gow - knitter
game 2 -gow - me
game 3 - islands in the stream - knitter
game 4 - world domination high bne f - me
game 5 - gold rush bne - knitter
game 6 - gseps - me
game 7- schartz - me
game1 gow wasnt my pick! my thoughts were we start at gow and pick other maps, like its known to koth style.
But in your opionen we can choose gow 3 times in a row.
we played gow twice. Koth starts on gow, and my pick was gow. Whether or not it's against the rules of koth or not, i'm not even sure. But i did it in my series vs lux and he lost money and a master tag and didn't complain about it. I even got s9 twice, and the last game was your pick.
You almost won the series with your picks. And as a player, i only play gow, and world domination is my best map. So if anyone wants to challenge me, those maps will be played. And going 1-1 on gow was a good start to the series. Complaining about playing the map we've both played over 10,000 times in our life times is odd. What would the alternative be? another gimmic map that you would strong arm me on? It was my pick anyway, i could've been a dick like you and picked a map you didn't know, but i picked gow which is more than fair.
But regardless, you almost won the series, you were one game away. It was a decent koth, although very short. But that's because you picked islands and goldrush, and schwartz.
if i also picked gow, after i lost the 2nd game, we had it played 3 times. Come on... koth style is known for many other maps, b2b,maze,pos or many more. The rule that we can pick 3 times gow, makes no sense to me. But well all im sayin is, we can just stick to gow next time.
And im challengin you for another bo7 gow only. Do you accept?
sticking to gow is fine with me. And yes i do. But i can't play for a few days. I'm leaving in a few hours to go visit my family for thanksgiving, and i have to get ready.
Yamon did you and lone play each other in a series with the understanding you guys were playing for cash.
Do not play Lone for cash. That's not how you play lone. How you play Lone is "just for fun" and then expect to lose.
Lol knitter owned by Yamon
I remember watching you lose to Yamon(humans) ;p
Lone its hard for people to take yamon seriously, I recall Shotty raping him with vision on the entire game lolzy??? You can go watch the video. I think its cute yamon's trying to compete with the big boys, Knitter will murder him in any series where he actually forces himself to take yamon seriously. Swift's always trying to prop up the under dog, i'll root for yamon as well but realistically he has no shot
what was that, like ten years ago? But yes the video is adorable :D
Yamon can I get a response?
Yamon can I get a response?
no initially i didn't remember that i had challenged lone. but he did kick my butt. I went to the ER a few hours later though and got put on codeine.
(which i find to be very nice :) )
caught up on weeks of sleep lost today
when i told you on facebook that i hope i can keep the games coming, i was referring to my health.
but the hospital thinks i may be coming down with appendicitis.
ok bois.
i read only the start msg from tora, so i havent read all the shit. notice this.
Knitterhemd Player and Alf-Attack for the master tag.
reason: cuz i think they r the easiest of this group.
Yamon Startale Shotgun , Lone
reason: cuz they r former hackers or they are very suspicious.
Viruz u8t3io3p BHC-Jesk
reason: i think they r truly better than i am. i can honestly admit if sum1 is better.
Knitterhemd Player and Alf-Attack. im rdy to play.
RipEstickz0r (nazifaggot)
Anyone accept?
they have to.
they have to.
Don't we have to take more notes from medivh first?
When are the best days and times for you to play ripe
What happens if someone as bad as ripe challenges me to a match, am I allowed to not play simply because it's a no contest?
What happens if someone as bad as ripe challenges me to a match, am I allowed to not play simply because it's a no contest?
Didn't you enjoy beating equinox? That was fun to watch.
ok bois.
i read only the start msg from tora, so i havent read all the shit. notice this.
Knitterhemd Player and Alf-Attack for the master tag.
reason: cuz i think they r the easiest of this group.
Yamon Startale Shotgun , Lone
reason: cuz they r former hackers or they are very suspicious.
Viruz u8t3io3p BHC-Jesk
reason: i think they r truly better than i am. i can honestly admit if sum1 is better.
Knitterhemd Player and Alf-Attack. im rdy to play.
RipEstickz0r (nazifaggot)
your ridiculous claims aside, you're delusional to think you can compete with any master.
Alf when are we playing?! Does this weekend work for you? If so what maps we doing
Anyone accept?
Lux want to play Alf.
So if Player doesnt want to accept the challenge, ill accept it.
This weekend would be a good weekend for some wartoo :fro:
What happens if someone as bad as ripe challenges me to a match, am I allowed to not play simply because it's a no contest?
While master tag holders are more than welcome to accept each and every challenge. We will not throw money at every single challenge. For arguments sake lets say Yamon loses to Lux in his challenge. He is more than welcome to come back to this thread and challenge another master tag holder. We will do our best to set up a proper match and time for both players should said master tag holder accept. However chances are we will not be interested in giving out prize money for multiple challenges by the same competitor in a short time frame. Furthermore should a lower tier player challenge a master tag holder we also will not be interested in giving out prize money for a successful defense.
At the moment we do not have any system for preventing master tag holders from dodging challenges. However if it becomes apparent that a master tag holder for unreasonable reasons is purposefully dodging multiple challenges they may be liable to lose their master tag status.
In fairness Shotgun Ripe isn't that bad.
Also depending on the challenge we do give out a $25 prize for a successful defense by a master tag holder. In other words you will be compensated for your time if the challenge seems legit and not just a waste of time.
Guys i'm just going to ask you to please post here before you guys follow thru with your challenges. That way we don't have anyone saying "Oh I didn't know this was a master tag challenge."
This weekend Lone missed out on a $25 prize for not properly confirming with yamon that this was a master vs master challenge.
It will also help in case one of the master tag holders loses and then denies they knew about the match being for the master tag.
9 am eastern time Saturday morning sound good Alf?
ok i played knitter chrissy for the master tag and won 4-0
http://www.filedropper.com/ripevsknittermasta4-0 (http://www.filedropper.com/ripevsknittermasta4-0)
in this zip file there is 4 warvids / 4 insight reps.
who is next? :]]
is startale active? looking at it he hasnt played ladder match in a couple weeks. he should defend against lone
ok i played knitter chrissy for the master tag and won 4-0
[url]http://www.filedropper.com/ripevsknittermasta4-0[/url] ([url]http://www.filedropper.com/ripevsknittermasta4-0[/url])
in this zip file there is 4 warvids / 4 insight reps.
who is next? :]]
Im not at home I can't view these till tomorrow and the ladder seems to not be recording your matches.
Knitter or a watcher or someone that watched the vids can you confirm knitter lost please.
Startale should play a master tag series you right. On top that he been #1 ladder for months now.
@Knitterhemd you should play yamon or someone else this weekend to try to reclaim your lost master tag :)
there they r in the ladder. alf slacher and some1 called swaz was watching.
there they r in the ladder. alf slacher and some1 called swaz was watching.
Did knitter say that he only wanted to play gow? It is the master tag holder who is supposed to set the maps/settings.
Startale should play a master tag series you right. On top that he been #1 ladder for months now.
@Knitterhemd you should play yamon or someone else this weekend to try to reclaim your lost master tag :)
ummm i want to rechallenge Ripe.
I dont think that happens again :)
Ripe u accept ?
sure chrissy but tomorrow
StarTale is dodging on StarForce.. obviously ::) ::)
I challenge u8t3io3p to a 3 way FFA with braviet. Maps and conditions at u8t3io3p's pleasure.
is startale active? looking at it he hasnt played ladder match in a couple weeks. he should defend against lone
also it should be streamed!
ok call viet we will play!
What happens if someone as bad as ripe challenges me to a match, am I allowed to not play simply because it's a no contest?
While master tag holders are more than welcome to accept each and every challenge. We will not throw money at every single challenge. For arguments sake lets say Yamon loses to Lux in his challenge. He is more than welcome to come back to this thread and challenge another master tag holder. We will do our best to set up a proper match and time for both players should said master tag holder accept. However chances are we will not be interested in giving out prize money for multiple challenges by the same competitor in a short time frame. Furthermore should a lower tier player challenge a master tag holder we also will not be interested in giving out prize money for a successful defense.
At the moment we do not have any system for preventing master tag holders from dodging challenges. However if it becomes apparent that a master tag holder for unreasonable reasons is purposefully dodging multiple challenges they may be liable to lose their master tag status.
In fairness Shotgun Ripe isn't that bad.
Also depending on the challenge we do give out a $25 prize for a successful defense by a master tag holder. In other words you will be compensated for your time if the challenge seems legit and not just a waste of time.
TBH I think he falls into the beatable with vision on category.
i will challenge sg since he iz so arrogant. kangaro0 boi, ill rape u nig!!!!!!!!
dont forget to warvid son.
Knit dont forget to warvid your rematch with ripe
ok call viet we will play!
Does anyone know why braviet has been MIA except to play szwaiger in that tier 1 tournament that NEVER finished. I think we should've just skipped straight to the two best active players Shotgun vs. Szwaiger (JesK would be cool too).
He taking a break give the guy his time. He was playing non stop for months.
9 am eastern time Saturday morning sound good Alf?
sounds good,ill be online saturday
is startale active? looking at it he hasnt played ladder match in a couple weeks. he should defend against lone
I think knitter got #1 because someone else was demoted for inacrivity, star beat knitter to get #1 ... and hasn't given anyone the chance to beat him bo3 the last 2+ months. SG or u8 could a had #1 a long time ago
he just 3-0'd lone today though, i believe, as well as winning 2 games on pb. so he's in good standing now
games were super close and I had been up for 15 hours with 4 hours of sleep ;)
Next week I'll take rank 1.
ST is damn good
Oh I understand that very clearly!
I can't wait to proceed with getting good. It's fun.
Oh I understand that very clearly!
I can't wait to proceed with getting good. It's fun.
You are already good, you just need to focus on being "damn good" like ST
it's interesting looking at the top players startale plays, and the top players lone plays.. then comparing how they do against other players.
lone is 18-23 vs u8
ST is 7-18 vs u8 .... lone has a better win %
lone is 13-1 vs spb
ST is 105-34 vs spb .... lone has better win %
Lone is 4-0 vs medivh
ST is 13-17 vs medivh ... lone has better win %
Lone is 61-51 vs braviet
ST is 34-71 vs braviet ... lone has much better win %
but ST vs lone 15-5 (ST's favor) ... i highly doubt lone had 15 bad games. but i do highly suspect ST has a style of playing that does well against Lone's style.... another possibility is ST rages when he loses, and that might affect how Lone plays vs ST. He does well against calm players who just enjoy playing (u8.. spb.. brav..) sometimes med rages, but its not the same as ST.
.... just more evidence suggesting the "tier" system is b.s.
It will be interesting to see what the ELO looks like on ladder in another couple months.
Ye he rages so many times, he is also trashtalker, allways looking excuses why he lost and vs me when he got 8 6 he is leaving game
when he got 8 6 he is leaving game
playing old gow and doing so is a sign of retardation and maybe even ladder abuse
Alf won our koth series this morning 4-2
Ggs man!
http://www.filedropper.com/alfred-logan (http://www.filedropper.com/alfred-logan)
Pm me ur paypal
So Szwagier when shall we do our series?
when he got 8 6 he is leaving game
playing old gow and doing so is a sign of retardation and maybe even ladder abuse
Except it's not true. More then half of our gow games are me playing from 8/6/4 alone. Not once have I left because I get a bad spot. In both of my series yesterday vs lone and pb I got 6 twice
maybe so, it was a general remark. I remember Tk was doing it vs me, so its probably not a rare trend
In my experience ST is very well mannered and gives valuable advice. Too bad we don't play more often!
Claw I don't know if I've ever done that in my life vs anyone.. just to give u the benefit of the doubt, IF I did do it I'm sure I had already got 8/6 the first 3 games in a bo7
i have heard such protestations every day for twenty years
Maybe if u stopped trying to fk chickens every day for the last 20 years ud hear less protestations
your post made me miss $pace again btw... that was very $pace of you to say such mean things
Updated: Current master tag holders.
wargasm challenged me for the masta tag.
we played 2 games
i won first and the second game crashed/disced/somat.
i think i woulda won easily the second one too. watch urself and cast an opinion.
http://www.filedropper.com/game2wouldawon (http://www.filedropper.com/game2wouldawon)
2 insight reps n warvidz.
2-0. imo.
now he logged. we can continue later.
Challenges dont count unless both players post here a few days or hours before the challenge is taking place.
This wouldn't have counted even if wargasm won.
it is ok to me lol
no1 knows these rulez excatly.
The only stipulation we are setting for these matches are for them to be played bo7 with notice and for them to be streamed by both players or from a watchers perspective in order to promote the game on social media.
Its in the introduction to the challenge.
there are a lot of players who don't participate in forum discussion so is it reasonable to expect them to post here about the challenge? or is the whole point in requiring them to post here an attempt to get the engaged in the forums?
if the ladder is not the case, would a screen shot of the agreement be sufficient?
there are a lot of players who don't participate in forum discussion so is it reasonable to expect them to post here about the challenge? or is the whole point in requiring them to post here an attempt to get the engaged in the forums?
if the ladder is not the case, would a screen shot of the agreement be sufficient?
An SS probably shouldn't be accepted just because its very easy to take someones words out of context in the chat room.
It would be very difficult to keep track who is challenging who, who won, etc. We have players post there challenges here and it keeps everything much more orderly. It also gives streamers like Xurnt and Mousey time to sit in on the challenge. Remember simply beating a master tag holder or a challenger without them agreeing to the challenge isn't accepted.
If players decide they don't want to be part of the forums that's their choice. However without joining the forums and posting in this thread they will not be able to compete in the master tag challenge.
Could reduce the amount of competition we see for the master tag. It will probably be the same handful of people who we've already seen compete for it because they're on the forums.. it could just keep changing the same hands hands
So is JesK vs. Lone happening today?
I'll be busy for a while. :)
Probably at the end of December or January I can be active and get on the next level.
We'll see if we both happen to get on to the same time until that, but I doubt it.
That would be a good match
Jesk vs Lone
That would be a good match
Jesk vs Lone
I think the people really want to see szwaiger vs. Shotgun tho. The two best ACTIVE players.
I agree.
Shotgun and Swagier I adress you both here,
Ill throw a $50 prize for the winner of a bo7 KOTH series if you guys can find the time to play.
Only stipulation is Xurnt has to be present to stream your series.
Note: Please don't think im trying to bribe you guys to play. Cash series are just more interesting for everyone involved than normal series.
I should be around most of the day Sunday!
I will be late to the party Saturday (PLAY THE TOURNAMENT EVERYONE!) but if they are online still around 5 est or later I could be back.
5cest its my 3 am i think, why we need play at your time? U can get up at 5 am when we probably play( my 12am his 6?pm) but i didnt see him long time and i rlly want new ai for campaign
I got school at sunday 3pm-5pm
dota 2 is no school, son
I get up pretty early, can /w mousetopher and I'll stream if I'm around! szwagier has his own stream though so less important to have me or burton there
I get up pretty early, can /w mousetopher and I'll stream if I'm around! szwagier has his own stream though so less important to have me or burton there
But do you have burtons smooth voice, enthusiasm, and extensive backround knowledge on the players?
It's also way more convenient that Burton posts the replay on youtube where he has a larger following and more viewers.
Edit: I request that mousetopher try commentating. Give the peole what they want!
no, but I do have the ability to stream if the alternative is no stream!
Ok Mouse/Xurnt can stream whoever is available.
Shotgun can u make time?
Ok Mouse/Xurnt can stream whoever is available.
Shotgun can u make time?
Tora is saying szwaiger's stream, with his polish speaking peons no matter how cute, is inadequate for the master challenge.
No matter who records, it is key that burton uploads this series on youtube for a wider audience to see.
I don't wanna discourage anyone from streaming but as most people are aware the warcraft 2 youtube page is increasing in popularity and a series like Shotgun vs Swagier would be a very good addition to the channel.
http://www.youtube.com/user/war2combat (http://www.youtube.com/user/war2combat)
Tora is saying szwaiger's stream, with his polish speaking peons no matter how cute, is inadequate for the master challenge.
seriously!? they really are the cutest. It would definitely get us points with polish viewers..!
but yes, any streams I do of nice matchups are at burton's disposal to put on his channel. It really has taken off, 700+ subscribers!
where iz the link to polish speaking peons? recent fagiers video had engnlish speaking peonz unfortunateely
get Insight replays and send it to burton when his got time to commentate over it.
Yeah insight would work for me if it has to happen when I am not there. Up to you guys was just letting you know earliest I will be home Saturday.
I might be on in the morning here for couple hours too before I head out. It's my nephew/niece 1st b-day party.
I don't wanna discourage anyone from streaming but as most people are aware the warcraft 2 youtube page is increasing in popularity and a series like Shotgun vs Swagier would be a very good addition to the channel.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/user/war2combat[/url] ([url]http://www.youtube.com/user/war2combat[/url])
Thanks for the plug.
Right now we have went from 4,000 views in 28 days when I first returned before getting the new uploads
To now we are up to 13,000 views in 28 days.
Just going to keep getting more and more videos up and hoping it leads to some strong numbers on the server!
Going to be a slow and steady build but when we start doubling/tripling the amount of videos on the page I really think it will start to show with more newbies showing up.
If anyone else wants to submit videos for me to download that are good games or added commentary I would be glad to add them to the channel as well. Using dropbox is good method.
(Igognito has done this and plans to do more)
I don't really want any warvids though, I use to only record off of them and it's just bad quality after being re-recorded over I think. If you have some good insights I could probably check them out though.
Also I have switched to streaming on facebook page War2Combat after Joakim (Archon[W]/Shotgun!) showed me the amount of views it does. For 4 hours of streaming we got around 2,000 views plus a ton of new likes on the page.
Right now I only have a couple hours to get things done after work so I am just doing those streams on the weekends but if anyone else wants I can make them a editor on the page to do streams off of it. A lot of people comment on the videos amazed about the game still being played, and logging on the server. Dugs? WOOFY WAKE UP! How about it. Yamon? Get that new net/comp?
In a couple months I will be able to stream some on the weekdays too though.
where iz the link to polish speaking peons? recent fagiers video had engnlish speaking peonz unfortunateely
I am playing online with polish version, i am streaming campaign english version. When i will end i will make YouTube channel and i will play my own campaign
Also I have switched to streaming on facebook page War2Combat after Joakim (Archon[W]/Shotgun!) showed me the amount of views it does. For 4 hours of streaming we got around 2,000 views plus a ton of new likes on the page.
that's sweet, I might try it too. can it be done with any page? which page do you use, the war2combat or war2 tides of darkness pages? Or did Joakim set up a new page?
War2Combat page
Can we get some masters agree to play a series tomorrow for streaming.
Can we get some masters agree to play a series tomorrow for streaming.
For the love of war2 anyone not named mister satan play szwaiger. The casual fans need to know how the best war2 player wins with 100 apm.
Can we get some masters agree to play a series tomorrow for streaming.
For the love of war2 anyone not named mister satan play szwaiger. The casual fans need to know how the best war2 player wins with 100 apm.
i doubt 100 apm... but wouldnt surprise me if much lower apmthan most top players.. which means he eliminates repetitive clicking.
lots of players are "high strung" during games and click multiple times even though it's unecessary. maybe he doesnt.
i doubt 100 apm... but wouldnt surprise me if much lower apmthan most top players.. which means he eliminates repetitive clicking.
lots of players are "high strung" during games and click multiple times even though it's unecessary. maybe he doesnt.
some1 want test very hard ai in campaign?
we should have ai competition - szwagiers predefined, hard-coded AI (his campaign/map ai) vs genetic algorithm machine learning AI (spbwar)
i challenge Yamon for master challenge.
he allready accepted, games take place in like 20mins.
i challenge Yamon for master challenge.
he allready accepted, games take place in like 20mins.
i said i will accept it. I will accept as soon as Tora decides whether or not this match up is worthy of a prize for me. Risking my master tag with no benefits is stupid. and forcing me to do so is mean.
i challenge Yamon for master challenge.
he allready accepted, games take place in like 20mins.
i said i will accept it. I will accept as soon as Tora decides whether or not this match up is worthy of a prize for me. Risking my master tag with no benefits is stupid. and forcing me to do so is mean.
Tora never denied a game. Dont fear lil mon.
Yeah thats fine.
Yamon wins he gets $25 Knit wins he get yamon's master tag.
You guys know the rules make sure you warvid or stream.
Bo7 Good Luck and have fun.
How is it OK to deny the challenge? Refusal to accept challenge should result in automatic loss of master tag imo.
Otherwise people gonna get the tag and just hold on to it
Yamon/knit u guys going to play on Christmas today ;D
Well just watched Knitterhemd vs Yamon bo7 Knitter wins 4-3 were very good games.
Congrats knitterhemd.
Well just watched Knitterhemd vs Yamon bo7 Knitter wins 4-3 were very good games.
Congrats knitterhemd.
Are the common folk gonna be able to watch these games too?
Knit warvided he should post them soon.
gj chrissy :]] luv u man <3
How is it OK to deny the challenge? Refusal to accept challenge should result in automatic loss of master tag imo.
Otherwise people gonna get the tag and just hold on to it
Tell me TK, if a player who everyone knows to be bad challenged you would u accept? Players will accept the challenge because they are being paid to defend their master tags. Furthermore it isn't that difficult to regain master tag status once lost.
Maybe make a rule like you need to be top 15 or 20 on ladder to challenge .. but clearly knitter should have every right to challenge.. and refusal to accept/dodge should have consequences. Otherwise it's just going to be a tag that rarely gets challenged.
Maybe make a rule like you need to be top 15 or 20 on ladder to challenge .. but clearly knitter should have every right to challenge.. and refusal to accept/dodge should have consequences. Otherwise it's just going to be a tag that rarely gets challenged.
Yamon just wanted to make sure he would get the $25 thats all.
I have to agree with TK on this one. This should have nothing to do with money. Yamon was challenged for his master tag by a previous tag holder and should be forced to accept whether money is on the line or not. What if you would have never showed up or said no to the money then knitter wouldnt have the master tag back because yamon would not have played.
I have to agree with TK on this one. This should have nothing to do with money. Yamon was challenged for his master tag by a previous tag holder and should be forced to accept whether money is on the line or not. What if you would have never showed up or said no to the money then knitter wouldnt have the master tag back because yamon would not have played.
They did play, I did show up, and I did offer up a prize. Lets deal with the facts not what if scenarios.
What if I were to challenge shotgun? Should shotgun be forced to accept?
you must not of read what TK said about being top 15-20 in order to challenge or being a previous tag holder like knitter. and its not a what if scenario when yamon outright says "Risking my master tag with no benefits is stupid".
re me vs knitter to take place today? series score is 1-1
you must not of read what TK said about being top 15-20 in order to challenge or being a previous tag holder like knitter. and its not a what if scenario when yamon outright says "Risking my master tag with no benefits is stupid".
it's clearly stated in the rules of this thread that masters can decline any challenge they see fit.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKG07305CBs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKG07305CBs)
re me vs knitter to take place today? series score is 1-1
ok accepted.
ill be ready in 10-20mins
re me vs knitter to take place today? series score is 1-1
ok accepted.
ill be ready in 10-20mins
Yamon challenged me to a master challenge "now". " Yo Knitt lets Master Challenge since not many games are goin".
I accepted but now hes gone....
Actually he should challenge some1 who has never defended his Mastertag like U8,jesk,Ripe,Startale, Alf or Ripe....
Im done with him... i was trying to be nice but now hes trying to be a dick.
Challenge is cancelt.
re me vs knitter to take place today? series score is 1-1
ok accepted.
ill be ready in 10-20mins
Yamon challenged me to a master challenge "now". " Yo Knitt lets Master Challenge since not many games are goin".
I accepted but now hes gone....
Actually he should challenge some1 who has never defended his Mastertag like U8,jesk,Ripe,Startale, Alf or Ripe....
Im done with him... i was trying to be nice but now hes trying to be a dick.
Challenge is cancelt.
i wasnt trying to be a dick. i just forgot. my memory is absolutely shot
shouldnt take long to forget about challenging knitter then
Sounds fair if this is what transpired. Yamon will have to challenge someone else.
Knitterhemd if your change your mind and decide to play yamon I send u $25 for winning.
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
why are you so stupid? cut down on the boos
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
im still waiting for some1 who want play vs me sea maps...
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
why are you so stupid? cut down on the boos
Other than yamon who has offered to S my D for $20 ...most people probably aren't chasing the money prize
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
why are you so stupid? cut down on the boos
Other than yamon who has offered to S my D for $20 ...most people probably aren't chasing the money prize
Its only master tag holders that receive the $25 prize.
They all collect it when they win it.
People want the master tag. I personally think u would be better off re-structuring it.
Make accepting challenges mandatory or loss of tag (put a limit on who can challenge based on ladder ranking). Maybe say they don't have to accept any challenges within a week of acquiring the tag so the tag doesn't change hands every other day (burden on admins ) .. but after a week it's up for grabs. Take the money that would have been donated to people trying to defend it and spend on things that would benefit server (hosting maybe) .. like I said people want the tag. They will play for it and play to keep it. The $25 perk is nice but not necessary to keep the challenges active imo
im still waiting for some1 who want play vs me sea maps...
Can we get someone to play Swagier for a $25 prize.
What tora is really saying is that someone should be JesK, Lone, or Shotgun. Also viruz is accepable if he would come back.
What tora is really saying is that someone should be JesK, Lone, or Shotgun. Also viruz is accepable if he would come back.
Not entirely true. I would like to see braviet come back and pwn Swagier in a sea map series to.
Call him, i am waiting :)
Call him, i am waiting :)
i challenge szwagier to a water map series!
Call him, i am waiting :)
i challenge szwagier to a water map series!
Your joking right...?
Call him, i am waiting :)
i challenge szwagier to a water map series!
Your joking right...?
Okey i will wrote mappool when i will back from work and we can play 1.1
Ok you know the rules. Swagier is the master tag holder so he decides the maps. Swag can u stream with those polish speaking orc? I think they funny lol.
Also $25 if u beat yamon in the bo7 series.
Why orc? I prefer human at sea maps, i can give u link if u want dl it, but somethings wont work like black to pink
Why orc? I prefer human at sea maps, i can give u link if u want dl it, but somethings wont work like black to pink
Sure whatever doesn't really matter what race you play truthfully
okey mappool
hsc old/new
foc old/new
the spiral
cross the streams
horse shoe island
the four corners
I didnt pick
wd - to much gold on island (200k) and we are closed
opposites - to much gold on island (300k) oil patch (315k)
oil is the key - one spot got less gold 15k
u can pick first map
idc u ready to play?
ok i can play
Can you guys stall like 15 or less mins? Going to be home soon! If not thats ok too
he is not here guess we will play tommorow
he is not here guess we will play tommorow
yes i am going to a new years party sorry, tomorrow it is
he is not here guess we will play tommorow
yes i am going to a new years party sorry, tomorrow it is
Tommorow the KOTH tournament. What will u guys find the time?
this is the second time within a couple of days in which yamyam sets up series and then runs away (first vs knit, now vs fagier)
who cares, shit happens. Looking forward to polish-speaking footmen tomorrow :D
u can rewatch
https://www.twitch.tv/szwagiermc (https://www.twitch.tv/szwagiermc)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wQO5He12Sw#)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUZAV9zgmVM#)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYEtmyYDML0#)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFLmKXTWVl0#)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_294uqLAKM#)
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deZ2nQTfFys#)
Good stuff ill send u the $25 in the morning.
swift hop on for gseps?
was definitely not playing at my best, will challenge swag another time ;)
They were gg's even if you weren't at your best.
swift hop on for gseps?
What do you mean?
was half-jokingly asking if you stepped in for yamon on gseps, dont understand how he beat him like that.
it was F not EF. how to micro in F ..
Yamon used to play a lot of gowbne F .. he's familiar with F. u8 is not.
really it's all just timing. yamon knew when it was safe to look away from his base instead of building the next peon, grunt, or farm. it was obvious to me u8 didnt have the timing.
kinda fucked up that yamon pulled that stunt to be honest .. he knew he hosted F and it would give him the advantage.
I challenge Alf-Attack
I challenge Alf-Attack
whats your name on the server?
I challenge Knitterhemd
Map pool:
Islands in the stream
Gold Mines
The Spiral
Kk lets see this go down
I challenge Alf-Attack
whats your name on the server?
[TS]Jorgenson or something
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIVVzUdjHnU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIVVzUdjHnU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHg-Lrwd1A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHg-Lrwd1A)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGOwQuYk2LI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGOwQuYk2LI)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGYGT67szSY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGYGT67szSY)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IHmTN2W8l8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IHmTN2W8l8)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuOpoX3yZjE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuOpoX3yZjE)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD5-aAp3Fds (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD5-aAp3Fds)
Another fun series as always! Hope to be present for more Master Tag challenges.
rofl :D mutton is allowed ? :D
rofl :D mutton is allowed ? :D
Di u listen to Xurnts commentary of that match LOL I was laughing the whole time.
ok challenge Ripe for his Mastertag!
Ripe we gonna Play gow or u wanna go map pool?
If yea, Name your maps and we can go :)
ok challenge accepted!!
i invent a map list quickly!!! :]]
1. BNE gseps high ef forest
2. BNE foc high ef forest
3. BNE mitc ef high forest
4. BNE pos ef high forest
5. BNE the four corners ef high forest
6. BNE Spiral ef high forest
7. the final if not decided lets make it LUCK, OLD EF HIGH :D :D :D
kk letz go :]]]
Don't forget to warvid guys if there is not streamer.
ok. challenge accepted and played.
all gamez were ok imo except gow game was shit since it lagged whole game due christians conn probs.
here is a zip file where is 5 insight reps and 5 warvidz.
http://www.filedropper.com/ripeknittermasterkoth (http://www.filedropper.com/ripeknittermasterkoth)
If u dont wanna dl that 71mb file i attach also insight repz.
ggz m8.
Whats your paypal ripe?
Thanks for the insights, I will be sure to get the games on my channel probably Sunday.
Gg's guys.
Hope everyone gets a 3vs3 team for Feb 12th.
knitter deleted his comment. well. good. that means u r ashamed. as a h0nest finn i will tell my opinions.
we have come a long way chris and i gotta admit i was a bit surprised and disappointed @ ur comment here. i think it was kinda rude, childish, bad sportmanship and also very non-german. i know that we 1v1erz here r often v. competive and rage sometimes after losing but that was kinda harsh and too much. u were telling lies a lot in a wild rage and i hate lying. but however.
i have no need to start any flame war or add anything. i will state the facts if needed if u have some things still bothering u.
i say 4-1 i won . GG.
be a man and say gg.
knitt blames ripe for his (knits) shitty interwebz and figured its a good reason to retire war2
knitter deleted his comment. well. good. that means u r ashamed. as a h0nest finn i will tell my opinions.
we have come a long way chris and i gotta admit i was a bit surprised and disappointed @ ur comment here. i think it was kinda rude, childish, bad sportmanship and also very non-german. i know that we 1v1erz here r often v. competive and rage sometimes after losing but that was kinda harsh and too much. u were telling lies a lot in a wild rage and i hate lying. but however.
i have no need to start any flame war or add anything. i will state the facts if needed if u have some things still bothering u.
i say 4-1 i won . GG.
be a man and say gg.
ripe .. ur a tool.
drama is always cool!!!!
tk , u r a fag!
I'm planning to be active for the next few days/weeks and throughout the period I'd like to challenge as many master tier players as possible.
I started playing today and I think I need another 2-3 days of warming up to confidently take down my first opponents.
I'd like to set up matches in an increasingly difficult (for me) order.
(Quite sure I can take them on without much of a problem starting from next week Tuesday.)
(I'm very uncomfortable with playing Player. u8 has a great understanding of the game but I think after I'm warmed up speed will carry me through. Too bad I don't seem them play nowadays.)
(I've had a hard time with ST, because I'm inexperienced and have not seen anyone play alike him except for a lazy Swift before my 2 years break. However I believe I'm close to understanding his playstyle and will manage to figure out the way to win.)
(Even when rusty he is easily my toughest opponent and has always been aside from Swift. I need several games before I'll start to match him and later beat him.)
Viruz (if he comes back)
(Imo I match up very well with Viruz and playing him are my favorite and by far the most exhausting games. Once I get on fire I hope we'll make our games a sight to see.)
Then finally Swift.
(Personally I think he is the hardest player to beat. Given that I get my practice in the near future, I hope to become able to give him a challenge that he has not had in a long time. )
I prefer old gow ef (best of as many games as you can take) because I'm yet to master it, but if any of you want, we can make it an official master tag challenge or try different maps.
During most of the coming days, I'll try to get on around 4-5pm PST and stay on until there are good games left. If any of the mentioned players are down for matches, please let me know here or online. If you'd like to to play but at a different time I'm also open (Possibly Sg, Eu players). We could also provide Burnt with some quality content if we set up a serious series in advance or if he's around.
Players like Lux, Yamon, Knitt etc... are also welcome for some duels.
As a secondary objective, I want to stop sucking at 2s and maybe learn about other maps.
I hope some great players will derust and revive interest in competition soon, or perhaps weeks before the 1s tourney in July.
I've heard many people think I'm hacking for some reason. You are welcome to ask for warvids as it's on most of the time.
Lastly I'm going to make a new name after I'm ready to maintain a winning record vs most of the best players. I've been learning very quickly and I think I can do this (not sure how soon). Hopefully you'll give me the practice I need for the next level!
Nice should be some ggs
yep warvid wanted every game. + we can play the mastachallenge some random night when we r both on same time. i dont like to arrange any specific time cuz RL is too important for me compared to video game :D
why swift is so hard for u to beat is cuz he hax so often. that is why i always lost to his "secret scouts" :D
everyb0dy always write alfs and my nick wrong :D
I'll warvid any series - so you are definitely wrong there.
Now, why are you so easy to beat, ripe?
Master vs Legend series: Swift vs Ripe
You guys should play :D
I challenge Ripe for his master tag
Ill pm ripe.
Ripe so popular lol.
I heard viet want play vs me hsc bo7 random res, but he need train with spb
watched vizzer dominate lone on bne/f the other day. think lone needs some more swift tutorials.
Since I'm rusty, I would like to challenge the weakest player on the current list. Ok Szwagier, let's do it.
Swift taught me literally nothing. Vizzer never dominated me. Domination is 10-0 when the games are not even close. We played 3 games at random times which all came down to us having 10 peons and +/-5 ogres.
ok hsc ef random res bo7 gl !
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/117986796 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/117986796)
nice! stream is live people! http://tv.war2.ru (http://tv.war2.ru)
Since Ripe isn't responding for now maybe Vizz can challenge Lone instead.
ok hsc ef random res bo7 gl !
Looks like swag 4-0ed viet.
Swift taught me literally nothing. Vizzer never dominated me. Domination is 10-0 when the games are not even close. We played 3 games at random times which all came down to us having 10 peons and +/-5 ogres.
well this is amusing
I won't 1v1 people who are so full of themselves when they are average players at best.
the 1v1 that we did was very one sided and i was obviously toying with you since the beginning. at the end i had 20 dragons many peons / ogres and prob 10k banked when you left LOL
but its k Lone you can sulk like a child and think what you want.
also the 1v1 was recorded on stream so nice try
You guys should settle this with a master tag challenge
Vizzer vs lone
Grudge match
His choice. I'm open to any challenge.
Vizzer with the old "im going to say some completely irrelevant shit and use it as an excuse to dodge because I know Ripe is the only chance I have" tactic
well played vizzer .. well played.
maybe we should lock players who played in 1 month? If all masters played they will be unlocked again, i think jesk, sg never played challange(viruz inactive)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRQ1PvhYbCU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRQ1PvhYbCU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSuuf40vLX8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSuuf40vLX8)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbVrXoUIiGg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbVrXoUIiGg)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtMjW8Bwufo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtMjW8Bwufo)
Szwagier's peasants talk funny
since/if ripe is unavailable ill challenge jesk since hes never done a challenge lets break that tradition!
I pm'ed jesk there is a time difference give him 24 hours to respond please.
Time to add some rules to prevent dodging and what not in the master tag challenges. I think we've put this off long enough.
who are the current masters?
who are the current masters?
Lone, U8, ST, Jesk, SG
Maybe this guy name azazel should be considered too
And I agree can tora post an updated list please!
Its all in the 1st two posts of this thread
since/if ripe is unavailable ill challenge jesk since hes never done a challenge lets break that tradition!
i accept. alrdy talked to vizzer about a date, we will try to play next weekend because of time zones
Make sure to warvid your games. All games must be warvided or streamed to collect the cash prize.
lawl. i havent been playin in 3weeks or so cuz i just didnt have time. now im bak. lemme get a bit time to get rid of the rust and ill play any challenges. to proove u the facts, i played my last 1v1 in: ( RipE[Eur0] (#5) defeated [TS]MkI (#24) on "Gold Separates East&West L" at 12:52:05 on 01/20/2017. )
seriously ive been busy in rl. i never dodge. also, i want warvids. i havent got any warvids from my opponent earlier. this wont b continuing with the new challenges. i demand my opponents warvids too.
everyone should just stream with a 3-4 minute delay... helps advertise server, and allows other player to watch the replay nfp.
some1 gimme quick introduction how to stream and i will stream next games. if it is too complicated i wont do it cuz im mega lazy ass h0m0 nigga.
http://en.war2.ru/tutorials/how-to-live-stream-warcraft-2/ (http://en.war2.ru/tutorials/how-to-live-stream-warcraft-2/)
pretty simple if u follow the instructions.
Vizzer vs jesk is bo7 is beginning now lets see who wins.
Vizzer vs jesk is bo7 is beginning now lets see who wins.
My money is on jesk 4 - 2
All games were Gow/High.
Vizzer s9 Jesk 9 W
Vizzer 2 W Jesk 11
Vizzer 2 Jesk 12 W
Vizzer 9 Jesk 12 W
Vizzer s9 Jesk 6 W
ggs vizzer
warvids and replays
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wjivpm1vbadcer/JeskvsVizzerMasterChallange.zip?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wjivpm1vbadcer/JeskvsVizzerMasterChallange.zip?dl=0)
ggs vizzer
warvids and replays
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wjivpm1vbadcer/JeskvsVizzerMasterChallange.zip?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wjivpm1vbadcer/JeskvsVizzerMasterChallange.zip?dl=0)
pm me your paypal and ill send u your winnings.
gj t0rben!! :]
I challenge u8 again for his master tag!
fear :X
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/122988793 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/122988793)
Yes but now only high
Was it bo7 hsc?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUMVlsp2AHI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUMVlsp2AHI)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3uLyGkGbQc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3uLyGkGbQc)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcmCtT4rdeo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcmCtT4rdeo)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXXOxycODlw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXXOxycODlw)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-3Aqcojnq4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-3Aqcojnq4)
I won't be playing for a while, so if possible I'd like to hand my master tag to Braviet. I think everyone agrees that he deserves it.
i think better if make tour for "free master"
Ill send you ur winnings later today swag.
And also no lone we not giving away ur master tag to someone for free.
i think better if make tour for "free master"
good idea szwa. think about it t0ra :]
A little late but here ya go!
Also plan to watch Jesk/Vizzer this weekend.
Ripe vs. Knitterhemd
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsjDJont-lU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsjDJont-lU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm9i5qs1VRk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm9i5qs1VRk)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysxkc51BAE8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysxkc51BAE8)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nld3xHfeVjo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nld3xHfeVjo)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJWy6Qp-JUE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJWy6Qp-JUE)
looking to challenge any master at any settings who wants to play
As a lurker who 1) loves high quality War2 games and 2) enjoys seeing the competition to be the best, I propose the creation of a Grand Master tag, to help motivate the best to play each other more.
- Only 1 Grand Master tag
- Only those with Master tags are allowed to challenge the Grand Master for his tag
- If Grand Master loses, he still keeps Master tag
- Enhanced winnings for successful Grand Master defense
- Grand Masters don't have to accept all challenges but must accept at least 1 every 2-3 weeks, prioritizing those who he hasn't recently defended against
- Give it to Swag first cause he has the most successful Master tag defenses (earned it) and also because he's my favorite to watch <3
All assuming Tora's down for it of course. But as an avid spectator of pro games I would get super hyped for this!
"Legend" is grand master. Swift has it currently.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,2949.msg49085.html#msg49085 (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,2949.msg49085.html#msg49085)
Thou I agree you may he onto something.
Good call out, Ryzel. I agree with you. Grand Master has a better ring to it and also aligns better to the existing Master status challenges by being an elevated status to Master. Legend, while a solid designator, doesn't imply the whole story.
Oh, did you say non-current-masters-1v1-master-tag-tournament?
Oooh, thanks Tora. That legend thing seems basically what I was talking about. I wonder why no one seems to have challenged him? I know these pros have big egos so maybe the risk of losing on stream isn't worth a potential $25.
Maybe as added incentive make it so there's only one Legend at a time and the challenger can steal the tag? Or maybe offer guaranteed $5 even if you lose? Just throwing out ideas.
Its mainly cause its swift I think. Only one that thinks he's better than swift is Viruz.
What if there is still 1 grandmaster tag for other masters to compete over, which is like a level below the legend icon? If swift is so pro that no one else will challenge him then it isn't useful to try and include him in this icon/challenge system. But given that he is so pro, could still give him some honorary icon for it. Wasn't the master tag originally a special tag made just for swift or something?
Apparently when RU started it was a tag some old admin asked swift to 1s the best russian players with the prize being the master tag. I dont know all the details since I wasn't around but yeah I am warming up to the idea of 1 "grand master" for all the masters to compete over.
Can I get you to make an awesome grand master icon mousey?
Great idea on the grandmaster tag. I think the settings should chosen from a predetermined list of many puds and resources on shuffle even after the first GM is crowned. A GM should be versatile. For fairness, a third-party like an admin can do the shuffling and announcing of the next settings. Maybe the entire shuffled list is released prior to Game 1. It should be a very long series even if it takes a few sessions, something like best of 15 must win by 2. GMs and challengers should be active enough to handle the longer series length. Bo15 is still short enough to have some starting spot variance which creates interest and more dethroning.
u8t3io3p - played 3
Viruz - played 0
Shotgun - played 0
Player- played 0
Lone -played 0
Medivh-played 0
Startale-played 0
BHC-Jesk-played 1
Alf-Attack-played 1
Ripe[Eur0]-played 1
u8t3io3p - played 3
Viruz - played 0
Shotgun - played 0
Player- played 0
Lone -played 0
Medivh-played 0
Startale-played 0
BHC-Jesk-played 1
Alf-Attack-played 1
Ripe[Eur0]-played 1
These players are a little more active than what you are suggesting. They don't control who challenges them. They'll be active enough to compete for the first GM tag when the time comes.
ive played twice with chris.
yamon anytime we r on bnet same time ill play u!
i'm doing a series with ripe for his master tag
ur doofy lol?
ps. warvideo requested.
ok we playing with Yam0n right now.
first game FOC
where did you go?
i won't let kuro watch again he's being a fucktard. sorry everyone hates my little brother
we can erase that game from the series if you want
goin to work soon. be bak later tonite, 10-11hours and im bak gaming. i will b drunk tho but who cares. lets continue then or later.
ur br0 is a fag.
goin to work soon. be bak later tonite, 10-11hours and im bak gaming. i will b drunk tho but who cares. lets continue then or later.
ur br0 is a fag.
ok we'll continue it then
I am not counting when u were challenge knitter, but when u def it
i like the idea of a Masters league too
doing master challenge v s jesk
Apparently when RU started it was a tag some old admin asked swift to 1s the best russian players with the prize being the master tag. I dont know all the details since I wasn't around but yeah I am warming up to the idea of 1 "grand master" for all the masters to compete over.
Can I get you to make an awesome grand master icon mousey?
Okay here are a few versions:
i severely underestimated jesk. Next time we do a series i will have to put on my super try hard pants.
doing master challenge v s jesk
i severely underestimated jesk. Next time we do a series i will have to put on my super try hard pants.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qulj0xtrwle57xh/JeskvsYamonMasterChallange.zip?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/qulj0xtrwle57xh/JeskvsYamonMasterChallange.zip?dl=0)
Apparently when RU started it was a tag some old admin asked swift to 1s the best russian players with the prize being the master tag. I dont know all the details since I wasn't around but yeah I am warming up to the idea of 1 "grand master" for all the masters to compete over.
Can I get you to make an awesome grand master icon mousey?
Okay here are a few versions:
For the runner up:
Apparently when RU started it was a tag some old admin asked swift to 1s the best russian players with the prize being the master tag. I dont know all the details since I wasn't around but yeah I am warming up to the idea of 1 "grand master" for all the masters to compete over.
Can I get you to make an awesome grand master icon mousey?
Okay here are a few versions:
For the runner up:
oh youuuu! :)
Thanks mouse I think yellow and red are the best! I have some free time today so i'll post the updated rules and regarding grand master and future master tag challenges later today.
Did ripe vs yamon ever take place?
Here is the score card of the current master tag series.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.msg50544.html#new (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.msg50544.html#new)
Did ripe vs yamon ever take place?
Yes. i went 2-0 vs him he said he had to go and would continue later. Later never came. Still waiting to continue the series.
He was playing yesterday at +22
Ok Grand master tag challenge is officially open for business.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=3048.new#new (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=3048.new#new)
What's the word on the Yamon/Ripe series? If one agrees to the challenge then bails partway through is that a forfeit?
hmmm idk never thought of it like that.
Do Ripe and Yamon plan to continue said series?
Yamon is willing, Ripe has not made himself available
Yamon did go and play Jesk the next day in a master tag series. Its not like he was waiting patiently for Ripe to come back and play.
Ripe are you still going to play yamon or no?
i was waiting for ripe for 2 days and i played jesk because i know he's dodging on purpose and i didn't feel like waiting so i just tried other masters, but clearly they own me so.
Looks like a pretty obvious dodge imo
At the moment we do not have any system for preventing master tag holders from dodging challenges. However if it becomes apparent that a master tag holder for unreasonable reasons is purposefully dodging multiple challenges they may be liable to lose their master tag status.
Here is what the rules say regarding dodges.
Ripe isn't responding to my pm's so I wouldnt have a huge problem with dropping him. What you think mouse?
If we do drop him we would have yamon, viet, vizzer, and knitterhemd battle for it.
I challenge Startale/Viruz. Whoever accepts first. They both have not had a series yet.
Ill pm them
do as u wish. i dont rly have that big obsession with this master tag lol :D. anyways, we continued with yamon today. he leads 3-2 so far. we'll continue later. ill post insights/warvids later when the series r decided. dunno if he warvids at all tho lawl.
ps. callin me a dodger is a big fking insult. i never dodge anybody. check my all over 2k ladder games. i play anyb0dy. im busy in rl. i only sometimes dodge well known hackers. hey swift i now ur reading this <3!
ps. callin me a dodger is a big fking insult. i never dodge anybody. check my all over 2k ladder games. i play anyb0dy. im busy in rl. i only sometimes dodge well known hackers. hey swift i now ur reading this <3!
i think all understand that u got "life", u could just answer, if tora pmed u, u got message at email its 30 sec to check his message and answer
"sory i am busy i cant play now, we can play in next saturday"
Happy to see the series is getting played.
I know you wouldnt ignore a challenge if you weren't busy Ripe.
yay, some great games played https://www.twitch.tv/videos/127663642 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/127663642) The spiral match (like halfway through) is nice!
yea he pwnd me hard in anal @ spiral, gj yam0n! i pwned him nicely @ pos imo :]]
ps. i think that twitch site is very heavy, complicated and messy. is that for yamon only or is it like that shit for everybody???
maybe i will study it more and try using it later. warvid and insight r just so simple n light.
I challenge Lone for his master tag!
Challenge accepted!
So is the ripe vs yamon series still going on?
4-2 ggs!
I pm you the warvid
I challenge Lone for his master tag!
You should challenge yourself for your nup tag!!:-)):-))
@lone you should challege swag for his grand master tag.
So is the ripe vs yamon series still going on?
Yes, they're gonna pick it up again when they next meet. It's 3-2 Yamon atm I think
ps. i think that twitch site is very heavy, complicated and messy. is that for yamon only or is it like that shit for everybody???
maybe i will study it more and try using it later. warvid and insight r just so simple n light.
well it's more complicated than warvid for sure, but I think it does okay for the amount of crap it has to display. c: I can show you the waaaay ripe, once it's set up you don't even need to go there to stream. (didn't you even set it up at one point in the past? I think you did)
id like to see the lone ST series.. or u8 ST series.
I challenge u8t3io3p in bo7 starting with gow
U8 is a grand master
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.0.html (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.0.html)
ok wrong topic ^^ but anyway he challenge me 4-2
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128296498 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128296498)
gow players(me viet) won tour chop chop !
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128269114 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128269114)
Ok, so was this a master challenge or a grand master challenge? Payouts are different
Ok, so was this a master challenge or a grand master challenge? Payouts are different
Lego got master so, master vs master
I thought if it is master vs master it is auto about grand, if not master vs master its about master
I challenge alf-attack bo7 koth
Ok, so was this a master challenge or a grand master challenge? Payouts are different
Lego got master so, master vs master
I thought if it is master vs master it is auto about grand, if not master vs master its about master
since szwag is the only grand master any challenge vs him has to be a gm challenge, right? 2 master tag holders can't compete for a new gm tag can they? I thought it was just the one
I am not sure but i thought if it is master vs master it is also about grand master, but guess not, i think u need change rules but no idea what should be, later i will try help u if u want change it
I challenge Medivh!
ended up 4-3 all gow map
couldnt upload the warvid on forums due to huge MB
here it is : http://dropcanvas.com/lc1zp (http://dropcanvas.com/lc1zp)
Ok, so was this a master challenge or a grand master challenge? Payouts are different
Lego got master so, master vs master
I thought if it is master vs master it is auto about grand, if not master vs master its about master
since szwag is the only grand master any challenge vs him has to be a gm challenge, right? 2 master tag holders can't compete for a new gm tag can they? I thought it was just the one
Since it wasn't made clear in the grand master thread we'll let it go this time around. However I do think from now on all challenges against the GrandMaster holder must be done GM style.
I'll update the thread in a few.
ended up 4-3 all gow map
couldnt upload the warvid on forums due to huge MB
here it is : [url]http://dropcanvas.com/lc1zp[/url] ([url]http://dropcanvas.com/lc1zp[/url])
Good job with the win.
Unfortunately I can't honor a cash prize payout for this challenge due to the fact Braviet had already challenged Lone less than 1 week prior and lost.[/td][/tr][/table]
I have 1 left in my series vs ripe and he hasn't played me since Thursday last week. I keep seeing him online but he fake afks and won't answer me.
After speaking with the other admins it has been decided that Ripe will be dq'ed from this series.
@Ripe when you are free and able to play again you are more than welcome to challenge yamon or anyone else to a match to reclaim your lost master tag.
that is more than welcome to me. im full of these cryin bitches :]
i might challenge someb0dy when i have time. now im too busy in rl.
however. i wish admins give me finland flag icon now. if there isnt one rdy in the icon folders tell me so i make one later tonite.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=99.0;attach=42 (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=99.0;attach=42)
there is the icon. plz.
i challenge yamon!
won 4-0.
warvideos: https://ufile.io/fac51
Brav I hear you're looking for Girlfriend
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbordn0qViw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbordn0qViw)
Is that why u vanished from war2?
i challenge yamon!
Good job ! Bout time you won one
won 4-0.
warvideos: https://ufile.io/fac51
nice spot hack! omg u got master... nup master ;C
good job braviet
In accordance with the 30 days of inactivity rule Viruz and Player have officially been dropped from the master tag series.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.0.html (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,3048.0.html)
doing master challenge vs knitter
Knitter wins this looks like.
Knitter wins this looks like.
When is swift vs. U8?
nvm that, mousey vs swift is happening any day now
We played onee month ago i won random maps he won gow. I recorded it
Is player still the world champ? I don't see anyone beating him in a bof7 series since 2015.
world champ is his war2 festival champion icon, afaik he gets to have it forever
world champ is his war2 festival champion icon, afaik he gets to have it forever
I disagree he gets to keep it for 1 year. Its been well over 1 year not to mention he plays extremely sporadically.
Who is the current world champ? Hate to give it someone without winning a tournament where all the best players got to play. At least player a chance to defend his title before taking it away.
Would be cool to see a sticky with one post showing g the current holders of any title with their record (total challenges played and/or defended). Have their names hyperlinked to their videos.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who is the current world champ? Hate to give it someone without winning a tournament where all the best players got to play. At least player a chance to defend his title before taking it away.
We currently have a "grand master" tag and a "warlord" icon which are both representative of the best players on the server. The "world champ" icon was meant to be representative of the winner of the yearly war2 festival. Since we haven't had a war2 festival in over 2 years it has been temporarily retired until further notice.
world champ is his war2 festival champion icon, afaik he gets to have it forever
I disagree he gets to keep it for 1 year. Its been well over 1 year not to mention he plays extremely sporadically.
it says "15" on it, aka the winner of the 2015 war2 festival. That doesn't change, he's always going to be the one who won that tourney, why take away a tourney-specific icon? He also made that icon specifically for that tourney, it seems wrong for us to randomly appropriate it for our own purposes. if we want some special icon that gets awarded for 1 year only we can just make a new one (or in this case just make a new icon w/ the new year each time)
Yeah I'm with Mousey. It doesn't indicate he's the world champion of Warcraft II, it indicates he won the 2015 championship which will be true forever :)
I would like to hear what Xurnt says since he was the one that hosted that tournament.
I think too many icons definitely lose the prestige associated with having one. Chop champ pball champ ao champ master grandmaster world champion warlord
Lets get rid of sware and profi!
@XuRnT whats your take on the "world champ icon"
I don't really care about it. I think profi and shareware icons are a more important issue.
Why don't you like those? They're not unique so it doesn't really water down the special icon meaningfulness
What do they mean anyway? (Profi/sware)
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We give profi for 1000 wins. I think it means Pro
Sware we give for even more wins but it really just means S(hare)ware
What do they mean anyway? (Profi/sware)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is exactly what I don't like about them.
We can get something new in a matter of days but we are still using shareware icon to represent 3000 wins.
I liked the idea awhile back for different unit pictures to represent win stages, would have to have someone monitering stats frequently.
Really though I think the flags were best and need to be brought back. I think when a foreign newbie sees someone from the same country as him they can get help or brought up to speed on some things much quicker or find other newbies or friends around them.
Bring back the flags!
We gotta make a new thread for this discussion. This is supposed to be the master tag thread
Back on topic. Seriously when is u8 vs. Swift? Has u8 the great finally surpassed the best player in the RU era?
Back on topic. Seriously when is u8 vs. Swift? Has u8 the great finally surpassed the best player in the RU era?
Lol, every generation has a champion. Would seem u8 is the champ of this generation.
Back on topic. Seriously when is u8 vs. Swift? Has u8 the great finally surpassed the best player in the RU era?
Lol, every generation has a champion. Would seem u8 is the champ of this generation.
The war2 community would like to see a decisive victory to prove it.
i'd like to see it, much more so if the sample size was doubled to bo21.
ye ,sure lets play bo1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cause some1 want it!
Lol, unfortunately top players generally play for their own amusement. Not for the amusement of the war2 community.
However I can say with near certainty swift can't beat Swagier in a traditional bo11 KOTH.
i didn't expect either of you to understand
i didn't expect either of you to understand
Swift and Viruz used to play bo21
i'd like to see it, much more so if the sample size was doubled to bo21.
ye ,sure lets play bo1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cause some1 want it!
Lol, unfortunately top players generally play for their own amusement. Not for the amusement of the war2 community.
However I can say with near certainty swift can't beat Swagier in a traditional bo11 KOTH.
hey, these two inactive players really struggle to play up to 21 games over the course of several sessions. i totally get it. i mean, such a series could take an entire year to complete. deciding which player is the absolute best of an entire era? let's keep it short and sweet. this ensures any starting spot luck is completely neutralized. it'll be much more exciting this way, like flipping a coin. all in the name of war2 community amusement.
here comes the big surprise. if you want to have any sense of real confidence as to who the absolute best player of an era is, extend the series.
but hey, you're near certain in a i don't believe in distribution laws kind of way. so, let's continue dismissing thoughtful ideas and add lol to the front of responses instead.
Tora is probably trying to troll swift into firing up his War2 and getting into playing shape
Tora is probably trying to troll swift into firing up his War2 and getting into playing shape
No its fact.
u8 plays consistently against top players on many different maps.
http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=u8t3io3p (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=u8t3io3p)
Swift mainly plays garden of war is never consistent.
http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?offset=0&player=00Kyle (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?offset=0&player=00Kyle)
http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?offset=0&player=dragon-killer-2 (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?offset=0&player=dragon-killer-2)
Same could be said for a top player like Jesk.
@Nedro I already threw out a $50 prize and I attempted to set up days and times for both u8 and swift to play.
I don't see a series materializing for various reasons.
Spots inbalance... So lets play arena? It will be fair... Only gow is rlly inbalance, rest are fine and we wont end game when some1 took 20k and another 5k cause spots
U should care about you and your decision, u forgot about your own tour, nice org!
Swift said few days ago he need play a bit, i am waiting for him, but if we will play 1 game 30 mins i wont play more than 8 games (4h)
There isn't anything compelling about this match to me as of yet. Nobody with an opinion that matters thinks U8 will win.
It's the same story line as before. I'm inactive/inconsistent, and then someone gets good, or a former good player gets unrusty and then a few people start to wonder if that person can beat me. U8 is just the next Scrubbo/Poscow. I got called out by them, and I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively - and they were both significantly better than U8. Also, U8 seems to be very humble/friendly so that also leaves no ego to be broken. Perhaps you should talk some shit. Do you think you would beat me in a GOW series? KOTH series? Both?
There isn't anything compelling about this match to me as of yet. Nobody with an opinion that matters thinks U8 will win.
It's the same story line as before. I'm inactive/inconsistent, and then someone gets good, or a former good player gets unrusty and then a few people start to wonder if that person can beat me. U8 is just the next Scrubbo/Poscow. I got called out by them, and I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively - and they were both significantly better than U8. Also, U8 seems to be very humble/friendly so that also leaves no ego to be broken. Perhaps you should talk some shit. Do you think you would beat me in a GOW series? KOTH series? Both?
They more care about it than me or you, why u care about it? Thia game is dead ( its true) there is only 200? 300? Active players, this gamę is... Just to old
When was last challenge vs master? 2 months ago? Noone challenge Swift as legend, Noone challenge me aw grandmaster
There isn't anything compelling about this match to me as of yet. Nobody with an opinion that matters thinks U8 will win.
It's the same story line as before. I'm inactive/inconsistent, and then someone gets good, or a former good player gets unrusty and then a few people start to wonder if that person can beat me. U8 is just the next Scrubbo/Poscow. I got called out by them, and I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively - and they were both significantly better than U8. Also, U8 seems to be very humble/friendly so that also leaves no ego to be broken. Perhaps you should talk some shit. Do you think you would beat me in a GOW series? KOTH series? Both?
Not sure about Poscow, but as far as Scrubbo , HE WAS THE ONE unrusting and getting good really quick and took a nice chunk of wins against you while you were in your peak in 08. You were still better overall but I don't see how you can compare the situation to you vs. U8 now unless it's the other way around saying you are like Scrubbo having to get better.
I want to know what BigEars is
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:51:58 on 04/19/2017.
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:33:47 on 04/19/2017.
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:22:41 on 04/19/2017.
I want to know what BigEars is
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:51:58 on 04/19/2017.
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:33:47 on 04/19/2017.
u8t3io3p (#1) defeated braviet (#10) on "BigEars" at 00:22:41 on 04/19/2017.
Very nice map.. But imbalance, right spot got more Space. I won from both sides
There isn't anything compelling about this match to me as of yet. Nobody with an opinion that matters thinks U8 will win.
It's the same story line as before. I'm inactive/inconsistent, and then someone gets good, or a former good player gets unrusty and then a few people start to wonder if that person can beat me. U8 is just the next Scrubbo/Poscow. I got called out by them, and I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively - and they were both significantly better than U8. Also, U8 seems to be very humble/friendly so that also leaves no ego to be broken. Perhaps you should talk some shit. Do you think you would beat me in a GOW series? KOTH series? Both?
Not sure about Poscow, but as far as Scrubbo , HE WAS THE ONE unrusting and getting good really quick and took a nice chunk of wins against you while you were in your peak in 08. You were still better overall but I don't see how you can compare the situation to you vs. U8 now unless it's the other way around saying you are like Scrubbo having to get better.
Incorrect. Scrubbo played over 3,000 games in about 9 months prior to some of our series, and had been on the server prior to that. His appearance on .ru didn't last but maybe a couple years at most, but I don't think there's a player who played that many games in that short amount of a time - perhaps maybe spb or braviet at one point? idk. Anyway, Scrubbo got to a good level on .ru, especially at 2vs2 and was beating just about everyone. He was the only old school bne top player besides shotgun who got good again on .ru and did really well (and maybe nerzy too for a very short period of time.
You also aren't capable of recognizing if he was off or not, as you don't understand the game at the highest level, as consistently evident by your youtube commentary on replays. That's not intended to be mean, it's just a reality.
There isn't anything compelling about this match to me as of yet. Nobody with an opinion that matters thinks U8 will win.
It's the same story line as before. I'm inactive/inconsistent, and then someone gets good, or a former good player gets unrusty and then a few people start to wonder if that person can beat me. U8 is just the next Scrubbo/Poscow. I got called out by them, and I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively - and they were both significantly better than U8. Also, U8 seems to be very humble/friendly so that also leaves no ego to be broken. Perhaps you should talk some shit. Do you think you would beat me in a GOW series? KOTH series? Both?
They more care about it than me or you, why u care about it? Thia game is dead ( its true) there is only 200? 300? Active players, this gamę is... Just to old
When was last challenge vs master? 2 months ago? Noone challenge Swift as legend, Noone challenge me aw grandmaster
I don't care too much. The idea of it is kind of intriguing. Unrusting / getting familiar with a bunch of maps and then having a competitive series like back in the day. Nostalgia perhaps. But the effort / time it takes to do that isn't worth it to me.
I'm sure we'll continue playing like we have - occasionally and just for fun. I just prefer people not recite records off ladder / replays as if they prove something, as I am obviously nowhere near my peak state and haven't been for years.
B07 on Rockchuck.pud
Looking at just the old youtube series I have uploaded was October and his account was created in March, so the series was at 7 months of unrusting. So you are comparing a 7 month of unrust against how many years of you consistently being on every year? Since 2000? Before? Scrubbo was off for at least a couple years prior to coming back on .RU and was extremely competitive in 7 months.
"I unrusted to play them and they both lost decisively"
That is what I am arguing how can you say you are the one that unrusted? You were active for years prior to playing him.
I played multiple series vs Scrubbo, in a few different time periods. If the series you're referring to is the KOTH one that Pimster arranged, then I wasn't rusty in that one. Neither was he.
Did you actually upload that series?
Scrubbo was good, perhaps the best (DI)
I don't remember if that is it or not, it is a variety of maps so perhaps.
The uploads are really horrible quality and most of the games do not even feature the winner (judging by the mini map and my memory I think it was you though)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4-DXwWmpeI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4-DXwWmpeI)
This was a really nice Maze game, I think I remember you winning it. The finish never got uploaded
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vjk2XxChzU&t=4s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vjk2XxChzU&t=4s)
NWTR Scrubbo wins
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3bEi1p4Er4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3bEi1p4Er4)
friends you won
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzyn7d9P9QE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzyn7d9P9QE)
gow you won
I think there were more games in the series but that is all I ever uploaded from there.
Remember the series Pimster arranged between you and YWFN?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbeEJjhmLjc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbeEJjhmLjc)
oldskool feature > peon hero
Yeah. That was a KOTH BO9 arranged by Pimster.
I challenge any master tag holders for their tag.
I challenge any master tag holders for their tag.
Pick someone from the list and challenge them.
Vizzer I can accept the challenge if we are on at the same time. Gow ef BO7. Generally I play some on Friday/Saturday afternoon US time
if i challenge some master tag holder , do i have to take the master icon? cuz i dont wanna leave me beauty finnish flag <3
i challenge u8.
@RipE[Eur0] you can keep your finish flag if you win. Ill msg swag for you.
Vizzer I can accept the challenge if we are on at the same time. Gow ef BO7. Generally I play some on Friday/Saturday afternoon US time
I object. Do I have the option to challenge FCLI-Vizzer to KOTH preemptively for the option to challenge Lone for his Mater tag under swift terms? Do you both accept or fear?
I can play at evening at weekend
i'm doing a series with knitter for master tag for fun
i'm doing a series with knitter for master tag for fun
ok challenge accepted.
map pool:
1. Gow old
2. Islands in the Stream
3. Gow old
4. Islands in the Stream
5. Gow old
6. Pos
7. Islands in the Stream
all games are played on ef speed.
yamon did win 4:3 / well played.
ok szwa. what is ur map list btw?
i have shit loads of things on weekends but we will c if it gets arranged. anyways, im playing mainly late nights after work. week days r better for me. but good, u accepted! date isnt so important for me, lets play when we both have the time.
ps. swift keeps challenging me, im not a master atm swift! :D soon after ive raped u8 u can challenge me! ;]]
Very ggs knitter. all very close. I would like to validate this master tag by challenging other players. I openly invite anyone to challenge me on the road, but i also want to play against other top players, namely lone, u8t, braviet, and valk.
Lone want to 1v1 to unify our master tags?
post replays for ppl btw yamon or chris.
yamon i challenge u now. lets play!!
Yeah I need to the replays for this to count.
i thought i was streaming but i guess it didn't work so nvm.
and with that i think i am done with competitive war2. it's been fun guys
the straw that broke the camel's back
It seems we have an unoccupied master tag. I would like to challenge Orochimaru[rA] for it.
Before we started you said u got ur stream/ warvideo running. Now your sayin u didnt record anything. Very interessting...
Rules do say everything needs to be warvided for it to count.
So I would say this challenge has been voided and knitter retains his master tag.
Does anyone disagree?
Depends on how you use Knitterhemd's statement that Yamon won 4:3. If the rule of producing video is required then Yamon shouldn't get the tag, regardless of what was said in chat by Knitterhemd.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"All series must be streamed on Twitch or observed by a twitch streamer."
no stream/warvideo no win,,
and yes sometimes my obs also crash
all maps but ef speed and RANDOM res so i think we shouldnt pick gow old
U can pick first map (map must be fair)
All series must be streamed on Twitch or observed by a twitch streamer.
(If you need help setting up a steam please contact moustopher.)
Yes according to said rules all matches must be recorded.
So knitter retains his master tag and yamon is DQ'ed.
ok me n u8 playing
ok me n u8 playing
Dont forget to record.
ripe after 3:0 gave up
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/144587378 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/144587378)
https://www.twitch.tv/janusz0821 (https://www.twitch.tv/janusz0821)
Same paypal I presume
yes, i confirm. we played 3 games and he analed me 3-0 and i surrendered after. ggz, gj szwa. i saved like 2 replays, im not gonna post them. cuz im annoyed. :]
im challenging yamon.
Yamon not a master. His series with knit was invalid.
Lone/yamon master challenge happening now, bo7 gow
streaming live! (5 min delay)
Looks like Lone won this 4-1.
I did watch this entire seires and I will say Yamon did get 6, 3 times.
However as everyone knows the master tag seires isn't limited to just old gow.
Looks like Lone won this 4-1.
I did watch this entire seires and I will say Yamon did get 6, 3 times.
However as everyone knows the master tag seires isn't limited to just old gow.
So yamon is really 1-1 vs. Lone
No lone won fare and square. There are risks associated with playing a bo7 old gow series. Yamon knew the risks and accepted.
Looks like Lone won this 4-1.
I did watch this entire seires and I will say Yamon did get 6, 3 times.
However as everyone knows the master tag seires isn't limited to just old gow.
So yamon is really 1-1 vs. Lone
typical idiot who plays old gow just to have an excuse in case of a loss
why is gow TE so rarely played? it looks nice.
Looks like Lone won this 4-1.
I did watch this entire seires and I will say Yamon did get 6, 3 times.
However as everyone knows the master tag seires isn't limited to just old gow.
So yamon is really 1-1 vs. Lone
typical idiot who plays old gow just to have an excuse in case of a loss
The masters challenge vs Vizzer finally happened. Pretty emberassing games for both of us!
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/147959845 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/147959845)
4-3 all on gow ef.
alf and i have agreed to do a masters challenge this coming sunday around noon i believe
Good stuff. Alf you know what maps your picking?
which master dares to be crushed by me on bo5 mutton? stupid newbies!
If Medivh agrees I'd challenge him to a KOTR style master challenge. I can beat him on HSC and then hope to fluke a GOW win.
Master pick set not player who challenge master
yeah thats why I said if he agrees to koth. if.
icon on the line
alf - vizzer starting now >:D >:D
1-0.. postponed
knitter challenged me to challenge him to a master tag .. so i accepted his challenge to challenge him lol
tk[as] is challenge me for master challenge, challenge accepted.
map pool:
2x Islands in the stream high ef
3x gow old ef
1x friends with hall high ef
1x pos low
series starts now
I dont see you guys playing
tk[as] is challenge me for master challenge, challenge accepted.
map pool:
2x Islands in the stream high ef
3x gow old ef
1x friends with hall high ef
1x pos low
series starts now
I did win 4:0 , but i had some luck.
ggs TK
Warvid: http://www.filedropper.com/knittvstk050617 (http://www.filedropper.com/knittvstk050617)
i lost 0-4 ;)
stream is @ twitch.tv/terror_kahn
knitter intentionally newb bashing and dodging good players since forever
Swift raped @ chop mad.
Swift raped @ chop mad.
Got raped or raped other players?
there's been maybe 5 great chop mad players, everyone else is mediocre
Swift raped @ chop mad.
Got raped or raped other players?
Got raped. ;)
there's been maybe 5 great chop mad players, everyone else is mediocre
The map doest require a high level of skill.. but it's fun to play occasionally
yep. still tho, only ~~5 great players
u8 you are currently the grandmaster right? How about a challenge today?
barely defended vs vizzer.
gow 1-0
b2b 1-1
nwtr 2-1
taiga 2-2
winding ways 2-3
arctic circle 3-3
hsc 4-3
http://www.filedropper.com/vizz (http://www.filedropper.com/vizz) (two warvids missing, guess i forgot to save)
(two warvids missing, guess i forgot to save)
nice try, cheat-attack
barely defended vs vizzer.
gow 1-0
b2b 1-1
nwtr 2-1
taiga 2-2
winding ways 2-3
arctic circle 3-3
hsc 4-3
[url]http://www.filedropper.com/vizz[/url] ([url]http://www.filedropper.com/vizz[/url]) (two warvids missing, guess i forgot to save)
Yea thats why i start to record the first game and end the warvid when all games are played. File is bigger but u dont need to worry to save after every game.
(two warvids missing, guess i forgot to save)
nice try, cheat-attack
no warvids no win like yamon vs knitter, sad but true!
best of 30?
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/151276258 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/151276258)
i don't think i have the first gow game tho
challenging knitter to a master challenge
ok i accept!
Map pool best of 7 :
1. Islands in the stream / high ef
2. Pos low ef
3. Islands in the stream / high ef
4. Friends / no hall / f high
5. Gold Rush ef high
6. Islands in the strea / high ef
I Won 4-1, ggs Vizzer!!
Warvid: https://ufile.io/gdwtd
Guys, in order to no forget to save warvids you can start using this:
I also find it much better than the actual warvid as it is less resource demanding :-)
Challenging Alf-Attack for his master tag.
@aLfReD do you accept?
ok, game on in 4-5 hours, ~4pm CET
What maps u guys gonna play? Remember to insight.
whatever he wants. Do I insight or warvid?
warvid or stream (do delay if you stream)
Did this ever happen?
nope :X
Yamon no show. played braviet a bunch on random maps, GGS
^^I think its time to host a tourney to crown another master tag holder, this series has gotten stale due to lack of new blood.
nope :X
Yamon no show. played braviet a bunch on random maps, GGS
you never replied
typical yamon. big talk, failure and a bunch of excuses
me and alf doing challenge now
gl me
3-0, yamon forfeited the last game, ggs
whatever he wants. Do I insight or warvid?
he started crying about my maps so we're playing another series koth style
koth series ended 2-0 before he forfeited.
me and alf conflict or something i get massive unit delay. of course no mention of this is made by him.
no lag for me
What was your paypal again?
LOL This reminds me of that time yamon made a big fuss about challenging braviet then lost 11-1.
Ill msg knit and let him know.
We can play next weekend 21st or 22nd ... see you there.
I think he is busy this weekend let me fb msg him.
Spoke to knit he says he can't this weekend.
current master tag holders are,
Although if lone doesn't start playing soon we gonna have to drop him.
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Since it is his master tag status on the line
The only stipulation we are setting for these matches are for them to be played bo7 with notice and for them to be streamed by both players or from a watchers perspective in order to promote the game on social media.
classics only i presume? idk if that's ever come up. what about classic-like customs?
Spoke to knit he says he can't this weekend.
current master tag holders are,
Although if lone doesn't start playing soon we gonna have to drop him.
I might get on for some time around January.
Ill msg knit for you. I think he should be rdy.
For now i got this old fucked up laptop!
Maybe enough to beat u tho ;)
See you this weekend.
I spoke to knit he will pick some different maps.
hey if its possible to play mutton 7 times, im up! knitter, face me!! give me my MASTER TAG
No bo7 mutton. Thats abuse of the "master picks the maps and settings" rule.
hey if its possible to play mutton 7 times, im up! knitter, face me!! give me my MASTER TAG
U know I am actually kinda curious to see if u could beat knit on mutton.
1. friends.pud, high ef
2. mutton ef, map default
3. islands in the stream, ef, high
4. gold rush, ef , high
5. Gow old , ef, high
6. NWTR, ef , high
7. X Mark the spot, ef, high
Lets go!
Remeber to warvid or insight
anyway u should make a new rule and refuse mutton map where is more luck than skill(moving sheeps, random attack ), maps where are no peons "battle_1 etc
lol in the end the 'bad luck' evens out with actual luck. same with peon/grunt/literally any unit damage in warcraft 2. its not constant, but it doesnt mean it makes you lose
sepi probably sucked horse balls!
anyway u should make a new rule and refuse mutton map where is more luck than skill(moving sheeps, random attack ), maps where are no peons "battle_1 etc
I agree. I lost mutton 100% because i couldn't kill sheeps fast enough, and I had good control and good strategy for clearing them. Knitter had a gt on me before i had my lumbermill at 50% (i made lumbermill after 1st farm)
I didn't even know what Mutton was until knit played a game on it in a master tag series a few months back. It is more of a custom map than a BNE map. Mutton doesn't include gold mines or trees and in no way utilizes resource management.
It should be excluded from the map pool selection master tag holders can pick from.
I will be sure to add that to the rules in the beginning thread to avoid confusion.
Gj Sepi once you post the insights you will be a master tag holder.
The good news is you get $10 for every successful master tag defense, the bad news is you don't get to play in the tier 2 tournament anymore.
I do think this is the start of a new era of master tag holders. Cause come next Sunday we dropping 2-3 inactive players from the list.
no u cant :>
Current master tag list are as followed,
Sepi was the better player today!
I try to play more again and challenge you back!!
@claw, ya mutton is fun! We can play :)
But mutton isnt luck only, some strats work well. Braviet is pretty good.
^^ Your ruining the surprise :(
Had to come up with a way to replace the master tag holders that are to be dropped. Hence why they haven't been dropped yet.
You are correct thou Shotgun, Startale, and Lone are slated to be dropped.
Will be great to see who will replace theses players soon
Have lux and yamon fight for a tag
Reason why I would rather avoid doing this is because every time I select 2 players to play for a tag or cash like this I get players coming to me saying i'm showing favoritism.
Hard to play games when everyone dodges. That's fine though, If I lose my masters tag I challenge Sepi to a masters series.
Have community vote. 2 people who receive most votes play each other (if they so choose). if they dont accept, have ppl who get 3rd and 4th most votes play, etc.
Thats not a bad idea.
But first lets see who wins the tier 2 tournament this weekend.
Have community vote. 2 people who receive most votes play each other (if they so choose). if they dont accept, have ppl who get 3rd and 4th most votes play, etc.
If going that route instead of a tournament, Maybe have Tora arrange some matches between potential holders and have community vote on which match they want to see instead. Otherwise if going by first and second most votes on individual players. then people like who are generally disliked by the community like yamon won't have a chance in winning a poll because of obvious reasons. Where as they may vote for a match featuring him and a more liked player such as Lux for a tag
Hard to play games when everyone dodges. That's fine though, If I lose my masters tag I challenge Sepi to a masters series.
What an imbecile... I have been master this whole time, you're the one who didn't challenge me. There's a reason for that, and it's not because I am the one that is scared. It's silly for SG and I to lose our tags because we don't get challenged. How about a set of rules that force people to have to choose a different master instead of these cowards always targeting knitter or whoever is being perceived as the weaker master and that person being the only one having to defend their tag all the time to these try hard scrubs like sepi?
i got no idea why u got problems with this master, its only icon, if some1 isnt playing w2, he is losing it for active maybe worse players than him, if he back he can challenge some1 and he will get back icon
Startale - http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=StarTale (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=StarTale)
Shotgun- http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=Shotgun (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=Shotgun)
Lone- http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=LoNe (http://ladder.war2.ru/player.php?player=LoNe)
The three of you have failed to play a single 1v1 game in over 90 days. I don't doubt the three of you are better than of the current and future master tag holders. However it makes little sense to keep three of you in the master tag series while your all so inactive. Like u8 said when your ready to begin playing again simply challenge one of the master tag holders and reclaim your status.
I can gift my master tag to Knitterhemd (if its ok with Tora) and Startale you can challenge Knitterhemd for it to get your tag back if/after you lose it.
And no Sepi, master tag holders have to earn their tags we can't just give them away.
Shotgun, Lone, and Startale have all been officially dropped from the master tag series due to inactivity.
Current master tag list are as followed,
We will be adding more players to the list very soon.
cleaned up this thread a bit
I CHALLENGE DOWN ALF For his tag I want give him back numbers tora accept it ! 8)
guess if i lose i will lost it :>
I accept!
As the challengee i will pick all sets and maps, game on next weekend or maybe...... tuesday?
After szwagier gets pwnd i suggest awarding him with the NUP icon 8)
Haha this will be interesting.
After szwagier gets pwnd i suggest awarding him with the NUP icon 8)
This icon is waiting for u and viet long time
I accept!
As the challengee i will pick all sets and maps, game on next weekend or maybe...... tuesday?
After szwagier gets pwnd i suggest awarding him with the NUP icon 8)
guess u fear, many times asked u, u were ignoring me or when u answer me it was something like "im tried" "i need to do.. "
u said u are going play tour, thats why u dont want start at 8pm series and u are not playing
nvm he was playing tour as PROUDSAUSAGE - only he wanted smurf LOL
Ok I challenge sepi to get my tag back, will be on over the weekend. GG
@Antti_Kiviniemi What maps do you plan to pick.
Also remeber SG you do have to record insight or warvid for the series to count.
@Shotgun can you pick someone else to play current list is,
I will just challenge for Legend tag, Masters all look a little below my level
Must have a master tag to obtain a legend. And even then the only way to obtain a Legend tag is to beat swift in a series.
Most active master tag holders are currently Swagier, Alf-attack, and braviet. Medivh, Jesk, 00steve, and Sepi are also holders but are currently not playing as many 1s.
Easily done, but if I have to have a masters tag it defeats the point. I guess I will stick to being the greatest with my 2 swords.
^^Well the reason for that is to avoid random players challenging for grand master and legend status.
If you really are as good as you say you are you shouldn't have any problems beating u8/alf/viet for a master tag before playing swift.
But if it's too much of a hassle for you so be it.
He really is as good as he says. If he plays me again for 2 days straight he might even make one game look close vs Swift.
Hmmm... I was thinking legend icon is given because of past and present achievements/things. So it's impossible to take it from smbd. Am i wrong? I am pretty sure that if some master chalange Swift when he is really rusty he can beat him... So master and Grand master can and should be chalanged. And who can chalange Swift? I mean there should be a rule. And by the way, just my opinion: Shotgun deserves a legend status. I know my opinion is not very heavy in this community but this is what think... But still should be really interesting to see a series of games between this good players, and between all masters. They are always interesting to watch/ learn.
@Tolean U must challenge one of them!
@Tolean Shotgun barley plays and lost his master tag icon due to inactivity. He hasn't won a single tournament in years and hasnt played in any master tag challenges despite having master tag status for months. Is any of this his fault? No.
I don't doubt Shotgun is one of the best on the server. But is he "the greatest ever," I think not.
"Legendary" status was given to swift and "master" status was given to 8 other players at the start of the series. Shotgun has months and months to challenge swift to obtain Legend status and he never did.
He is welcome to go thru to conventional means of obtaining it like everyone else.
Nerzyman and I are the greatest to ever log onto a war2 server
Hmm Tora... You know better what is happening there. If there is a rule how to obtain the legendary status then everybody should go through it. Looks like i was thinking wrong about how to obtain it. I was thinking its smth given forever due to player's past and present achievements. For sure i am not the one to decide who is the best ever, so everybody must follow the rules if they want to have the icon of the best player/master/grand master or they can just consider themselves best players, but with no icon or let's say without official status.
I will be back soon and dominate the newbie sepi and all of you bitches! When i didnt play for a long time ,he barly beats me 4:3... i shouldnt win a single game, just want to make sure how bad he actually is.
Anyway shotgun is a great player , also Startale is... Sepi cant beat them, doesnt matter what maps hes gonna pick.
Hopefully Server is growing again, had no time to look tho.
Love 90% of you xoxoxo
Why u Still dont understand, its for Active players.... I can Say im better than player xxx, he should never got Master tag, i think tora should add rule, players who lost Master tag, shouldnt be Able to challenge the same person who challenged him
@Tolean Shotgun barley plays and lost his master tag icon due to inactivity. He hasn't won a single tournament in years and hasnt played in any master tag challenges despite having master tag status for months. Is any of this his fault? No.
I don't doubt Shotgun is one of the best on the server. But is he "the greatest ever," I think not.
"Legendary" status was given to swift and "master" status was given to 8 other players at the start of the series. Shotgun has months and months to challenge swift to obtain Legend status and he never did.
He is welcome to go thru to conventional means of obtaining it like everyone else.
that makes sense. is/should getting grandmaster be required to challenge legend? like master > grandmaster > legend
was also kind of thinking that legend was swift's honorary tag in recognition of achievements, is it part of the challenge system now? (kind of like how he says master tag was originally just for him and later got appropriated for other stuff haha)
Legend is a little more skewed.
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,2949.0.html (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,2949.0.html)
Nobody has ever shown any interest in challenging swift or the legend tag for that matter. If someone really was interested in it I wouldn't be against giving them a way to obtain it.
I do like that idea of master<grandmaster<legend
I dont like fastest, maybe customs, So im waiting
Is this thread still working? I want challenge my buddy Antti)
@Antti_Kiviniemi u accept?
Good choise)
We can play xmarks with streamer. Propose to change hsc bne to xmarks. But its not ladder map. We can also play "The River Kwai". Its pretty intereting duel map.
The problem with Xmark is that on high resources the map is very unbalanced, the left spot is very favored: it has bigger island and shore is closer to center.
On default/low res I would still favor left spot for the late game but it is much more balanced by the fact that you don't get to do the 3 shipyard juggs rush right away.
Making having exposed main base less of a problem.
For casting I think there is an obs version of the map out there but that would mean fixed order which means you would have to roll the dice on who starts left/right. In any case if you record all games with insight it would do the job fine we can always cast the games on stream after they are played if you keep the outcome a secret that way we are still discovering the outcomes "live" ;-).
The problem with Xmark is that on high resources the map is very unbalanced, the left spot is very favored: it has bigger island and shore is closer to center.
On default/low res I would still favor left spot for the late game but it is much more balanced by the fact that you don't get to do the 3 shipyard juggs rush right away.
Le? But u cant hop from left spot! :P
@Tolean Shotgun barley plays and lost his master tag icon due to inactivity. He hasn't won a single tournament in years and hasnt played in any master tag challenges despite having master tag status for months. Is any of this his fault? No.
I don't doubt Shotgun is one of the best on the server. But is he "the greatest ever," I think not.
"Legendary" status was given to swift and "master" status was given to 8 other players at the start of the series. Shotgun has months and months to challenge swift to obtain Legend status and he never did.
He is welcome to go thru to conventional means of obtaining it like everyone else.
that makes sense. is/should getting grandmaster be required to challenge legend? like master > grandmaster > legend
was also kind of thinking that legend was swift's honorary tag in recognition of achievements, is it part of the challenge system now? (kind of like how he says master tag was originally just for him and later got appropriated for other stuff haha)
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Tora gave me legend tag with intention that it was undisputed / exclusive, and quickly changed his stance when his initial intention met criticism / resistance from a few people.
luckily, my heart can only be broken once!
@Tolean Shotgun barley plays and lost his master tag icon due to inactivity. He hasn't won a single tournament in years and hasnt played in any master tag challenges despite having master tag status for months. Is any of this his fault? No.
I don't doubt Shotgun is one of the best on the server. But is he "the greatest ever," I think not.
"Legendary" status was given to swift and "master" status was given to 8 other players at the start of the series. Shotgun has months and months to challenge swift to obtain Legend status and he never did.
He is welcome to go thru to conventional means of obtaining it like everyone else.
that makes sense. is/should getting grandmaster be required to challenge legend? like master > grandmaster > legend
was also kind of thinking that legend was swift's honorary tag in recognition of achievements, is it part of the challenge system now? (kind of like how he says master tag was originally just for him and later got appropriated for other stuff haha)
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Tora gave me legend tag with intention that it was undisputed / exclusive, and quickly changed his stance when his initial intention met criticism / resistance from a few people.
luckily, my heart can only be broken once!
Wasn't it only Equinox that was crying about that?
The problem with Xmark is that on high resources the map is very unbalanced, the left spot is very favored: it has bigger island and shore is closer to center.
On default/low res I would still favor left spot for the late game but it is much more balanced by the fact that you don't get to do the 3 shipyard juggs rush right away.
Le? But u cant hop from left spot! :P
It is true you have that possibility but really it is not worth hoping in the first place most of the time.
You do get quicker on the islands but you don't have the time to build a barrack and cat on the island quick enough for it to make a difference as your opponent with 1 cat and a transport will manage to get you off pretty easily.
Hoping is much more risky than you'd think. plus if you fail to secure both island you still have the disadvantage of having a very exposed main base from water.
@Tolean Shotgun barley plays and lost his master tag icon due to inactivity. He hasn't won a single tournament in years and hasnt played in any master tag challenges despite having master tag status for months. Is any of this his fault? No.
I don't doubt Shotgun is one of the best on the server. But is he "the greatest ever," I think not.
"Legendary" status was given to swift and "master" status was given to 8 other players at the start of the series. Shotgun has months and months to challenge swift to obtain Legend status and he never did.
He is welcome to go thru to conventional means of obtaining it like everyone else.
that makes sense. is/should getting grandmaster be required to challenge legend? like master > grandmaster > legend
was also kind of thinking that legend was swift's honorary tag in recognition of achievements, is it part of the challenge system now? (kind of like how he says master tag was originally just for him and later got appropriated for other stuff haha)
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Tora gave me legend tag with intention that it was undisputed / exclusive, and quickly changed his stance when his initial intention met criticism / resistance from a few people.
luckily, my heart can only be broken once!
Wasn't it only Equinox that was crying about that?
ah, you're right.
Kagan u can choose the beginning time of the challenge from the following:
9.6 Saturday 1pm to 6pm
10.6 Sunday 7 am to 12 am
second variant will be good
Ggs bro. I need play more vs strong players)
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Not il, but Ldir. And you was one of three masters. But you definitely was the best one.
The first master was MasterKSA. He got this tag in 2004, when war2.ru was not known outside a small company. Here is the history page with KSA's master certificate (at the bottom):
http://war2.ru/oldsite/ (http://war2.ru/oldsite/)
Later, war2.ru became more popular, and a lot of people with good skills joined this server. In 2005 you beat MasterKSA 6-1 and got the "master tag" from Ldir. About the same time Gimli has beaten all the Russian players (including MasterKSA), and got the "master tag" too. So, only three players have historical "master tags" given by Ldir: you, Gimli and MasterKSA.
I even have somewhere replays of your competition with MasterKSA, if you want I'll try to find them.
He has joined us during last FNW (Friday Night Warcraft, maybe the biggest ex-USSR tournament now). Kagan has won this tournament. So, you may be happy that you has beaten Kagan, as Swift has beaten MasterKSA.
There were a lot of good players from Zelenograd, joined War2.ru in the 2005. Gimli, Gadzila, KF. I can't say who was the best from this company, but Gimli was the first, so he has impressed Ldir and got his "master tag". After this (and Swift/KSA competition), Ldir decided to have no more new masters.
Braviet! Come on challenge! Pliz more chop farms! :-))
No customs accepted for master challenge.
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Not il, but Ldir. And you was one of three masters. But you definitely was the best one.
The first master was MasterKSA. He got this tag in 2004, when war2.ru was not known outside a small company. Here is the history page with KSA's master certificate (at the bottom):
[url]http://war2.ru/oldsite/[/url] ([url]http://war2.ru/oldsite/[/url])
Later, war2.ru became more popular, and a lot of people with good skills joined this server. In 2005 you beat MasterKSA 6-1 and got the "master tag" from Ldir. About the same time Gimli has beaten all the Russian players (including MasterKSA), and got the "master tag" too. So, only three players have historical "master tags" given by Ldir: you, Gimli and MasterKSA.
I even have somewhere replays of your competition with MasterKSA, if you want I'll try to find them.
such interesting history, thanks for sharing ! :D
I challenge alf-attack
Il brought over (from vpn) / created the master tag for me exclusively, then burnt fought reluctantly to change that.
Not il, but Ldir. And you was one of three masters. But you definitely was the best one.
The first master was MasterKSA. He got this tag in 2004, when war2.ru was not known outside a small company. Here is the history page with KSA's master certificate (at the bottom):
[url]http://war2.ru/oldsite/[/url] ([url]http://war2.ru/oldsite/[/url])
Later, war2.ru became more popular, and a lot of people with good skills joined this server. In 2005 you beat MasterKSA 6-1 and got the "master tag" from Ldir. About the same time Gimli has beaten all the Russian players (including MasterKSA), and got the "master tag" too. So, only three players have historical "master tags" given by Ldir: you, Gimli and MasterKSA.
I even have somewhere replays of your competition with MasterKSA, if you want I'll try to find them.
@Zelya That would be great - I would love those replays. Can you post them here so anyone wants to watch them may do so?
I don’t recall ever losing to MasterSka - I thought I won 10-0 but you know what they say about memory :)
I challenge alf-attack
He will fear
Okay, not quiet ready to let it go. Can you play Saturday?
Is it all gow or how does this work, been a while
What time Saturday?
It’s bo7 you pick the maps and settings. If I win ai get your master tag, if you win you get $10.
Anytime between 10am and 10pm CET.
What maps u picking?
OH , haven't thought about it. We can pick every other map if you want. As long as it's high/ef. First map gow classic.
Pick jimland!
i wanna challenge someone. whos playing active?
Pick alf-loser-attack!
Pick alf-loser-attack!
braviet, u8, alf, jesk, sepi, can't remember who else I'm never on now :'(
I'm never on now
u done with war2?
ok, if alf accept i challenge him
Sure Kagan, Let's play this weekend.
Szwagier jiebisz gownem
Szwagier jiebisz gownem
I'm never on now
u done with war2?
ok, if alf accept i challenge him
Wouldn’t say done, just have more responsibilities now thus can’t play every day anymore.
Szwagier jiebisz gownem
maciek pocwicz bo cie inactive boos jedzie xD
Sure Kagan, Let's play this weekend.
Szwagier jiebisz gownem
You couldnt even copy correct from translator so sad, to hard?
du stinker skit
Sure Kagan, Let's play this weekend.
Nice Alfred. Ill be online this sunday (today).
Wouldn’t say done, just have more responsibilities now thus can’t play every day anymore.
I hope u dont change your plans about 1s big gow tourn.
this could return interest to the game
4-0 GGS
GowEF, ChopFarmZZ, Gseps and NWTR
also jebac Szwagier!
too bad for you polish one of the most difficult languages in the world
too bad for you polish one of the most difficult languages in the world
prowadzisz mały samochód
shotgun knows polish? :d as far as i know he is ethnic pole
shotgun knows polish? :d as far as i know he is ethnic pole
I doubt it - he struggles with English.
szwagier jebac szwagier! :thumbsup:
szwagier jebac szwagier! :thumbsup:
@CLAVV are you CLAW?
Why you made a new account? Is that something wrong with your previous one or you forgot password? I just checked, looks like everything should be ok with it...
And glad to see you back here!
He is trolling,
Customs are not allowed!
He is trolling,
Customs are not allowed!
4-0 GGS
GowEF, ChopFarmZZ, Gseps and NWTR
also jebac Szwagier!
@CLAVV are you CLAW?
Why you made a new account? Is that something wrong with your previous one
He is also using the name NIGGERS ..
why it hasn't been locked yet I'm not sure
He is also using the name NIGGERS ..
why it hasn't been locked yet I'm not sure
Why it should be locked?
@aLfReD seems like you are the fighting master and sounds like some fun games, maybe this Sunday if not sooner?
Yea man, lets play
Some Evening next week?
I'd have to think about maps, can't give you the chance to pick too weird ones. I'll pick some regular bne ones, all High Ef of course.
BTW @XuRnT wheres the advertisment for this year's war2 festival, would be a shame if anyone missed it that wanted to go
Not hosting any tournaments atm just want to do games but I think Bux and Equi have one in the works.
I challenge Teaboy for his master tag.
Warcraft 2 has really declined in quality. We need a better quality of players. And I'm back to give warcraft 2 just that.
First buy original windows, i dont want play with stealers
it doesn't matter if you don't. defend it or lose it. It's a privilege, not a right to have a master tag. I don't think you deserve it. You'll just lose it anyway karmatically if you're so weak in victory over time. You're not a master. You're a chop player and your attitude is not one of a champion, it's a rodent. You have no respect. It's not that you've said anything outrageous, in fact quite the opposite. I'm not going based off of that. It's not a personal attack, or character assassination. Yes you do have to Agree to a series, but if you think you can just ignore me and say "I'm a noob", then yes your friends will agree. but no one else will. I'm just stating the obvious. If you don't defend it, then it's just an icon and it loses all of it's meaning. It's ridiculous to think you can only play in-house games with your friends who all have master tags and just sit on them. Yes it's funny. But I know that you have an enormous sense of unfounded superiority. You're all ego. I've been playing this game forever and you're so so far from how good you think you are, that it just becomes a complete joke. And it gets tiresome. Of course the decline of this game isn't your fault or responsibility, but you and your friends pretty much embody it and carry it on with your noobishness and annoying perpetuation of dunning kruger, with your dumb cliques. Because u8t can beat swift, doesn't mean anything. Swift's actual skill level is completely outside of the realm of u8ts perception. You guys are just pissing on legacy and graves and I've had enough of it. And you know you are, I don't have to tell you. I'm just stating the obvious. You can put up any strawman argument you want. " Oh he's mad it's just a game" " Or I've always been nice to you" or whatever strawman you want to present. I don't care about any of those things. I'm not emotionally involved. Why don't you start being honest? Don't continue to insult my intelligence. Everyone else is stupid, but I'm not. You're ruining this game also by doing the things that you do, and lagging on top of it. You can't diffuse energy that is awareness of your actions. So I'm going to beat your teaboy baby bum, because you and baby u8t are only the 100th generation of good players, far far away from what it actually means to be good. And That fact actually does upset you, I know that. So you hide it with your non-participation. It's so so obvious what you guys are doing. Even your response, is literally proof of everything I've said in this post, your post above mine. " Buy windows". are you serious dude? are you an idiot? I've been aware of the meme you guys have been doing for years, and to think everyone is unaware of it, is totally self-unaware in of itself. You guys love when it's addressed, you'll drag it out and drag it out until it has to be addressed, and then win ( Against people you can be beat). or completely ignore people you can't such as me. So Here I am, and there you are. Ass open. I don't care if you haven't said anything to me or don't ban me from your games. That's just yet again, another smoke screen to preserve your meme because you're aware also, that I am a threat.
So is it a dodge? For sure Yamon is not a noob and he can challenge any master. For sure not any noob must have this right, but Yamon has it. If the series happens let us know the results.
GL both!!
If the thing with Windows is not just a joke, but a real argument. It is a very stupid one.
"For sure not any noob must have this right, but Yamon has it."
That's so obvious and true. And he's so new he doesn't even know that. And that is what I'm getting at here.
So is it a dodge? For sure Yamon is not a noob and he can challenge any master. For sure not any noob must have this right, but Yamon has it. If the series happens let us know the results.
GL both!!
If the thing with Windows is not just a joke, but a real argument. It is a very stupid one.
We can play next week CLAVV
Yea man, lets play
Some Evening next week?
I'd have to think about maps, can't give you the chance to pick too weird ones. I'll pick some regular bne ones, all High Ef of course.
For sure Yamon is not a noob
He is actually.
maciek you are new dude. lol. You got decent playing against me dude. I fostered your development.
Is u8 still playing under Teaboy account?
Is u8 still playing under Teaboy account?
Yes and Teaboy is playing on mine.
Labor day weekend I’ll have a few days off. I’ll host a tier 2 with a master tag prize. Yamon u have a winning record vs maciek?
Labor day weekend I’ll have a few days off. I’ll host a tier 2 with a master tag prize. Yamon u have a winning record vs maciek?
Cytat: ~ToRa~ w Sierpień 17, 2019, 09:46:14 pm
Labor day weekend I’ll have a few days off. I’ll host a tier 2 with a master tag prize. Yamon u have a winning record vs maciek?
http://ladder.war2.ru/record.php?player1=Maciek&player2=yamon (http://ladder.war2.ru/record.php?player1=Maciek&player2=yamon)
Cytat: ~ToRa~ w Sierpień 17, 2019, 09:46:14 pm
Labor day weekend I’ll have a few days off. I’ll host a tier 2 with a master tag prize. Yamon u have a winning record vs maciek?
[url]http://ladder.war2.ru/record.php?player1=Maciek&player2=yamon[/url] ([url]http://ladder.war2.ru/record.php?player1=Maciek&player2=yamon[/url])
Owned XD
I am not playing on teaboy since eq got owned 6:0
i've been inactive for like 2 years. I hop on every now and then. I didn't know maciek had a winning record vs me, that's funny. I didn't look it up because I knew he would. It's not any real ammunition at all.
i've been inactive for like 2 years. I hop on every now and then. I didn't know maciek had a winning record vs me, that's funny. I didn't look it up because I knew he would. It's not any real ammunition at all.
Now you back 2 weeks ago and you belive you are better after 2 weeks playing?
Anyway, if you call noob somebody who is 3:4 vs you... It's kind of even... Almost equal. It means the series can be close...
yeah 2 weeks is usually how long it takes to unrust. Prior to now, I haven't had time to actually unrust.
I challenge Teaboy for his master tag.
Don't continue to insult my intelligence
like i thought, ur idiot
That is pretty funny, not gonna lie.
So it is a dodge... I would take the master tag and give it to Yamon.
The same with any master, if he is called by name, not just: I challenge any master. If there is no answer with clear solution like now I am busy, next week, or in 2 weekends or anything that can lead to the happening of the series. Correct me if I am wrong and didn't understand smth about this topic.
So why he challenge yesterday if he is ill and he cant play??
Maybe I didn't read all. If he is ill just say: next week because I am ill or smth like this.
I am not playing because you don't have an official Windows on a pirate server is pretty absurd.
All I am saying, if anyone challenges a Master and there is no real reason of Dodge then just give the master tag to chalanger. In any case not just here. If a Master is inactive he will just come back, chalange and take it back. First it will make it more active, second there will no be stupid dodges. If there is a reason then no probs. Just postpone it for later.
Teaboy asked yamon to play for master tag but yamon is bipolar and said he couldn't play day after he challenged Teaboy. I hope I explained it to you @Tolean .
Then Sorry Yamon, maybe next time.
As I know the master can choose day, speed, maps etc...
As long as the challenge was answered in a reasonable time then all good from the part of Master.
Just to make it clear. I am not against anyone, I am for as many good games as possible and activity. Just don't want anyone to take anything personal.
Have fun, waiting for the next challenge!!
I said I wasn't feeling good. I am very sick. Most everyone knows I am sick with Hartnup disease. My treatment requires a lot of time. I knew that the baby polaks as opposed to this brave one would just say something about me dodging the one moment he wanted to do the challenge. If he doesn't make mutual time for a game, it's obviously an automatic dodge. Again, more straw-man arguments. These don't work on people that can think clearly.
Teaboy asked yamon to play for master tag but yamon is bipolar and said he couldn't play day after he challenged Teaboy. I hope I explained it to you @Tolean .
define bipolar maciek
I said I wasn't feeling good. I am very sick. Most everyone knows I am sick with Hartnup disease. My treatment requires a lot of time. I knew that the baby polaks as opposed to this brave one would just say something about me dodging the one moment he wanted to do the challenge. If he doesn't make mutual time for a game, it's obviously an automatic dodge. Again, more straw-man arguments. These don't work on people that can think clearly.
Noone care that you are stick, master pick date not player, you were online you could play, you didnt say anything like hey lets play next weekend?
I said I wasn't feeling good. I am very sick. Most everyone knows I am sick with Hartnup disease. My treatment requires a lot of time. I knew that the baby polaks as opposed to this brave one would just say something about me dodging the one moment he wanted to do the challenge. If he doesn't make mutual time for a game, it's obviously an automatic dodge. Again, more straw-man arguments. These don't work on people that can think clearly.
Noone care that you are stick, master pick date not player, you were online you could play, you didnt say anything like hey lets play next weekend?
i'm not a stick. you take that back.
I challenge Teaboy
Yes maciek beat that newbe!
Dont forget ur ip sniffer!
I challenge Teaboy
glhf :)
I won 4-2 bo7 gow series: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875)
I won 4-2 bo7 gow series: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875)
Excellent. Are you a master now?
I won 4-2 bo7 gow series: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875 (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/534942875)
Told it teaboy is a joke if u8 dont play for him.
ConGratz you deserve it way much more then him.
I will challenge Sepi for his Master Tag.
Please name your maps and a date when we are going to play.
Glnhf Knitt
I will challenge Sepi for his Master Tag.
Please name your maps and a date when we are going to play.
Glnhf Knitt
Go knitter go Knitter gogo!
Sepi isn't a master.. i dont know who all is holding the icons but i know Maciek and Braviet are at least 2 of them
Take out Alf-Attack knitter, ez wins.
Sepi isn't a master.. i dont know who all is holding the icons but i know Maciek and Braviet are at least 2 of them
"Current master tag holders include,
All series must be streamed on Twitch or observed by a twitch streamer.
(If you need help setting up a steam please contact moustopher.)"
Says Sepi in the beginning of this thread, if he isn't then who beat him?
Sepi told me he doesn’t want to be a master tag holder. Will need to update this list in a few.
current list,
I remember you wanted to make tournament for master but you didnt come xd
I will challenge shotgun for his master tag . Please name a date and ur maps.
Whenever I am on, gow gow gow gow gow gow gow
I challenge Maciek for his master tag . Name date and your maps please
Dont stream Maciek or Ragner will have super crazy power.
lol he just can do delay) 5-10 mins
oho zaczyna sie
i playing revange with maciek saturday or sunday so u must wait
oho zaczyna sie
i playing revange with maciek saturday or sunday so u must wait
Fuck ur revanch, you lost you w8! Someone else turn even if it's the cheater.
but why equinox still talking hes not even top 50 , and in favour of pierre eliot trudueau , , biggest homo on earth that ever lived,, Now i would appreciate if u let all players play no words from u kk np u gay homo boy
And when ull talk to anyone again on server i would suggest maybe take english lessons first . have to reread twice what u say. Well np think about it
oho zaczyna sie
i playing revange with maciek saturday or sunday so u must wait
You shouldnt be allow to play vs maciek revange xD
Yea shoudnt be allowed. If so 2 people could challenge each other every time and keep the tag.
Teaboy challenge some1 else or wait some time.
I challenge Maciek for his master tag . Name date and your maps please
We can play today or tomorrow evening. Map pool is gold rush bne bo7.
omg lol I didn't expect this) I played on this map about 5 times)) You also train...)
I dont understand why the master choose the map, thats the most stupid non sens rules ever.
Why the fuck the better player gonna choose the map, the challenger should be the one who choose since he suck and the master is suppose to play anything.
What a stupid dumb rules is that.
I dont understand why the master choose the map, thats the most stupid non sens rules ever.
Why the fuck the better player gonna choose the map, the challenger should be the one who choose since he suck and the master is suppose to play anything.
What a stupid dumb rules is that.
Your right on this point.
I dont understand why the master choose the map, thats the most stupid non sens rules ever.
Why the fuck the better player gonna choose the map, the challenger should be the one who choose since he suck and the master is suppose to play anything.
What a stupid dumb rules is that.
Valid point
I dont understand why the master choose the map, thats the most stupid non sens rules ever.
Why the fuck the better player gonna choose the map, the challenger should be the one who choose since he suck and the master is suppose to play anything.
What a stupid dumb rules is that.
Valid point
...till i own everyone at mutton f
Should be KOTH style imo
Gold Rush is easy. You just mine gold from the very center mine first, then start dropping out and gain control of middle
Gold Rush is easy. You just mine gold from the very center mine first, then start dropping out and gain control of middle
you can also hop if you block the corner mine with peon inside
I dont even see why you talk about muttons or custom map like that, is there not a official selection map for master tag challenge?
We can play today or tomorrow evening. Map pool is gold rush bne bo7.
You want all the maps to be played on “gold rush?”
I dont even see why you talk about muttons or custom map like that, is there not a official selection map for master tag challenge?
It’s supposed to be BNE/Classic maps only.
We can play today or tomorrow evening. Map pool is gold rush bne bo7.
You want all the maps to be played on “gold rush?”
why not? master can pick any sets, it can be gow bo7 but it cant be goldrush bo7?
Please weigh in.
As far as maps go, that is 100% up to the master tag holder who is being challenged. For instance if someone were challenge Swagier for his master tag, Swagier will be the one to set the terms of said challenge (i.e. maps, settings, time, and day)
Here how it could work.
Speed: Even Faster
Ressources: High
Challenger choose map the first and he choose untill he win.
Mean if he choose the first map and win, the master have the right to choose next.
If challenger choose first map and lose, then he still keeping choosing next ones untill he win.
( OFFICIAL MAP POOL that nobody cant refuse )
( Aggrement pool MAP, SPEED, AND RESSOURCES that both side have to agree for playing those maps and settings )
* If they both cant agreed on those map, speed and ressources, then they have to go back on official map pool *
Now there also the part about who deserve to play a master, i think master got the mission to protect his title, but we cant abuse of him and ask him to play everyone at any moment.
So i think peoples need to deserve that shot, to have the right of asking a master for a challenge you will need to get acces in top 25 of the official war2ru ladder.
If you can acces top 25 then you have the right to ask 1 MASTER per month, ( master of your choice ) if you fail you cant ask for revenche untill the next six month.
You only can ask a different master and only the next month!
I think the fact that everyone are master corrup the ranking and dont push players to push themself over there limit..
Exemple: Every top 25 will challenge the master that they think they suck the most, so it always gonna be the same master that would be challenge.
Thats why we have to put the six month rule and make them play different masters.
I also think we have to made 2 more grand masters title and make u8 grand master challengable too... So others masters have to keep pushing themself to reach grand master, a master need to beat another master in b0-7 series to gain the right to officially challenge a grand master.
I also think we need to remove the title at swift, he dont even play anymore, he never have protect that title, its time to relinquish that title and make a tournament for it or something.
So imagine we had
1 Legend
3 Grand Master
7 Master
oh: and please.... get rid of that non sens 20$, peoples dont have to get paid for that and it make it slower, those titles have to be active and really run.
If we get an high rating challenges per month it will cost an arm..
No reason to pay for that, tournament is where we give prize, those title have to be defend activily and dont need to be paid.
All that you said, I like. I would like such rules.Only ladder means nothing. Therefore, I would allow players who have 1000 wins to challenge. So you can exclude the smurfs and dishonest climbs on the ladder.
All that you said, I like. I would like such rules.Only ladder means nothing. Therefore, I would allow players who have 1000 wins to challenge. So you can exclude the smurfs and dishonest climbs on the ladder.
Smurfs have never been allowed. Ladder abusers are always debatable, our ladder isn’t exactly the greatest.
I think the ladder going well since couple of months, but what could help would be a reset...
Elo is kinda fucked top now.
Good games. It was more interesting than I thought. It is like nwtr and chop. A map of the same type.
Here is a cloud with all 5 games. The score is 4-1 in my favor https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H6_zuWM9iYSIWpGB2y30jAU6QND37PbA/view?usp=sharing
Good games. It was more interesting than I thought. It is like nwtr and chop. A map of the same type.
Here is a cloud with all 5 games. The score is 4-1 in my favor https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H6_zuWM9iYSIWpGB2y30jAU6QND37PbA/view?usp=sharing
U won huh...I hate gold rush so much.
Here how it could work.
Speed: Even Faster
Ressources: High
Challenger choose map the first and he choose untill he win.
Mean if he choose the first map and win, the master have the right to choose next.
If challenger choose first map and lose, then he still keeping choosing next ones untill he win.
( OFFICIAL MAP POOL that nobody cant refuse )
( Aggrement pool MAP, SPEED, AND RESSOURCES that both side have to agree for playing those maps and settings )
* If they both cant agreed on those map, speed and ressources, then they have to go back on official map pool *
Now there also the part about who deserve to play a master, i think master got the mission to protect his title, but we cant abuse of him and ask him to play everyone at any moment.
So i think peoples need to deserve that shot, to have the right of asking a master for a challenge you will need to get acces in top 25 of the official war2ru ladder.
If you can acces top 25 then you have the right to ask 1 MASTER per month, ( master of your choice ) if you fail you cant ask for revenche untill the next six month.
You only can ask a different master and only the next month!
I think the fact that everyone are master corrup the ranking and dont push players to push themself over there limit..
Exemple: Every top 25 will challenge the master that they think they suck the most, so it always gonna be the same master that would be challenge.
Thats why we have to put the six month rule and make them play different masters.
I also think we have to made 2 more grand masters title and make u8 grand master challengable too... So others masters have to keep pushing themself to reach grand master, a master need to beat another master in b0-7 series to gain the right to officially challenge a grand master.
I also think we need to remove the title at swift, he dont even play anymore, he never have protect that title, its time to relinquish that title and make a tournament for it or something.
So imagine we had
1 Legend
3 Grand Master
7 Master
oh: and please.... get rid of that non sens 20$, peoples dont have to get paid for that and it make it slower, those titles have to be active and really run.
If we get an high rating challenges per month it will cost an arm..
No reason to pay for that, tournament is where we give prize, those title have to be defend activily and dont need to be paid.
This has merit. Anyone else care to comment?
Btw i forgot to say, if we do that it would also be possible to challenge the legend, same way as master would do to challenge a grand master.
Mean if 2 grand master do a bo-7, the winner gain the right to challenge the legend.
New list of masters,
I will challenge shotgun for his master tag . Please name a date and ur maps.
i forfeit!
Keep your master Tag and keep running away. I dont care anymore.
You coudnt name a date or time... Been message u twice when you were online and you never respond.
Pretty sure there is some rule if you challenge, that they have to play by a certain amount of time or they will lose the master tag to you. Maybe I'm wrong but that is what I recall when there were previous problems with this.
:wc2: Рагнер, я бросаю тебе вызов! Го время и место! :wc2:
:wc2: Ragner, I challenge you! Say time and place! (Sorry for my English) :wc2:
I love you, Oragorn, see you in bed at the GOW. :wc2:
Now I have cold, so we'll play next week. I hope I will not have any particularly important matters. Perhaps during this time I will have time to get used to the new keyboard and we will play more interesting maps.
Get well soon, my friend :)
I hope your fantasy is fine and we will see something besides the gow mape XD
@Szwagier I want to challenge u bo7 hsc cl, if u agree name day and time.
@Szwagier I want to challenge u bo7 hsc cl, if u agree name day and time.
In order to challenge the cheater hacker, you should beat a master to get a master tag first.
you should beat a master to get a master tag first.
do you mean yourself or what? but i really don't like gow sorry - jackals, cowards and rats map.
In order to challenge the cheater hacker
i don't care about type of his tags and all this shit, i just want challenge someone on normal, adequate map.
even if some moments of this person's game look pretty weirdly. judging by his streams possibly he uses double-click macros.
Лол. Сам ю8 говорил, что не любит хсц, потому что карта ещё дисбаланснее чем гов) дабл клик он не использует, как и остальные макросы. Я смотрел около 15-ти его игр на стриме
Хз почему ты считаешь гов - картой шакалов. Просто нужно думать не только о своей базе, но и о противнике. Не все играют страту "в лоб". Ты не защищен от контр-атак, вот почему у тебя бомбит часто
@Szwagier I want to challenge u bo7 hsc cl, if u agree name day and time.
you cant challenge me for master tag, we can just play forfun
@Szwagier I want to challenge u bo7 hsc cl, if u agree name day and time.
you cant challenge me for master tag, i'm too scared
Defeated Oragorn 4-1.
Yes. GGS, Rag. :peon:
But this does not detract from the fact that playing only gow is a bad idea. The master should be able to on all cards, and not just on GoW.
I'll be back!
I agree. But I'm not in shape, so it was easier for me to play on gow. GGs
Yamon just called me 1on1 for the mester tag. I agreed. Chose gseps. I won. He wrote that I lag, and therefore it is difficult to defeat me. But the game was completely without lags. The only moment is when I went to him with a sapper to 10. (14 100 warvideo).
His catapult noticed my sapper, and he had more time to react and at the same time he says that it is difficult for him to play. Lag helps him :) Apparently he was expecting me to choose gow...
In general, after the defeat, he went to play gow with Van. I think the series is over. Yamon, you can call me again after 1 month. or how many are there by the rules?
How much time did you defend ur master tag ragner?
i challenge any master player right now this nite.
How much time did you defend ur master tag ragner?
about 20 days
How much time did you defend ur master tag ragner?
about 20 days
I dont talk about days i mean how much time someone challenge you.
How much time did you defend ur master tag ragner?
about 20 days
I dont talk about days i mean how much time someone challenge you.
Oragorn and Yamon. Fuckluck and Teaboy were also going to challenge me, but they haven’t written anything yet.
How much time did you defend ur master tag ragner?
about 20 days
I dont talk about days i mean how much time someone challenge you.
Oragorn and Yamon. Fuckluck and Teaboy were also going to challenge me, but they haven’t written anything yet.
So you defend it 2 times and win both of them, congratulation its already more then u8 in 5 years Lol
Tora could made a stats list about how much times everyone have defend it.
At some point soon I will post an updated thread. Just a little swamped with real life rn.
Lotta players are telling me they want some tweaks to this challenge system.
An hour ago I played with Adam-w master challenge on nwtr/high/ef/winter score 4-3 I won. There were great games
I'll throw it off tomorrow
After you do pm me your paypal.
how does master challenge work? its like a koth challenge on different map\settings etc?
master pick settings/date for games
kyr! Voddoo did challenge me to a master challenge.
I did win 4-0
Maps were:
1. Friends.pud
2. Islands in the stream
3. Gow
4. Gseps
Also did stream it on twitchtv.
hi Everyone
I call on grand master tag any grand master.
My preferes: 1 SG 2 ST 3 U8
and other which I don't know now are GMsters
Answer me as soon as you are ready.
I can wait 5+ days this is cool time to practice for everyone I think
Swift is also technically a GM FYI
Ill agree to play you if you agree not to pause during any games. If you pause during the course of any game you automatically lose.
Why Ragner prefers SG? Looks easier ? Hahaha
Ill agree to play you if you agree not to pause during any games. If you pause during the course of any game you automatically lose.
++++++++++++++ :)
Why Ragner prefers SG? Looks easier ? Hahaha
cause he can watch my stream 😆😆
I will reassure you. The only thing that will help you to believe that I play fair is your own trust in me.
When I was stream sniping, I did not need pauses. Their absence served as a surefire proof to me that I was not doing it, since people thought that there might not be enough time for it. I did it on the phone, and I can continue to do so. But I assure you, I find it disgusting and how can I rejoice in a victory when it was achieved dishonestly. I am not a small person now, this does not impress me.
I stream almost every game, so my stream always serves as proof that everything on my screen is honest. As well as on my computer. But to find out what's in my room, you need me to have a webcam.
I have one, I can install it too. But couldn't a person who already has a master, obviously having a pretty big IQ, figure out how to hide it? I could do it. Ok
There is a way out, I can rotate the camera around my entire room, also showing my only phone that it is turned off and lying on my desk. Ok. But something else confuses me. I involuntarily grimace when 9 ogres with a blood enter my base, so I'm embarrassed to install a webcam for streams)
If you are okay with no pauses, then fine, we will play without them. Name the time when you are ready, I often see you on the server, we may not plan a specific time, but just start at the first meeting or when we both agree. The fact that we are playing the grand master challenge will be confirmed by both me and you on the streams.
I stream almost every game, so my stream always serves as proof that everything on my screen is honest. As well as on my computer. But to find out what's in my room, you need me to have a webcam.
wait a second you stream and you are clear?
what about me? guess it work only for you
You've never been caught stream sniping, so I don't think you should be suspected. And I'm not a hypocrite, because I've never called you a stream sniper. And if you want to write more bad words, then create a separate topic for this, and don't write it in the master tag challenge.
I have never been caught hacking 8)
You hacked :-X
And yes still lot of people complain that you stream snip, even to me :poo:
Lol, sure
It doesn't matter who complains, it's to my advantage.
As for the hacking, you would hardly have guessed that I did something if I hadn't said so myself.
The difference between the words "caught" and "confessed" is different.
Just to be clear this is the current list for this thread.
Master list
Grand Master list
Just to be clear this is the current list for this thread.
Master list
Grand Master list
thank you
I'm canceling my challenge to Shotgun and the other Grandmasters.
Instead, I'm challenging any Master to a fight to establish my place among them. I plan to stream my game with a webcam, this will inspire confidence that my status was achieved honestly. The thing is, I don't remember streamsniping that day when I played with Maciek. But I also don't remember not streamsniping. It wasn't that important for me to remember this, since I didn't consider myself a stream sniper at that time. So instead, I just want to update my rank where it will be proven with certainty that I did not stream snipe or do anything dishonest, and it will be confirmed not just by a warvideo or insight, but by a stream that clearly gives more information.
Masters answer please when you are ready to accept my challenge to you
If you, being now (even formally) a Master, but consider yourself not a Master (or something like that), does this mean that if you defeat your opponent-master, his title will pass to you? But you already have this title de jure. So, one of the master titles will be destroyed? Will we have fewer masters in the community? Or is there some special procedure?
If you beat one of them, you are now a master and they are no longer. Icons/titles change from one to the other.
Niko should be on here...
Just to be clear this is the current list for this thread.
Master list
Grand Master list
If you beat one of them, you are now a master and they are no longer. Icons/titles change from one to the other.
If you beat one in an agreed upon series.
Been awhile since anyone has done one, but I think that’s cause nobody likes to play 1v1 anymore.