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ATTN Russians

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Do you think Russia will invade Ukraine?

How do Russian civilians feel towards Ukraine?

Do most Russians you know support a Ukraine invasion? ... Or does it seem to be something only the political/military leaders want to do?

... Biden is not in control of our country. There are people "behind the scenes" who are determining our policies, and they are using Biden as the face/messenger/scapegoat. That is kind of scary because Liberal elite/media/politicians desperately want a war with Russia. I'm nott sure why.. but the left have been hell bent on spreading anti-russian propaganda for at least 4-5 years.. Maybe more.

So it's scary because the person who will be held accountable (Biden)... Is also a person who is clearly declining in both physical, and more obviously mental health.

Basically Biden is perfect for the job. He's not Trump (because based on the 4 years Trump was President.. He would do everything in his power to avoid military conflict) Biden is a career politician that understood a long time ago he belongs to specific corporations and will serve their interests.. and when it's all over with, Biden's dementia will be so severe that everyone will feel sorry for him and not hold him accountable.

By the time the American people realize a war with Russia was such a horrible senseless act that could have been avoided, the "behind the scenes" elites who actually made the decision to invade Russia will never have to face consequences because they're behind the scenes... And the person (Biden) that the public believes made the decision to invade Russia will be in such a horrible state of mental decline that it will be impossible to charge him.

It's perfect.

The only way to avoid the conflict all together is if Putin backs off Ukraine... But the more I think about it, the more I think Putin might just be "testing the waters" to see how the U.S. responds to potential threats from Russia... Do they respond from a position of strength, or potential weakness.

There was an article posted a few years ago stating the U.S. could lose a war to China OR Russia ... But that report could have easily been created/fabricated/manufactured to convince Trump and the Public that more military spending was a good thing... or even an attempt to convince/trick China/Russia into attacking from a weak position, believing it were stronger.

No matter what.. A war where the U.S., China, and Russia is inevitable eventually. China will pass U.S. as a global super power if there is no intervention. The most common form of intervention throughout human history is war. Empires do not give up their superiority without a fight. And China/Russia are better friends than U.S./China or U.S./Russia.

The only question is when will it happen. How wound up does the rubber band have to get before it finally snaps.

The answer is when China and Russia believe they have the power and support to overthrow the U.S.

UNLESS you get a Trump like politician in there who is only concerned with money... and anything that gets in the way of making it, including war, are completely pointless and counterproductive

TK I love you man.
But your really getting deep in the deep end with posts like this. 

I post it there knowing you're going to move it for some reason I don't understand.. but hoping it takes you more than 30 minutes to realize I posted it so other people have a chance to see it before you move it


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