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Messages - chayliss

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
1 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 02, 2024, 04:14:50 PM »
the only evidence i was there is from his reply that had my name in it, now calling me by name is hehehehhe
i just logged onto another accout (i got a 1 month forum ban lol) which also happens to have the name chayliss on it haha
i posted a repy to this which brett referenced. refrained from advertisement, oh and also that cdkey part that would enable piracy!
ill check back tomarrow heheh

Leviathan1685 posts
MVP - Technical Support
To anyone who sees chayliss’ post above

The version being sold by Bliz DOES have multiplayer on Battlenet and there IS a Gateway to play on.

2 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:54:40 AM »
some of us are unable to play on the gog/bnet server.
mostly by way of the plug icon.

for myself if i log on with gog i cannot click game buttons.
if i log on with combat i can click game buttons but no one can join and i cant join.

i opened ports 6112 so idk heheh.

anyone been able to play there on either version?

3 / Shout outs!
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:51:42 AM »
edit: oh yeah how could i forget fois. i had a port issue and he got me some regfiles to get me on a custom port to solve my issue. (maybe thats the problem some of us have on gog idk) plus other things.

Anyone have anyone they would like to shoutout for any reason?
I just saw 00Brett give Wargasm a shoutout for being a good dude!

id like to thank Lamecraft for his assistance in getting lobbymap pud view to work, its not the bigger view that id prefer but its better than nothing!
also Lamecraft assisted me in getting insight figured out!

also a shoutout to tora for helping me get my (KP)chayliss accout back

good job guys!

Strategy & Replays / Re: English commentary on Russian games
« on: February 02, 2024, 10:37:44 AM »
ive searched warcraft 2 casts on youtube and found only one from the usa server from thier recent tournament.

war2 needs a caster badly =]
lemme check this out

also been trying to get insight to work with the latest HD version, no luck yet
the cast would greatly benefit from better resolution
what intall are you using with insight?

Here is KagaN vrs WALDMUCK courtesy of Anatolean

yes the OG resolution terribly hurts the cast. desperately need HD resolution. i just clicked a few moments to absorb the caster, good work. willing to check out more. (who the fuck is anatolean tho hehehe)
next question is why donesnt any of these show up in search results when looking for this specific type of content on Youtube.
also on the hunt for why i cant get insight to work with HD, work in progress.
edit: must fully be in the titling of the video. does this guy have plans on more casts or no? id say look at sc2 comminity guys like pig and winter see how they lable cast games. sometimes a whole series develpoes off one person, ie the Florencio files that pig does. flo is cool AF, streams on twitch. been trying for awhile to get him to play some war2 =]
winter does more of a pro caster scene and pig will do theme and non pro stuff along with some pro stuff. pig also has excellent guides to setting the game up and builds to get you solid to progress in your skills.

any other casters for war2 out there? commentary is a poor discription due to not being algorhym friendly. ie i search hard for war2 casts and they just dont exist.

got to kinda play a 2on2, they almost snuck in to back tower like friends.pud hehe

even with added dirt (did a 1on1 and it was just a massive wallin and spam base and go air hehe)
so added dirt and still quite wallable with 2on2, so 4on4 would wall ez still

thinking of moving the start mines back further than the opening to base and adding a lil bit of trees in the inner of the base and even more dirt to lessen wallin
 (the close mines the damn hall was even part of the wallin ) (putting peon close to see the mine)

also pervious version didnt have the 2 outside mines and the 2 inner mines by the 1 space opening to chop xpo mine in the corner.
played a bit of sc2 the last copuple years and this is basically how those team maps are, share base with expos in those share base. so was curious how it owuld play out in war2.

almost had a 4on4 game on it yesterday.....almost =[

6 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 02, 2024, 10:01:26 AM »
yeh ive since seen 4 ppl on(saw burnt there), a few say from bnet purchase.
if i log on the gog version i cant click game button
if i log on combat to gog i get the plug and latency but i can click game button
i open port 6112
i bet the fix something coz why our guy say no gateway was listed. silent fix to save face ? heheh
all my post was deleted and i got banned hehehe

Leviathan1685 posts
MVP - Technical Support
To anyone who sees chayliss’ post above

The version being sold by Bliz DOES have multiplayer on Battlenet and there IS a Gateway to play on.

7 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 01, 2024, 04:13:39 PM »
they just silenced me on the forum lol

just saw my first gog user ever
he claim he log on from bnet no issue

aaaaaand they deleted all my post haha

but now ive seen 3 guys including burnt who said they came from bnet and one game hosted haha

8 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 01, 2024, 12:22:56 PM »
they just silenced me on the forum lol

just saw my first gog user ever
he claim he log on from bnet no issue

aaaaaand they deleted all my post haha

9 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 01, 2024, 12:08:11 PM »
there is a tech guy insisting there is gateways and the war2bne has multiplayer hehe

we already buy it and checked
this is direct copy of gog version war2 v2.0.2.1
and they still NOT have multiplayer or even any gateways at all they even forgot to add gate for gog server
i joined from new blizzard version on gog and on our war2ru server though so it can work but they just not want it

so i advertised combat edition hehe
hey nice advertisement good job

87500 in most, the difficult outside mines have a bit more.
it was easy to wall, so i added more dirt, still quite wallable. i think im going to move the mines back further for more dirt to increase difficulty of wallin the bases and maybe add some nearby trees.
its a spiritual map to sc2 maps. there are 2 versions. one with more start mines so all can dual in base, one where only 1 can dual in base after a couple chops and outside the base mines removed.

i have a half done 2on2 version with side exits instead of forward exits

How much are in the mines?

11 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: February 01, 2024, 10:01:22 AM »
if i try to do anykind of link the post wont post so i just say search warcraft 2 combat edition
ive replied to every thread on the blizz war2 fourm. they all want multiplayer =]

its better if you use link

12 / Re: war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: January 30, 2024, 01:49:55 PM »
ya i been advertising

Bro is there making promotion for illegal server game on blizzard forum Lol

13 / war2 bne just released on bnet!
« on: January 30, 2024, 08:00:49 AM »
so can yall make it so our hd version works there?
they want 10 bucks for the game ;/
went to the bnet forum, guys getting stuck tryna get online, so i advertised combat edition hehe
wonder if they tried to merge it with gog servers?
edit: lol if you look at requirements it doesnt list intenet, so they have zero intention of multiplayer

Cartography & Custom Maps / 4v4 map - Provincal Bloodshed - shared bases
« on: January 27, 2024, 02:22:50 PM »
4v4 map - Provincal Bloodshed - shared bases

Provincal Bloodshed.pud

Mods & Development / Re: Lobby Map Plugin mod
« on: January 26, 2024, 09:50:49 PM »
i have 4.6
ive tried several of these lc.dll
cant get lobby to preview map =[

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