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Messages - Cel

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Hmmm You know, Id rather have you actually put here the whole reccording of what was said that night because I certainly did not word it the way you word it here!
The meaning is mostly the same but your english is not good enough here I am sorry it just isn't or you are trying to make me say things I did not say...

Cutting things out of context tends to do that...

My point back then was and still is the same: A antihack is either a spying software that is remotely controlled which is pretty bad and which is not what the antihack does. Or it is what this antihack probably is: A software that does a few checks and communicate with the server for the results.

I did not say I knew for sure that people were using two different computers or windows clones to bypass things I used that as an example of things that could be done ultimately in theory.
Because the way I see it the antihack is just another program that sends data back and forth to the server and you could make your own program that sends the same data and it probably would work, probably...


^ That would be the english version of what I said  to some extent YES, I just told you I am not denying that I said that  :rofl:.
And like I said this is based on my understanding of why I think there is no point spending hours on to try and make another antihack and that the best solution is to handle it the way I just said. By not playing with people you do not like or trust in the first place...

Now you can disagree with me and think it is wrong but I am telling the things the way I see them...

I just said that I did tell you people probably know their way around every single file of that game and it is by now probably muuuuuch easier to hack war2 than it is to stop hacking all together without invading the guy's privacy.

There is nothing wrong to what I said LOL

It does not mean every single user is a hacker. It means it probably is easy to do there is a very big difference...

And there is a easy solution to it as I just said:
"Dont play with people you do not trust or like!"

^ That is a very easy fix. Yup the best solution ever for such a small community like the one we have!


Oh I can answer that too, I stand by what I said ofc people hacked the game in the past and probably can still do.
And I also said I do not believe any antihack can ever stop that for good otherwise games like starcraft 2 and all these modern games wouldn't have been hacked ever.

Sure you can try and make it slightly more difficult but you cant stop it and I even told you why, because everything is client side unlike in games like League of legend where only the server knows where things are on the behind the fog of war.

As I said I never lied to you or anyone about this... Also all I said is based on my own beliefs and understanding of how things are...
You can draw your own conclusions but I always think having an understanding of what we are talking about should help drawing the most likely conclusions.

In our case yes it is probably been hacked for ages and all but also I said that it is very unlikely people do it as much as you think they do.
And I still think that the fact that we have such a small community makes these hacks very unlikely to be used and if they are people using them take the risk of being casted aside...
People more likely stream snipe than they actually hack if you want my honest thoughs on this and I dont even care that much its stupid from people that do but whatever...

Point is, if you think someone hacks PROVE it show us a game where he does something that he should not be able to do... Then the guy probably will be banned as a result...
And I have an even easier solution for you: Do not play with people you do not trust or like! How about you try that?!

1) iL is not the one managing this forum he left it to others to manage.
2) I am not hypocritical I genuinely like these other streamers I watch them and I consider myself a part of their communities. I never shamelessly advertized my stuff I made friends with them before I ever said I was streaming too. I never forced them to do anything for us I did however tell gypsy that I knew you would be happy to receive a raid and that it would help us grow too. He did raid you knowing that he was not wasting his raid but was also going to make new friends doing so... I am sad you cannot see that but for you it is always all evil or all good so there is no point arguing further...
3) Because I talk about these problems with enough respect to people in charge we may actually get results someday. Maybe you should try respect sometime.


I have been rude, me? I have not insulted you though, I have certainly shown that you are pissing me off for sure but at least I dont think my words are overshot.
I can see you do not like people that want to avoid being unnecessarily insulting but we are not the same person you and me. I respect others and I show it, I respect people that I disagree with and I know for a fact that calling names wont ever help any of my arguments so there is absolutely no reason to in my eyes.

That is why I am not usually "rude" because I just would not like myself if I were. I dont care if you like that or not I am not going to insult you just to make you like me lol...

It is not being hypocritical not to say things you may regret, or not to throw insults at people you disagree with it is just knowing how to be respectfull...
Sadly we clearly did not run through the same shit in life...
I believe in the world we live in, violence and insults only get you so far, but it never brings anything good, never...

Now I dont judge you for the way you act on your emotions, I understand we are not all made of the same steel.


About the 200$ thing:

I did tell you I was certainly not going to make the hotkeys program, as I would have to do it all from scratch and really didnt have the time to or just didnt want to take the time to.
You kept insisting that I should spend all my time on it regardless of if it was what I wanted to do or not.
So I answered there are things a person may be willing to do for free and they certainly will but you cant force someone to do something you want them to do if they do not want to.
Otherwise everything in life would be free.
Of course I joked about 200$ honestly I would not even have done it for 2000$ either maybe 20000$ I would have started to reconsider we all have a price even you or you are a saint LOL.
Anyways more seriously, it just was a way to make you understand that behind all these cool stuff you keep receiving is time people spend. And it is time you actually realize that: This time for them has a cost too, and it is definitely not a cost you yourself would want to endorse...

If you think it is wrong to take money from peolpe to do what they want you to do, I suppose you should not live in a capitalist country...

I never forced people to pay me anything they pay me if they want to, same for some of my games some people paid me for games that are free games anyone can download and play. No one forced these people to give me money for it yet they did because they wanted to show their support and encourage me to do more games like this...
But I am EVIL for even allowing people to do that. Hell do you not pay your bills? Do you never pay for things?
How do YOU earn your living sir? Lets discuss...

Nobody argue the fact that rules will bring us to another level,

Are you sure we live in the same dimention here? Have you have a good look at this thread answers for more than a second?
This is the whole point of that thread we are just discussing why we should have rules...

Do you even understand what community building is? It is about making friends and benefiting one another... Making sure we know each other is the way forward to building something big.

So yes I go to all these other cool streamers that stream cool things or stuff that is in the same line as I do and I reach out. Maybe their viewers are going to like our content too maybe they wont. But ultimately there is nothing wrong to it.

Just because you are an unlikable human being does not mean we all are incappable of creating human relationships that are mutually beneficial and grow friendships.
You did not look sad about receiving a raid from a guy you didnt even know the last time it happened that I tried to help you grow your shit.
At least I am doing the work I receive the benefits from, you are just happy getting the results when they come to you...
But I am the one being a hypocrite sure...

Attacking the server is an easy thing much easier than protecting it. In all things being the guy that break stuff is easier than the one who built it.
I have no admiration or respect for people that only know how to break stuff.

Making a ddos attack is easy to learn from youtube hell there are tons of tutorials out there from anonymous amongst other retards, but go ahead show everyone how low you are willing to go to prove a point!
I have nothing to prove, the protection I did was a very temporary fix to help manage the problem quickly and it held 3 weeks.
Yet how ever small and useless it was, it is still better than all you have ever done for the server from my perspective...

And this is where having proper rules helps, it makes things clear and stops making admin decisions personal..

No more bypass etc you act like a jerk you get treated like a jerk, the fact that you are that or that other oldschool person does not matter and should not ever matter.
No one cares if you are the best at war2 or if you have played the game ever since you were a todler if you act like a jerk you are a jerk end of story.

If we ever want Blizzard or anyone to start thinking is legitimate and want to deal with us instead of just casting us away or worse then we need to start adapting to the world around us and adopting similar rules.
This is what will stop our community from dying to some extent, Babyshark was right about this and I always said it, I disagreed with her on the whole splitting servers thing but we agreed on that point. And actually I am kinda happy she had a place to play for all that time but I think she should be able to play here too.

It will take the time that it takes but things have to move here as well and I am hopefull they will...

And dont tell me people will quit because it is going to be moderated hell you play HOTS and Xurnt plays Starcraft 2, so apparently you are fine with a place that is properly moderated you just want war2 not to have their success for whatever reason. And I am the one who wants war2 to die?!

OH and BTW here is some of the things I did for the game so far:
I created a program to help manage the most basic DDOS attacks that kept crippling the server which happened to protect the server on at least two occasions.
I also helped iL find a way to stop future attacks and implement a proper shield against them.
I created a page for streamers to be able to display the players in their games and the teams they are on and will continue upgrading that feature in the future to add player colors amongst other things.
I help regularly streamers that ask me nicely to set their stream up so they can stream war2 and made some art for them to have on stream. I continue to reach out to other communities to let them know exists and bring people in. Which you experienced first hand when I freaking pushed a 40 times more successful than you streamer from starcraft to raid your worthless channel.
I manage the discord and help new players there setting up their game and making things run on a regular basis.
And guess how many of these dude run away once they see the forum BTW such a freaking spine in the foot that shit place is...

So fuck off, I am not blaming you for not knowing how to do any of these things but you are NOTHING. Your stupid negative and paranoid rants and freaking spam is clearly pushing more people away from the game than your managing of tournaments and ladder ever kept in. All you do is just displaying your negativity and mental disabilities to a point that EVEN TWITCH banned you once apparently. Stop acting like you are worth shit to this game because clearly in my eyes you aren't.

And NO the russians have not hired me to manipulate you the simple fact that you could believe something like that shows how centered on yourself you are! Stop polluting my thread now tyvm and gtfo!

On russian side there are rules, unlike here...

You cant keep complaining the server does not grow or even is loosing players and then say everything has to stay the same.
You may love the trash talk and all that shit. I say this is what keeps us from growing...
I say we should discuss about getting that place clean and following the example of other place that are run properly.

Anyone should have the right to discuss what they think about the way this place is run, I am no admin and dont want to be one but we can discuss these things.
This actually has more its place here than any of these stupid finger pointing. And trash talks people keep having...

Distribution of Real-Life Personal Information
This category includes:

Releasing any real-life information about other players or Blizzard Entertainment employees
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be permanently banned from the forums

Go ahead be my guest go reveal a Blizzard admin's facebook account on your Heroes of the storm forums see how this things are welcomed there.
I dont care how many people knew about it or how easy it was of an information to get this is still unacceptable and the fact that you still want to defend that behavior says a lot about you.
You by defending these actions and acting the way you are are certainly closer to have the mentality of a stupid black hat hacker than I ever will, or u8 ever will for that matter, congrats!

Just pointing the obvious, this thread is about enforcing forum rules and having clear ruleset not hacking but since you want to talk about this, at least I will try and make sure you know what you are talking about:

You are using words like they are BIG where really they have simple meanings:

Source code is just readable code this is what programmers do when they make a game they create source code, the source code then gets compiled to make executables otherwise known as "machine code" or "binary code" that the computer can understand and run. Warcraft 2 source code is all the .c and .h files blizzard probably still have somewhere in a hard drive but there is no source code in the shipped product all we have is the compiled binaries.

So the compiled game warcraft 2 does not have a source code inside what so ever, this is not a thing.
I may not be a hacker but I am a programmer and I know how this works better than you do and it is fine. Everyone has his own domains of things they know it does not make you a lesser person not to know. Trying to look like you know better and using words you do not understand like they are BIG thing when they really are not does though...
Imagine if I was trying to teach you how sound works... I would look like a damn fool...

By analyzing binary code (machine code) you can try and re-create a more readable code that you can then use as source code for making your version of the game but that code if you compile it would not give you the same executable signature at all this is what reverse engineering is.

The problem is If people had found a way to reverse engineer the game like you say, and get a working source-code from it, people here would not have to do any external plugins, people would be able to litterally change everything in the program itself without having to go through any trouble, adding features like matchmaking and change or add even more features like queueing orders etc... And at that point it would not be hacking anymore but programming since you work on your own fresh source code at this point what you need is a programmer.

A programmer's job is to manage data, all of what a program does is taking data somewhere read it and from there create/change/delete/move/read data this is in essence what it comes down to.

So in every program including war2, you have the program itself (usually the .exe and .dll files) and you have the data it uses. For war2 the program is in the .exe and .dll files and the data well you guessed it it is in the MPQ archives for the most part.

So by changing carefully what is in the data files (MPQ) you can to some extent change the way the program behaves for example if you remove a sound file it wont be able to read it anymore etc... But you do not have a source code at this point all of what you are doing is modifying bits of data the program reads to know what to do some of that data determines what you should or should not be able to see and what color it is on screen.

So although MPQ files could help understanding what the program does and how it does it, they are just an archive format like .zip or .rar nothing more. The files inside are often files of pure data stored in a byte by byte fassion just like the .pud files stores data about the terrain and units or players in the game.

Now at least, you know a little better what you are talking about. And you may stop using words you do not understand like they are BIG things when they really aren't.
There is nothing admirable in hacking nothing "Military grade" in reverse engineering as long as you are not hacking a freaking missile or something from the US army...
These words you use have a meaning and you should understand their meaning before you use them.

On another note I never said war2 cannot be hacked ever, so stop lying about what I said.
I said people like u8 have better things to do than to hack in their games and would probably not feel any good if they won with an unfair advantage. Now you see hotkeys as an unfair advantage and he saw it differently obviously.
Though you lie when you say he did not openly distribute his hotkeys to others when he clearly did from day 1.
That is what I said.

I also said it is obvious that a 25 years old game like war2 can be hacked that does not mean everyone here is a black hat hacker coming to get you...

Once you read that I would love this thread to be cleaned of all the non-sense and it to return to what it was meant to be, discussing about having rules for the forum that put a proper frame for admins actions so that people dont get their feelings hurt when the ban hammer drops and it does not become personal everytime it drops...

Nah, recent events just underline the fact that this point probably needs to be addressed.

There is an undeniable benefit to having clear rules and guidelines like any serious other forum has.

Right now, admins actions reflect their common sense but they have no detailled ruleset to justify their actions.
This means when a punishment or direct action is taken from an admin it is taken like a personal attack, and this is bad.

A ruleset both helps admins justify their action and also prevent admins abusing their powers since there is a more defined guideline to follow.

The fact that I mention these recent example is just to show how very defined in other places these cases are described and handled.
And how if we had a proper ruleset for the forums very probably people would not be so mad about them and would not take these occasional interactions personally like they do right now.

In short: Rules make moderation non-personal and less prone to generate outrage.

Here is how they handle forums on heroes of the storm and Starcraft2. Care to give these rules a try? Since you seem to adore these games soo much  :ok_hand: :newthumbsup:

Oh and BTW these rules apply to each and every single member, no special treatment no exceptions this includes Admins and VIPS. Good thing to note for sure...
Since these games are obviously so great how about we use the same rules overhere and oh How about we respect what cathegories are for too that would be great!

Oh and hey have a look at what I just found in there:

Distribution of Real-Life Personal Information
This category includes:

Releasing any real-life information about other players or Blizzard Entertainment employees
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be permanently banned from the forums

Ouch I guess some people really are lucky this forum is not HOTS forum because I am pretty sure they would be long gone by now!  :rofl:

Oh this is not all look at this gem for example:
Harassing or Defamatory
This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity
Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.
*Cough* "Muslim!" *cough*, rings any bell to anyone?

Or this LOL:
Spamming or Trolling
This category includes:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity
Creating Duplicate Threads
This category includes:

Creating threads about existing topics
Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Freedom of speech does not mean absence of moderation in a discussion. Quite the opposite actually otherwise its the jungle the louder voices have all the attention all the time and it is impossible for everyone's voice to be heard. Having categories that we respect on the forum and enforcing them helps freedom of speech and making sure there is a proper place for each topic.

That said I would support adopting most of these rules for the forums while keeping some categories off rules like Flamewar/offtopic so that our most racist and Homophobic or politically engaged creeps can keep posting all of their wonderful theories there. Since apparently for some of us "This is war2" and getting rid of it is "killing war2" but at the same time they want to move to USA when they get banned here... How ironic...

Oh and I think things are going to move much much more quickly now, thanks to all that shinanegan that happened over the last few years All the people of the russian community are going to have a look at how things are run here and start getting more involved and help manage this horrible place and make it one.
Finally we may have a freaking normal place that feels welcoming for everyone not just a handfull of loud voices...

There is hope  :newthumbsup: :wc2:

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: iL
« on: November 14, 2020, 06:09:51 PM »
You are right you should return playing Starcraft2, it definitely will teach you something about community management and manners...
Try doing over there what you want people to be able do here see how that works out for you Mr I created everything...

I for one certainly wont miss the kind of person you have become here!

Oh but I meant everything I said being mentally challenged is not an insult it is a condition, as a matter of fact I have more respect for mentally ill people that take care of themselves than people that prefer to live in denial...

We all have nevrosis and occasional mental challenges, the difference is some of us are smart enough to acknowledge them and do something about it before it litterally takes their lives away from them and removes all traces of rational reasoning from them..

Paranoia is a very very very common disorder probably 90% of people are potentially subject to some form of it at different degrees saying you have paranoia just makes you like 90% of the global population no insults there...

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: iL
« on: November 14, 2020, 05:54:55 PM »
LOL Drama "I" started? Have a good read Mr Burnt and see who was the first to post EVERY single time about any of his stupid melodramatic theories coming straight from a science fiction book.
Oh but you know, it is your best friend Equinox who always finds new reasons to post his freaking shit all over this place all the time.
I merrely answerd half of his recent rants. But Tora who never posts anything and me are the ones to always start Drama now???
Give me a break...
Equinox could be alone in the world he would still find a way to get crazy mad and angry about something and post it there...

And also just because you disagree with somebody does not mean you are talking shit about them. It means you disagree with their opinion. I never insulted any of you, you guys calling me names for expressing my different opinion tells a lot about you...

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: iL
« on: November 14, 2020, 05:33:42 PM »
Oh no reason? So that means we are all free to spam this forum with copy pasted posts now? There are absolutely no rules as to were we should post things either?

Are you sure you want to go that road Mr Xurnt? You are advocating this seriously? Care to give your new enlightened ruleset a try hmmm?
Because oooh man you better trust me I am no hacker, but man a spam bot for a forum is a very easy thing to find, and if you want me to spam that place to drown all other topic but mine under a pile of shit this is very possible. That is the proper way to do things here? This behavior is totally acceptable and should not get people timedout or banned temporariy?

And you say you care about this place not going to trash? Give me a break LOL

Try doing that in your Starcraft 2 or HOTS forums see how that works out for you there... Freaking hypocrites...

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