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Topics - ~fullmana~

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I literally joined a game by mystical and I knew most of the other people, I played with them a lot, but I started asking you know COMMUNICATING "hey, is this a tvb? can I play" and nobody would say shit, but lpzcoldjack started trolling me, like he has been for the past few weeks, so as soon as the game started nobody has vision, they're all like "re re remake" and THEN I said I was building. So, mystical said "ban mana" and now he's being a little faggot trolling me too! Why would they want to remake and ban me if they had no idea I was even building, assuming I wasn't supposed to, not that anybody told me WHAT THE FUCK THE GAME WAS ABOUT IF NOT TO PLAY WITH 4v4. -_- I really really hate stupid fucking fake people.

I have been muted very unfairly, not being able to say my part, and it's all in regards to THIS post. Ultimately TK[as] is a fucking piece of manipulative shit bitch, a troll, and should not have admin privileges, or dugs for that matter. These are not respectable people, I don't care if they've paid you money, but they have to go. They do not allow free speech, or rational arguments. They throw a bunch of manipulative fake shit arguments at you, conclude them, and then talk at you. They are not rational, they're not even good people.

lpzcoldjack, esn-,Rival, jade, silkyslim, Barok, dugs[anz] are TROLLING people, specifically me. It started with lpz, who then told esn- that I'm a troll who then arbitarily bans me from a full game to make room for a completely new player. Then I've got jade here acting like she didn't get my message about the trolling, and continues to play which means she's encouraging the bad behavior by not standing up. Then I was trying to explain but kept getting interrupted, and talked over and talked shit to, then called a troll and this and that. If these fucking faggots just listened to what I simply had to say in less than 10 seconds or less, instead of starting the game, then everything would be fine. Here's what happened! First I joined some GOW GOOD game, and it was 2v2, and my ally Barok wasn't playing, wasn't saying shit either, so I quit and then I joined a game by Rival CHOP 2 or something, seemed NORMAL, my ally was Barok again, and his was dugs I think. Before the game even began, I tried telling RIval in the chat thing "hey, Barok isn't playing he went afk." And Rival ignored me and started the game. The Chops game started and Barok DIDN'T play. So, I said in the game "this guy's afk I told you." so I vised everyone to prove it, then I quit. THEN CHOP 3 went up and again Barok joined. I said RIVAL wait, this guy is trolling by not playing and just joining. Rival ignores me again, and plays the game. The game starts and I wait a few seconds because I knew Barok wasn't playing, and after about 5 seconds... he builds. he does that because he sees I'm not building, then after the game while I'm fuming in the public chat, all the people in that game are all like "ohh, he was playing what are you talking about, he was playing the whole time, we just played." Yet, it's as if they didn't hear anyyyyything I said before. That being said, fuck these faggots, they are trolls, they deserve no respect from now on. I'm here to play the game, not play games with little egotistical manipulative psychopathic trolls who have nothing better to do than beg for attention and reactions from people. Not cool. I have been on here for 2 hours, and I can't seem to get in a second game. That's very odd don't you think? These people need to grow the fuck up, and stop with the little social club bullshit. Be of your own mind, just because somebody tells you to ban a person, doesn't mean you should. This game is supposed to be inclusive. You're supposed to be intelligent and include all people of all skill levels and know how to balance the teams accordingly, if you can't do that then you suck and you are not smart enough to really play, because you need handicaps like stacking teams to win. I'm very disappointed in these grown adults who act like pathetic children. Quit being angry pieces of shit, and trolling. Be here to play the game. It's not hard, life is easy.

You know, "the icons" that make you feel special ;) ;)

5 / Do dugs, esl and spb have a reputation for hacking
« on: June 14, 2021, 09:33:09 PM »
I keep seeing these "pro" people who constnatly pause the game and their excuse is always the same. "I have a life." Or, "Someone's at the door." Yet, I have all those things, and have never inconvenienced somebody before. So we were playing a game then my name started sending messages to people, which I didn't do, but someone was doing using my name somehow, then someone paused the game for roughly 2-3 minutes, and when it unpaused, all the sudden I've got an army outside my base which steamrolls me. I've noticed everytime that happens, when someone pauses the game for a long time, that as soon as it unpauses all the sudden there's a ridiculous and impossible army outside of your door. I have noticed this pattern and am very sure that these games are being hacked. -_- not a fan, quit pausing games.

Yeah, what's up with that! why so many posters but not so many players??

Anyways, I really would appreciate an admin to //iconchange ~fullmana~ SEPI        :) Also, I'm workwork or the peonsmuggler, but this is my final form I swear. I am a panda on workwork, and I wish I could see a template of gamertags but the dog is cute so!!!!

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