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Happy Birthday Matty


Wish you were still around.


Matty, you're not forgotten. You were one of the people who made W2 awesome. You were a rare gem among humankind. You had a kind heart, a cheerful way, a welcoming spirit, a contagious laugh, and a ferocity that never quit. You are missed. I am so not ashamed to admit I can still cry when remembering you and the great times you brought to the W2 community. I wish you were still here.

Remembering Matty Youtube vid

I wish you were still around so I could very uncreatively laugh at your aging on your birthday and you could laugh at the lameness of the comment before inviting me to get beaten up at W2 1s.

I had such fun with you and so wish that it could have lived into and through today.

Matty. Beautiful name, beautiful laugh, beautiful kind spirit.

You are missed, Matty.


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