Claw is 100% right.
Let's say you hypothetically have people of equal skill level and one at 6/8 and another at 11/12/2/5 and I'll even say 4. You could argue 9 but s9/9 is evenish. Play 100 games, how many does 6/8 win?
20? Maybe 30 max? The answer should be NEAR 50%. Naturally, not all spots are equal, nor should they be, but replace any other spots from the 6/8 person and your stats will change noticeably. That is my point.
I'm not trying to make everything equal, I would just like everyone to have a chance is all. Tourneys, series, team games; every time, someone goes, "well I had 6/8 4x" yet nobody wants to change anything. I just don't understand it.
I never played GOWEF before RU and before GOWF died on RU. There was a reason for it. It is a horse shit map. Now that I've played it for years, guess what, it is still a horse shit map.