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Messages - ~fullmana~

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You know, "the icons" that make you feel special ;) ;)

17 / Re: u8 is ban from twitch?!!
« on: June 16, 2021, 01:56:57 AM »
That's like Adam Sandler shaving points off a football game U8. You're a great gamer though :)

Yeah, well thanks for explaining it to me, I'm still angry, but I feel better now :)

Well I just don't know, because they didn't downplay it instead they started talking shit to me about how I don't know how to play, and it sounded weirdly like bullying like ..... I'm talking about hacking and you're trying to troll me in conversation, and change the topic? HMMMM suspicious.

20 / Do dugs, esl and spb have a reputation for hacking
« on: June 14, 2021, 09:33:09 PM »
I keep seeing these "pro" people who constnatly pause the game and their excuse is always the same. "I have a life." Or, "Someone's at the door." Yet, I have all those things, and have never inconvenienced somebody before. So we were playing a game then my name started sending messages to people, which I didn't do, but someone was doing using my name somehow, then someone paused the game for roughly 2-3 minutes, and when it unpaused, all the sudden I've got an army outside my base which steamrolls me. I've noticed everytime that happens, when someone pauses the game for a long time, that as soon as it unpauses all the sudden there's a ridiculous and impossible army outside of your door. I have noticed this pattern and am very sure that these games are being hacked. -_- not a fan, quit pausing games.

Hi Woofy, workwork is my first ever username, and it's the one with a panda. I don't even remember who did that for me. My alter egos would be the peonsmuggler, and the others. Also, thanks Harrywangs and Luster for giving me some depth and insight into the problem of servers and games! So, me being a decent player I guess I should try hosting more then to help encourage more people to join games? And, everything else you said lol

I am now Sepi! although, if I could see what other icon changes were available, I'd love to pick something else :P

Also, I'm trying to show my approval and thumbs up your comments but don't seem to be able to. :/

For the love of God could an admin please //iconchange ~fullmana~ SEPI ???? or is there another pallet of options I could look into?

23 / Re: Anyone play Starcraft 2?
« on: May 28, 2021, 01:57:33 PM »
The problem with Starcraft II is that this is a Warcraft II forum :P Secondly, it's changing constantly, and never retains its true form. It's not fun anymore, it's just chaos and little tricks and lack of skill. There's no true control, as humans are limited in ability, but they hold this big Blizzard tournaments and throw around labels like "Intel" and such, as if these Koreans are like computers or something. You can only feasibly control so much with a mouse, hotkeys, and that's it. Warcraft II is a game still in its prime, and Starcraft II went to shit whenever they made Diablo III. The problem is that Blizzard discards the dev teams of games once the game comes out, they only leave bug fixers, etc. They don't respect people, they don't respect the games that they make anymore, and that's why Warcraft II is sooooo much better than SCII, because Blizzard doesn't screw with it anymore :)

Yeah, what's up with that! why so many posters but not so many players??

Anyways, I really would appreciate an admin to //iconchange ~fullmana~ SEPI        :) Also, I'm workwork or the peonsmuggler, but this is my final form I swear. I am a panda on workwork, and I wish I could see a template of gamertags but the dog is cute so!!!!

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