Author Topic: ss opps  (Read 20239 times)

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2020, 10:38:43 AM »
This guy clearly still has a big temper problem to deal with. This was barely readable... :rofl:

About Mousey and what your actions really show about you:
All I said is true and needs not proving since you just admitted to it.
What you did with Mousey is not excusable you cannot just say it is ok to threaten a person as an admin by letting them think you will not hesitate to abuse your powers and skills just because that person has not done or said things you deemed she had to do or say.
She was not threatening you, or Babyshark or anyone for that matter, and she was not attacking you personally and even if she was it would still not be ok...

Where I live if you stab a murderer and kill him you still go to jail for man slaughtering.
As an admin showing you are willing to adopt a cyber criminal behavior even if it is just to make a point is not ok.
Just because you disapprove of her words and positions does not make it right for you to take the matter into your own hands and make threats of that nature whether the criminal act was done or not. And Babyshark called you out for this because even her was seeing how bad it made you look...
As an admin or anyone that is given these kind or resources, there are limits you have to give yourself...
Limits that for you clearly are much easier to bypass than other admins around here from your own accounts...

About the lobby manager and the Nat punch through plugin:
If you were talking about the lobby manager it is not a match making at all and never intended to be, there is nothing to be installed or downloaded to use it is is just a web page that is totally harmless...
It is gathering data passively from the ladder page and using them to help players balance/make fair teams, there is absolutely no extra data taken from the players at all at any point and they are not required to download anything...
Good luck making a point about how malicious this page is :rofl:.

As for the hole puncher is a plugin made by Fois, is that the one you are saying has security risks to it?
Do you not have this or use this in your own server?
Do you know how many games use that exact same technique to punch through firewalls to allow players to connect to one-another in peer to peer games?
Have you looked at what it does just once?
Do you even try to know what you are talking about or you are just making stuff up and conspiracy theories as you go?

About the toxicity and racism on the internet and on war2:
There are two school of thoughts around these issues. One it to think people are stupid and just remove all dangerous devices from their homes to make sure they never harm themselves, and the second way is to teach and show them how to cope with danger and handle it. Guess who gets hurt the first time they leave their house...

Here we let people speak their shit and if they are toxic or people do not get along they can mute/squelch/ignore each other no one said you had to be friend with everyone.
We used not to have a permanent squelch and that have been an issue in the past it is true, but now we do, and that makes that approach even more relevant now than it was then.

You can talk about racism and all here but one of your member did post a load of anti-muslim and homophobic rants on our forum. And that seems perfectly fine by you, so were does hate speech starts and where does it stops?... I guess you are to judge what is ok based on your own personal beliefs I suppose...

About hacking and how much of a problem it really is:
Unlike you, most players here are grown up and understand how to get along with one another and just play games like adults.

Most of us do not aim at being the shining piece of shit on the top of the trash pile made of the 100 remaining active players worldwide.
There is just no point to that at all for the large majority of players, if the player base was double that amount the top of the ladder would certainly just be featuring totally different names and we all know it.
Most players just come back here to enjoy some games and have a bit of fun knowing perfectly well they are not trying to be the very best and have nothing to prove. The primary goal is the fun and the secondary goal is the win.

These players that really try in all their games represent at the very best 25 members of our current player base, they may be loud but they are irrelevant for the server growth lets get that straight out of the way...
The negativity and elitism they sometimes bring with them probably is doing more harm than good anyways toward that goal.
No new player or new comer is going to ever tell you "it is so nice to be around players who are full of themselves and never miss an occasion to show it"...
They more probably will think it is pathetic to see these guys care so much about their wins and losses that they forget all about the rest...

Yes, there are probably still stupid people hacking a 25+ years old game. These people have just no self respect and are as dumb as it gets...
If they happen to be obviously using hacks in our games or whatever we can just call them out for it and we stop playing with them, end of story...
Good luck for them finding people that want to play with them in the future after that... We are not that many left, especially on your server it does not take long for a player to earn a bad rep :rofl:.

You get the point of how useful a anti-hack really is to the common players with our current numbers... Lets just say not much...
Most players know and like most of the players they hangout and play with...

So yes, keep caring about the problems of 10% of our most grumpy players while ignoring the elephant in the room obviously this is how your 10 player server will grow as fast as it has obviously been throughout the year lol...

We may be very stupid to target something that really makes a difference for everyone like making it easier for people to host their own games, or to host fair and balanced matches, and soon queue up to find games.
But feel free to focus more on the problems of a few players that will always be complaining because nothing will ever calm their paranoia and butt pain when they get dumped on...
Playing with other people's fear and ignorance seem to be your forte anyways, so you may be better at that than we ever will be...
Careful though paranoia may never be totally put to rest there will always be doubts...

No matter how good an anti-hack can be, players that keep playing with guys they don't trust or like while they could just avoid them are never going to be satisfied, so maybe start from there...
By telling them to not allow players they do not like in their games in the first place...

Why do you even care what we do on RU anyways, why don't you go back to your paradise since we should be irrelevant to you by now?
Here is why you keep coming back when we keep ignoring you:
Do you think we care about the shit you say about us on your stupid server and forums? Have you seen us come over there a lot to address all your shit talking?
Do we even bother calling out your bullshit, for example when one of your member makes a video to say we intentionally remove your gateway with our client when you guys know perfectly well that the part responsible for that gateway removal is older than your server itself?

Nope we do not, because we realize how pointless it is... How dishonest you guys are anyways... How irrelevant your project is and always will be...

So no, we do not bother and so would you if we really were doing that bad... Yet you come back here regularly...

So here it is:
The fact that you keep coming here proves how relevant we are, and how irrelevant and how much of a failure you guys really are...
So keep coming back you are definitely proving my points one after the other.

Thank you for hosting war2usa. It's a great server! I understand why you made it and couldn't agree more.

I've been obsessed with any female that plays war2. I have not spoken to a women ever. I get very nervous. The smell of a women reminds me of my mother. I've never had a touch or a simple kiss from a women.

Yes we know you are a loser and never seen a women before. Sad day in hell but i can't blame the ladies from running from your creepy fat ass. I mean look at yourself aren't you sick when you look in the mirror? When you crying yourself to sleep at night wondering why you cant get a women just focus on your peons hahahaha idiot.

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Oh yeah so you never come to my discord to spread false information? Lies i owned your ass every-time. Well i see you too much of a bitch to speak the truth. Ill wait till you come crawling to my discord making some nonsense up because we don't care about shit you racist, admin abusing, cyber criminals. Keep deny all you want pussy. You all come spam my website, spam my discord, but run and hide like a bitch when i come to you're territory? Aw that right Ur a pussy and hide on smurf. I guess i shouldn't expect much from some women beaters.

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2020, 11:46:53 AM »
Tupac’s posts are so angry lol.
war2 > war3


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Re: ss opps
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2020, 12:03:13 PM »
Tupac’s posts are so angry lol.


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Re: ss opps
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2020, 12:23:03 PM »
i haven't seen him logged on yet, but i sent him a mail. if he comes on i'll ask him if he took the ss and we'll go from there.  also, i don't have access to the ip database so i'm not sure what other smurfs he's on, so maybe another admin can look into it and see if he's been warned previously? @~ToRa~

What are you asking me here?
war2 > war3

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2020, 12:57:56 PM »
Now you just are making a fool of yourself Tupac, how low are you going to go... This is embarrassing...

Tell me how relevant it is to your cause if I have women or not in my life now, that definitely will make you look good.  :rofl:
Tell  us exactly what is behind your wicked mind as we speak you are pretty much proving my point :newthumbsup:.
Anyways nice of you to worry about my personal life and relationships but I am doing ok thanks!

Lies? What exactly are you denying from my last post hmmm? Because all I am saying is pretty much either things you said happened yourself here or relating events that happened and are very easy to lookup, like this:

Dishonest video that no one watches and no one cares about commenting...
BTW Maxi also came to our server to ask us why we remove your gateway from the list. The guy genuinely wanted to know.
And we told him the truth, the part responsible for that just predates your server's very existence we did not specially do that, as we wont just go the extra length to make sure it does not happen because why would/should we? And then he can see for himself how irrelevant you are and how little we would need such a change in the first place...

You are here talking to us about your server. You know what I am saying is true I never went on your stupid forums, and I am pretty sure no admin ever goes there from RU as well why would they even bother...
Your server is irrelevant as it gets, you know it is true and that is probably what hurts, the truth...
Stop hurting yourself and go back crawling to your place, maybe you can start having a real goal for your server that is not just "RU server bad"...

I joined your discord once at the very beginning, it  did not take me long to see that your server is only about shitting on RU and will never have anything else for itself and I left and never came back that is the truth  :rofl:.
Unlike you guys I don't have time to waste making 8990980 discord accounts, I have one and that is enough for me...
Why would I even bother you guys are like... 10 at best...
Like I said  you guys are irrelevant...

Who is lying? Who just lost all credibility?

« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 04:37:59 PM by Cel »

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2020, 05:32:48 PM »
[/font]Tupac’s posts are so angry lol.
[/font]You sure about that?
[/font]Now you just are making a fool of yourself Tupac, how low are you going to go... This is embarrassing...Tell me how relevant it is to your cause if I have women or not in my life now, that definitely will make you look good. :rofl: Tell  us exactly what is behind your wicked mind as we speak you are pretty much proving my point :newthumbsup: .Anyways nice of you to worry about my personal life and relationships but I am doing ok thanks!Lies? What exactly are you denying from my last post hmmm? Because all I am saying is pretty much either things you said happened yourself here or relating events that happened and are very easy to lookup, like this:Dishonest video that no one watches and no one cares about commenting...BTW Maxi also came to our server to ask us why we remove your gateway from the list. The guy genuinely wanted to know.And we told him the truth, the part responsible for that just predates your server's very existence we did not specially do that, as we wont just go the extra length to make sure it does not happen because why would/should we? And then he can see for himself how irrelevant you are and how little we would need such a change in the first place...You are here talking to us about your server. You know what I am saying is true I never went on your stupid forums, and I am pretty sure no admin ever goes there from RU as well why would they even bother...Your server is irrelevant as it gets, you know it is true and that is probably what hurts, the truth...Stop hurting yourself and go back crawling to your place, maybe you can start having a real goal for your server that is not just "RU server bad"...I joined your discord once at the very beginning, it  did not take me long to see that your server is only about shitting on RU and will never have anything else for itself and I left and never came back that is the truth :rofl: .Unlike you guys I don't have time to waste making 8990980 discord accounts, I have one and that is enough for me...Why would I even bother you guys are like... 10 at best...Like I said  you guys are irrelevant...Who is lying? Who just lost all credibility? :wc2:
[/font]Really so I lost accrebility from women beating, child killing, racist pussies who spam discord and deny ? Yall notice he even posted above? Dumbass just posted one case where maxi got owned? How you gonna be that fucking stupid 😂🤣😱 Yeah you said it buddy and you fucking losers do make 183747272 discords. oh funny how you admit maxi part what about the 20 others. Every situation involved me owning you ass. First I let babyshark drag your ass around discord. Then we hit you with the facts and you run like a bitch lol.Oh not I lost credibility LOOOOOOOL!!!! OH NO GOD WHY ME! 😱😂😱😂😱😂😱😂😱😂😱😂😱😂😱😂🤣🤣🤣 Tupac we dont come to usa. But yet he knew all the discord chats hahaha. Well good bye pussies I dont hide behind fake accounts like you newbs, dont like it ? I come right to your forums on main account you didnt do shit bitch.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 05:49:11 PM by tupac »

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2020, 05:58:35 PM »
This guy just had a mental breakdown... lol

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2020, 06:08:16 PM »
This guy just had a mental breakdown... lol
Didnt expect you to say much everything I said was true. I exposed your lies. You got owned so BAD. Well cya in discord bitch. Next time I'll drag you around longer!

We don't overwrite gateways LOL? You sure you still want to wear that shirt?

Hey don't worry we showed maxi the truth btw. I told him how to properly test.

Oh so your admin didnt admit it here rofl. It dont matter newbs my client dosent read registry for server no more LOL So now you only overwrite other peoples servers. 🤗😂🤣🐱

« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 06:13:52 PM by tupac »

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2020, 10:15:12 AM »
Oh ok so now that you are very angry it makes perfect sense that you would call me all these things right?

A racist, a women abuser, a hacker, a child molester maybe too next time?
Nothing seems too dirty for your big paranoid mouth but we are the ones making baseless accusations here.

And now you are telling me I have nothing better to do than go smurffing on a 10 players discord for what? Advertising RU to a bunch of fanatics or calling their bullshit out on their empty server?
Because obviously I am very worried about what the 10 of you guys say about us in your empty irrelevant places it makes perfect sense I would waste my time going there...

It makes just as much sense as your other baseless accusations.

You are telling me I am the Maxi guy? Then I guess the guy that we've been talking to in our discord that was advertising your stupid server is me too?
Have a look of obviously me smurffing on myself Mr paranoid (attachements), I guess if you insulted him as you are insulting me the guy did not need more to see what you are and left :rofl:

Keep digging man, keep digging... Anger suits you well :ok_hand:  :thumbsup:


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Re: ss opps
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2020, 10:20:05 AM »


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Re: ss opps
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2020, 10:28:23 AM »
And yes that behavior or gateway replacement and removal does not change with older versions of

Versions that predate your server's existence and it makes sense that no one cares about making such a rule just for a deserted place like your failed server.

For people to do something extra they would have to gain something from it, and there is just no gain here.

Maybe if your server was not so irrelevant it would have been plausible, but then again you would not be here if it was any different...


Yup we have to call bullshit out in here.
Because while I dont care what they say on their deserted forums and server, here we have a relevant enough place so this is where it stops (and yes this deserted forum alone is more relevant than the sum of all their places  :rofl:).

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2020, 11:09:45 AM »
War2usa’s forum is just Babyshark talking to herself for pages on end lol.
war2 > war3

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2020, 11:58:34 AM »
Oh ok so now that you are very angry it makes perfect sense that you would call me all these things right?

A racist, a women abuser, a hacker, a child molester maybe too next time?
Nothing seems too dirty for your big paranoid mouth but we are the ones making baseless accusations here.

And now you are telling me I have nothing better to do than go smurffing on a 10 players discord for what? Advertising RU to a bunch of fanatics or calling their bullshit out on their empty server?
Because obviously I am very worried about what the 10 of you guys say about us in your empty irrelevant places it makes perfect sense I would waste my time going there...

It makes just as much sense as your other baseless accusations.

You are telling me I am the Maxi guy? Then I guess the guy that we've been talking to in our discord that was advertising your stupid server is me too?
Have a look of obviously me smurffing on myself Mr paranoid (attachements), I guess if you insulted him as you are insulting me the guy did not need more to see what you are and left :rofl:

Keep digging man, keep digging... Anger suits you well :ok_hand:  :thumbsup:

Bad bad boy!

I see why your not an admin or have the brains to run your own server. Fucking loser still don't understand and your admin admits it.(obviously because you don't know shit). So stfu still waiting of proof you have failed to deliver anything logical behind your hate speech. :) It's not looking to good for you. No women, you support harming them, children, you tried to defend the fact we owned you over and over. Yet you post nonsense and again no proof. Lets see how these war2ru talk when you in your death bed. You 55 60ish now? You want to die alone? You think any non druggie women would lay down with you. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Google dork proved how racist/toxic this place is. There is nothing you can do to lie or hide that fact.

I proved physically and screenshots of your gateways over writing others. But hey i see how cowards like u lie, speak nonsense bullshit, etc. So since i have now discovered what type of bitch you are. I shall no longer waste my time.

Only reply with proof or logical sense OR STFU! CYA on discord smurfs saying this or that about war2usa then we prove you wrong every time.

Don't cry when your in your death bed and there is not a soul insight or a person in the world to care. You're mouth, lies, deceptions, have made everyone look the other way. You should handle your own staff btw. They come and tell me how well we are doing and shed us some light on your evil plans..

1. We know about you attacking players UDP 6112 ports. You purposely give babyshark hosting problems, etc. But you screwed up trying that attack on me. I found it and was waiting for her to have issues again so i can sniff her traffic.

2. We know about the ddos attacks attempts on all servers. Newb ROFL firewall filter your shit hahahahahaha my servers didn't even lag.

3. But shit ill just sit back and watch you idiots. I'm sure when your door opens, people are lined up to be called racist, sexist, and just down right toxic speech.

4. I offered when war2usa launch to affiliate. Bone dry! Proves ur server intentions.

5. And believe it or not mousey was secretly taking over ru before she quit none of you idiots know besides a few people ROFL! Don't believe me? Her banner on the pvpgn claims to be the best war2 server.. Ohhhhhh big point eh?

6. Or how i put ur servers in my lists and you didn't do the same.

7. All you did attack us ddos, lies, defame, spam discord. etc.

8. You alll know i'm right or you would of never had your admins, people, try to tell babyshark you got such a better place now please come back. ROFL? Didn't think i was gonna blast ur ass ROL!!!!!


There is no reason i believe anything you type. I've seen it with my eyes. Posted straight facts! IDC if people play here or at USA idc. I run many many servers and this game is just too old. The only hope for it was GOG but they failed us. Those same 100 people that play here are the same 100 people telling me to finish USA. Heck i can name 10 more active players on ur server now that said if i add this or that they moving over. Nope i won't expose them either. The funny thing is the stuff they asked for can be done in a couple of hours. I think babyshark is right we just keep what we have. I'm happy with it, whenever i want to play i have many games to choose from and very nice people.

You said "And yes that behavior or gateway replacement and removal does not change with older versions of"
Which tells me your fucking dumb dude. Do you know how it works? No you don't by this comment above.

Oh and before i go make sure one of you admin move the post about 278 to the modded forums so that data is not lost. Very cool to have back in war2.

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Re: ss opps
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2020, 04:18:50 PM »
I will attest that it is annoying that RU client overwrites registries (a: in general and b: without knowledge or permission). Every person that wants to go on the USA server has to have a shortcut on their desktop to add back the USA Server registry back before launching the Client because once/each time you go to RU server it deletes USA server registry entry (latest RU Client) 


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Re: ss opps
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2020, 04:55:07 PM »
It dont matter newbs my client dosent read registry for server no more LOL
BUT TUPAC SAID "It dont matter newbs my client dosent read registry for server no more LOL"