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Messages - Vendar

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Sorry Danny, I have forgot about saveloadFix plugin and that's why it's not working correctly in my game  :slight_smile: I will check it again with this plugin  :wc2:

Is orc expansion campaign also updated by you? It's way easier than human campaing. Looks a little bit different than original, AI plays a little bit better, but I just win first 3 orc missions without any problems and that was suprise in compare to human second and third missions.
Also, first orc mission is really great, much better than original version  :newthumbsup:

Hi again,

I downloaded latest version like you suggested, beat first two mission from BtDP and I stucked in third mission. Not sure if I will beat this one, orange orc gets bloodlust very fast and he's just slaying my units like a sheeps. Player still doesn't have a blizzard so I have to beat it with units or towers.
I watched your gameplay from this mission and well... I am clicking as fast as you but orange still plays better than me  :) I think you must be better at balancing resources between economy and military than me and that's why you are winning. Maybe I will rush him before he gets bloodlust, but I guess it will take me a few more tries.

Or maybe I will just switch to orc campaigns  :)) That should be easier than dealing with randomly damaging ogres.

Anyway, I'm afraid there is still something wrong with game saving and loading. Now I'm much more focus on that then ever and I think red orc, in mission 2, stopped hiring units after loading so I could just do something like this in his base and he didn't make a single grunt to stop me:


33 / Re: Alaunter act 2: Work continues!
« on: November 07, 2021, 04:38:03 PM »
How lovely, orcs are here in Alaunter ^-^

With help you mentioned about, feel free to use sprites I sent to you some time ago and also I can try to do some additional voice acting. Not sure if you will find any of these useful, but that's all I got  :slight_smile:

Act 1 had many great missions with fresh and cool ideas so for sure I will play Act 2  :thumbsup:  :wc2:

Thanks, I will give a try Enhanced version someday :slight_smile:

I have tried today to continue third exp. mission from save but I faced a bug here with AI. Purple player stop attacking me with dragons and red one attacks only with 2 grunts now. Previously he was attacking with few units, ogre-mages and catapults. Good to hear that there is more updated version, I think you would notice this issue before me so it's probably fixed  :peon:

Not sure if easier version is really needed. I'm not a pro level player and I wasn't playing multiplayer matches for many years so well... my skills are  :poo: at the moment. Just playing for fun and if I will reach some point/mission that would be too much for me I will give up. But to be honest, I was a little bit shocked because I played old campaigns many times in my life and now AI still behaves similarly but it's way more difficult. Guess now it works how it should  :newthumbsup:

From my side, I appreciate your passion and effort you put here in these campaigns. People with true passion are always the great ones  :wc2:

35 / Re: Post your wc2 history storys
« on: November 02, 2021, 11:20:29 AM »
The year was 1998, I was a little kid, when my oldest brother came back from university on holidays with some box machine called "computer". Wasn't interested that much, cause I already known such great "TV" games like Contra, Battle City and Castlevania. But then we launched Warcraft 2 on this weird "computer" thing and that game was just far far ahead what I have seen in my life to that moment :D

Probably I won't forget walkthrough the campaigns from expansion together with my brothers and also all of these problems and crashes when we played DOS version on Windows 95 and 98.

And also... "Your soundcard works perfectly"  :wc2:

All this does is give advantages to certain players (much like editing hotkeys)

Lol, it's not giving advantages to certain players :D It's just updating the game. Without it you won't have these players, cause they will prefer to play some more advanced games like... well... Age of Empires 1  DE?! 

In my opinion Warcraft 2 desperately needs any improvements and these should be already implemented 10 years ago if you wanted to have new players here.

Something perfect would be a Remastered version same way Starcraft 1 was remastered (with HD sprites, zoom, custom hotkeys etc.) or even new engine created from scratch, but I know all of that are just a dreams of a fool. Nowadays Blizzard cares about $$ only so there will never be official remaster for War2 or War1. Also they failed with remastering War3 so maybe that's better this way :D

Danny already mentioned Wargus and that project was an attempt in rewriting Warcraft 2 to make it a more modern game. I was modding Wargus years ago and unfortunately this engine is clunky, bugged and it feels like there is something wrong with this engine itself.
Also there is "Chronicles of the Second War" project but this one is a huge disappointment for me, because it's more Warcraft 3 than 2 but their audience loves it.

Anyway it's awesome that there are still people here who want to work on 26 years old War2 source code to make any improvements. You are amazing guys  :clap:

I agree with Nox completely. Take a look how strongly RTS games evolved since Warcraft 2. If you want to stay with it "in 1995" that's fine, I like to play original DOS version too... once for 5-6 years.

BNE edition for War2 improved the game already with double-click selecting same type of units or by attack-move order. It wasn't implemented in original DOS version, so why are you using it?  :P

But on the other hand Warcraft 2 might be much better and fun game to play if community improve few ancient mechanics. Better resolution, selecting more units than 9 or tasks queue for units would be great and I think it won't ruin the game, but it make it more comfortable and easy to play.

It's not autocasting Heal spell feature, it's just a better resolution ;)

I just read your post about bugs with loading saves in campaings and I'm shocked, cause I was playing War2 campaigns since I was 6 years old and never noticed any bugs anywhere. Good catch  :thumbsup:

Got your fixed version and sometimes I have a strange issue with very fast briefing texts. So far I passed first mission from expansion so I cannot say anything more. Soon I will play more, thanks  :slight_smile:

Funny idea to put own face on the game menu screen :D If I would make something like this I would probably replace Danath's face with mine :D

Passed second mission. It was difficult already in classic version but here it's like twice that hard. I had to try few times and finally beat it by rushing red player (Warsong Clan). So good that Danath is in this mission, he was very helpful with rushing red but he almost died few times. Nice mission, I really like your changes here, especially land connection with yellow player and more advanced script for red. Disable Mage Tower and removing first ballista were a smart changes too. 


Third mission in progress. Again I have a problem with dealing with this  :D I feel like I'm playing Alaunter campaing on hard mode. Of course lose few time and I had to rush one enemy. With fourth or maybe fifth time I managed to destroy orange before he gets op bloodlust skill. Firstly I have  trained a ballista. Counterattacked after first orange's attack with Turalyon, start army and two peasant to tower rush orange and finally it looks like I will have a chance... but my first base is ruined. It really should be that hard in your version?



39 / Re: War2Mod open source
« on: May 23, 2021, 03:08:34 AM »
Wow, looks awesome. There are even comments to explain what every functions does. Great tool man, good job here  :clap: :clap:  :newthumbsup:

Part with "depressing" thing about loosing a game for 20-30 times was of course a joke  :))   The fact is, your campaign is more difficult than original War2 campaigns (from expansion too), but still beatable with single or few tries  :slight_smile:

If you have enough time you should try Alaunter campaign, it's really great and hardcore campaign. You can download it from here:

Didn't think about hackers, but now I get it. Thanks for answer and tip with trigger editor

Hello, what tools did you use guys to mod War2? You also have source code... is there any way to download it from somewhere?  :peon:

How'd you find the difficulty? I'm not an expert and I've played this way too much to really be a good judge of that. Did ya manage to win most on your first try or did it take a few?

It took a few tries with mission 3, 6 and 8. Rest I won on the first or maybe second try. I think it's ok  :slight_smile: It's not an insane difficulty (like in Alaunter campaigns) and that's also a good thing, cause it would be really depressing if I would have to try 20-30 times to beat some levels in every custom campaigns even with gamespeed slowed down :sweat:
It's fun and that's most important.

On mission 6 – Thanks! Was fun to see a resuce-active comp could be given a custom script. Sadly tho that knight-hero led group will get over-run in roughly 10 min if left alone.

I built them few Guard Towers and they helped me protect my kingdom. Very nice idea   :clap: Would like to see more allied AI tricks like that

Hello again  :wc2:

Next three missions finished. I think I found some bugs. One with Axethrower's portrait - it happens when you previously select anything (f.e.: Barracks) and then click on Axethrower and there are two portraits at the same place: first one with your previous selected unit and Axethrower's on top of it (did you change troll Axethrower portrait to replace original background with transparency?). It seems like Blizz put multiple (at least) portraits at the same place on UI and well, that's weird  ???

Anyway, victory condition for mission 4 didn't work and I even killed all enemy units on map but I didn't get my win. I used cheat here to display full map.

AI plays odd here. It recruits units and move them on specific points on the map, completely ignoring the fact that my units are attacking them. Maybe instead of using "move" command you could use here "move+attack" or if it's not possible "patrol"?

Holls attack range. In this mission she has Range 2, in next missions she again has only Range 1



Something wrong happened with AI in mission 5 too  :-\ It plays very aggressively for the most of the mission but suddenly it decided to stop and attack me with only 1 Grunt. It had resources, it had still it's gold mine. Don't know what happened.

Mission 6 was very fun and difficult at the same time. One small issue here was with Archers. In previous missions Archers has 50 hp, in this missions it's back to 40.


Maybe you should make one empty map with only your custom units properties and copy-paste this map to keep your configuration in every single mission  :slight_smile: I think it's the easiest way to do it.

Cool missions tbh  :newthumbsup: Every one with different gameplay. Interesting idea with only a single knight-hero that leads an army of Footmans, Archers and Ballistas .

EDIT: mission 7 is way too easy if
you know how AI behave with repairing own buildings. Just damage any building above 50% hp and wait for AI Peons to slay them. Repeat until all AI's gold is gone.

EDIT 2: ok, I have finished today last mission too. Nice one  :newthumbsup: Ogres and Ogre-mages are even more op as usuall  :)) All in all it was fun. One thing here: you forgot to give Holls spells.


I replaced War2Dat.mpq
war2patch.mpq is also better to temporarily move to another location

Fixed! Thank you  :slight_smile:

EDIT: I have finished first 3 missions so far. First and second were ok... but third was just awesome  ^-^ Interesting idea with gathering Feasants (why did you rename Peasant unit on Feasant?) and forcing AI to use only built Barracks with some waves. Good design here and something new  :thumbsup:
I like new portraits but Axethrowers and Agrais seems to be a little broken. I like the idea with hero that gets stronger with every missions, like she is getting new levels  :slight_smile:

I'm not sure if you are going to update it or anything but it would be nice to have new voices for your characters. It's weird when you click on Holls and hear male paladin voice.
Anyway, so far so good.

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