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Support Requests / Re: missing Windows 11 mini map
« Last post by Buttercraft on Today at 12:37:34 AM »
Warcraft II widescreen patch should fix most of these kind of issues

If you prefer the default resolution (640x480) you can do that in Warcraft II BNE.ini
Support Requests / missing Windows 11 mini map
« Last post by Quaaka on February 06, 2025, 08:14:40 PM »
Just got a new computer with Windows 11 installed and moved everything over and the mini map no longer displays.  I re-downloaded War2Combat 4.6 English and re-installed it twice no help, went out to windows update and made sure everything was up to date no help.  Discussing this with a couple of other players, One person noted that they had been using Windows 11 with a mini map fine and today it disappeared and no long displays. 

Hopefully there is a simple fix for this but perhaps something in the newest version of windows 11 is caucusing problems

Any help would be appreciated.
General Discussion / Do you paint guitar?
« Last post by Muz on February 06, 2025, 05:55:35 PM »
Do you guys paint your guitar? What sort of technique you use to paint?
4 / Re: War2TV - Live Warcraft 2 Streams on !!!
« Last post by Szwagier on February 03, 2025, 07:08:52 AM »
It's Windows 11 - thanks for the responses.

You are not first person, which got problem with warcraft 2 and windows 11

I am not using windows 11 so cant help you
5 / Re: War2TV - Live Warcraft 2 Streams on !!!
« Last post by Buttercraft on February 03, 2025, 05:08:57 AM »
Seems to lower overall latency on my machine(AMD), mouse movement is noticably faster. Intel machines should see a similar improvement.

"C-state exit latency and target residency constants in intel_idle driver source code"
6 / Re: War2TV - Live Warcraft 2 Streams on !!!
« Last post by Buttercraft on February 03, 2025, 03:15:20 AM »
DiLLs try running my network optimizer.

If that doesn't help try disabling C-States (script attacthed). Windows 11 has made many changes to the scheduler and might behave poorly with certain CPUs,

with c-states disabled all cores are ready for work at all times but you pay a penalty in idle power draw, so keep an eye on power draw and idle temperature, they will shift instantaneously.

The setting persists across reboot but only applies to the current windows power plan (balanced or high performance, etc), once set it is tied to that plan permanently,

you can revert to default behavior any time with the third script, all scripts should be run as admin (right click > run as admin).
7 / Re: War2TV - Live Warcraft 2 Streams on !!!
« Last post by DiLLs on February 02, 2025, 07:39:50 AM »
It's Windows 11 - thanks for the responses.

I haven't tried a different game but that's a good idea.  I think I narrowed it down though - I think it's a problem with the PC hardware.  I'm currently running an older PC with the same settings on OBS and it streams fine.

There's been some odd latency on that other PC lately as well, which does not happen on this older PC at all either.  Perhaps the mobo is starting to fail, not entirely sure.  But thank you for the responses!
8 / Re: Quilks
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on January 30, 2025, 09:05:36 PM »
:poo:this guy is such a loser no wonder his wife left him.  like 30k games and barely 500 record, i've tried to be nice to this loser but he bans me every game.  probably because he lose to 2 grunts everytime im in a game with him, or SG telling him he dont even know where to put first farm.  every stream i watch they are like "god he is so bad" yah and i told him ill ally u ill be your friend but this guy is the most sensitive queer loser.  what a vag

Ok I sent you a warning just now.
While trolling and shit talk is tolerated on the server we will not tolerate posts like this on the forum.
How might the widespread adoption of NAT traversal patches alter the fundamental infrastructure of online gaming, potentially rendering traditional network security protocols obsolete?
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by Mistral on January 29, 2025, 09:59:22 PM »
war2 BNE
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