Author Topic: New Grand Master  (Read 12382 times)

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2020, 02:10:13 PM »
swift is also saying legend his is own personal tag and he will keep it because he got admins in his pocket

This was discussed many times. You can read starting from here:,2734.msg67763.html#msg67763

Swift has got the last master tag from this server creator Ldir. So when everybody got later their personal "master"/"super master"/"mega ultra master" tags, Swift got the new unique one. And this is fair.

Ldir have no autory here, he have been afk of this server for the last 15 years, nobody cares about what that guy say, even iL have no autority on it, those tags belong to the communauty, who ever beat swift is the new legend, thats how it suppose to work, period.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2020, 02:44:28 PM »
You keep saying "you guys are admins", but you seem to forget I am not more of an admin as you are...

And you say I defend that or that other person, in general I tend to defend people that are nice and that clearly are bringing a lot of people back to the game that I love.
I do respect that you are all about your ladder and your competitive league and stuff. Knowing who of the last 30 active players will be the 1st may be exciting and all but yeah....
For me though it is a lot less exciting than if we had around 10000 active players then maybe yes rank would mean something I guess for now it is just the best of what we have...

Wether you hate him or not U8's stream is very popular these days, and he is both enjoyable to watch  and nice to people that come in his streams.
And whether he looses or wins he never shows an once of negativity so yes I think he brings a lot to the game even if he has edited shortcuts... Just because people come back to look at him play and bringing fun to others who for the most part all joined the game recently.

But also like I already said you are right it would be nice to have these new things including an easy shortcuts setter, but I am certainly not gonna do it even for 200$ or 2000$ or even 1000000$... Not because I do not want the best for the community but because I have a slightly different picture than you.
You see the little time that I save for war2 right now is only going to get into security and stability for the server and the sites. Now this is what I believe is the priority at least for me.

As for the antihack from Tupac hmmm, are you aware of what people from his server have been doing in our discord for the past 3 weeks?
Do you know what he did to mousey when she was still around with the admin right he had at the time? And knowing all that you still want to trust and download stuff he does?
Ok then it is your choice I personally do not want ru to have anything to do with somebody like that but I am no more admin than you are so it is not up to us anyways...

Now maybe Tupac is legit now and does not do these kind of creepy stuff anymore and is completely reformed I just am not desperate enough to want to give him the benefit of the doubt...
Plus I am sorry but hacks are certainly not ruining my games maybe because I am chill enough to realize if I die to an invisible mage with flames shields in my gold flow I may have fucked up somewhere in the way more than my opponent having better hotkeys... But that may be just me... lol
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 03:07:25 PM by Cel »

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2020, 02:51:08 PM »
Ldir have no autory here, he have been afk of this server for the last 15 years, nobody cares about what that guy say, even iL have no autority on it, those tags belong to the communauty, who ever beat swift is the new legend, thats how it suppose to work, period.
This is the biggest problem of the current war2 community, that there are some people who do not respect others, who made this community. Ldir, il from technical side, swift from game attraction perspective. I have some respect even for you with your greatest butthurt. Because I remember Eq, who made great tournaments, so bring his value into war2 community. And as long as we talk "he is AFK for years and has no authority" our community will degrade.
Who do you thing "has authority " to present community now and give "legend" tags?

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2020, 02:56:31 PM »
Also I meant it the other day if you think you could learn programming you should definitely do it!

Because we do need more people to be able to create these awesome things that we all want. Do you have the time to work on that a little everyday yourself?
It takes roughly a month to learn pure C and from there you can learn anything in about a week or so.

Then how many hours per week are you willing to sacrifice for making these projects?   :slight_smile:

I am being serious do not think one second that I am joking we need more people for sure, and/or would you be willing to be our relay spokesman for the forum when these problems happen?
So when it happens you stay awake with us and relay informations from discord and take care of the forums for us so that people know what is happening as it happens?

You see that last problem that seemed to be the main one for you is easy to fix really we just need some more people to volunteer, as I said this is a community project expecting IL to do everything just because he is the owner of the server is just being unrealistic. He does what he can with the time he has for war2 like we all do...
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 03:05:18 PM by Cel »


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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2020, 03:17:50 PM »


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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2020, 03:22:25 PM »
You keep saying you guys are admins, but you seem to forget I am not more of an admin as you are...

And you say I defend that or that other person, in general I tend to defend people that are nice and that clearly are bringing a lot of people back to the game that I love.
I do respect that you are all about your ladder and your competitive league and stuff. Knowing who of the last 30 active players will be the 1st may be exciting and all but yeah....
For me though it is a lot less exciting than if we had around 10000 active players then maybe yes rank would mean something I guess for now it is just the best of what we have...

Wether you hate him or not U8's stream is very popular these days, and he is both enjoyable to watch  and nice to people that come in his streams.
And whether he looses or wins he never shows an once of negativity so yes I think he brings a lot to the game even if he has edited shortcuts... Just because people come back to look at him play and bringing fun to others who for the most part all joined the game recently.

But also like I already said you are right it would be nice to have these new things including an easy shortcuts setter, but I am certainly not gonna do it even for 200$ or 2000$ or even 1000000$... Not because I do not want the best for the community but because I have a slightly different picture than you.
You see the little time that I save for war2 right now is only going to get into security and stability for the server and the sites. Now this is what I believe is the priority at least for me.

As for the antihack from Tupac hmmm, are you aware of what people from his server have been doing in our discord for the past 3 weeks?
Do you know what he did to mousey when she was still around with the admin right he had at the time? And knowing all that you still want to trust and download stuff he does?
Ok then it is your choice I personally do not want ru to have anything to do with somebody like that but I am no more admin than you are so it is not up to us anyways...

Now maybe Tupac is legit now and does not do these kind of creepy stuff anymore and is completely reformed I just am not desperate enough to want to give him the benefit of the doubt...
Plus I am sorry but hacks are certainly not ruining my games maybe because I am chill enough to realize if I die to an invisible mage with flames shields in my gold flow I may have fucked up somewhere in the way more than my opponent having better hotkeys... But that may be just me... lol

You keep saying you guys are admins, but you seem to forget I am not more of an admin as you are...

Because you are acting like one.

And you say I defend that or that other person, in general I tend to defend people that are nice and that clearly are bringing a lot of people back to the game that I love.
I do respect that you are all about your ladder and your competitive league and stuff. Knowing who of the last 30 active players will be the 1st may be exciting and all but yeah....
For me though it is a lot less exciting than if we had around 10000 active players then maybe yes rank would mean something I guess for now it is just the best of what we have...

Im rolling with you on this point, protecting nice people should be one of our first goal, but there nothing nice about being an hypocrite like u8 does.

Wether you hate him or not U8's stream is very popular these days, and he is both enjoyable to watch  and nice to people that come in his streams.
And whether he looses or wins he never shows an once of negativity so yes I think he brings a lot to the game even if he has edited shortcuts... Just because people come back to look at him play and bringing fun to others who for the most part all joined the game recently.

Actually i dont hate him, i just want him to act like a man.

His stream his also one of my biggest probleme, because actually you are right hes a popular streamer and this is where it became dangerous, he is a popular streamer who show bad exemple to all this peoples... But even with that fact i respect his stream, the proof is i never stream while he stream cuz i think is a lack of respect in a communauty of 80 players, so everytime he stream i let him do his thing, he also ban me on his channel but he cam to spy mine every fucking time i stream and i still dint have ban him.

But also like I already said you are right it would be nice to have these new things including an easy shortcuts setter, but I am certainly not gonna do it even for 200$ or 2000$ or even 1000000$... Not because I do not want the best for the community but because I have a slightly different picture than you.
You see the little time that I save for war2 right now is only going to get into security and stability for the server and the sites. Now this is what I believe is the priority at least for me.

Security and stability is really important i must say it, thats why you guys should close those differents old rigged clients that bring mores hacks and lag, you also must realize its the staff that you are protecting right now who make live those monsters. I can show you tons of threads where moderators and admins insult peoples like, dellam, archers, tupac, lance, etc etc etc. Hope you guys learn of your mystake.

As for the antihack from Tupac hmmm, are you aware of what people from his server have been doing in our discord for the past 3 weeks?
Do you know what he did to mousey when she was still around with the admin right he had at the time? And knowing all that you still want to trust and download stuff he does?
Ok then it is your choice I personally do not want ru to have anything to do with somebody like that but I am no more admin than you are so it is not up to us anyways...

Now maybe Tupac is legit now and does not do these kind of creepy stuff anymore and is completely reformed I just am not desperate enough to want to give him the benefit of the doubt...

First i dont have any idea about what you talk about, but what i know is how tupac have offer his help over the last years, he always have offer his help and he always been respectfull with peoples while those people was treat him like shit, i seriously dont know what you talk about with mousetopher, but i would love to eard that from his own mouth. Look like the treat of tupac was not so much important since the reason why she left was the saga burnt/van.

Plus I am sorry but hacks are certainly not ruining my games maybe because I am chill enough to realize if I die to an invisible mage with flames shields in my gold flow I may have fucked up somewhere in the way more than my opponent having better hotkeys... But that may be just me... lol

Here again... It's not about me, it's about an entire communauty, stop protecting hacker on my name, you are protecting hackers against the entire communauty.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2020, 03:29:54 PM »
Ldir have no autory here, he have been afk of this server for the last 15 years, nobody cares about what that guy say, even iL have no autority on it, those tags belong to the communauty, who ever beat swift is the new legend, thats how it suppose to work, period.
This is the biggest problem of the current war2 community, that there are some people who do not respect others, who made this community. Ldir, il from technical side, swift from game attraction perspective. I have some respect even for you with your greatest butthurt. Because I remember Eq, who made great tournaments, so bring his value into war2 community. And as long as we talk "he is AFK for years and has no authority" our community will degrade.
Who do you thing "has authority " to present community now and give "legend" tags?

Everyone respect Ldir, but respecting someone dont mean he have autority on us, yeah right he made the server 15 years ago, but he dont cares about this games at all, he dont play, hes not here to taking cares of us, he dont even give us life sign... This dude is literally a ghost, no ghost will rule my world brotha...That dosent mean i dont respect him, but if you think someone who dosent cares about this game anymore and just take some decisions about his personal opinion when iL dont know what to do anymore..... Thats pretty stupid bro, i must tell you.

Now the person who got autority about those master tag is tora, hes the one who bring them to us, hes the one who made tournaments about it, hes the one who paid from his own pocket every prize that he promise... So For me he is the real goat of that league, and since he clearly think i can take that mission, i am the new one who is in charge of that autority.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 05:05:33 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2020, 06:21:53 PM »
Well u8 is not using edited shortcuts behind your backs he openly said he was using these many times when he used them and said when he did not.
There is a big difference between doing things behind people's back and doing it in the open if you do not want to play with him using these changes you can basically not join his games there is no malicious intent here to try to back-stab people imo which is a big deal if there was.

About what Tupac did to mousey you may have to dig a bit on the forum but it happened not that long ago, he sniffed personal informations of mousey and then came back saying he had her facebook, disclosed her real name and threatened to release a lot of pictures of her without her consent also going so far as saying she was ugly... At the time even Babyshark that was associated with him already said that was seriously fucked up and Tupac was going too far... Even Babyshark called him out on this...

Personally that is a red flag, if he does that with the infos he has no right to get what will he do with the infos people give him eh?!
Maybe he has changed since then but this is still not a great precedent... Again no matter what position and opinion mousey may have held at the time this is just a red line crossed.

And like I said it should all still be up there on the Forum history so you do not have to take my word for it: have a look for yourself.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 06:26:47 PM by Cel »

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2020, 06:44:50 PM »
About mousetopher's departure from what I have read it indeed had nothing to do with Tupac:
People going on and on on stupid drama instead of just playing and enjoying the game is likely what pushed mousey away, sadly I was not there when that shit took place but Drama queens certainly are one of the long time problems of our community.

Drama is bad for the game it is what pushes people away, we all want to play a game and if we let drama take a hold on things there is no space for the game anymore and all you get when you connect is angry faces and endless rants all over the place...

That is why it is not good to always keep that shit up, we need to know when to stop and just accept that we have our differences and move along and play the game.
After all we all love the game and that should be the one thing that brings us together.

No one comes online and wants to be dealing with drama 99% of the time, when you connect to a game you want to play and have fun and drama is a waste of time for everyone so that is why I am acting the way I do... I am not saying we should ignore issues I am saying we could try to minimize the effects they have on our fun and other's.

And dang I really miss mousetopher... Here was a person that always was ready to have some chill games for fun and that I never had any single problem with. She hopped into games and played and had fun no complaining no ranting just pure fun and happyness all around...

Offline Nox

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2020, 08:35:38 PM »
Well u8 is not using edited shortcuts behind your backs he openly said he was using these many times when he used them and said when he did not.
There is a big difference between doing things behind people's back and doing it in the open if you do not want to play with him using these changes you can basically not join his games there is no malicious intent here to try to back-stab people imo which is a big deal if there was.

About what Tupac did to mousey you may have to dig a bit on the forum but it happened not that long ago, he sniffed personal informations of mousey and then came back saying he had her facebook, disclosed her real name and threatened to release a lot of pictures of her without her consent also going so far as saying she was ugly... At the time even Babyshark that was associated with him already said that was seriously fucked up and Tupac was going too far... Even Babyshark called him out on this...

Personally that is a red flag, if he does that with the infos he has no right to get what will he do with the infos people give him eh?!
Maybe he has changed since then but this is still not a great precedent... Again no matter what position and opinion mousey may have held at the time this is just a red line crossed.

And like I said it should all still be up there on the Forum history so you do not have to take my word for it: have a look for yourself.

You are right U8 dont do that in our back, and i respect the fact that he admit he edit mpq, thats an honnest cheater hacker, compare to some other ones, because we all know there some other players who do this. My probleme with him is that he is an important part of that communauty, he also a popular streamer, he have lot of influence and since he realise it was clearly hacking, he was suppose to say, you know what, im sorry, dint think about all of those facts, and im gonna stop. Let's wait for a communauty software and let's show exemple. But he din't, he just try to act like peoples are retards because they can do it themself and it's not hacking and it's not a big deal.... He is an arrogant player that think only about himself, he came on the war2ru channel and spam us all day long with his strange language that is almost egiptian hieroglyph. I mean i can stand it when it's reasonable, but spamming all the channel whit his whole damn crew all day long is just so fucking frustrating, like he dont even cares about us..  The worst part is they know how to speak in english! But they dont want to be with us.... So yeah in a side of the medal i respect his honnesty, but in the other side, i prefere he do like all those cowards who hide it, because at least those cowards are not influencing people to do whatever they want like if we are right into the jungle with no rules. He always been an outlaws, it's nothing new, for 2 years he have totally ignore anti-hack and show that exemple to everyone.

So thats what is so drama about Tupac??? You are telling me that he found who she was on facebook and he threat to reveal it to the grand public? Are you serious bro, who fucking cares? The entire communauty is on facebook bro, i got tons of players in my facebook and mousetopher does too im pretty sure. I mean okay it's not cool, the kid got frustrated and he talkshit, he call her ugly and she hurt.....

God damn you know what?? There was a guy i will not mention here cuz he told me sorry lot of time since that time and i finally forgive  him.... But that guy also found some personal information like my picture, and he was drawing cock in my face and sperm and tears and lot of shit like that... He was also lying about my personal life, saying i was living with my father and i was beating him and stealing his money for a poker addiction. He literally did that for a years, harrassing me over and over for something that i was right, because at that time i have found that peoples were able to map hack us by using older bt net version of the game, and they were saying i was crazy and want to manipulate everyone and i was the hacker and all you can believe bro.... You know what??? Mousetopher was a part of the staff at that time and she was doing anything for that, nobody in the staff was absolutly doing anything about that.. So comming here today and telling me tupac threat mousetopher to reveal is public facebook and call her ugly, is not really affecting me at that point.

I still understand it's not right, and thats a bad behavior, but the fact is tupac have since show alot of respect to our communauty and offer lot of his precious help to us, im pretty sure he will be more then happy to explain himself about that probleme and resolve it compare to someone like u8 who just dont want to fix anything and keep act like a coward.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2020, 08:41:23 PM »
About mousetopher's departure from what I have read it indeed had nothing to do with Tupac:
People going on and on on stupid drama instead of just playing and enjoying the game is likely what pushed mousey away, sadly I was not there when that shit took place but Drama queens certainly are one of the long time problems of our community.

Drama is bad for the game it is what pushes people away, we all want to play a game and if we let drama take a hold on things there is no space for the game anymore and all you get when you connect is angry faces and endless rants all over the place...

That is why it is not good to always keep that shit up, we need to know when to stop and just accept that we have our differences and move along and play the game.
After all we all love the game and that should be the one thing that brings us together.

No one comes online and wants to be dealing with drama 99% of the time, when you connect to a game you want to play and have fun and drama is a waste of time for everyone so that is why I am acting the way I do... I am not saying we should ignore issues I am saying we could try to minimize the effects they have on our fun and other's.

And dang I really miss mousetopher... Here was a person that always was ready to have some chill games for fun and that I never had any single problem with. She hopped into games and played and had fun no complaining no ranting just pure fun and happyness all around...

We all know why moustopher leave, she leave because Burnt get into rage mode, because Jordan and Swift was probably hacking him, then he literally get paranoid telling everybody they have kidnaping Van and put his ranch on fire.

And i dont say there was no other motivation for her to leave, but it was what that make her finally leave.

And probably the fact that i was telling her over and over to leave this game because that server dint deserve her, what is pretty true.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:45:45 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2020, 10:04:46 PM »
He did not just search for her on facebook he used the ip he fished from the server as an admin to do that and go fishing by his own admission at the time...
As I said it is all on the forum history so you can have a look for yourself...

IL may not have the most time in the world to handle every and each of our problems, but at least I never saw him do these kind of things and he never showed such a dark side.
Now we already talked about this with Tupac I am not talking behind his back he knows all well where I stand for that exact matter.

His position is basically that IL is just as bad, from his perspective. I just spent a lot of time with IL lately and I will agree to disagree. Simply because IL already have shown much much better temper management in the first place and some strong positioning against cyber criminality of any source... Oh yes is in very good hands, maybe not the most experienced hands there is out there but certainly good willed ones and I would rather have that than the other way around!

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2020, 10:25:12 PM »
There was a guy i will not mention here cuz he told me sorry lot of time since that time and i finally forgive  him.... But that guy also found some personal information like my picture, and he was drawing cock in my face and sperm and tears and lot of shit like that... He was also lying about my personal life, saying i was living with my father and i was beating him and stealing his money for a poker addiction. He literally did that for a years, harrassing me over and over for something that i was right, because at that time i have found that peoples were able to map hack us by using older bt net version of the game, and they were saying i was crazy and want to manipulate everyone and i was the hacker and all you can believe bro.... You know what??? Mousetopher was a part of the staff at that time and she was doing anything for that, nobody in the staff was absolutly doing anything about that..

I can appreciate not wanting to mention my name after everything, but that's me. Though I never drew dicks with sperm on your face lol, Just the badly drawn blue tears picture, I didn't say you beat your father either, just that you stole money from him with the poker addiction while neglecting him when he is sick. Blid did ban me once or twice and mousey did mute me once too but not actually ban me. Not for very long though.

And to clarify on where i got the picture from, you posted  that picture of yourself, pirate and tyrus on the warcraft 2 occult forums, I just cut there faces out. i didn't go looking on your facebook or anything for pictures.

and our issue had nothing to do with the clients at all. our issue started a few months before all that began.

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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2020, 10:38:19 PM »
There was a guy i will not mention here cuz he told me sorry lot of time since that time and i finally forgive  him.... But that guy also found some personal information like my picture, and he was drawing cock in my face and sperm and tears and lot of shit like that... He was also lying about my personal life, saying i was living with my father and i was beating him and stealing his money for a poker addiction. He literally did that for a years, harrassing me over and over for something that i was right, because at that time i have found that peoples were able to map hack us by using older bt net version of the game, and they were saying i was crazy and want to manipulate everyone and i was the hacker and all you can believe bro.... You know what??? Mousetopher was a part of the staff at that time and she was doing anything for that, nobody in the staff was absolutly doing anything about that..

I can appreciate not wanting to mention my name after everything, but that's me. Though I never drew dicks with sperm on your face lol, Just the badly drawn blue tears picture, I didn't say you beat your father either, just that you stole money from him with the poker addiction while neglecting him when he is sick. Blid did ban me once or twice and mousey did mute me once too but not actually ban me. Not for very long though.

And to clarify on where i got the picture from, you posted  that picture of yourself, pirate and tyrus on the warcraft 2 occult forums, I just cut there faces out. i didn't go looking on your facebook or anything for pictures.

and our issue had nothing to do with the clients at all. our issue started a few months before all that began.


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Re: New Grand Master
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2020, 10:46:46 PM »
It was hard to not laugh while writing that part lol