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Topics - jessu001

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31 / On the Failure of Recognizing the "Talent" of Other Players
« on: September 05, 2017, 01:38:54 AM »
I will not bend, I will not slay; I will sit here, and twiddle my thumbs this day.
So a "superior" player may think himself wise, being in his conceit with victories, and belittling others by plentifully defeating them on the server. Is a tall tower indeed so magnificent? Or should we look elsewhere? For a player can become best by being first least.

32 / On the Gathering of Insults
« on: September 02, 2017, 03:16:39 AM »
Retribution soon will follow arduous activity, where the wiles of hardship commit distress. That is to say, the very nature of all authenticity, is that someone will show who they are; and that person will flourish in his or her dominion of state of mind.
If however, one falls from the very epitome that Christ created, let that man or woman be felt as foolish: for what cause is greater than to uplift humanity into a state where all opposition is stopped, and all offenses have ceased?
If in a canopy of smoke, a fire is sensed, as what else would cause the tumult of beastly darkness on the horizon but that enveloping flame which causes often hurt, then take society as a whole, and shove a dagger in all forms and ways of life that have magnified themselves as being "better" than the christian way.

« on: August 06, 2017, 05:03:14 AM »
If at all the server appertains fault; if at all there is evidence that it should be amended; so verify this application of words as to discover the remedy.

If a person assaults a player by banning them; let them apologize, and make assurance that the player is not overcome with his fault -- in that he wildly with atrocity sent the player out of the way, as though shoved. This is not an offence of operation; it is an offence of principle, that the very notion of the mind would be corrupted by perceiving, and initiating such an occurrence: therefore did Christ say, that such offenders would have much wildness of unfortunate events, and woe guaranteed by offenders in deed and action.

If there is so much as a wrong intention, in that the personages of the server contrive to move people to the basest sort due to their inappropriate actions in a game: it is of such intensity to not father a wicked apprehension of that person, but to love them.

34 / What is the server; and to what shall it be likened?
« on: August 05, 2017, 06:15:22 PM »
Is the server the stuff of righteousness? Is the server kind?

What are the people like, and what dismal display do they complete?

Isn't a moth better watching itself flutter around than to reenact a visit to the server?

For the people are so kind: their stuff is right, and their ways are perfect.
Neither a rubber band, nor  a piece of iron could be broken by force to change it; for they salute one another in chat. They ask for one another's company: and they congratulate those players that have less experience than they, and humbly salute their patronage with GOD. That is to say, they love their neighbor as themselves.

So a peon, dragging his butt mining gold; and behold, he stubbed his foot one day, and tears came into his eyes, knowing that if he did not step up, and complete his mission of mining, or, if dispersed, hacking trees; he would be fed to the ogres, torso, arms, and feet all separately conjectured.
So what is the opinion of this peon? So mischievous was he, he would take the bag of gold over his head, and instead of setting it down like the others, he would spill it, to a small degree; and this was courage.

What punishment is there so strict, that courage would observe it, and be discouraged because of it? Thus, this peon had courage, because the punishment for doing so was, indeed, very strict, and he did it anyways, due to his confrontational stance with the ogress, who would use his sweat and wipe it on herself while moaning in the stronghold finding sexual pleasure. He was despondent.
Now it was about the time of day when the sun begins to curl over the mountains; and the shadows of all the architectural building of the orcish horde were triumphant upon the ground; that the little peon rummaged himself in the bushes, and armed himself with the accoutrements that were bystanders on the ground next to the mound of the ogres, and he took himself a sword, and slew all the ogres' heads, such that there was not even a murmur or argument among them; and blood was fresh on the ground.

He then began to use his new strength, and wet the ground with oil outside the conjunctive buildings aside the stronghold, and lit it such that the fire reached up to heaven.

This same peon, when the commander saw all that he had done, made him captain, and commander; even overseer of all commands, such that to this day, that same peon is in the server arbitrarily issuing orders and conducting reasonings by which players are either decimated or appraised to health. It is not an abstruse saying, that "A peon today, and his breath, however sour, can become that of a lion."
It can be noted that he holds secrecy to his ridicule as a peon, and ventures himself with no distinct recognition to his old appeal; but is altogether a shining example of glory.

« on: June 25, 2017, 02:40:48 AM »
WHY WOULD I Want to become a good player at gow?

So I could hang around all the ultra-cool cussing negative people that call themselves "top tier" that won't even give a new player a chance to play?

As though a dog would like to go up to a cat, open its mouth, and having foreseen its signs, does it at the time the cat begins to urinate.

As though the snow should turn black; and make the whole earth mourn its presence, rather than delight in its gifts.

WHAT IS COOL ABOUT THE PLAYERS that don't even give new players a chance to play without banning them and calling the names?

What is "ultra-cool" about using cigarettes and drugs, and alcohol that GOD made for us? As though a country is going to let a baby play with a razorblade; so people not knowing the bible need rules for drugs and alcohol because, like the players in war2, they don't even know what they're doing.

37 / Oh Baby
« on: June 17, 2017, 02:55:04 AM »
The Problem with the Server

What problem?
There is no problem.
Yet let people who cohabitate the server grow not against themselves with animosity; but to Christ with his strength.
Let those in the server solidify themselves with mastery, not of moving the mouse fast with memorized apertures, conglomerated with rational discoveries, but with rudimentary righteousness that was so important to GOD; that Christ gave up his wife, children house, family, saying, "In nakedness did I come into the world, in nakedness will I return," FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
That is to say, it is not trash.
And if Christ didn't exist, the bible in it's miraculous occurrence doesn't exist. But it does, since anyone with any rationale objective to knowing it's divine authenticity just may read it, analyze it, and figure for the sake of avoiding stupidity, that no man, or group of men; or group of devisors could have written such a perfect work in all it's glory, expectation, prophesy, and divine wisdom.
Let all remark therefore not to look at one another, and marvel because you drink yourself drunk, or know how to do drugs that GOD created for you in a way that makes you think you are cooler than your neighbor; rather, love your neighbor as yourself.


I was so amazed that I went into the shopping market ANd. n couldn n couldn eat apples in stor so I was lk I HV TO WAI wai in line ok stop ok stop. STOP. STOP. I AM TALKING. I hd to wai   wai



39 / The BNET Manifesto
« on: June 05, 2017, 04:13:33 AM »
The BNET Manifesto

A player shall distinguish themselves as peculiar not by comparative advantage; but in conduct.
Therefore if the appropriation of a person is to make a mockery of this statement, it is for his advantage, as the scripture says, that he is left to be accursed - for they who love not the Lord Jesus Christ the scripture says, let them be accursed.
If by any means a player with their conduct obviates the foregoing, let them multiply their offenses indeed, that it is clear that they are not a patron of Christian ideals; and examine their life, and declare to yourself who is in power over the whole earth, that they have such a perfect blessed life with joy to the full and cognitive awareness of emotional and psychological intensity? Nay, let yourself examine their life, as if they love not Jesus Christ it is accursed. By this you are able to tell what force is at work and in power over the entire earth, which is GOD's footstool.

Let the commonplace Manifesto so accorded with the foregoing speech now be realized, and not amended for future appropriations of judgment.

40 / To the BNET party (Not the socialist party etc.)
« on: May 22, 2017, 03:35:33 AM »
To the BNET party, even those people that hallucinate their position in the world based upon a video game.

Do teeth sting, if they bite your leg? And what ferocity is this, that the leg doesn't altogether come off?

You say to yourselves, we are supreme, because we have come to a know-how of a game that is ancient. Even beyond the creation of the earth for ancientness. Therefore we will be prolific with our mouths, and our tongue will journey far, even creating hostile comments to one another.

Is the lake destitute of fish? Is there no companion that can best you at this game? Are you alone venturing for knowledge of this game?

Does it profit a fish to look into a shark's mouth and be eaten, before he realizes what he is? For so an untimely death will come upon all, unless they come to repentance, as the scripture says. And what remark of savage is it that you think you can escape the hand of the bible?

O player of War2, you have been ventured forth to conglomerate your skills in this game with allotment of success. The various circumstances presented to you will involve social involvement with players, and the various esteem of the server must be prolific.

If you so much as say one rude comment to another player, let it be done in Christ's will; that all glory that awaits success may be redeemed.

If there are any casualties of code; and the conduct of the server is broken -- such that Christ's will is not tantamount to its cause, let the player apologize with great speed, and pray at length. For there is no forgiveness for a player that doesn't forgive others also, and there is a great amount of trouble that is guaranteed to follow offenses spouted by an individual. O breakthrough of the morning, come shine your light! For the people are good; they are perfect, their righteousness shines brighter than the sun, and their habitation is in fullness and beauty. Their joy is full, and their happiness is content -- and whatsoever more they desire they are given such and such things -- for they do your will, and are present in all biblical speaking.

O War2 player, that you would make the cornerstone of your appearance on the server, not aggression, or hate, or heady and haughty display or feelings, but peace, and humility. For such is the gallant cause of opposition, whereby an enemy will not be construed with pride, whereby only by pride comes contention. Let hate find its mark not on any of the server, unless the diligence is against wickedness -- for such is the cause to have perfect hatred.

u cn loop it whil u play war2 /`\


Don't follow the bible the way I did. Because of the Greys


43 / The best PLAYERS of GOW
« on: May 06, 2017, 03:04:39 AM »
War2 is like measuring a mountain.

Some people go up to the mountain and say ?

But they see others taking measurements, and it becomes fun. The measurements are made slowly using various methods.

Some methods are learned to be better than others.
Then they begin to know certain measurements by sight.

Some form clans and share their measurements and methods of measurement.

Some sit back and watch everyone's strategy on trying to measure the mountain.

Has anyone ever measured the mountain perfectly?

Dude... war2 is just learning to measure a mountain.

Big, fu--ing accomplishment.

They say that by learning to measure by sight having measured so much, and having measured so much, being able to measure so accurately parts of the mountain,
that others can't do the same with the same amount of practice.

Do you think you are some sort of extravagant amazing person because you have learned to measure the mountain so well, and others can't?


People are so dumb.

If war2 wasn't measuring a mountain, I wouldn't have said it.

This is what it is.

Everyone can do it. Some it takes more time.

Some are committed to doing it so have more endurance on measuring the climb and accents.

They learn to measure certain parts by sight they have done it so much.

Big f-ing accomplishment.

Sorry for language, I don't follow the bible the way I did, due to contact with The Greys.

Then they become arrogant because of the endurance they have developed after climbing so many parts of the mountain measuring so much.

Being able to measure by sight, and others come and start measuring the mountain and learning it, but they see the people already there measuring are so arrogant
and call them a fuc-ing newb.

And then they think they have built a compatible base for competition.

44 / O repulsive people of beasts
« on: April 17, 2017, 10:15:25 PM »
O shadow of death; why lurk you on this people?

For the people of war2 are like an amalgamation of disunity: yet that unity that remains is sick; like a foul odor. The one says to the other, vomit for me; that I may smell your stink -- then the other does it in reciprocity, and they both become disliking of it, but remain in unity because of their acts. Different but dispersed in evil and wickedness.

Here is what Christ would laugh for: that the people do not go into the shadows, and say we are brave; but come into the light, and into righteousness; and bear the cross of burdens to the grave of the worst of possible deaths, and say; "That bravery which we once stood by has amends."

45 / Love Jesus Christ
« on: April 12, 2017, 04:01:10 AM »
Love Jesus Christ

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