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Messages - {Lance}

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 63
1 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: January 13, 2025, 09:51:32 AM »
Ok Mage LOL  I'm surprised u remembered his name since he supposedly didn't actually exist.  Lol  Bubba treated you well it sounds like.

2 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:37:19 PM »
 :rofl:  ok mage

3 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: January 04, 2025, 10:29:24 AM »
Lol "forgot my pw" says the clown in the age of pw managers and lost pw emails.  Ok Mage haha

4 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 21, 2024, 10:02:58 PM »
Thats a common issue and it has everything to do with the attack command.  You'll notice it more often with grunts/ogres/etc and using UC where you attack and run away,  your units will want to go back and attack more unless you stand ground or stop commands.  With peons it manifests itself in refusing to rep,  go into a gold mine, or refuse to chop wood.  The way you fix it is with the stop or standground commands depending upon which units are in the selected group.  It has existed since the beginning of war2, way back when u were still pissing in diapers.  If someone were to attempt to fix this bug programmatically,  it would entail running the stop function BEFORE any other action.  But then players would notice that units seem kinda sluggish when responding to new commands.  IMO it shouldnt be fixed because the player is to lazy to use the stop hotkey.

The one bug that is more annoying than this is the dead block issue where mobile units will refuse to move to a block.  This can result in a peon not being able to repair a building because the dead block is where the peon needs to stand to repair.  This happens when a unit dies but it's not properly registered and thus that spot remains occupied even though nothing is there.  I dont remember, but I think it also prevents placing buildings as well.  Been a while since that one has happened,  but then again,  I dont play very often either so chances of seeing it are pretty slim.

5 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: December 21, 2024, 04:26:05 PM »
LOL, buddy got raped so hard he had to call the cops. Hahaha, what a loser.

Not my fault that my team consisted of the local FBI office with which I was working with at the time.  That sort of comes with the territory when you're in my line of work.  And yes,  he was put in prison based directly on tips and proof I provided them.  He was hard into the porn sector.  He got nabbed on human trafficking.  The hacking he did was simply a vehicle I used to get him on the radar.  He brought it upon himself.  None of this negates the fact that you're still Mage nor that you talk shit even when you know you're lying.  You were dead.  Period.  The video shows you doing exactly what SG said,  saying that you werent dead even without allies.

6 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: December 21, 2024, 04:18:54 PM »
Difficult concept to grasp I guess when you breath through your mouth and spend your days getting out hacked and ddos'd on warcraft 2 forums by picka-materina.

Someone seems to have forgotten their original name is Mage and the one that got the last laugh was me.  He's currently in prison.  Or maybe he got out on good behavior,  who knows.  But one things for sure,  I had a better team than he did in the end :)  The same argument you are trying to make here hahaha.  But to be fair,  in the game you DID make the claim that even without them you werent dead and thats NOT the case.  If there were no other players in the game,  it would have been a race to find your last unit.

7 / Re: LADDER ON - Beta season
« on: December 21, 2024, 04:10:09 PM »

Both ELO remains unchanged.

What do your think?

What you're doing here isnt actually fixing the math problem.  You're simply reducing the ranks it affects.  You would still have the same problem within that restricted range and you'd also introduce a new problem.  Pointless games.  In such a case,  NEITHER player would want to play the game because there is nothing to gain from doing so.  This problem exists in Rung based as well btw.  However,  it's easily fixed via time limits.  Z player has X amount of time to play the #2 player,  etc.  This forces the better player to challenge the lower ranked player or they face being timed out.  But even this can be abused,  the #2 player could simply refuse to play #1.  This is why in most ladders,  the timeout is range based UNLESS the #2 player can prove without a doubt, they tried to play the #1 player.

So these are the most difficult problems any competitive system will face.  You can see this in action if you look at any professional sports tournament.  For example,  the NFL purposely forces the best teams to play the worst ranked teams.  Neither team has an option to avoid the game,  all the way up to the SB.  If you can somehow force players to play each other,  you'll have one very healthy competitive system.  So how does one do that?  Disable the ability of both players to enter or start games until their accounts have either played or the higher ranked player has timed out.  It's not great,  but it works.  If they both want to play,  they'd be penalized by forcing them to play on another account (unless you find a way to block even that which most players would probably complain about lol).  Other players would notice this and call it out as "dodging".  Maybe make a new rule that if someone is caught dodging to many times or chronically,  they lose their ranks or something.  Either way,  the possibility is there but with the current course you're taking,  it's doomed to fail or be riddled with abuses like all others have in the past.  Automating this is easier said than done but you could get away with doing it all manually if you really had no life :D

8 / Re: [Release] Windows Network Latency Optimizer
« on: December 21, 2024, 03:54:01 PM »
This didn't work btw.

To be expected.  Most "lag" issues that people experience or inability to enter a game isnt due to something they control locally.  It's just how the interwebz works.  Not all players can play with each other all the time.  In War2 many players noticed this and they call it "conflict between A and B".  This is caused by network routes between the 2 players being bad.  The only way around it is to change the route of one of the players like a VPN or something but VPNs suck for a latency heavy game like war2 or switching to another provider such as using one's phone connection which sometimes works if the cell connection doesnt suck.  It's been decades since there has been an issue where the problem is actually the player's local setup such as what this fix is attempting to fix.

9 / Re: Who's the Troll?
« on: December 21, 2024, 03:47:53 PM »
IDK about this game,  but I just saw one where you and ST were at s9 and he had you in the bag.........................  until you raped his cat and all he had left was 500ish gold and 2 peons while you had 4 peons,  a cat,  1100ish gold, and no hall and he's all like "I wasnt dead?!"  lol.  Even if he had LD mined,  you would have killed his 2 peons before he had enough to make another cat and he had nothing to protect the cat even if he managed to make it.  That whole convo you caught on stream was ROFL worthy.  He was dead,  it wasnt a stalemate :D  The only claim to fame he had was that his allies would have saved his dead ass.

10 / Re: LADDER ON - Beta season
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:52:30 PM »
It's 2024.  Competitive war2 ended decades ago around 2010.  Kali was the peak between 1996 - 2006.  War2's headstone should read "1996 - 2006".  Kali was more populated than Bnet and competitive via cases ladder even after Bnet's release with its built in total trash glicko system.  Kali lived on several years into bnet's existence with very solid populations but around 2006 it really dropped off heavily as people got use to bnet's new interface and realizing bnet would never fix it's crap ladder.  I think Axolotl still has his season 1 (somethin like that,  I forget which season it was) trophy photo up.  The ladder on bnet lasted I think 3 or 4 seasons before people realized it was not ever going to be fixed and just stopped participating in it in any competitive way.  There hasnt been a replacement ever since that brought back the urge to compete competitively.  Even if one existed,  I couldnt anyway.  I play 1 handed in 2024+.  Arthritis prevents me from using hotkeys.  So if I show up in any ladder stats anywhere,  know that it was not intentional.

I assume this is about the "mist" ladder btw,  which uses the same exact FAILED system that Bnet used in 1999.  Just take a look at u8's rating on the "mist" ladder currently and you'll quickly see why it was such a miserable utter and total failure.  It's nothing but a grinding reward system.  The person that grinds out the most wins against complete noobs wins the season.  Simple.  Of course,  I explained all this before this "mist" ladder was even developed and was just a discussion somewhere here in the forums.  I explained why it would never work and now you have a working example of just why it's such a bad example when viewing u8's game stats.  Just take a look at how his glicko continued to rise even though he wasnt playing anyone any better,  it was all vs a single player (which makes this system easy to game and it appears thats exactly what he did which isnt surprising in the least,  it was warned before this ladder even existed that thats what would happen).  The false assumption that just because Blizz uses it,  that it must be a good system is COMPLETELY misguided.  Blizzard doesnt care about competitiveness.  It only cares about making people stay in their games as much as possible and grinding is how they do that across ALL their titles.  Glicko's only use is a match making GUESS.  And thats it.  Thats all it is,  a guess.  Which is usually wrong in grindy environments.  There are plenty of complaints about it in other title's forums.  Just take a look at Hearthstone's forums and you'll quickly realize this.  You're just not going to find a better system than rung based.

Elo is far older than blizzard (glicko is based on elo).  It was designed for chess in the early 1900s which is an in person game where games could last HOURS or even DAYS at a time.  Grinding out wins at chess against new players is not possible in a real in person officially sanctioned way which is why it works well for chess but not something like War2 or any online game for that matter.  What you have developed isnt really elo.  It's closer to glicko, if not an outright copy of it and simply not showing the RD value.  However,  it doesnt matter if you use elo or glicko.  The end result is the same.  You can game them both by grinding out wins vs lesser players (as you can see with u8's current ranking and was explained b4 this dumb idea was put into motion).  Something you simply cannot do in a rung based system.

11 / Re: Quilks
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:48:30 PM »
Quilks certainly cuts out early in games when it doesnt make any sense to do so (force the opponent to search for u at least only to find u have nothing,  it distracts them for your ally) I'll give u that much.  IDK about the other shit.  Maybe you're logging in with unknown names.  I think he bans names he doesnt recognize.  Many players do that.

12 / Re: UNBAN ME
« on: December 09, 2024, 03:18:23 AM »
OjPimpson does the same thing,  but I just use /watchall all the time anyway so once I spot one of their names,  all of the subsequent names wont matter.  I'll see them all as they login after a game ban.  If people would use /watchall,  these types of things wont be an issue once you get use to using it and notice login habits,  etc.  And even if you arent good at spotting them,  just obs anyone you dont know and if they act up,  just remove them from the game since they are obs.  Or simply tell them to log in with a known name.  Kinda simple really.

13 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:14:54 PM »
I'm not saying anything about whether Tupac attacked our server or not, since I have no evidence, I mean the last 10 years.

I can assure you,  100% all those flood attacks were Tupac.  He has gloated to me about it in the past as if it were some major accomplishment.

14 / Re: The Mist Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. Released!
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:11:01 PM »
The only viable option I see currently is the tree chopping count.  However,  there are pros and cons to adding such a feature.  It removes the penalty for not paying attention to your choppers which is one if it's con's.  The pro it has is that it removes the need to monitor choppers lol.  So it's both good and bad for the exact same reasons.

15 / Re: [Release] Windows Network Stack Optimizer
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:08:14 PM »
Script looks legit, nothing malicious in it.   Whether it actually helps anyone,  no idea.  I've not heard of anyone having latency problems recently.  However,  there is a glaring missing piece.  The uninstall version ;)  Something that stores the original values the user had so that they can all be reverted easily.

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